EffectiveQbSync.setup do |config| # Configure Database Tables config.qb_requests_table_name = :qb_requests config.qb_tickets_table_name = :qb_tickets config.qb_logs_table_name = :qb_logs config.qb_order_items_table_name = :qb_order_items # Authorization Method # # This method is called by all controller actions with the appropriate action and resource # If the method returns false, an Effective::AccessDenied Error will be raised (see README.md for complete info) # # Use via Proc (and with CanCan): # config.authorization_method = Proc.new { |controller, action, resource| authorize!(action, resource) } # # Use via custom method: # config.authorization_method = :my_authorization_method # # And then in your application_controller.rb: # # def my_authorization_method(action, resource) # current_user.is?(:admin) # end # # Or disable the check completely: # config.authorization_method = false config.authorization_method = Proc.new { |controller, action, resource| authorize!(action, resource) } # CanCanCan # All EffectiveQbSync controllers will use this layout config.layout = 'application' # SimpleForm Options # This Hash of options will be passed into any admin facing simple_form_for() calls config.admin_simple_form_options = {} # For the /admin/qb_syncs form # Quickbooks Company File Settings # The username / password of the Quickbooks user that should be allowed to synchronize. # This must match the user configured in the Quickbooks .qwc file config.quickbooks_username = '' config.quickbooks_password = '' # Sales tax can be added to an order in two ways: # 1. Sales tax should be added by Quickbooks # - Set below: config.quickbooks_tax_name = '' # - In Quickbooks: Edit -> Preferences -> Sales Tax -> Company Preferences -> Do you charge sales tax? Yes # 2. Sales tax should be added by the website # - Set below: config.quickbooks_tax_name = 'GST Collected' # - In Quickbooks: Edit -> Preferences -> Sales Tax -> Company Preferences -> Do you charge sales tax? No # - In Quickbooks: Add a regular Quickbooks Item matching the config.quickbooks_tax_name # See /admin/qb_syncs/instructions for more information. config.quickbooks_tax_name = '' # If a synchronization errors occurs, send an email with steps to fix the error, to this address # Uses effective_orders mailer layout and settings # Leave nil to use EffectiveOrders.mailer[:admin_email] value, or provide a to email address here config.error_email = nil end