/*------------------------------------------------------------------------ * (The MIT License) * * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Rhomobile, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * http://rhomobile.com *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "rhodes/JNIRhodes.h" #include "rhodes/JNIRhoRuby.h" #include #include #undef DEFAULT_LOGCATEGORY #define DEFAULT_LOGCATEGORY "PhonebookJNI" #define logging_enable false static const char* field_names[] = { "id", // 0 "display_name", // 1 "first_name", // 2 "last_name", // 3 "mobile_number", // 4 "home_number", // 5 "business_number", // 6 "email_address", // 7 "company_name" // 8 }; #define PB_FIELDS_COUNT sizeof(field_names)/sizeof(field_names[0]) RHO_GLOBAL void* openPhonebook() { JNIEnv *env = jnienv(); jclass cls = getJNIClass(RHODES_JAVA_CLASS_PHONEBOOK); if (!cls) return NULL; jmethodID cid = getJNIClassMethod(env, cls, "", "()V"); if (!cid) return NULL; jobject local = env->NewObject(cls, cid); jobject obj = env->NewGlobalRef(local); env->DeleteLocalRef(local); return obj; } RHO_GLOBAL void closePhonebook(void* pb) { JNIEnv *env = jnienv(); jobject obj = (jobject)pb; jclass cls = getJNIClass(RHODES_JAVA_CLASS_PHONEBOOK); if (!cls) return; jmethodID mid = getJNIClassMethod(env, cls, "close", "()V"); if (!mid) return; env->CallVoidMethod(obj, mid); env->DeleteGlobalRef(obj); } static VALUE createHashFromContact(jobject contactObj) { if (logging_enable) RAWLOG_INFO("createHashFromContact() START"); JNIEnv *env = jnienv(); jclass contactCls = getJNIClass(RHODES_JAVA_CLASS_CONTACT); if (!contactCls) return Qnil; jclass fieldCls = getJNIClass(RHODES_JAVA_CLASS_CONTACT_FIELD); if (!fieldCls) return Qnil; jmethodID contactGetFieldMID = getJNIClassMethod(env, contactCls, "getField", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;"); if (!contactGetFieldMID) return Qnil; CHoldRubyValue contactHash(rho_ruby_createHash()); // contact.moveToBegin(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < PB_FIELDS_COUNT; ++i) { jhstring jhFieldName = rho_cast(env, field_names[i]); jhstring jhField(static_cast(env->CallObjectMethod(contactObj, contactGetFieldMID, jhFieldName.get()))); if (jhField.get() != 0) { rho::String field = rho_cast(env, jhField); if(i == 0) {// add braces {id} addStrToHash(contactHash, field_names[i], rho::String("{}").insert(1, field).c_str()); } else addStrToHash(contactHash, field_names[i], field.c_str()); } } if (logging_enable) RAWLOG_INFO("createHashFromContact() FINISH"); return contactHash; } RHO_GLOBAL VALUE getPhonebookRecords(void* pb, int offset, int max_results, rho_param* select_param) { if (logging_enable) RAWLOG_INFO2("getPhonebookRecords(%d, %d) START", offset, max_results); jobject phonebookObj = (jobject)pb; JNIEnv *env = jnienv(); jclass phonebookCls = getJNIClass(RHODES_JAVA_CLASS_PHONEBOOK); if (!phonebookCls) return Qnil; jclass contactCls = getJNIClass(RHODES_JAVA_CLASS_CONTACT); if (!contactCls) return Qnil; jmethodID queryMID = getJNIClassMethod(env, phonebookCls, "queryContacts", "(IILjava/util/List;)V"); if (!queryMID) return Qnil; jmethodID phonebookMoveToBeginMID = getJNIClassMethod(env, phonebookCls, "moveToBegin", "()V"); if (!phonebookMoveToBeginMID) return Qnil; jmethodID hasNextMID = getJNIClassMethod(env, phonebookCls, "hasNext", "()Z"); if (!hasNextMID) return Qnil; jmethodID nextMID = getJNIClassMethod(env, phonebookCls, "next", "()Ljava/lang/Object;"); if (!nextMID) return Qnil; jmethodID contactIdMID = getJNIClassMethod(env, contactCls, "id", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); if (!contactIdMID) return Qnil; jmethodID contactGetFieldMID = getJNIClassMethod(env, contactCls, "getField", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;"); if (!contactGetFieldMID) return Qnil; jobject selectObj = NULL; if (select_param) { RAWLOG_INFO("Converting 'select_param'."); selectObj = RhoValueConverter(env).createObject(select_param); } env->CallVoidMethod(phonebookObj, queryMID, offset, max_results, selectObj); env->DeleteLocalRef(selectObj); env->CallVoidMethod(phonebookObj, phonebookMoveToBeginMID); VALUE valGc = rho_ruby_disable_gc(); CHoldRubyValue hash(rho_ruby_createHash()); // while(pb.hasNext()) while(env->CallBooleanMethod(phonebookObj, hasNextMID)) { // Contact contact = (Contact)pb.next(); jhobject contactObj = env->CallObjectMethod(phonebookObj, nextMID); if (!contactObj) return Qnil; // String id = contact.id(); jhstring idObj = static_cast(env->CallObjectMethod(contactObj.get(), contactIdMID)); if (!idObj) return Qnil; CHoldRubyValue contactHash(createHashFromContact(contactObj.get())); addHashToHash(hash, rho_cast(idObj.get()).c_str(), contactHash); } rho_ruby_enable_gc(valGc); if (logging_enable) RAWLOG_INFO("getPhonebookRecords() FINISH"); return hash; } RHO_GLOBAL int getPhonebookRecordCount(void* pb, int offset, int max_results) { if (logging_enable) RAWLOG_INFO2("getPhonebookRecordCount(%d, %d) START", offset, max_results); jobject phonebookObj = static_cast(pb); JNIEnv *env = jnienv(); jclass phonebookCls = getJNIClass(RHODES_JAVA_CLASS_PHONEBOOK); if (!phonebookCls) return 0; jmethodID queryMID = getJNIClassMethod(env, phonebookCls, "queryContactCount", "(II)I"); if (!queryMID) return 0; int contactCount = env->CallIntMethod(phonebookObj, queryMID, offset, max_results); if (logging_enable) RAWLOG_INFO("getPhonebookRecordCount() FINISH"); return contactCount; } RHO_GLOBAL VALUE getallPhonebookRecords(void* pb) { if (logging_enable) RAWLOG_INFO("getallPhonebookRecords() START"); VALUE res = getPhonebookRecords(pb, 0, -1, 0); if (logging_enable) RAWLOG_INFO("getallPhonebookRecords() FINISH"); return res; } RHO_GLOBAL void* openPhonebookRecord(void* pb, char* id) { if (logging_enable) RAWLOG_INFO("openPhonebookRecord() START"); JNIEnv *env = jnienv(); jobject obj = (jobject)pb; static jclass& cls = getJNIClass(RHODES_JAVA_CLASS_PHONEBOOK); if (!cls) return NULL; static jmethodID mid = getJNIClassMethod(env, cls, "getRecord", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/rhomobile/rhodes/phonebook/Contact;"); if (!mid) return NULL; if(!id || (strlen(id) <= 2)) return NULL; if (logging_enable) RAWLOG_INFO1("Opening contact, id: %s", id); std::string rawId(id+1, strlen(id)-2); jhstring jhId = rho_cast(env, rawId.c_str()); // jhstring jhId = rho_cast(env, id); jhobject recordObj = jhobject(env->CallObjectMethod(obj, mid, jhId.get())); if (!recordObj) return NULL; jhobject retval = jhobject(env->NewGlobalRef(recordObj.get())); if (logging_enable) RAWLOG_INFO("openPhonebookRecord() FINISH"); if (!retval) return NULL; return retval.release(); } RHO_GLOBAL VALUE getPhonebookRecord(void* pb, char* id) { if (logging_enable) RAWLOG_INFO("getPhonebookRecord() START"); jobject recordObj = (jobject)openPhonebookRecord(pb, id); if (!recordObj) { if (logging_enable) RAWLOG_INFO("getPhonebookRecord() FINISH return NIL"); return Qnil; } VALUE retval = createHashFromContact(recordObj); jnienv()->DeleteGlobalRef(recordObj); if (logging_enable) RAWLOG_INFO("getPhonebookRecord() FINISH"); return retval; } static VALUE getRecord(void *pb, const char *name) { if (logging_enable) RAWLOG_INFO("getRecord() START"); jobject obj = (jobject)pb; JNIEnv *env = jnienv(); if (!env) { if (logging_enable) RAWLOG_INFO("getRecord() FINISH return NIL0"); return Qnil; } jclass cls = getJNIClass(RHODES_JAVA_CLASS_PHONEBOOK); if (!cls) { if (logging_enable) RAWLOG_INFO("getRecord() FINISH return NIL1"); return Qnil; } jmethodID mid = getJNIClassMethod(env, cls, name, "()Lcom/rhomobile/rhodes/phonebook/Contact;"); if (!mid) { if (logging_enable) RAWLOG_INFO("getRecord() FINISH return NIL2"); return Qnil; } jobject recordObj = env->CallObjectMethod(obj, mid); if (!recordObj) { if (logging_enable) RAWLOG_INFO("getRecord() FINISH return NIL"); return Qnil; } if (logging_enable) RAWLOG_INFO("getRecord() FINISH"); return createHashFromContact(recordObj); } RHO_GLOBAL VALUE getfirstPhonebookRecord(void* pb) { return getRecord(pb, "getFirstRecord"); } RHO_GLOBAL VALUE getnextPhonebookRecord(void* pb) { return getRecord(pb, "getNextRecord"); } RHO_GLOBAL void* createRecord(void* pb) { JNIEnv *env = jnienv(); jclass cls = getJNIClass(RHODES_JAVA_CLASS_CONTACT); if (!cls) return NULL; jmethodID cid = getJNIClassMethod(env, cls, "", "()V"); if (!cid) return NULL; jobject local = env->NewObject(cls, cid); jobject obj = env->NewGlobalRef(local); env->DeleteLocalRef(local); return obj; } RHO_GLOBAL int setRecordValue(void* record, char* property, char* value) { jobject contactObj = (jobject)record; JNIEnv *env = jnienv(); jclass contactCls = getJNIClass(RHODES_JAVA_CLASS_CONTACT); if (!contactCls) return 0; jmethodID mid = getJNIClassMethod(env, contactCls, "setField", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V"); if (!mid) return 0; if (logging_enable) RAWLOG_INFO2("setRecordValue(%s, %s)", property, value); jhstring jhName = rho_cast(env, property); jhstring jhValue = rho_cast(env, value); env->CallVoidMethod(contactObj, mid, jhName.get(), jhValue.get()); return 1; } static void doContactOp(jobject pbObj, jobject contactObj, const char *name) { JNIEnv *env = jnienv(); jclass pbCls = getJNIClass(RHODES_JAVA_CLASS_PHONEBOOK); if (!pbCls) return; jmethodID mid = getJNIClassMethod(env, pbCls, name, "(Lcom/rhomobile/rhodes/phonebook/Contact;)V"); if (!mid) return; env->CallVoidMethod(pbObj, mid, contactObj); } RHO_GLOBAL int addRecord(void* pb, void* record) { doContactOp((jobject)pb, (jobject)record, "saveContact"); jnienv()->DeleteGlobalRef((jobject)record); return 1; } RHO_GLOBAL int saveRecord(void* pb, void* record) { doContactOp((jobject)pb, (jobject)record, "saveContact"); return 1; } RHO_GLOBAL int deleteRecord(void* pb, void* record) { doContactOp((jobject)pb, (jobject)record, "removeContact"); jnienv()->DeleteGlobalRef((jobject)record); return 1; }