// ============= // EDGE GRID // ============= $row-max-width : 1140px !default; $total-columns : 12 !default; $column-gutter : 20px !default; // Calculate percentages for grid @function gridCalc($colNumber, $totalColumns) { // If column specified is not fraction @if $colNumber >= 1 { @return percentage($colNumber / $totalColumns); } // If column specified is fraction (like 2/12) @else { @return percentage($colNumber); } } // --------------------------------- // BASE ROW // - Styling for base framework // --------------------------------- @mixin base-row( $nest : false, $collapse : false, $gutter : 0, $width : 0, $for-base : false) { @if $gutter == 0 { $gutter: $column-gutter; } @if $width == 0 { $width : $row-max-width; } @if $for-base { display: block; margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; max-width: $width + $gutter; @if not $responsive { min-width: $width + $gutter; } @include clearfix; @if $adaptive { @if $collapse { min-width: $width + $gutter; } @else { min-width: $width + $gutter; } @include below(small) { min-width: 0; } } } // Nested and collapsed @if $nest and $collapse { margin: 0; padding-right: 0; padding-left: 0; width: auto; max-width: none; @if not $responsive { min-width: 0; } } // Only nested @else if $nest { margin-right: -($gutter / 2); margin-left: -($gutter / 2); width: auto; max-width: none; @if not $responsive { min-width: 0; } } // Only collapsed @else if $collapse { padding-right: $gutter / 2; padding-left: $gutter / 2; } } // ----------------------------------- // ROW // - Styling for external mixin call // ----------------------------------- @mixin row( $gutter : 0, $width : 0px, $collapse : false) { // if $gutter is passed @if $gutter > 0 { // row needs the negative margin only if nested h-row &, h-row { margin-right: -($gutter / 2); margin-left: -($gutter / 2); } h-column { padding-right: $gutter / 2; padding-left: $gutter / 2; } } // if either $gutter or $width is passed, recalculate max-width @if $gutter > 0 or $width > 0 { @if $width == 0px { $width: $row-max-width; } @if $gutter == 0 { $gutter: $column-gutter; } // max width for most outer row max-width: $width + $gutter; // fixed width if not responsive @if not $responsive { min-width: $width + $gutter; } } // collapsed behavior @if $collapse { @if $gutter == 0 { $gutter: $column-gutter; } padding-right: $gutter / 2; padding-left: $gutter / 2; > h-column { @include column($collapse: true); } } } // ------------------------------ // BASE COLUMN // - Styling for base framework // ------------------------------ @mixin base-column( $size : 0, $offset : null, $collapse : false, $centered : null, $gutter : 0px, $total : $total-columns, $for-base : false) { @if $for-base { display: block; float: $default-float; padding-right: $column-gutter / 2; padding-left: $column-gutter / 2; } // Collapsed, no gutter @if $collapse { padding-right: 0; padding-left: 0; } // Offset, calculate margins @if $offset { margin-#{$default-float}: gridCalc($offset, $total); } // Size, calculate width @if $size > 0 { width: gridCalc($size, $total); } // Custom Gutter @if $gutter > 0 { padding-right: $gutter / 2; padding-left: $gutter / 2; } // Centered, add centered margin @if $centered == true { display: block; float: none; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; } @else if $centered == false { margin-right: 0; margin-left: 0; } } // ----------------------------------- // COLUMN // - Styling for external mixin call // ----------------------------------- @mixin column( $size : 0, $small : 0, $mini : 0, $offset : null, $collapse : false, $centered : null, $gutter : 0px, $total : $total-columns) { // Sizing @if $size > 0 { @include base-column($size, $total:$total); @if $small > 0 { @include below(small) { @include base-column($small, $total:$total); } } @else if $responsive and not $in-media { // else, become 100% width on small screen (if responsive) @include below(small) { @include base-column($total, $total:$total); } } @if $mini > 0 { @include below(mini) { @include base-column($mini, $total:$total); } } } // Collapse and Centered behavior is the same as base column @include base-column( $collapse: $collapse, $centered: $centered, $gutter: $gutter, $total: $total ); // Source Ordering, follow base column @if $responsive and not $in-media { // make Offset not inherited in small screen @include above(small) { @include base-column($offset:$offset, $total:$total); } } @else { @include base-column($offset:$offset, $total:$total); } } // ---------------------------------------------- // COLUMN PIXEL // - Measured with pixel instead of grid portion // ---------------------------------------------- @mixin column-px( $size : 0px, $width : 0px, $gutter : $column-gutter, $centered : false ) { // Collapse and Centered behavior is the same as base column @include base-column( $centered: $centered ); width: percentage(($size + $gutter) / ($width + $gutter) ); @if $gutter > 0 { padding-right: $gutter / 2; padding-left: $gutter / 2; } } // ------------- // Sizing // ------------- @mixin h-sizing($name) { // Large sizing @for $i from 1 through $total-columns { .#{$name}-#{$i} { @include base-column($i); } } } // --------------- // Offset // --------------- @mixin h-offset($name) { @for $i from 1 through $total-columns - 1 { .#{$name}-#{$i} { @include base-column($offset:$i); } } } @if $include-grid and not $user-mode { /* ------------ EDGE Grid ------------ */ @if not $responsive { body { min-width: $row-max-width + ($column-gutter * 2); } } // normal row h-row { @include base-row($for-base:true); // nested row h-row { @include base-row($nest:true); // collapsed nested row &.collapse { @include base-row($nest:true, $collapse:true); } } } // normal column h-column { @include base-column($total-columns, $for-base:true); } // collapsed row .collapse { @include base-row($collapse:true); // nested row inside collapsed h-row { @include base-row($nest:true); } > h-column { @include base-column($collapse:true); } } @include h-sizing("large"); @if $responsive { @include above(small) { @include h-offset("offset"); } } @else { // Not inside media query. So when it reach the breakpoint, the offset isn't gone. @include h-offset("offset"); } // centered column .centered { @include base-column($centered:true); } // small screen and below @include below(small) { [class^="large-"] { @include base-column($total-columns); } @include h-sizing("small"); @include h-offset("small-offset"); .small-centered { @include base-column($centered:true); } } } // $include-grid