module TwilioTestToolkit # Models a scope within a call. class CallScope # Note that el is case sensitive and must match the desired # TwiML element. eg. Play (correct) vs play (incorrect). def self.has_element(el, options = {}) define_method "has_#{el.downcase}?" do |inner = nil| return has_element?(el, inner, options) end end # method_missing? will take care of most cases, but for elements # where the preference is to have exact matching, just add a # definition like: # # has_element "Foo", :exact_inner_match => true has_element "Play", :exact_inner_match => true # Stuff for redirects def has_redirect_to?(url) el = get_redirect_node return false if el.nil? return normalize_redirect_path(el.text) == normalize_redirect_path(url) end def follow_redirect(options = {}) el = get_redirect_node raise "No redirect" if el.nil? return CallScope.from_request(self, el.text, { :method =>el[:method]}.merge(options)) end def follow_redirect!(options = {}) el = get_redirect_node raise "No redirect" if el.nil? request_for_twiml!(normalize_redirect_path(el.text), { :method => el[:method] }.merge(options)) end # Stuff for gatherers def gather? == "Gather" end def gather_action raise "Not a gather" unless gather? return @xml["action"] end def gather_method raise "Not a gather" unless gather? return @xml["method"] end def gather_finish_on_key raise "Not a gather" unless gather? return @xml["finishOnKey"] || '#' # '#' is the default finish key if not specified end def press(digits) raise "Not a gather" unless gather? # Fetch the path and then post path = gather_action # Update the root call root_call.request_for_twiml!(path, :digits => digits, :method => gather_method, :finish_on_key => gather_finish_on_key) end # Make this easier to support TwiML elements... def method_missing(meth, *args, &block) # support any check for a given attribute on a given element # # eg. has_action_on_dial?, has_method_on_sip?, etc. # # Attribute-checking appears to be case-sensitive, which x means: # # has_finishOnKey_on_record?("#") # # I'm not crazy about this mixed case, so we can also do a more # Rubyish way: # # has_finish_on_key_on_record?("#") # if meth.to_s =~ /^ha(s|ve)_([a-zA-Z_]+)_on_([a-zA-Z]+)\?$/ has_attr_on_element?($3, $2, *args, &block) # support any check for the existence of a given element # with an optional check on the inner_text. elsif meth.to_s =~ /^ha(s|ve)_([a-zA-Z]+)\?$/ has_element?($2, *args, &block) # get a given element node elsif meth.to_s =~ /^get_([a-z]+)_node$/ get_element_node($1, *args, &block) # run a block within a given node context elsif meth.to_s =~ /^within_([a-z]+)$/ within_element($1, *args, &block) else super # You *must* call super if you don't handle the # method, otherwise you'll mess up Ruby's method # lookup. end end def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = false) method_name.to_s.match(/^(has_|have_|get_[a-z]+_node|within_)/) || super end # Some basic accessors def current_path @current_path end def response_xml @response_xml end def root_call @root_call end private def formatted_digits(digits, options = {}) if digits.nil? '' elsif options[:finish_on_key] digits.to_s.split(options[:finish_on_key])[0] else digits end end def get_element_node(el) el[0] = el[0,1].upcase @xml.at_xpath(el) end # Within element returns a scope that's tied to the specified element def within_element(el, &block) element_node = get_element_node(el) raise "No el in scope" if element_node.nil? yield(CallScope.from_xml(self, element_node)) end def has_attr_on_element?(el, attr, value) el[0] = el[0,1].upcase # convert snake case to lower camelCase if attr.match(/_/) attr = camel_case_lower(attr) end attr_on_el = @xml.xpath(el).attribute(attr.to_s) !!attr_on_el && attr_on_el.value == value.to_s end def has_element?(el, inner = nil, options = {}) el[0] = el[0,1].upcase return !(@xml.at_xpath(el).nil?) if inner.nil? @xml.xpath(el).each do |s| if !options[:exact_inner_match].nil? && options[:exact_inner_match] == true return true if s.inner_text.strip == inner else return true if s.inner_text.include?(inner) end end return false end def camel_case_lower(subject) subject.split('_').inject([]){ |buffer,e| buffer.push(buffer.empty? ? e : e.capitalize) }.join end protected # New object creation def self.from_xml(parent, xml) new_scope = new_scope.send(:set_xml, xml) new_scope.send(:root_call=, parent.root_call) return new_scope end def set_xml(xml) @xml = xml end # Create a new object from a post. Options: # * :method - the http method of the request, defaults to :post # * :digits - becomes params[:Digits], defaults to "" def self.from_request(parent, path, options = {}) new_scope = new_scope.send(:root_call=, parent.root_call) new_scope.send(:request_for_twiml!, path, options) return new_scope end def normalize_redirect_path(path) p = path # Strip off ".xml" off of the end of any path p = path[0...path.length - ".xml".length] if path.downcase.match(/\.xml$/) return p end # Post and update the scope. Options: # :digits - becomes params[:Digits], optional (becomes "") # :is_machine - becomes params[:AnsweredBy], defaults to false / human # :called - becomes params[:Called], like when the REST API is used to initiate a call # :direction - becomes params[:Direction]. Should be inbound, outbound-api, or outbound-dial def request_for_twiml!(path, options = {}) @current_path = normalize_redirect_path(path) # Post the query rack_test_session_wrapper = Capybara.current_session.driver @response = rack_test_session_wrapper.send(options[:method].downcase || :post, @current_path, :format => :xml, :CallSid => @root_call.sid, :From => @root_call.from_number, :Digits => formatted_digits(options[:digits].to_s, :finish_on_key => options[:finish_on_key]), :To => @root_call.to_number, :AnsweredBy => (options[:is_machine] ? "machine" : "human"), :CallStatus => options.fetch(:call_status, "in-progress"), :Called => options.fetch(:called, ""), :Direction => options[:direction].nil? ? "inbound" : options[:direction] ) # All Twilio responses must be a success. raise "Bad response: #{@response.status}" unless @response.status == 200 # Load the xml data = @response.body @response_xml = Nokogiri::XML.parse(data) set_xml(@response_xml.at_xpath("Response")) end # Parent call control def root_call=(val) @root_call = val end end end