{:versionI"3.2.19 (Media Mark):EF:shaI"-be7ef65392e42ebd84b221f6b7944c9b87846c4a;F:
:@children[	o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode
  Place all the styles related to the matching controller here.
  They will automatically be included in application.css.
@options{�o:Sass::Tree::RuleNode:
@rule[I"%.sub-graph .title, .metric-title;	T:
@name[I"sub-graph;	T;i:@filenameI"�;	T:
@hash{�;i;@o;
title;	T;i;@;0;o;;{�;i;@o;;[o;
;[o;;[I"metric-title;	T;i;@;0;o;;{�;i;@;i;@;[o:Sass::Tree::PropNode;[I"text-align;	T;o:Sass::Script::String;I"center;	T;
@;i�:@prop_syntax:new;[�;i
@o;;[I"font-size;	T;o;;I"	14px;	T;
@;i�; ;!;[�;i;
@o;;[I"font-weight;	T;o;;I"	bold;	T;
@;i�; ;!;[�;i;
@;i:@has_childrenT;
@o;;[I".graph-line;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;;[I"graph-line;	T;i;I"�;	T;0;o;;{�;i;@J;i;@J;[o;;[I".form-group > label;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;;[I"form-group;	T;i;I"�;	T;0;o;;{�;i;@ZI">;	To;
;[o:Sass::Selector::Element	;[I"
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@;i�; ;!;[�;i;
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@o;;[I".form-group > input;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;;[I"form-group;	T;i;I"�;	T;0;o;;{�;i;@xI">;	To;
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@;i;"T;
@o;;[I" .prosperity-dashboards-show;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;;[I"prosperity-dashboards-show;	T;i;I"�;	T;0;o;;{�;i;@�;i;@�;[o;;[I"#.graph-title, .graph-edit-link;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;;[I"graph-title;	T;i;I"�;	T;0;o;;{�;i;@�o;;[o;
;[o;;[I"graph-edit-link;	T;i;@�;0;o;;{�;i;@�;i;@�;[o;;[I"display;	T;o;;I"inline;	T;
@;i�; ;!;[�;i;
@;i;"T;
@;i;"T;
  Place all the styles related to the matching controller here.
  They will automatically be included in application.css.

.sub-graph .title, .metric-title {
  text-align: center;
  font-size: 14px;
  font-weight: bold;

.graph-line {
  .form-group > label {
    float: left;
  .form-group > input {
    float: left;

.prosperity-dashboards-show {
  .graph-title, .graph-edit-link {
    display: inline;
;	T;i;"T;