# Scrivito Content Browser [](http://badge.fury.io/rb/scrivito_content_browser) The [Scrivito](http://scrivito.com) content browser is a JavaScript based tool to add, update and delete Scrivito CMS resources and documents. It provides flexible configuration options and can easily be integrated into your application. ## Installation and Usage If you already use the gem [scrivito_editors](https://rubygems.org/gems/scrivito_editors) then you don't have to change anything, because it is a dependency that will be installed automatically. If you want to use this gem separately, please add it to your `Gemfile`. gem 'scrivito_content_browser' Then require it in your stylesheet manifest. *= require scrivito_content_browser And require it in your JavaScript manifest. //= require scrivito_content_browser ## Development The `scrivito_content_browser` is using `nodejs` to compile the javascript files. Before developing make sure you have both `nodejs` and `npm` installed, then: cd scrivito_content_browser/js npm install # load the dependencies - if it fails, make sure you're using the latest nodejs sudo npm install -g grunt-cli # install the grunt command grunt build # build the JS files - if it fails, check for name clashes with the node package If you want to develop the `scrivito_content_browser`-gem locally (including it by path) You need to write in your rails application. config/env/development.rb config.action_controller.asset_host = Proc.new { |source| if source =~ /scrivito_content_browser_pkg/ "http://localhost:8080/" end and be sure that you have this option is false config.assets.digest = false This part of code, and run the task npm start or grunt webpack-dev-server For test running use: grunt webpack_run_test or simple grunt or use karma start or grunt karma:test task to run webpack dev server watcher ## Changelog {include:file:CHANGELOG.md} ## License Copyright (c) 2009 - 2014 Infopark AG (http://www.infopark.com) This software can be used and modified under the LGPL-3.0. Please refer to http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html for the license text.