require 'spec_helper' def capture_stdout_and_stderr_with_warnings_on $stdout, $stderr, warnings, $VERBOSE =,, $VERBOSE, true yield return $stdout.string, $stderr.string ensure $stdout, $stderr, $VERBOSE = STDOUT, STDERR, warnings end describe RequestLogAnalyzer, 'when using the rla API like the scout plugin' do before(:each) do # prepare a place to capture the output sio = # place an IO object where I want RequestLogAnalyzer to read from open(log_fixture(:rails_1x)) do |log| completed_count = 0 log.each do |line| completed_count += 1 if line =~ /\ACompleted\b/ break if completed_count == 2 # skipping first two requests end # trigger the log parse @stdout, @stderr = capture_stdout_and_stderr_with_warnings_on do output: EmbeddedHTML, file: sio, after: Time.local(2008, 8, 14, 21, 16, 31), # after 3rd req source_files: log, format: RequestLogAnalyzer::FileFormat::Rails ).run! end end # read the resulting output @analysis = sio.string end it 'should generate an analysis' do @analysis.should_not be_empty end it 'should generate customized output using the passed Class' do credit = %r{<p>Powered by request-log-analyzer v\d+(?:\.\d+)+</p>\z} @analysis.should match(credit) end it 'should skip requests before :after Time' do @analysis.should_not include('PeopleController#show') end it 'should include requests after IO#pos and :after Time' do @analysis.should include('PeopleController#picture') end it 'should skip requests before IO#pos' do @analysis.should_not include('PeopleController#index') end it 'should not print to $stdout' do @stdout.should be_empty end it 'should not print to $stderr (with warnings on)' do @stderr.should be_empty end end # Helpers class EmbeddedHTML < RequestLogAnalyzer::Output::Base def print(str) @io << str end alias_method :<<, :print def puts(str = '') @io << "#{str}<br/>\n" end def title(title) @io.puts(tag(:h2, title)) end def line(*_font) @io.puts(tag(:hr)) end def link(text, url = nil) url = text if url.nil? tag(:a, text, href: url) end def table(*columns, &_block) rows = [] yield(rows) @io << tag(:table, cellspacing: 0) do |content| if table_has_header?(columns) content << tag(:tr) do { |col| tag(:th, col[:title]) }.join("\n") end end odd = false rows.each do |row| odd = !odd content << tag(:tr) do if odd { |cell| tag(:td, cell, class: 'alt') }.join("\n") else { |cell| tag(:td, cell) }.join("\n") end end end end end def header end def footer @io << tag(:hr) << tag(:p, "Powered by request-log-analyzer v#{RequestLogAnalyzer::VERSION}") end private def tag(tag, content = nil, attributes = nil) if block_given? attributes = content.nil? ? '' : ' ' + { |(key, value)| "#{key}=\"#{value}\"" }.join(' ') content_string = '' content = yield(content_string) content = content_string unless content_string.empty? "<#{tag}#{attributes}>#{content}</#{tag}>" else attributes = attributes.nil? ? '' : ' ' + { |(key, value)| "#{key}=\"#{value}\"" }.join(' ') if content.nil? "<#{tag}#{attributes} />" else if content.class == Float "<#{tag}#{attributes}><div class='color_bar' style=\"width:#{(content * 200).floor}px;\"/></#{tag}>" else "<#{tag}#{attributes}>#{content}</#{tag}>" end end end end end