module RCAP module Base class Point include Validation MAX_LONGITUDE = 180 MIN_LONGITUDE = -180 MAX_LATTITUDE = 90 MIN_LATTITUDE= -90 # @return [Numeric] attr_accessor( :lattitude ) # @return [Numeric] attr_accessor( :longitude ) validates_numericality_of( :lattitude, :longitude ) validates_inclusion_of( :lattitude, :in => MIN_LATTITUDE..MAX_LATTITUDE ) validates_inclusion_of( :longitude, :in => MIN_LONGITUDE..MAX_LONGITUDE) # @param [Hash] attributes # @option attributes [Numeric] :lattitude # @option attributes [Numeric] :longitude def initialize yield( self ) if block_given? end # Returns a string representation of the point of the form # lattitude,longitude # # @return [String] def to_s "#{ self.lattitude },#{ self.longitude }" end # @return [String] def inspect '('+self.to_s+')' end # Two points are equivalent if they have the same lattitude and longitude # # @param [Point] other # @return [true, false] def ==( other ) [ self.lattitude, self.longitude ] == [ other.lattitude, other.longitude ] end LATTITUDE_KEY = 'lattitude' LONGITUDE_KEY = 'longitude' # @return [Hash] def to_h RCAP.attribute_values_to_hash( [ LATTITUDE_KEY, self.lattitude ], [ LONGITUDE_KEY, self.longitude ]) end # @param [Hash] point_hash # @return [Point] def self.from_h( point_hash ) do |point| point.lattitude = point_hash[ LATTITUDE_KEY ].to_f point.longitude = point_hash[ LONGITUDE_KEY ].to_f end end LATTITUDE_INDEX = 0 LONGITUDE_INDEX = 1 # @return [Array(Numeric, Numeric)] def to_a do |array| array[ LATTITUDE_INDEX ] = self.lattitude array[ LONGITUDE_INDEX ] = self.longitude end end # @param [Array(Numeric, Numeric)] point_array # @return [Point] def self.from_a( point_array ) do |point| point.lattitude = point_array[ LATTITUDE_INDEX ].to_f point.longitude = point_array[ LONGITUDE_INDEX ].to_f end end end end end