module RJGit begin require 'java' Dir["#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/java/jars/*.jar"].each { |jar| require jar } rescue LoadError raise "You need to be running JRuby to use this gem." end def self.version VERSION end require 'uri' require 'stringio' # gem requires require 'mime/types' # require helpers first because RJGit#delegate_to is needed require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/rjgit_helpers.rb" # require everything else begin Dir["#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/*.rb"].each do |file| require file end end import 'org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId' module Porcelain import '' import 'org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants' import 'org.eclipse.jgit.api.AddCommand' import 'org.eclipse.jgit.api.CommitCommand' import 'org.eclipse.jgit.api.BlameCommand' import 'org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.RefNotFoundException' import 'org.eclipse.jgit.blame.BlameGenerator' import 'org.eclipse.jgit.blame.BlameResult' import 'org.eclipse.jgit.errors.IncorrectObjectTypeException' import 'org.eclipse.jgit.errors.InvalidPatternException' import 'org.eclipse.jgit.errors.MissingObjectException' import 'org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.CanonicalTreeParser' import 'org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffFormatter' # def self.add(repository, file_pattern) repository.add(file_pattern) end def self.commit(repository, message="") repository.commit(message) end def self.object_for_tag(repository, tag) repository.find(, RJGit.sym_for_type(tag.object_type)) end # def self.cat_file(repository, blob) mode = blob.mode if blob.respond_to?(:mode) jrepo = RJGit.repository_type(repository) jblob = RJGit.blob_type(blob) # Try to resolve symlinks; return nil otherwise mode ||= RJGit.get_file_mode(jrepo, jblob) if mode == SYMLINK_TYPE symlink_source ='c*').force_encoding('UTF-8') blob = Blob.find_blob(jrepo, symlink_source) return nil if blob.nil? jblob = blob.jblob end bytes = return bytes.to_a.pack('c*').force_encoding('UTF-8') end def self.ls_tree(repository, path=nil, treeish=Constants::HEAD, options={}) options = {recursive: false, print: false, io: $stdout, path_filter: nil}.merge options jrepo = RJGit.repository_type(repository) ref = treeish.respond_to?(:get_name) ? treeish.get_name : treeish begin obj = jrepo.resolve(ref) walk = revobj = walk.parse_any(obj) jtree = case revobj.get_type when Constants::OBJ_TREE walk.parse_tree(obj) when Constants::OBJ_COMMIT walk.parse_commit(obj).get_tree end rescue Java::OrgEclipseJgitErrors::MissingObjectException, Java::JavaLang::IllegalArgumentException, Java::JavaLang::NullPointerException return nil end if path treewalk = TreeWalk.forPath(jrepo, path, jtree) return nil unless treewalk treewalk.enter_subtree else treewalk = treewalk.add_tree(jtree) end treewalk.set_recursive(options[:recursive]) treewalk.set_filter(PathFilter.create(options[:path_filter])) if options[:path_filter] entries = [] while entry = {} mode = treewalk.get_file_mode(0) entry[:mode] = mode.get_bits entry[:type] = Constants.type_string(mode.get_object_type) entry[:id] = treewalk.get_object_id(0).name entry[:path] = treewalk.get_path_string entries << entry end options[:io].puts RJGit.stringify(entries) if options[:print] entries end def self.blame(repository, file_path, options={}) options = {:print => false, :io => $stdout}.merge(options) jrepo = RJGit.repository_type(repository) return nil unless jrepo blame_command = blame_command.set_file_path(file_path) result = content = result.get_result_contents blame = [] for index in (0..content.size - 1) do blameline = {} blameline[:actor] = Actor.new_from_person_ident(result.get_source_author(index)) blameline[:line] = result.get_source_line(index) blameline[:commit] =, result.get_source_commit(index)) blameline[:line] = content.get_string(index) blame << blameline end options[:io].puts RJGit.stringify(blame) if options[:print] return blame end def self.diff(repository, options = {}) options = {:namestatus => false, :patch => false}.merge(options) repo = RJGit.repository_type(repository) git = diff_command = git.diff [:old, :new].each do |which_rev| if rev = options["#{which_rev}_rev".to_sym] reader = repo.new_object_reader parser = parser.reset(reader, repo.resolve("#{rev}^{tree}")) diff_command.send("set_#{which_rev}_tree".to_sym, parser) end end diff_command.set_path_filter(PathFilter.create(options[:file_path])) if options[:file_path] diff_command.set_show_name_and_status_only(true) if options[:namestatus] diff_command.set_cached(true) if options[:cached] diff_entries = diff_entries = diff_entries.to_array.to_ary if options[:patch] result = [] out_stream = formatter = formatter.set_repository(repo) diff_entries.each do |diff_entry| formatter.format(diff_entry) result.push [diff_entry, out_stream.to_string] out_stream.reset end end diff_entries = options[:patch] ? result : {|entry| [entry]} RJGit.convert_diff_entries(diff_entries) end def self.describe(repository, ref, options = {}) options = {:always => false, :long => false, :tags => false, :match => []}.merge(options) repo = RJGit.repository_type(repository) git = command = git.describe. set_always(options[:always]). set_long(options[:long]). set_tags(options[:tags]) begin command = command.set_target(ref) rescue IncorrectObjectTypeException, IOException, MissingObjectException, RefNotFoundException return nil end options[:match].each do |match| begin command = command.set_match(match) rescue InvalidPatternException return nil end end end # options: # * ref # * path_filter # * case_insensitive def self.grep(repository, query, options={}) case_insensitive = options[:case_insensitive] repo = RJGit.repository_type(repository) walk = ls_tree_options = {:recursive => true, :path_filter => options[:path_filter]} query = case query when Regexp then query when String then else raise "A #{query.class} was passed to #{self}.grep(). Only Regexps and Strings are supported!" end query =, query.options | Regexp::IGNORECASE) if case_insensitive # We optimize below by first grepping the entire file, and then, if a match is found, then identifying the individual line. # To avoid missing full-line matches during the optimization, we first convert multiline anchors to single-line anchors. query =\A\\A/, '^').gsub(/\\z\z/, '$'), query.options) ref = options.fetch(:ref, 'HEAD') files_to_scan = ls_tree(repo, nil, ref, ls_tree_options) files_to_scan.each_with_object({}) do |file, result| id = if file[:mode] == SYMLINK_TYPE symlink_source =[:id])).get_bytes.to_a.pack('c*').force_encoding('UTF-8') unless symlink_source[File::SEPARATOR] dir = file[:path].split(File::SEPARATOR) dir[-1] = symlink_source symlink_source = File.join(dir) end Blob.find_blob(repo, symlink_source, ref) else ObjectId.from_string(file[:id]) end bytes = next if RawText.is_binary(bytes) file_contents = bytes.to_s next unless query.match(file_contents) rows = file_contents.split("\n") data = rows.grep(query) next if data.empty? result[file[:path]] = data end end end module Plumbing import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants class TreeBuilder import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.FileMode import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.TreeFormatter import org.eclipse.jgit.patch.Patch attr_accessor :treemap attr_reader :log def initialize(repository) @jrepo = RJGit.repository_type(repository) @treemap = {} init_log end def object_inserter @object_inserter ||= @jrepo.newObjectInserter end def init_log @log = {:deleted => [], :added => [] } end def only_contains_deletions(hashmap) hashmap.each do |key, value| if value.is_a?(Hash) return false unless only_contains_deletions(value) elsif value.is_a?(String) return false end end true end def build_tree(start_tree, treemap = nil, flush = false) existing_trees = {} untouched_objects = {} formatter = treemap ||= self.treemap if start_tree treewalk = treewalk.add_tree(start_tree) while filename = treewalk.get_name_string if treemap.keys.include?(filename) kind = treewalk.isSubtree ? :tree : :blob if treemap[filename] == false @log[:deleted] << [kind, filename, treewalk.get_object_id(0)] else existing_trees[filename] = treewalk.get_object_id(0) if kind == :tree end else mode = treewalk.get_file_mode(0) filename = "#{filename}/" if mode == FileMode::TREE untouched_objects[filename] = [mode, treewalk.get_object_id(0)] end end end sorted_treemap = treemap.inject({}) {|h, (k,v)| v.is_a?(Hash) ? h["#{k}/"] = v : h[k] = v; h }.merge(untouched_objects).sort sorted_treemap.each do |object_name, data| case data when Array object_name = object_name[0...-1] if data[0] == FileMode::TREE formatter.append(object_name.to_java_string, data[0], data[1]) when Hash object_name = object_name[0...-1] next_tree = build_tree(existing_trees[object_name], data) formatter.append(object_name.to_java_string, FileMode::TREE, next_tree) @log[:added] << [:tree, object_name, next_tree] unless only_contains_deletions(data) when String blobid = write_blob(data) formatter.append(object_name.to_java_string, FileMode::REGULAR_FILE, blobid) @log[:added] << [:blob, object_name, blobid] end end object_inserter.insert(formatter) end def write_blob(contents, flush = false) blobid = object_inserter.insert(Constants::OBJ_BLOB, contents.to_java_bytes) object_inserter.flush if flush blobid end end class Index import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.CommitBuilder attr_accessor :treemap, :current_tree attr_reader :jrepo def initialize(repository) @treemap = {} @jrepo = RJGit.repository_type(repository) @treebuilder = end def add(path, data) path = path[1..