/*! * Stickyfill – `position: sticky` polyfill * v. 2.0.5 | https://github.com/wilddeer/stickyfill * MIT License */ ;(function(window, document) { 'use strict'; /* * 1. Check if the browser supports `position: sticky` natively or is too old to run the polyfill. * If either of these is the case set `seppuku` flag. It will be checked later to disable key features * of the polyfill, but the API will remain functional to avoid breaking things. */ var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } var seppuku = false; // The polyfill cant’t function properly without `getComputedStyle`. if (!window.getComputedStyle) seppuku = true; // Dont’t get in a way if the browser supports `position: sticky` natively. else { var testNode = document.createElement('div'); if (['', '-webkit-', '-moz-', '-ms-'].some(function (prefix) { try { testNode.style.position = prefix + 'sticky'; } catch (e) {} return testNode.style.position != ''; })) seppuku = true; } /* * 2. “Global” vars used across the polyfill */ // Check if Shadow Root constructor exists to make further checks simpler var shadowRootExists = typeof ShadowRoot !== 'undefined'; // Last saved scroll position var scroll = { top: null, left: null }; // Array of created Sticky instances var stickies = []; /* * 3. Utility functions */ function extend(targetObj, sourceObject) { for (var key in sourceObject) { if (sourceObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) { targetObj[key] = sourceObject[key]; } } } function parseNumeric(val) { return parseFloat(val) || 0; } function getDocOffsetTop(node) { var docOffsetTop = 0; while (node) { docOffsetTop += node.offsetTop; node = node.offsetParent; } return docOffsetTop; } /* * 4. Sticky class */ var Sticky = function () { function Sticky(node) { _classCallCheck(this, Sticky); if (!(node instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new Error('First argument must be HTMLElement'); if (stickies.some(function (sticky) { return sticky._node === node; })) throw new Error('Stickyfill is already applied to this node'); this._node = node; this._stickyMode = null; this._active = false; stickies.push(this); this.refresh(); } _createClass(Sticky, [{ key: 'refresh', value: function refresh() { if (seppuku || this._removed) return; if (this._active) this._deactivate(); var node = this._node; /* * 1. Save node computed props */ var nodeComputedStyle = getComputedStyle(node); var nodeComputedProps = { top: nodeComputedStyle.top, display: nodeComputedStyle.display, marginTop: nodeComputedStyle.marginTop, marginBottom: nodeComputedStyle.marginBottom, marginLeft: nodeComputedStyle.marginLeft, marginRight: nodeComputedStyle.marginRight, cssFloat: nodeComputedStyle.cssFloat }; /* * 2. Check if the node can be activated */ if (isNaN(parseFloat(nodeComputedProps.top)) || nodeComputedProps.display == 'table-cell' || nodeComputedProps.display == 'none') return; this._active = true; /* * 3. Get necessary node parameters */ var referenceNode = node.parentNode; var parentNode = shadowRootExists && referenceNode instanceof ShadowRoot ? referenceNode.host : referenceNode; var nodeWinOffset = node.getBoundingClientRect(); var parentWinOffset = parentNode.getBoundingClientRect(); var parentComputedStyle = getComputedStyle(parentNode); this._parent = { node: parentNode, styles: { position: parentNode.style.position }, offsetHeight: parentNode.offsetHeight }; this._offsetToWindow = { left: nodeWinOffset.left, right: document.documentElement.clientWidth - nodeWinOffset.right }; this._offsetToParent = { top: nodeWinOffset.top - parentWinOffset.top - parseNumeric(parentComputedStyle.borderTopWidth), left: nodeWinOffset.left - parentWinOffset.left - parseNumeric(parentComputedStyle.borderLeftWidth), right: -nodeWinOffset.right + parentWinOffset.right - parseNumeric(parentComputedStyle.borderRightWidth) }; this._styles = { position: node.style.position, top: node.style.top, bottom: node.style.bottom, left: node.style.left, right: node.style.right, width: node.style.width, marginTop: node.style.marginTop, marginLeft: node.style.marginLeft, marginRight: node.style.marginRight }; var nodeTopValue = parseNumeric(nodeComputedProps.top); this._limits = { start: nodeWinOffset.top + window.pageYOffset - nodeTopValue, end: parentWinOffset.top + window.pageYOffset + parentNode.offsetHeight - parseNumeric(parentComputedStyle.borderBottomWidth) - node.offsetHeight - nodeTopValue - parseNumeric(nodeComputedProps.marginBottom) }; /* * 4. Ensure that the node will be positioned relatively to the parent node */ var parentPosition = parentComputedStyle.position; if (parentPosition != 'absolute' && parentPosition != 'relative') { parentNode.style.position = 'relative'; } /* * 5. Recalc node position. * It’s important to do this before clone injection to avoid scrolling bug in Chrome. */ this._recalcPosition(); /* * 6. Create a clone */ var clone = this._clone = {}; clone.node = document.createElement('div'); // Apply styles to the clone extend(clone.node.style, { width: nodeWinOffset.right - nodeWinOffset.left + 'px', height: nodeWinOffset.bottom - nodeWinOffset.top + 'px', marginTop: nodeComputedProps.marginTop, marginBottom: nodeComputedProps.marginBottom, marginLeft: nodeComputedProps.marginLeft, marginRight: nodeComputedProps.marginRight, cssFloat: nodeComputedProps.cssFloat, padding: 0, border: 0, borderSpacing: 0, fontSize: '1em', position: 'static' }); referenceNode.insertBefore(clone.node, node); clone.docOffsetTop = getDocOffsetTop(clone.node); } }, { key: '_recalcPosition', value: function _recalcPosition() { if (!this._active || this._removed) return; var stickyMode = scroll.top <= this._limits.start ? 'start' : scroll.top >= this._limits.end ? 'end' : 'middle'; if (this._stickyMode == stickyMode) return; switch (stickyMode) { case 'start': extend(this._node.style, { position: 'absolute', left: this._offsetToParent.left + 'px', right: this._offsetToParent.right + 'px', top: this._offsetToParent.top + 'px', bottom: 'auto', width: 'auto', marginLeft: 0, marginRight: 0, marginTop: 0 }); break; case 'middle': extend(this._node.style, { position: 'fixed', left: this._offsetToWindow.left + 'px', right: this._offsetToWindow.right + 'px', top: this._styles.top, bottom: 'auto', width: 'auto', marginLeft: 0, marginRight: 0, marginTop: 0 }); break; case 'end': extend(this._node.style, { position: 'absolute', left: this._offsetToParent.left + 'px', right: this._offsetToParent.right + 'px', top: 'auto', bottom: 0, width: 'auto', marginLeft: 0, marginRight: 0 }); break; } this._stickyMode = stickyMode; } }, { key: '_fastCheck', value: function _fastCheck() { if (!this._active || this._removed) return; if (Math.abs(getDocOffsetTop(this._clone.node) - this._clone.docOffsetTop) > 1 || Math.abs(this._parent.node.offsetHeight - this._parent.offsetHeight) > 1) this.refresh(); } }, { key: '_deactivate', value: function _deactivate() { var _this = this; if (!this._active || this._removed) return; this._clone.node.parentNode.removeChild(this._clone.node); delete this._clone; extend(this._node.style, this._styles); delete this._styles; // Check whether element’s parent node is used by other stickies. // If not, restore parent node’s styles. if (!stickies.some(function (sticky) { return sticky !== _this && sticky._parent && sticky._parent.node === _this._parent.node; })) { extend(this._parent.node.style, this._parent.styles); } delete this._parent; this._stickyMode = null; this._active = false; delete this._offsetToWindow; delete this._offsetToParent; delete this._limits; } }, { key: 'remove', value: function remove() { var _this2 = this; this._deactivate(); stickies.some(function (sticky, index) { if (sticky._node === _this2._node) { stickies.splice(index, 1); return true; } }); this._removed = true; } }]); return Sticky; }(); /* * 5. Stickyfill API */ var Stickyfill = { stickies: stickies, Sticky: Sticky, addOne: function addOne(node) { // Check whether it’s a node if (!