# improved builder that is not pasing node pointers # HtmlTag do # form do # input name: q # end # end module HtmlTag class Inbound IVARS ||= Struct.new :HtmlTagInboundIvars, :context, :data, :depth, :inbound # allows to add cusom tags if needed # HtmlTag::Inbound.define :foo def self.define tag, empty: false if empty EMPTY_TAGS.add tag end define_method tag do |*args, &block| tag tag, *args, &block end end # create static methods for all common tags (method missing is slow) (TAGS + EMPTY_TAGS).each {|tag| define tag } ### def initialize context = nil # copy all instance varialbes from context for el in context.instance_variables unless el.to_s.include?('@_') val = context.instance_variable_get el instance_variable_set el, val end end # lets keep all instance vars in one object @_iv = IVARS.new @_iv.context = context @_iv.data = [] @_iv.depth = 0 @_iv.inbound = true end # access parent context via parent / context / this # h1 class: this.class_name def parent &block if block @_iv.context.instance_exec(&block) else @_iv.context end end alias :context :parent alias :this :parent # export renderd data def render @_iv.data .join('') .gsub(/\n+/, $/) .gsub(/([\w>])[[:blank:]]+' end @_iv.data << tag_data # nested blocks if block @_iv.depth += 1 if @_iv.context # HtmlTag scope instance_exec(&block) else # outbound scope block.call(self) end @_iv.depth -= 1 end if EMPTY_TAGS.include?(name) @_iv.data << ' />' else unless opt_data @_iv.data << _depth_spaces end @_iv.data << '%s%s' % [opt_data, name, _depth_new_line] end end def push data @_iv.data << data end def method_missing name, *args, &block klass = name.to_s if klass.start_with?('_') tag klass, *args, &block else message = [ %{HTML tag "#{name}" not found.}, "Use this.#{name}() to call method in parent context", "or use tag(:#{name}, params, data) to add custom html node." ] raise NoMethodError.new(message.join(' ')) end end private def _prepare_tag_params name, args opt_hash, opt_data = args # allow any arragement of vars # div class: :foo, 123 # div 123, class: :foo if opt_hash && opt_hash.class != Hash opt_hash, opt_data = opt_data, opt_hash end # _foo__bar-baz class: 'dux' ->
klass = name.to_s if klass.start_with?('_') classes = klass .sub('_', '') .split('__') .map{|it| it.gsub('_', '-') } .join(' ') klass = :div opt_hash ||= {} opt_hash[:class] = "#{classes} #{opt_hash[:class]}".sub(/\s+$/, '') end [klass, opt_hash, opt_data] end def _depth_spaces if OPTS[:format] ' ' * 2 * @_iv.depth else '' end end def _depth_new_line OPTS[:format] ? $/ : '' end def _escape_param el el.to_s.gsub(/'/, ''') end end end