# # Author:: AJ Christensen (<aj@opscode.com>) # Author:: Mark Mzyk (mmzyk@opscode.com) # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'chef' require 'chef/application' require 'chef/client' require 'chef/config' require 'chef/daemon' require 'chef/log' require 'chef/rest' require 'open-uri' require 'fileutils' class Chef::Application::Solo < Chef::Application option :config_file, :short => "-c CONFIG", :long => "--config CONFIG", :default => Chef::Config.platform_specfic_path('/etc/chef/solo.rb'), :description => "The configuration file to use" option :log_level, :short => "-l LEVEL", :long => "--log_level LEVEL", :description => "Set the log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)", :proc => lambda { |l| l.to_sym } option :log_location, :short => "-L LOGLOCATION", :long => "--logfile LOGLOCATION", :description => "Set the log file location, defaults to STDOUT", :proc => nil option :help, :short => "-h", :long => "--help", :description => "Show this message", :on => :tail, :boolean => true, :show_options => true, :exit => 0 option :user, :short => "-u USER", :long => "--user USER", :description => "User to set privilege to", :proc => nil option :group, :short => "-g GROUP", :long => "--group GROUP", :description => "Group to set privilege to", :proc => nil option :daemonize, :short => "-d", :long => "--daemonize", :description => "Daemonize the process", :proc => lambda { |p| true } option :interval, :short => "-i SECONDS", :long => "--interval SECONDS", :description => "Run chef-client periodically, in seconds", :proc => lambda { |s| s.to_i } option :json_attribs, :short => "-j JSON_ATTRIBS", :long => "--json-attributes JSON_ATTRIBS", :description => "Load attributes from a JSON file or URL", :proc => nil option :node_name, :short => "-N NODE_NAME", :long => "--node-name NODE_NAME", :description => "The node name for this client", :proc => nil option :splay, :short => "-s SECONDS", :long => "--splay SECONDS", :description => "The splay time for running at intervals, in seconds", :proc => lambda { |s| s.to_i } option :recipe_url, :short => "-r RECIPE_URL", :long => "--recipe-url RECIPE_URL", :description => "Pull down a remote gzipped tarball of recipes and untar it to the cookbook cache.", :proc => nil option :version, :short => "-v", :long => "--version", :description => "Show chef version", :boolean => true, :proc => lambda {|v| puts "Chef: #{::Chef::VERSION}"}, :exit => 0 option :override_runlist, :short => "-o RunlistItem,RunlistItem...", :long => "-override-runlist RunlistItem,RunlistItem...", :description => "Replace current run list with specified items", :proc => lambda{|items| items = items.split(',') items.compact.map{|item| Chef::RunList::RunListItem.new(item) } } attr_reader :chef_solo_json def initialize super @chef_solo = nil @chef_solo_json = nil end def reconfigure super Chef::Config[:solo] = true if Chef::Config[:daemonize] Chef::Config[:interval] ||= 1800 end if Chef::Config[:json_attribs] begin json_io = case Chef::Config[:json_attribs] when /^(http|https):\/\// @rest = Chef::REST.new(Chef::Config[:json_attribs], nil, nil) @rest.get_rest(Chef::Config[:json_attribs], true).open else open(Chef::Config[:json_attribs]) end rescue SocketError => error Chef::Application.fatal!("I cannot connect to #{Chef::Config[:json_attribs]}", 2) rescue Errno::ENOENT => error Chef::Application.fatal!("I cannot find #{Chef::Config[:json_attribs]}", 2) rescue Errno::EACCES => error Chef::Application.fatal!("Permissions are incorrect on #{Chef::Config[:json_attribs]}. Please chmod a+r #{Chef::Config[:json_attribs]}", 2) rescue Exception => error Chef::Application.fatal!("Got an unexpected error reading #{Chef::Config[:json_attribs]}: #{error.message}", 2) end begin @chef_solo_json = Chef::JSONCompat.from_json(json_io.read) json_io.close unless json_io.closed? rescue JSON::ParserError => error Chef::Application.fatal!("Could not parse the provided JSON file (#{Chef::Config[:json_attribs]})!: " + error.message, 2) end end if Chef::Config[:recipe_url] cookbooks_path = Array(Chef::Config[:cookbook_path]).detect{|e| e =~ /\/cookbooks\/*$/ } recipes_path = File.expand_path(File.join(cookbooks_path, '..')) target_file = File.join(recipes_path, 'recipes.tgz') Chef::Log.debug "Creating path #{recipes_path} to extract recipes into" FileUtils.mkdir_p recipes_path path = File.join(recipes_path, 'recipes.tgz') File.open(path, 'wb') do |f| open(Chef::Config[:recipe_url]) do |r| f.write(r.read) end end Chef::Mixin::Command.run_command(:command => "tar zxvfC #{path} #{recipes_path}") end end def setup_application Chef::Daemon.change_privilege end def run_application if Chef::Config[:daemonize] Chef::Daemon.daemonize("chef-client") end loop do begin if Chef::Config[:splay] splay = rand Chef::Config[:splay] Chef::Log.debug("Splay sleep #{splay} seconds") sleep splay end @chef_solo = Chef::Client.new( @chef_solo_json, :override_runlist => config[:override_runlist] ) @chef_solo.run @chef_solo = nil if Chef::Config[:interval] Chef::Log.debug("Sleeping for #{Chef::Config[:interval]} seconds") sleep Chef::Config[:interval] else Chef::Application.exit! "Exiting", 0 end rescue SystemExit => e raise rescue Exception => e if Chef::Config[:interval] Chef::Log.error("#{e.class}: #{e}") Chef::Log.debug("#{e.class}: #{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}") Chef::Log.fatal("Sleeping for #{Chef::Config[:interval]} seconds before trying again") sleep Chef::Config[:interval] retry else Chef::Application.debug_stacktrace(e) Chef::Application.fatal!("#{e.class}: #{e.message}", 1) end ensure GC.start end end end end