require 'spec_helper' require 'pact/consumer/rspec' Pact.configure do | config | config.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG config.doc_generator = :markdown end Pact.service_consumer 'Pact Broker Client' do has_pact_with "Pact Broker" do mock_service :pact_broker do port 1234 pact_specification_version "2.0" end end has_pact_with "Pactflow" do mock_service :pactflow do port 1235 pact_specification_version "2.0" end end end module PactBrokerPactHelperMethods def placeholder_path(relation, params = []) path = "/HAL-REL-PLACEHOLDER-#{relation.gsub(':', '-').upcase}" if params.any? joined_params = params.collect{ |param| "{#{param}}"}.join("-") path = "#{path}-#{joined_params}" end path end def placeholder_url(relation, params = [], mock_service = pact_broker) "#{mock_service.mock_service_base_url}#{placeholder_path(relation, params)}" end def placeholder_url_term(relation, params = [], mock_service = pact_broker) regexp = "http:\/\/.*" if params.any? joined_params_for_regexp = params.collect{ |param| "{#{param}}"}.join(".*") regexp = "#{regexp}#{joined_params_for_regexp}" end Pact.term(placeholder_url(relation, params, mock_service), /#{regexp}/) end def mock_pact_broker_index(context, mock_service = pact_broker) mock_service .upon_receiving("a request for the index resource") .with( method: :get, path: '/', headers: context.get_request_headers). will_respond_with( status: 200, headers: context.pact_broker_response_headers, body: { _links: { :'pb:webhooks' => { href: placeholder_url_term('pb:webhooks', [], mock_service) }, :'pb:pacticipants' => { href: placeholder_url_term('pb:pacticipants', [], mock_service) }, :'pb:pacticipant' => { href: placeholder_url_term('pb:pacticipant', ['pacticipant'], mock_service) } } } ) end def mock_pact_broker_index_with_relations(context, links, provider_state) _links = links.each_with_object({}) do | (key, value), new_links | new_links[key] = { href: value } end pact_broker .given(provider_state) .upon_receiving("a request for the index resource") .with( method: :get, path: '/', headers: context.get_request_headers). will_respond_with( status: 200, headers: context.pact_broker_response_headers, body: { _links: _links } ) end def mock_pact_broker_index_with_webhook_relation(context) pact_broker .upon_receiving("a request for the index resource with the webhook relation") .with( method: :get, path: '/', headers: context.get_request_headers). will_respond_with( status: 200, headers: context.pact_broker_response_headers, body: { _links: { :'pb:webhook' => { href: Pact.term(pact_broker.mock_service_base_url + "/webhooks/{uuid}", %r{http://.*/webhooks/{uuid}}), templated: true } } } ) end end