# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc:
  module Billing #:nodoc:
    # ==== Customer Information Manager (CIM)
    # The Authorize.Net Customer Information Manager (CIM) is an optional additional service that allows you to store sensitive payment information on
    # Authorize.Net's servers, simplifying payments for returning customers and recurring transactions. It can also help with Payment Card Industry (PCI)
    # Data Security Standard compliance, since customer data is no longer stored locally.
    # To use the AuthorizeNetCimGateway CIM must be enabled for your account.
    # Information about CIM is available on the {Authorize.Net website}[http://www.authorize.net/solutions/merchantsolutions/merchantservices/cim/].
    # Information about the CIM API is available at the {Authorize.Net Integration Center}[http://developer.authorize.net/]
    # ==== Login and Password
    # The login and password are not the username and password you use to
    # login to the Authorize.Net Merchant Interface. Instead, you will
    # use the API Login ID as the login and Transaction Key as the
    # password.
    # ==== How to Get Your API Login ID and Transaction Key
    # 1. Log into the Merchant Interface
    # 2. Select Settings from the Main Menu
    # 3. Click on API Login ID and Transaction Key in the Security section
    # 4. Type in the answer to the secret question configured on setup
    # 5. Click Submit
    class AuthorizeNetCimGateway < Gateway
      self.test_url = 'https://apitest.authorize.net/xml/v1/request.api'
      self.live_url = 'https://api.authorize.net/xml/v1/request.api'

      AUTHORIZE_NET_CIM_NAMESPACE = 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd'

      CIM_ACTIONS = {
        :create_customer_profile => 'createCustomerProfile',
        :create_customer_payment_profile => 'createCustomerPaymentProfile',
        :create_customer_shipping_address => 'createCustomerShippingAddress',
        :get_customer_profile => 'getCustomerProfile',
        :get_customer_profile_ids => 'getCustomerProfileIds',
        :get_customer_payment_profile => 'getCustomerPaymentProfile',
        :get_customer_shipping_address => 'getCustomerShippingAddress',
        :delete_customer_profile => 'deleteCustomerProfile',
        :delete_customer_payment_profile => 'deleteCustomerPaymentProfile',
        :delete_customer_shipping_address => 'deleteCustomerShippingAddress',
        :update_customer_profile => 'updateCustomerProfile',
        :update_customer_payment_profile => 'updateCustomerPaymentProfile',
        :update_customer_shipping_address => 'updateCustomerShippingAddress',
        :create_customer_profile_transaction => 'createCustomerProfileTransaction',
        :validate_customer_payment_profile => 'validateCustomerPaymentProfile'

        :auth_capture => 'profileTransAuthCapture',
        :auth_only => 'profileTransAuthOnly',
        :capture_only => 'profileTransCaptureOnly',
        :prior_auth_capture => 'profileTransPriorAuthCapture',
        :refund => 'profileTransRefund',
        :void => 'profileTransVoid'

        :none => 'none',
        :test => 'testMode',
        :live => 'liveMode',
        :old => 'oldLiveMode'

        :checking => 'checking',
        :savings => 'savings',
        :business_checking => 'businessChecking'

      ECHECK_TYPES = {
        :ccd => 'CCD',
        :ppd => 'PPD',
        :web => 'WEB'

      self.homepage_url = 'http://www.authorize.net/'
      self.display_name = 'Authorize.Net CIM'
      self.supported_countries = ['US']
      self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master, :american_express, :discover]

      # Creates a new AuthorizeNetCimGateway
      # The gateway requires that a valid API Login ID and Transaction Key be passed
      # in the +options+ hash.
      # ==== Options
      # * <tt>:login</tt> -- The Authorize.Net API Login ID (REQUIRED)
      # * <tt>:password</tt> -- The Authorize.Net Transaction Key. (REQUIRED)
      # * <tt>:test</tt> -- +true+ or +false+. If true, perform transactions against the test server.
      #   Otherwise, perform transactions against the production server.
      # * <tt>:test_requests</tt> -- +true+ or +false+. If true, perform transactions without the
      #   test flag. This is useful when you need to generate card declines, AVS or CVV errors.
      #   Will hold the same value as :test by default.
      # * <tt>:delimiter</tt> -- The delimiter used in the direct response.  Default is ',' (comma).
      def initialize(options = {})
        requires!(options, :login, :password)
        @options[:test_requests] = test? if @options[:test_requests].nil?

