#Elastic Email REST API

#This API is based on the REST API architecture, allowing the user to easily manage their data with this resource-based approach.    Every API call is established on which specific request type (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) will be used.    The API has a limit of 20 concurrent connections and a hard timeout of 600 seconds per request.    To start using this API, you will need your Access Token (available <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://elasticemail.com/account#/settings/new/manage-api\">here</a>). Remember to keep it safe. Required access levels are listed in the given request’s description.    This is the documentation for REST API. If you’d like to read our legacy documentation regarding Web API v2 click <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://api.elasticemail.com/public/help\">here</a>.    Downloadable library clients can be found in our Github repository <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://github.com/ElasticEmail?tab=repositories&q=%22rest+api%22+in%3Areadme\">here</a>

The version of the OpenAPI document: 4.0.0
Contact: support@elasticemail.com
Generated by: https://openapi-generator.tech
OpenAPI Generator version: 5.4.0


require 'date'
require 'time'

module ElasticEmail
  class ContactHistEventType
    OPENED = "Opened".freeze
    CLICKED = "Clicked".freeze
    BOUNCED = "Bounced".freeze
    UNSUBSCRIBED = "Unsubscribed".freeze
    COMPLAINED = "Complained".freeze
    ACTIVATED = "Activated".freeze
    TRANSACTIONAL_UNSUBSCRIBED = "TransactionalUnsubscribed".freeze
    MANUAL_STATUS_CHANGE = "ManualStatusChange".freeze
    MANUAL_CONSENT_TRACKING_CHANGE = "ManualConsentTrackingChange".freeze
    ACTIVATION_SENT = "ActivationSent".freeze
    JOURNEY_STARTED = "JourneyStarted".freeze
    JOURNEY_STEP_PROCESSED = "JourneyStepProcessed".freeze
    JOURNEY_FINISHED = "JourneyFinished".freeze
    DELETED = "Deleted".freeze

    # Builds the enum from string
    # @param [String] The enum value in the form of the string
    # @return [String] The enum value
    def self.build_from_hash(value)

    # Builds the enum from string
    # @param [String] The enum value in the form of the string
    # @return [String] The enum value
    def build_from_hash(value)
      constantValues = ContactHistEventType.constants.select { |c| ContactHistEventType::const_get(c) == value }
      raise "Invalid ENUM value #{value} for class #ContactHistEventType" if constantValues.empty?