module XeroGateway class Phone PHONE_TYPE = { 'DEFAULT' => 'Default', 'DDI' => 'Direct Dial-In', 'MOBILE' => 'Mobile', 'FAX' => 'Fax' } unless defined?(PHONE_TYPE) # Any errors that occurred when the #valid? method called. attr_reader :errors attr_accessor :phone_type, :number, :area_code, :country_code def initialize(params = {}) @errors ||= [] params = { :phone_type => "DEFAULT" }.merge(params) params.each do |k,v| self.send("#{k}=", v) end end # Validate the Phone record according to what will be valid by the gateway. # # Usage: # phone.valid? # Returns true/false # # Additionally sets phone.errors array to an array of field/error. def valid? @errors = [] unless number @errors << ['number', "can't be blank"] else @errors << ['number', "must 50 characters or less"] if number.length > 50 end if phone_type && !PHONE_TYPE[phone_type] @errors << ['phone_type', "must be one of #{PHONE_TYPE.keys.join('/')}"] end @errors.size == 0 end def to_xml(b = b.Phone { b.PhoneType phone_type b.PhoneNumber number b.PhoneAreaCode area_code if area_code b.PhoneCountryCode country_code if country_code } end def self.from_xml(phone_element) phone = phone_element.children.each do |element| case( when "PhoneType" then phone.phone_type = element.text when "PhoneNumber" then phone.number = element.text when "PhoneAreaCode" then phone.area_code = element.text when "PhoneCountryCode" then phone.country_code = element.text end end phone end def ==(other) [:phone_type, :number, :area_code, :country_code].each do |field| return false if send(field) != other.send(field) end return true end end end