      # Creates a new customer profile along with any customer payment profiles and customer shipping addresses
      # for the customer profile.
      # Returns a Response with the Customer Profile ID of the new customer profile in the authorization field.
      # It is *CRITICAL* that you save this ID. There is no way to retrieve this through the API. You will not
      # be able to create another Customer Profile with the same information.
      # ==== Options
      # * <tt>:profile</tt> -- A hash containing at least one of the CONDITIONAL profile options below (REQUIRED)
      # ==== Profile
      # * <tt>:email</tt> -- Email address associated with the customer profile (CONDITIONAL)
      # * <tt>:description</tt> -- Description of the customer or customer profile (CONDITIONAL)
      # * <tt>:merchant_customer_id</tt> -- Merchant assigned ID for the customer (CONDITIONAL)
      # * <tt>:payment_profile</tt> -- A hash containing the elements of the new payment profile (optional)
      # ==== Payment Profile
      # * <tt>:payment</tt> -- A hash containing information on payment. Either :credit_card or :bank_account (optional)
      def create_customer_profile(options)
        requires!(options, :profile)
        requires!(options[:profile], :email) unless options[:profile][:merchant_customer_id] || options[:profile][:description]
        requires!(options[:profile], :description) unless options[:profile][:email] || options[:profile][:merchant_customer_id]
        requires!(options[:profile], :merchant_customer_id) unless options[:profile][:description] || options[:profile][:email]

        request = build_request(:create_customer_profile, options)
        commit(:create_customer_profile, request)

      # Creates a new customer payment profile for an existing customer profile.
      # ==== Options
      # * <tt>:customer_profile_id</tt> -- The Customer Profile ID of the customer the payment profile will be added to. (REQUIRED)
      # * <tt>:payment_profile</tt> -- A hash containing the elements of the new payment profile (REQUIRED)
      # ==== Payment Profile
      # * <tt>:payment</tt> -- A hash containing information on payment. Either :credit_card or :bank_account (REQUIRED)
      def create_customer_payment_profile(options)
        requires!(options, :customer_profile_id)
        requires!(options, :payment_profile)
        requires!(options[:payment_profile], :payment)

        request = build_request(:create_customer_payment_profile, options)
        commit(:create_customer_payment_profile, request)

      # Creates a new customer shipping address for an existing customer profile.
      # ==== Options
      # * <tt>:customer_profile_id</tt> -- The Customer Profile ID of the customer the payment profile will be added to. (REQUIRED)
      # * <tt>:address</tt> -- A hash containing the elements of the shipping address (REQUIRED)
      def create_customer_shipping_address(options)
        requires!(options, :customer_profile_id)
        requires!(options, :address)

        request = build_request(:create_customer_shipping_address, options)
        commit(:create_customer_shipping_address, request)

      # Deletes an existing customer profile along with all associated customer payment profiles and customer shipping addresses.
      # ==== Options
      # * <tt>:customer_profile_id</tt> -- The Customer Profile ID of the customer to be deleted. (REQUIRED)
      def delete_customer_profile(options)
        requires!(options, :customer_profile_id)

        request = build_request(:delete_customer_profile, options)
        commit(:delete_customer_profile, request)

      # Deletes a customer payment profile from an existing customer profile.
      # ==== Options
      # * <tt>:customer_profile_id</tt> -- The Customer Profile ID of the customer with the payment profile to be deleted. (REQUIRED)
      # * <tt>:customer_payment_profile_id</tt> -- The Payment Profile ID of the payment profile to be deleted. (REQUIRED)
      def delete_customer_payment_profile(options)
        requires!(options, :customer_profile_id)
        requires!(options, :customer_payment_profile_id)

        request = build_request(:delete_customer_payment_profile, options)
        commit(:delete_customer_payment_profile, request)

