include('../background.js'); include('../geometry.js'); /** * Adds a div with given cssText to dom() * * @class */ uki.background.CssBox = uki.newClass(new function() { var cache = {}; /** @ignore */ function getInsets(options) { if (!cache[options]) { uki.dom.probe( uki.createElement('div', options + ';position:absolute;overflow:hidden;left:-999em;width:10px;height:10px;'), function(c) { cache[options] = new Inset( c.offsetHeight - 10, c.offsetWidth - 10 ); } ); } return cache[options]; } /**#@+ @memberOf uki.background.CssBox.prototype */ this.init = function(options, ext) { this._options = options; ext = ext || {}; this._inset = inset = Inset.create(ext.inset) || new Inset(); this._insetWidth = getInsets(options).left + inset.left + inset.right; this._insetHeight = getInsets(options).top + + inset.bottom; this._container = uki.createElement( 'div', options + ';position:absolute;overflow:hidden;z-index:' + (ext.zIndex || '-1') + ';' + 'left:' + inset.left + ';top:' + + 'px;right:' + inset.right + 'px;bottom:' + inset.bottom + 'px', ext.innerHTML ); this._attached = false; }; this.attachTo = function(comp) { this._comp = comp; this._comp.dom().appendChild(this._container); if (uki.supportNativeLayout) return; this._layoutHandler = this._layoutHandler || uki.proxy(function(e) { this.layout(e.rect); }, this); this._comp.bind('layout', this._layoutHandler); this.layout(this._comp.rect()); }; this.layout = function(size) { this._prevLayout = uki.dom.layout(, { width: size.width - this._insetWidth, height: size.height - this._insetHeight }, this._prevLayout); }; this.detach = function() { if (this._comp) { this._comp.dom().removeChild(this._container); if (!uki.supportNativeLayout) this._comp.unbind('layout', this._layoutHandler); this._attached = false; } }; /**#@-*/ });