(node instanceof HTMLElement)) { // Maybe it’s a node list of some sort? // Take first node from the list then if (node.length && node[0]) node = node[0];else return; } // Check if Stickyfill is already applied to the node // and return existing sticky for (var i = 0; i < stickies.length; i++) { if (stickies[i]._node === node) return stickies[i]; } // Create and return new sticky return new Sticky(node); }, add: function add(nodeList) { // If it’s a node make an array of one node if (nodeList instanceof HTMLElement) nodeList = [nodeList]; // Check if the argument is an iterable of some sort if (!nodeList.length) return; // Add every element as a sticky and return an array of created Sticky instances var addedStickies = []; var _loop = function _loop(i) { var node = nodeList[i]; // If it’s not an HTMLElement – create an empty element to preserve 1-to-1 // correlation with input list if (!(node instanceof HTMLElement)) { addedStickies.push(void 0); return 'continue'; } // If Stickyfill is already applied to the node // add existing sticky if (stickies.some(function (sticky) { if (sticky._node === node) { addedStickies.push(sticky); return true; } })) return 'continue'; // Create and add new sticky addedStickies.push(new Sticky(node)); }; for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) { var _ret = _loop(i); if (_ret === 'continue') continue; } return addedStickies; }, refreshAll: function refreshAll() { stickies.forEach(function (sticky) { return sticky.refresh(); }); }, removeOne: function removeOne(node) { // Check whether it’s a node if (!(node instanceof HTMLElement)) { // Maybe it’s a node list of some sort? // Take first node from the list then if (node.length && node[0]) node = node[0];else return; } // Remove the stickies bound to the nodes in the list stickies.some(function (sticky) { if (sticky._node === node) { sticky.remove(); return true; } }); }, remove: function remove(nodeList) { // If it’s a node make an array of one node if (nodeList instanceof HTMLElement) nodeList = [nodeList]; // Check if the argument is an iterable of some sort if (!nodeList.length) return; // Remove the stickies bound to the nodes in the list var _loop2 = function _loop2(i) { var node = nodeList[i]; stickies.some(function (sticky) { if (sticky._node === node) { sticky.remove(); return true; } }); }; for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) { _loop2(i); } }, removeAll: function removeAll() { while (stickies.length) { stickies[0].remove(); } } }; /* * 6. Setup events (unless the polyfill was disabled) */ function init() { // Watch for scroll position changes and trigger recalc/refresh if needed function checkScroll() { if (window.pageXOffset != scroll.left) { scroll.top = window.pageYOffset; scroll.left = window.pageXOffset; Stickyfill.refreshAll(); } else if (window.pageYOffset != scroll.top) { scroll.top = window.pageYOffset; scroll.left = window.pageXOffset; // recalc position for all stickies stickies.forEach(function (sticky) { return sticky._recalcPosition(); }); } } checkScroll(); window.addEventListener('scroll', checkScroll); // Watch for window resizes and device orientation changes and trigger refresh window.addEventListener('resize', Stickyfill.refreshAll); window.addEventListener('orientationchange', Stickyfill.refreshAll); //Fast dirty check for layout changes every 500ms var fastCheckTimer = void 0; function startFastCheckTimer() { fastCheckTimer = setInterval(function () { stickies.forEach(function (sticky) { return sticky._fastCheck(); }); }, 500); } function stopFastCheckTimer() { clearInterval(fastCheckTimer); } var docHiddenKey = void 0; var visibilityChangeEventName = void 0; if ('hidden' in document) { docHiddenKey = 'hidden'; visibilityChangeEventName = 'visibilitychange'; } else if ('webkitHidden' in document) { docHiddenKey = 'webkitHidden'; visibilityChangeEventName = 'webkitvisibilitychange'; } if (visibilityChangeEventName) { if (!document[docHiddenKey]) startFastCheckTimer(); document.addEventListener(visibilityChangeEventName, function () { if (document[docHiddenKey]) { stopFastCheckTimer(); } else { startFastCheckTimer(); } }); } else startFastCheckTimer(); } if (!seppuku) init(); /* * 7. Expose Stickyfill */ if (typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports = Stickyfill; } else { window.Stickyfill = Stickyfill; } })(window, document);