Interface ApiProxy.Delegate<E extends ApiProxy.Environment>

Type Parameters:
E - The concrete class implementing Environment that this Delegate expects to receive.
Enclosing class:

public static interface ApiProxy.Delegate<E extends ApiProxy.Environment>

This interface can be used to provide a class that actually implements API calls.

Method Summary
 void flushLogs(E environment)
 java.util.List<java.lang.Thread> getRequestThreads(E environment)
          Returns a list of all threads which are currently running requests.
 void log(E environment, ApiProxy.LogRecord record)
 java.util.concurrent.Future<byte[]> makeAsyncCall(E environment, java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String methodName, byte[] request, ApiProxy.ApiConfig apiConfig)
          Make an asynchronous call to the specified method in the specified API package.
 byte[] makeSyncCall(E environment, java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String methodName, byte[] request)
          Make a synchronous call to the specified method in the specified API package.

Method Detail


byte[] makeSyncCall(E environment,
                    java.lang.String packageName,
                    java.lang.String methodName,
                    byte[] request)
                    throws ApiProxy.ApiProxyException
Make a synchronous call to the specified method in the specified API package.

Note: if you have not installed a Delegate and called setEnvironmentForCurrentThread in this thread before calling this method, it will act like no API calls are available (i.e. always throw CallNotFoundException).

environment - the current request environment.
packageName - the name of the API package.
methodName - the name of the method within the API package.
request - a byte array containing the serialized form of the request protocol buffer.
a byte array containing the serialized form of the response protocol buffer.
ApiProxy.ApplicationException - For any error that is the application's fault.
ApiProxy.RPCFailedException - If we could not connect to a backend service.
ApiProxy.CallNotFoundException - If the specified method does not exist.
ApiProxy.ArgumentException - If the request could not be parsed.
DeadlineExceededException - If the request took too long.
ApiProxy.CancelledException - If the request was explicitly cancelled.
ApiProxy.UnknownException - If any other error occurred.


java.util.concurrent.Future<byte[]> makeAsyncCall(E environment,
                                                  java.lang.String packageName,
                                                  java.lang.String methodName,
                                                  byte[] request,
                                                  ApiProxy.ApiConfig apiConfig)
Make an asynchronous call to the specified method in the specified API package.

Note: if you have not installed a Delegate and called setEnvironmentForCurrentThread in this thread before calling this method, it will act like no API calls are available (i.e. always throw CallNotFoundException).

environment - the current request environment.
packageName - the name of the API package.
methodName - the name of the method within the API package.
request - a byte array containing the serialized form of the request protocol buffer.
apiConfig - that specifies API-specific configuration parameters.
a Future that will resolve to a byte array containing the serialized form of the response protocol buffer on success, or throw one of the exceptions documented for #makeSyncCall(Environment, String, String, byte[]) on failure.


void log(E environment,
         ApiProxy.LogRecord record)


void flushLogs(E environment)


java.util.List<java.lang.Thread> getRequestThreads(E environment)
Returns a list of all threads which are currently running requests.