// Copyright 2008 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. goog.provide('goog.editor.plugins.EquationEditorPlugin'); goog.require('goog.dom'); goog.require('goog.editor.Command'); goog.require('goog.editor.plugins.AbstractDialogPlugin'); goog.require('goog.editor.range'); goog.require('goog.events'); goog.require('goog.events.EventType'); goog.require('goog.functions'); goog.require('goog.log'); goog.require('goog.ui.editor.AbstractDialog'); goog.require('goog.ui.editor.EquationEditorDialog'); goog.require('goog.ui.equation.ImageRenderer'); goog.require('goog.ui.equation.PaletteManager'); /** * A plugin that opens the equation editor in a dialog window. * @param {string=} opt_helpUrl A URL pointing to help documentation. * @constructor * @extends {goog.editor.plugins.AbstractDialogPlugin} */ goog.editor.plugins.EquationEditorPlugin = function(opt_helpUrl) { /** * The IMG element for the equation being edited, null if creating a new * equation. * @type {Element} * @private */ this.originalElement_; /** * A URL pointing to help documentation. * @type {string} * @private */ this.helpUrl_ = opt_helpUrl || ''; /** * The listener key for double click events. * @type {goog.events.Key} * @private */ this.dblClickKey_; goog.editor.plugins.AbstractDialogPlugin.call(this, goog.editor.Command.EQUATION); }; goog.inherits(goog.editor.plugins.EquationEditorPlugin, goog.editor.plugins.AbstractDialogPlugin); /** * The logger for the EquationEditorPlugin. * @type {goog.log.Logger} * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.EquationEditorPlugin.prototype.logger_ = goog.log.getLogger('goog.editor.plugins.EquationEditorPlugin'); /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.EquationEditorPlugin.prototype.getTrogClassId = goog.functions.constant('EquationEditorPlugin'); /** * @override */ goog.editor.plugins.EquationEditorPlugin.prototype.createDialog = function(dom, opt_arg) { var equationImgEl = /** @type {Element} */ (opt_arg || null); var equationStr = equationImgEl ? goog.ui.equation.ImageRenderer.getEquationFromImage(equationImgEl) : ''; this.originalElement_ = equationImgEl; var dialog = new goog.ui.editor.EquationEditorDialog( this.populateContext_(dom), dom, equationStr, this.helpUrl_); dialog.addEventListener(goog.ui.editor.AbstractDialog.EventType.OK, this.handleOk_, false, this); return dialog; }; /** * Populates the context that this plugin runs in. * @param {!goog.dom.DomHelper} domHelper The dom helper to be used for the * palette manager. * @return {Object} The context that this plugin runs in. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.EquationEditorPlugin.prototype.populateContext_ = function(domHelper) { var context = {}; context.paletteManager = new goog.ui.equation.PaletteManager(domHelper); return context; }; /** * Returns the selected text in the editable field for using as initial * equation string for the equation editor. * * TODO(user): Sanity check the selected text and return it only if it * reassembles a TeX equation and is not too long. * * @return {string} Selected text in the editable field for using it as * initial equation string for the equation editor. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.EquationEditorPlugin.prototype.getEquationFromSelection_ = function() { var range = this.getFieldObject().getRange(); if (range) { return range.getText(); } return ''; }; /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.EquationEditorPlugin.prototype.enable = function(fieldObject) { goog.base(this, 'enable', fieldObject); if (this.isEnabled(fieldObject)) { this.dblClickKey_ = goog.events.listen(fieldObject.getElement(), goog.events.EventType.DBLCLICK, goog.bind(this.handleDoubleClick_, this), false, this); } }; /** @override */ goog.editor.plugins.EquationEditorPlugin.prototype.disable = function(fieldObject) { goog.base(this, 'disable', fieldObject); if (!this.isEnabled(fieldObject)) { goog.events.unlistenByKey(this.dblClickKey_); } }; /** * Handles double clicks in the field area. * @param {goog.events.Event} e The event. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.EquationEditorPlugin.prototype.handleDoubleClick_ = function(e) { var node = /** @type {Node} */ (e.target); this.execCommand(goog.editor.Command.EQUATION, node); }; /** * Called when user clicks OK. Inserts the equation at cursor position in the * active editable field. * @param {goog.ui.editor.EquationEditorOkEvent} e The OK event. * @private */ goog.editor.plugins.EquationEditorPlugin.prototype.handleOk_ = function(e) { // First restore the selection so we can manipulate the editable field's // content according to what was selected. this.restoreOriginalSelection(); // Notify listeners that the editable field's contents are about to change. this.getFieldObject().dispatchBeforeChange(); var dh = this.getFieldDomHelper(); var node = dh.htmlToDocumentFragment(e.equationHtml); if (this.originalElement_) { // Editing existing equation: replace the old equation node with the new // one. goog.dom.replaceNode(node, this.originalElement_); } else { // Clear out what was previously selected, unless selection is already // empty (aka collapsed), and replace it with the new equation node. // TODO(user): there is a bug in FF where removeContents() may remove a //
right before and/or after the selection. Currently this is fixed // only for case of collapsed selection where we simply avoid calling // removeContants(). var range = this.getFieldObject().getRange(); if (!range.isCollapsed()) { range.removeContents(); } node = range.insertNode(node, false); } // Place the cursor to the right of the // equation image. goog.editor.range.placeCursorNextTo(node, false); this.getFieldObject().dispatchChange(); };