require "rubygems" require "bundler/setup" require 'pry' require 'pry-nav' require "active_record" require "minitest/autorun" require 'mocha/minitest' require "rails_erd/domain" ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection :adapter => "sqlite3", :database => ":memory:" if ActiveSupport::TestCase.respond_to?(:test_order=) ActiveSupport::TestCase.test_order = :random end # Patch to make Rails 6.1 work. module Kernel # class_eval on an object acts like singleton_class.class_eval. def class_eval(*args, &block) singleton_class.class_eval(*args, &block) end end class ActiveSupport::TestCase include RailsERD setup :reset_config_file teardown :reset_domain def create_table(table, columns = {}, pk = nil) opts = if pk then { :primary_key => pk } else { :id => false } end ActiveRecord::Schema.instance_eval do suppress_messages do create_table table, opts do |t| columns.each do |column, type| t.send type, column end end end end ActiveRecord::Base.clear_cache! end def add_column(*args) ActiveRecord::Schema.instance_eval do suppress_messages do add_column(*args) end end ActiveRecord::Base.clear_cache! end def create_module_model(full_name,*args,&block) superklass = args.first.kind_of?(Class) ? args.shift : ActiveRecord::Base names = full_name.split('::') parent_module = names[0..-1].inject(Object) do |parent,child| parent = parent.const_set(child.to_sym, end parent_module ||= Object name = names.last columns = args.first || {} klass = parent_module.const_set name.to_sym, konstant = parent_module.const_get(name.to_sym) if superklass == ActiveRecord::Base || superklass.abstract_class? create_table konstant.table_name, columns, konstant.primary_key rescue nil end klass.class_eval(&block) if block_given? konstant end def create_model(name, *args, &block) superklass = args.first.kind_of?(Class) ? args.shift : ActiveRecord::Base columns = args.first || {} klass = Object.const_set name.to_sym, if superklass == ActiveRecord::Base || superklass.abstract_class? create_table Object.const_get(name.to_sym).table_name, columns, Object.const_get(name.to_sym).primary_key rescue nil end klass.class_eval(&block) if block_given? Object.const_get(name.to_sym) end def create_models(*names) names.each do |name| create_model name end end def collect_stdout stdout = $stdout $stdout = yield $stdout.rewind $ ensure $stdout = stdout end def create_simple_domain create_model "Beer", :bar => :references do belongs_to :bar end create_model "Bar" end def create_one_to_one_assoc_domain create_model "One" do has_one :other end create_model "Other", :one => :references do belongs_to :one end end def create_one_to_many_assoc_domain create_model "One" do has_many :many end create_model "Many", :one => :references do belongs_to :one end end def create_many_to_many_assoc_domain create_model "Many" do has_and_belongs_to_many :more end create_model "More" do has_and_belongs_to_many :many end create_table "manies_mores", :many_id => :integer, :more_id => :integer end def create_specialization create_model "Beverage", :type => :string create_model "Beer", Beverage end def create_polymorphic_generalization create_model "Cannon" create_model "Galleon" do has_many :cannons, :as => :defensible end end def create_abstract_generalization create_model "Structure" do self.abstract_class = true end create_model "Palace", Structure end private def reset_config_file RailsERD::Config.send :remove_const, :USER_WIDE_CONFIG_FILE RailsERD::Config.send :const_set, :USER_WIDE_CONFIG_FILE, File.expand_path("../../examples/erdconfig.not_exists", __FILE__) RailsERD::Config.send :remove_const, :CURRENT_CONFIG_FILE RailsERD::Config.send :const_set, :CURRENT_CONFIG_FILE, File.expand_path("../../examples/erdconfig.not_exists", __FILE__) RailsERD.options = RailsERD.default_options.merge(Config.load) end def name_to_object_symbol_pairs(name) parts = name.to_s.split('::') return [] if parts.first == '' || parts.count == 0 parts[1..-1].inject([[Object, parts.first.to_sym]]) do |pairs,string| last_parent, last_child = pairs.last # Fixes for Rails 6. No idea if this is actually correct as I can't decipher what the heck is going on in this # code. if last_child == :ActiveRecord || last_child == :primary break [] end break pairs unless last_parent.const_defined?(last_child) next_parent = last_parent.const_get(last_child) next_child = string.to_sym pairs << [next_parent, next_child] end end def remove_fully_qualified_constant(name) pairs = name_to_object_symbol_pairs(name) pairs.reverse.each do |parent, child| parent.send(:remove_const,child) if parent.const_defined?(child) end end def reset_domain if defined? ActiveRecord ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.each do |model| next if == "ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata" model.reset_column_information remove_fully_qualified_constant( end tables_and_views.each do |table| ActiveRecord::Base.connection.drop_table table end if ActiveRecord.version >="6.0.0.rc1") cv = ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker.class_variable_get(:@@direct_descendants) cv.delete(ActiveRecord::Base) ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker.class_variable_set(:@@direct_descendants, cv) else ActiveRecord::Base.direct_descendants.clear end ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Reference.clear! ActiveRecord::Base.clear_cache! end end def tables_and_views if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR >= 5 ActiveRecord::Base.connection.data_sources else ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables end end end