# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Handles Association definitions. # # It creates a derived definition for each one # # Note! An AssociationMap is created for each type of Model, and # # is shared between all instances # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # class Lanes.Models.AssociationMap constructor: (@klass) -> @klass::derived ||= {} @definitions = @klass::associations @definitions['created_by'] ||= { model: 'Lanes.Models.User', readOnly: true } @definitions['updated_by'] ||= { model: 'Lanes.Models.User', readOnly: true } @collections = Object.create(null) @proxy = Object.create(null) for name, options of @definitions @klass::derived[name] = this.derivedDefinition(name, options) # finds the correct class for association getClassFor: (name) -> definition = @definitions[name] object = definition.model || definition.collection Lanes.u.findObject(object, 'Models', @klass::FILE) getProxyFor: (name) -> @proxy[name] ||= ( Lanes.Models.AssocationProxy.construct( @getClassFor(name), association_pk: @pk(name) association_name: name ) ) clear: (model) -> for name, value of @proxy Proxy = @getProxyFor(name) model._cache[name] = new Proxy( this, this.getOptions(name, model) ) replace: (parent, name, model) -> parent._cache[name] = model model.parent = parent if model.hasAttribute?('parent') or model.parent? model.parent_association = name if model.hasAttribute?('parent_association') or model.parent_association? parent.trigger("change", parent, {}) parent.trigger("change:#{name}", model, {}) getOptions: (name, model) -> definition = @definitions[name] options = { parent: model } if definition.inverse options[ definition.inverse.name ] = model if definition.options _.extend(options, Lanes.u.resultsFor(model, definition.options)) options # will be called in the scope of the parent model createModel: (association, name, definition, fk, pk, target_class) -> if definition.autoCreate target_class ||= association.getClassFor(name) options = association.getOptions(name, this) model_id = this.get(pk) if model_id && model_id == this._cache[name]?.id this._cache[name] else new target_class(options) else existing = this._cache[name] if existing and not existing.isProxy and existing[fk] == @[pk] existing else Proxy = association.getProxyFor(name) new Proxy( association, association.getOptions(name, @) ) # will be called in the scope of the parent model createCollection: (association, name, definition, fk, pk, target_class) -> target_class ||= association.getClassFor(name) options = association.getOptions(name, this) options.filter ||= {} options.filter[fk] = this.get(pk) options.inverse = name: definition.inverse without: name if true == target_class::isCollection new target_class(options.models || [], options) else options.model = target_class new Lanes.Models.AssociationCollection(options.models || [], options) # returns a collection for the given association. collectionFor: (name, model, options = {}) -> options = _.extend({}, this.getOptions(name, model), options) @collections[name] ||= ( Klass = @getClassFor(name) if true == Klass::isModel new Lanes.Models.AssociationCollection(options.models || [], _.extend({}, options, model: Klass) ) else new Klass(options.models || [], options) ) # returns the definition for the derived property derivedDefinition: (name, definition) -> defaultCreator = if definition.model then this.createModel else this.createCollection args = [ this, name, definition, this.fk(name), this.pk(name) ] createFn = if definition.default -> definition.default.apply(this, args) || defaultCreator.apply(this, args) else defaultCreator { fn: _.partial(createFn, args...), deps: [ @pk(name) ] } # Sets the assocations for "model" set: (model, data, options) -> this._set(model, data, options, 'set') for name, value of data if @exists(name) && Lanes.u.isModel(value) && !value.isNew() model[@pk(name)] = if value then value.getId() else null setFromServer: (model, data, options, method) -> this._set(model, data, options, 'setFromServer') onIdChange: (model) -> for name, def of @definitions if def.collection and @isCreated(model, name) and model[name]?.associationFilter model[name]?.associationFilter[ @fk(name) ] = model[ @pk(name) ] _set: (model, data, options, fn_name) -> for name, value of data # we're done if we're not setting the association to anything # and it's not yet created continue if not @exists(name) or (_.isEmpty(value) and not @isCreated(model, name)) definition = @definitions[name] if @isCreated(model, name) association = model[name] # nothing to do if setting to same object continue if value is association if association.isProxy and Lanes.u.isModel(value) and not value.isProxy association.replaceWithModel(value, association_name: name) else if definition.model if value @_setModel(model, name, value, options, fn_name) else association.clear() else if value then association[fn_name]( value, options ) else association.clear() else @_setModel(model, name, value, options, fn_name) _setModel: (model, name, value, options, fn_name) -> model.set(this.pk(name), value.id, options) if value.id if Lanes.u.isModel(value) @replace(model, name, value) else model[name][fn_name]( value ) if options?.silent isnt true model.trigger("change:#{name}", value, {}) pk: (name) -> def = @definitions[name] return null unless name and def _.result(def, 'pk', ( if def.model then "#{name}_id" else "id" ) ) fk: (name) -> def = @definitions[name] return null unless name and def _.result(def, 'fk', ( if def.model then "id" else "#{name}_id" ) ) # returns the data from all assocations for saving dataForSave: (model, options) -> ret = {} options.saveDepth = ( if options.saveDepth then options.saveDepth + 1 else 1 ) return ret if options.saveDepth > 5 for name, def_options of @definitions when @isCreated(model, name) continue if def_options.readOnly or (options.onlyAssociations and not _.includes(options.onlyAssociations, name)) assoc = model[name] ret[name] = assoc.dataForSave( _.extend({}, options, def_options) ) if _.result(assoc, 'isDirty') ret serialize: (model, options = {depth: 1}) -> ret = {} options.depth ||= 1 return ret if options.depth > 5 for name, opts of @definitions if @isCreated(model, name) and name isnt 'parent' ret[name] = model[name].serialize(options) ret # return a list of assocations from "name" that are not loaded nonLoaded: (model, names) -> list = [] for name in names if @exists(name) && (Lanes.u.isCollection(model[name]) || model[name].isProxy || model[name].isNew()) list.push(name) list exists: (name) -> _.has(@definitions, name) isCreated: (model, name) -> !!(@exists(name) and model._cache[name])