#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'wukong-load' settings = Wukong::Load::Configuration settings.use(:commandline) settings.usage = "usage: #{File.basename($0)} DATA_STORE [ --param=value | -p value | --param | -p]" settings.description = <<-EOF wu-load is a tool for loading data from Wukong into data stores. It supports multiple, pluggable data stores, including: Supported data stores: elasticsearch hbase (planned) mongob (planned) mysql (planned) Get specific help for a data store with $ wu-load store_name --help Elasticsearch Usage: Pass newline-separated, JSON-formatted records over STDIN: $ cat data.json | wu-load elasticsearch By default, wu-load attempts to write each input record to a local Elasticsearch database. Records will be routed to a default Elasticsearch index and type. Records with an '_id' field will be considered updates. The rest will be creates. You can override these options: $ cat data.json | wu-load elasticsearch --host= --index=my_app --es_type=my_obj --id_field="doc_id" Params: --host=String Elasticsearch host, without HTTP prefix [Default: localhost] --port=Integer Port on Elasticsearch host [Default: 9200] --index=String Default Elasticsearch index for records [Default: wukong] --es_type=String Default Elasticsearch type for records [Default: streaming_record] --index_field=String Field in each record naming desired Elasticsearch index --es_type_field=String Field in each record naming desired Elasticsearch type --id_field=String Field in each record naming providing ID of existing Elasticsearch record to update EOF require 'wukong/boot' ; Wukong.boot!(settings) require 'wukong-load/runner' Wukong::Load::Runner.run(settings)