#encoding: utf-8 class TwitterFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper COLS_CLASS = 'col-md-8' def errors return nil unless @object.errors.any? messages = @object.errors.full_messages.collect do |msg| "
".html_safe end content_tag(:div, content_tag(:div, content_tag(:div, content_tag(:button, '×'.html_safe, class: 'close', type: 'button', :'data-dismiss' => 'alert') + messages.join('').html_safe, class: 'alert alert-danger'), class: 'col-md-8 col-md-offset-2'), class: 'row') end def static_text(method, options = {}) row method, content_tag(:p, static_text_formatter.format(method), class: 'form-control-static'), options end # Displays multi-line static text in form def static_memo_text(method, options = {}) row method, simple_format(@object.send(method), class: 'form-control-static'), options end def string method, options = {} row method, text_field(method, with_default_options(options)), options end def combobox method, choices, options = {}, html_options = {} row method, select(method, choices, options, with_default_options(html_options)), div_class: options.delete(:div_class) || 'col-md-6' end def enum(method, options = {}, html_options = {}) combobox method, object.class.send(method.to_s.pluralize).collect { |s| [s[0].humanize, s[0]] }, options, html_options end def enumerize(method, options = {}, html_options = {}) combobox method, object.class.send(method).values.collect { |s| [s.text, s] }, options, html_options end def list_all_combobox(association_name, options = {}, html_options = {}) collection_class = object.class.reflect_on_association(association_name).klass combobox("#{association_name}_id", collection_class.all.sort_by(&:name).map { |element| [element.name, element.id] }, {include_blank: true}.merge(options), html_options) end def textarea method, options = {} row method, text_area(method, with_default_options(options)), options end def checkbox method, options = {} row method, content_tag(:div, check_box(method, options), class: 'checkbox'), options end def wysiwyg method, options = {} textarea method, with_default_options(merge_classes(options, 'wymeditor')) end def ckeditor(method, options = {}) row method, cktext_area(method, with_default_options(options)) end def password method, options = {} row method, password_field(method, with_default_options(options)), options end def date method, options = {} string(method, merge_options({data: {'calendar-date' => true}, div_class: 'col-md-2'}, options)) end def datetime(method, options = {}) value = object.try(method).try(:strftime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') string(method, merge_options({data: {'calendar-datetime' => true}, div_class: 'col-md-3', value: value}, options)) end def time(method, options = {}) value = object.try(method).try(:strftime, '%H:%M') string(method, merge_options({data: {'calendar-time' => true}, div_class: 'col-md-2', value: value}, options)) end def save text = I18n.t('admin.common.save') submit text, name: :save, class: 'btn btn-success wymupdate' end def apply text = I18n.t('admin.common.apply') submit text, name: :apply, class: 'btn btn-default wymupdate' end def cancel @template.back_action end # Editing has_many collection # parameters: association - name of has_many association # association should be defined as accepts_nested_attributes with allow_destroy = true in model # You should create partial with name #{association)_fields def nested_fields_for(association) @template.render 'admin/common/nested_fields_for', f: self, section_name: @object.class.human_attribute_name(association), collection: association end def image_upload method, options = {} version = options[:version] uri = if version.present? @object.send("#{method}_url", version) else @object.send("#{method}_url") end if options[:size] url = uri || 'placeholder' else url = uri end upload_uri = options[:upload_path] unless upload_uri upload_uri = @template.admin_upload_image_path(image_class: @object.class.name.underscore, field: method) end @template.render partial: '/admin/common/image_upload_template', locals: { f: self, url: url, size: options[:size], version: version || '', title: options[:title] || '', text: options[:text], field: method, upload_uri: upload_uri, container: options[:parent_id] || upload_container_id(method), options: options.delete(:options) || {}, image_style: options.delete(:image_style) || '' } end def file_upload method @template.render partial: '/admin/common/file_upload_template', locals: { f: self, field: method } end def multi_field(relation_name, options = {}) reflection = self.object.class.reflections[relation_name] || self.object.class.reflections[relation_name.to_s] options = {search_field_name: :name, show_all_on_focus: false, use_cache: true, relation_model_name: reflection.klass.model_name.singular}.merge!(options) options[:source] ||= @template.admin_autocomplete_path(options[:relation_model_name], options[:search_field_name]) string "#{relation_name}_tokens", title: self.object.class.human_attribute_name(relation_name), data: { multi_field: true, source: options[:source], pre: self.object.send("#{relation_name}_json", options[:search_field_name]), show_all_on_focus: options[:show_all_on_focus], use_cache: options[:use_cache], object_url_name: options[:object_url_name]} end def row(method, controls, options = {}) label_class = options[:label_class] || 'control-label col-md-4 col-lg-2' label_tag = label(method, options[:title], class: label_class) unless options[:hide_label] options[:div_class] ||= COLS_CLASS div_tag = content_tag :div, controls.html_safe, class: options[:div_class] content_tag :div, "#{label_tag}#{div_tag}".html_safe, class: 'form-group' end private def upload_container_id(method) fake_method = "#{method}_upload" ActionView::Helpers::Tags::Base.new(@object_name, fake_method, @template).send(:tag_id) end def with_default_options(options) merge_classes(options, 'form-control') options end def merge_classes(options, *clazz) classes = [options[:class]].compact classes.push(*clazz) options[:class] = classes.uniq.join(' ') options end def merge_options(default_options, options) return default_options if options.blank? new_options = default_options.merge(options) if default_options.has_key?(:data) && options.has_key?(:data) new_options[:data] = default_options[:data].merge(options[:data]) end new_options end def static_text_formatter @static_text_formatter ||= StaticTextFormatter.new(@object) end end