      # Deletes a customer shipping address from an existing customer profile.
      # ==== Options
      # * <tt>:customer_profile_id</tt> -- The Customer Profile ID of the customer with the payment profile to be deleted. (REQUIRED)
      # * <tt>:customer_address_id</tt> -- The Shipping Address ID of the shipping address to be deleted. (REQUIRED)
      def delete_customer_shipping_address(options)
        requires!(options, :customer_profile_id)
        requires!(options, :customer_address_id)

        request = build_request(:delete_customer_shipping_address, options)
        commit(:delete_customer_shipping_address, request)

      # Retrieves an existing customer profile along with all the associated customer payment profiles and customer shipping addresses.
      # Returns a Response whose params hash contains all the profile information.
      # ==== Options
      # * <tt>:customer_profile_id</tt> -- The Customer Profile ID of the customer to retrieve. (REQUIRED)
      def get_customer_profile(options)
        requires!(options, :customer_profile_id)

        request = build_request(:get_customer_profile, options)
        commit(:get_customer_profile, request)

      def get_customer_profile_ids(options = {})
        request = build_request(:get_customer_profile_ids, options)
        commit(:get_customer_profile_ids, request)

      # Retrieve a customer payment profile for an existing customer profile.
      # Returns a Response whose params hash contains all the payment profile information. Sensitive information such as credit card
      # numbers will be masked.
      # ==== Options
      # * <tt>:customer_profile_id</tt> -- The Customer Profile ID of the customer with the payment profile to be retrieved. (REQUIRED)
      # * <tt>:customer_payment_profile_id</tt> -- The Payment Profile ID of the payment profile to be retrieved. (REQUIRED)
      def get_customer_payment_profile(options)
        requires!(options, :customer_profile_id)
        requires!(options, :customer_payment_profile_id)

        request = build_request(:get_customer_payment_profile, options)
        commit(:get_customer_payment_profile, request)

      # Retrieve a customer shipping address for an existing customer profile.
      # Returns a Response whose params hash contains all the shipping address information.
      # ==== Options
      # * <tt>:customer_profile_id</tt> -- The Customer Profile ID of the customer with the payment profile to be retrieved. (REQUIRED)
      # * <tt>:customer_address_id</tt> -- The Shipping Address ID of the shipping address to be retrieved. (REQUIRED)
      def get_customer_shipping_address(options)
        requires!(options, :customer_profile_id)
        requires!(options, :customer_address_id)

        request = build_request(:get_customer_shipping_address, options)
        commit(:get_customer_shipping_address, request)

      # Updates an existing customer profile.
      # Warning: if you do not provide a parameter in the <tt>:payment_profile</tt> hash, it is automatically set to nil at
      # Authorize.Net. You will most likely want to first get the profile hash using get_customer_profile and then only change the
      # elements you wish to change.
      # ==== Options
      # * <tt>:profile</tt> -- A hash containing the values the Customer Profile should be updated to. (REQUIRED)
      # ==== Profile
      # * <tt>:customer_profile_id</tt> -- The Customer Profile ID of the customer profile to update. (REQUIRED)
      def update_customer_profile(options)
        requires!(options, :profile)
        requires!(options[:profile], :customer_profile_id)

        request = build_request(:update_customer_profile, options)
        commit(:update_customer_profile, request)

      # Updates a customer payment profile for an existing customer profile.
      # Warning: if you do not provide a parameter in the <tt>:payment_profile</tt> hash, it is automatically set to nil at
      # Authorize.Net. You will most likely want to first get the profile hash using get_customer_payment_profile and then only
      # change the elements you wish to change.
      # ==== Options
      # * <tt>:customer_profile_id</tt> -- The Customer Profile ID of the customer with the payment profile to be updated. (REQUIRED)
      # * <tt>:payment_profile</tt> -- A hash containing the values the Customer Payment Profile should be updated to. (REQUIRED)
      # ==== Payment Profile
      # * <tt>:customer_payment_profile_id</tt> -- The Customer Payment Profile ID of the Customer Payment Profile to update. (REQUIRED)
      def update_customer_payment_profile(options)
        requires!(options, :customer_profile_id, :payment_profile)
        requires!(options[:payment_profile], :customer_payment_profile_id)

        request = build_request(:update_customer_payment_profile, options)
        commit(:update_customer_payment_profile, request)