-1] if path[0] == '/' path = path.split('/') filename = path.pop current = self.treemap path.each do |dir| current[dir] ||= {} node = current[dir] current = node end current[filename] = data @treemap end def delete(path) path = path[1..-1] if path[0] == '/' path = path.split('/') last = path.pop current = self.treemap path.each do |dir| current[dir] ||= {} node = current[dir] current = node end current[last] = false @treemap end def do_commit(message, author, parents, new_tree) commit_builder = person = author.person_ident commit_builder.setCommitter(person) commit_builder.setAuthor(person) commit_builder.setMessage(message) commit_builder.setTreeId(RJGit.tree_type(new_tree)) if parents.is_a?(Array) parents.each {|parent| commit_builder.addParentId(RJGit.commit_type(parent)) } elsif parents commit_builder.addParentId(RJGit.commit_type(parents)) end result = @treebuilder.object_inserter.insert(commit_builder) @treebuilder.object_inserter.flush result end def commit(message, author, parents = nil, ref = "refs/heads/#{Constants::MASTER}", force = false) new_tree = build_new_tree(@treemap, "#{ref}^{tree}") return false if @current_tree && == parents = parents ? parents : @jrepo.resolve(ref+"^{commit}") new_head = do_commit(message, author, parents, new_tree) # Point ref to the newest commit ru = @jrepo.updateRef(ref) ru.setNewObjectId(new_head) ru.setForceUpdate(force) ru.setRefLogIdent(author.person_ident) ru.setRefLogMessage("commit: #{message}", false) res = ru.update.to_string @current_tree = new_tree log = @treebuilder.log @treebuilder.init_log sha = ObjectId.to_string(new_head) return res, log, sha end def self.successful?(result) ["NEW", "FAST_FORWARD", "FORCED"].include?(result) end private def build_new_tree(treemap, ref) @treebuilder.treemap = treemap new_tree = @treebuilder.build_tree(@current_tree ? RJGit.tree_type(@current_tree) : @jrepo.resolve(ref)) end end class ApplyPatchToIndex < RJGit::Plumbing::Index import org.eclipse.jgit.patch.Patch import org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffEntry ADD = org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffEntry::ChangeType::ADD COPY = org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffEntry::ChangeType::COPY MODIFY = org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffEntry::ChangeType::MODIFY DELETE = org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffEntry::ChangeType::DELETE RENAME = org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffEntry::ChangeType::RENAME # Take the result of RJGit::Porcelain.diff with options[:patch] = true and return a patch String def self.diffs_to_patch(diffs) diffs.inject(""){|result, diff| result << diff[:patch]} end def initialize(repository, patch, ref = Constants::HEAD) super(repository) @ref = ref @patch = @patch.parse( raise_patch_apply_error unless @patch.getErrors.isEmpty() @current_tree = Commit.find_head(@jrepo, ref).tree end def commit(message, author, parents = nil, force = false) super(message, author, parents, @ref, force) end def build_map raise_patch_apply_error if @patch.getFiles.isEmpty() @patch.getFiles.each do |file_header| case file_header.getChangeType when ADD add(file_header.getNewPath, apply('', file_header)) when MODIFY add(file_header.getOldPath, apply(getData(file_header.getOldPath), file_header)) when DELETE delete(file_header.getOldPath) when RENAME delete(file_header.getOldPath) add(file_header.getNewPath, getData(file_header.getOldPath)) when COPY add(file_header.getNewPath, getData(file_header.getOldPath)) end end @treemap end # Build the new tree based on the patch, but don't commit it # Return the String object id of the new tree, and an Array of affected paths def new_tree map = build_map return ObjectId.to_string(build_new_tree(map, @ref)), map.keys end private def raise_patch_apply_error raise'Patch failed to apply') end def getData(path) begin (@current_tree / path).data rescue NoMethodError raise_patch_apply_error end end def hunk_sanity_check(hunk, hunk_line, pos, newLines) raise_patch_apply_error unless newLines[hunk.getNewStartLine - 1 + pos] == hunk_line[1..-1] end def apply(original, file_header) newLines = original.lines file_header.getHunks.each do |hunk| length = hunk.getEndOffset - hunk.getStartOffset buffer_text = hunk.getBuffer.to_s.slice(hunk.getStartOffset, length) pos = 0 buffer_text.each_line do |hunk_line| case hunk_line[0] when ' ' hunk_sanity_check(hunk, hunk_line, pos, newLines) pos += 1 when '-' if hunk.getNewStartLine == 0 newLines = [] else hunk_sanity_check(hunk, hunk_line, pos, newLines) newLines.slice!(hunk.getNewStartLine - 1 + pos) end when '+' newLines.insert(hunk.getNewStartLine - 1 + pos, hunk_line[1..-1]) pos += 1 end end end newLines.join end end end end