# Hydra::Collections [](http://badge.fury.io/rb/hydra-collections) [](https://travis-ci.org/projecthydra-labs/hydra-collections) [](https://gemnasium.com/projecthydra/hydra-collections) Add collections to your Hydra application. These collections are typically created by depositors (instead of librarians or curators). Any collectible item can belong to many different collections. The collection does not confer access rights onto any of the members of the collections. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'hydra-collections' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install hydra-collections ## Usage ### Mount the engine to get the routes in config/routes.rb mount Hydra::Collections::Engine => '/' ### Call button_create_collection view helper in your search result page template. First add `helper :collections` to your `catalog_controller.rb` Next, we recommend putting the view helper in catalog/[_sort_and_per_page.html.erb](https://github.com/projectblacklight/blacklight/blob/master/app/views/catalog/_sort_and_per_page.html.erb) which you will manually override in you app. ```erb <%= button_for_create_collection %> ``` ### Any time you want to refer to the routes from hydra-collections use collections. collections.new_collections_path ### Make your Models Collectible Add `include Hydra::Collections::Collectible` to the models for anything that you want to be able to add to collections (ie. GenericFile, Book, Article, etc.), then add `index_collection_ids` to the solrization logic (ie. put it in to_solr) Example: ```ruby class GenericFile < ActiveFedora::Base include Hydra::Collections::Collectible ... def to_solr(solr_doc={}, opts={}) super(solr_doc, opts) index_collection_ids(solr_doc) return solr_doc end end ``` Any items that include the `Hydra::Collections::Collectible` module can look up which collections they belong to via `.collections`. The `index_collection_ids` puts the ids of all associated collections into the `collection` facet. ### Make the Collection show as a facet in your CatalogController ```ruby class CatalogController < ApplicationController include Blacklight::Catalog ... configure_blacklight do |config| ... config.add_facet_field solr_name("collection", :facetable), label: "Collection", helper_method: :collection_name end end ``` ### Make your Controller Accept a Batch Add `include Hydra::Collections::AcceptsBatches` to the collections you would like to process batches of models You can access the batch in your update. Example: ```ruby class BatchEditsController < ApplicationController include Hydra::Collections::AcceptsBatches ... def update batch.each do |doc_id| obj = ActiveFedora::Base.find(doc_id, :cast=>true) update_document(obj) obj.save end flash[:notice] = "Batch update complete" after_update end end ``` ### Include the javascript to discover checked batch items add to your application.js ```js //= require hydra/batch_select //= require hydra_collections ``` ### Display Hydra-collections in you views Take a look at the helpers located in: * [app/helpers/collections_helper.rb](/app/helpers/collections_helper.rb) * [app/helpers/batch_select_helper.rb](/app/helpers/batch_select_helper.rb) * [app/helpers/collections_search_helper.rb](/app/helpers/collections_search_helper.rb) #### Examples ##### Display a selection checkbox in each document partial include ```<%= button_for_add_to_batch document %>``` Example: ```erb <% # views/catalog/_document_header.html.erb -%> <% # header bar for doc items in index view -%>