require 'page-object/nested_elements' module PageObject module Elements # # Contains functionality that is common across all elements. # # @see PageObject::Platforms::WatirWebDriver::Element for the Watir version of all common methods # @see PageObject::Platforms::SeleniumWebDriver::Element for the Selenium version of all common methods # class Element include ::PageObject::NestedElements attr_reader :element def initialize(element, platform) @element = element include_platform_for platform end # # click the element # def click end # # return true if the element is enabled # def enabled? element.enabled? end # # return true if the element is not enabled # def disabled? not enabled? end # # get the value of the given CSS property # def style(property = nil) property end def inspect element.inspect end # # retrieve the class name for an element # def class_name attribute 'class' end # # specify plural form of element # def self.plural_form "#{self.to_s.split('::')[-1]. gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2'). tr("-", "_"). downcase}s" end # # Keeps checking until the element is visible # # @param [Integer] (defaults to: 5) seconds to wait before timing out # def check_visible(timeout=::PageObject.default_element_wait) timed_loop(timeout) do |element| element.visible? end end def check_exists(timeout=::PageObject.default_element_wait) timed_loop(timeout) do |element| element.exists? end end # @private def self.watir_identifier_for identifier if should_build_watir_xpath(identifier) how = :xpath what = build_xpath_for(identifier) return how => what end all_identities = {} identifier.each do |key, value| each = {key => value} ident = identifier_for each, watir_finders, watir_mapping all_identities[ident.keys.first] = ident.values.first end all_identities end # @private def self.selenium_identifier_for identifier if identifier.length == 1 identifier = identifier_for identifier, selenium_finders, selenium_mapping return identifier.keys.first, identifier.values.first elsif identifier.length > 1 how = :xpath what = build_xpath_for identifier return how, what end end # @private # delegate calls to driver element def method_missing(*args, &block) m = args.shift $stderr.puts "*** DEPRECATION WARNING" $stderr.puts "*** You are calling a method named #{m} at #{caller[0]}." $stderr.puts "*** This method does not exist in page-object so it is being passed to the driver." $stderr.puts "*** This feature will be removed in the near future." $stderr.puts "*** Please change your code to call the correct page-object method." $stderr.puts "*** If you are using functionality that does not exist in page-object please request it be added." begin element.send m, *args, &block rescue Exception => e raise end end protected def self.should_build_watir_xpath identifier ['table', 'span', 'div', 'td', 'li', 'ul', 'ol', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'p', 'label', 'area', 'canvas', 'audio', 'video', 'b', 'i'].include? identifier[:tag_name] and identifier[:name] end def self.build_xpath_for identifier tag_locator = identifier.delete(:tag_name) idx = identifier.delete(:index) if tag_locator == 'input' and identifier[:type] == 'submit' identifier.delete(:type) btn_ident = identifier.clone if btn_ident[:value] btn_ident[:text] = btn_ident[:value] btn_ident.delete(:value) end xpath = ".//button" xpath << "[#{attribute_expression(btn_ident)}]" unless btn_ident.empty? xpath = "(#{xpath})[#{idx+1}]" if idx identifier[:type] = %w[button reset submit image] xpath << " | .//input" else xpath = ".//#{tag_locator}" end xpath << "[#{attribute_expression(identifier)}]" unless identifier.empty? xpath = "(#{xpath})[#{idx+1}]" if idx xpath end def self.attribute_expression(identifier) do |key, value| if value.kind_of?(Array) "(" + { |v| equal_pair(key, v) }.join(" or ") + ")" else equal_pair(key, value) end end.join(" and ") end def self.equal_pair(key, value) if key == :label "@id=//label[normalize-space()=#{xpath_string(value)}]/@for" else "#{lhs_for(key)}=#{xpath_string(value)}" end end def self.lhs_for(key) case key when :text, 'text' 'normalize-space()' when :href 'normalize-space(@href)' else "@#{key.to_s.gsub("_", "-")}" end end def self.xpath_string(value) if value.include? "'" parts = value.split("'", -1).map { |part| "'#{part}'" } string = parts.join(%{,"'",}) "concat(#{string})" else "'#{value}'" end end def self.identifier_for identifier, find_by, find_by_mapping how, what = identifier.keys.first, identifier.values.first return how => what if find_by.include? how or how == :tag_name return find_by_mapping[how] => what if find_by_mapping[how] identifier end def self.watir_finders [:class, :id, :index, :name, :xpath] end def self.watir_mapping {} end def self.selenium_finders [:class, :css, :id, :index, :name, :xpath] end def self.selenium_mapping {} end def include_platform_for platform platform_information = PageObject::Platforms.get raise ArgumentError,"Expected hash with at least a key :platform for platform information! (#{platform.inspect})" unless platform.class == Hash && platform.has_key?(:platform) platform_name = platform[:platform] raise ArgumentError, "Unknown platform #{platform_name}! Expect platform to be one of the following: #{platform_information.keys.inspect}" unless platform_information.keys.include?(platform_name) base_platform_class = "#{platform_information[platform_name]}::" self.send :extend, constantize_classname(base_platform_class + "Element") @platform = constantize_classname(base_platform_class+ "PageObject").new(@element) # include class specific code class_to_include = case when self.class == PageObject::Elements::Element # already loaded return true when =~/PageObject:Elements::/ self.class # inherited classes for example the widgets else parent_classes = { |item| =~/PageObject::Elements::/ } raise RuntimeError,"Could not identify page-object inherited class for #{self.class}!" if parent_classes.empty? parent_classes.first end element_type_specific_code = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "../../platforms/#{platform_name}/"+ get_element_type_underscored(class_to_include) ) if File.exist? element_type_specific_code + '.rb' require element_type_specific_code self.send :extend, constantize_classname( base_platform_class + get_element_type(class_to_include) ) end end def to_ary nil end private def timed_loop(timeout) end_time = + timeout until > end_time result = yield(self) return result if result sleep 0.5 end false end def constantize_classname name name.split("::").inject(Object) { |k,n| k.const_get(n) } end def get_element_type(class_name = self.class)'::').last end # retrieved from ruby on rails underscore method def get_element_type_underscored(class_name = self.class) get_element_type(class_name).to_s.gsub(/::/, '/'). gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2'). tr("-", "_"). downcase end end end end