      # Updates a customer shipping address for an existing customer profile.
      # Warning: if you do not provide a parameter in the <tt>:address</tt> hash, it is automatically set to nil at
      # Authorize.Net. You will most likely want to first get the profile hash using get_customer_shipping_address and then only
      # change the elements you wish to change.
      # ==== Options
      # * <tt>:customer_profile_id</tt> -- The Customer Profile ID of the customer with the payment profile to be updated. (REQUIRED)
      # * <tt>:address</tt> -- A hash containing the values the Customer Shipping Address should be updated to. (REQUIRED)
      # ==== Address
      # * <tt>:customer_address_id</tt> -- The Customer Address ID of the Customer Payment Profile to update. (REQUIRED)
      def update_customer_shipping_address(options)
        requires!(options, :customer_profile_id, :address)
        requires!(options[:address], :customer_address_id)

        request = build_request(:update_customer_shipping_address, options)
        commit(:update_customer_shipping_address, request)

      # Creates a new payment transaction from an existing customer profile
      # This is what is used to charge a customer whose information you have stored in a Customer Profile.
      # Returns a Response object that contains the result of the transaction in <tt>params['direct_response']</tt>
      # ==== Options
      # * <tt>:transaction</tt> -- A hash containing information on the transaction that is being requested. (REQUIRED)
      # ==== Transaction
      # * <tt>:type</tt> -- The type of transaction. Can be either <tt>:auth_only</tt>, <tt>:capture_only</tt>, <tt>:auth_capture</tt>, <tt>:prior_auth_capture</tt>, <tt>:refund</tt> or <tt>:void</tt>. (REQUIRED)
      # * <tt>:amount</tt> -- The amount for the transaction. Formatted with a decimal. For example "4.95" (CONDITIONAL)
      #     - :type == :void (NOT USED)
      #     - :type == :refund (OPTIONAL)
      #     - :type == (:auth_only, :capture_only, :auth_capture, :prior_auth_capture) (REQUIRED)
      # * <tt>:customer_profile_id</tt> -- The Customer Profile ID of the customer to use in this transaction. (CONDITIONAL)
      #     - :type == (:void, :prior_auth_capture) (OPTIONAL)
      #     - :type == :refund (CONDITIONAL - required if masked information is not being submitted [see below])
      #     - :type == (:auth_only, :capture_only, :auth_capture) (REQUIRED)
      # * <tt>:customer_payment_profile_id</tt> -- The Customer Payment Profile ID of the Customer Payment Profile to use in this transaction. (CONDITIONAL)
      #     - :type == (:void, :prior_auth_capture) (OPTIONAL)
      #     - :type == :refund (CONDITIONAL - required if masked information is not being submitted [see below])
      #     - :type == (:auth_only, :capture_only, :auth_capture) (REQUIRED)
      # * <tt>:trans_id</tt> -- The payment gateway assigned transaction ID of the original transaction (CONDITIONAL):
      #     - :type = (:void, :refund, :prior_auth_capture) (REQUIRED)
      #     - :type = (:auth_only, :capture_only, :auth_capture) (NOT USED)
      # * <tt>:card_code</tt> -- CVV/CCV code (OPTIONAL)
      #     - :type = (:void, :refund, :prior_auth_capture) (NOT USED)
      #     - :type = (:auth_only, :capture_only, :auth_capture) (OPTIONAL)
      # * <tt>:customer_shipping_address_id</tt> -- Payment gateway assigned ID associated with the customer shipping address (CONDITIONAL)
      #     - :type = (:void, :refund) (OPTIONAL)
      #     - :type = (:auth_only, :capture_only, :auth_capture) (NOT USED)
      #     - :type = (:prior_auth_capture) (OPTIONAL)
      # ==== For :type == :refund only
      # * <tt>:credit_card_number_masked</tt> -- (CONDITIONAL - required for credit card refunds if :customer_profile_id AND :customer_payment_profile_id are missing)
      # * <tt>:bank_routing_number_masked && :bank_account_number_masked</tt> -- (CONDITIONAL - required for electronic check refunds if :customer_profile_id AND :customer_payment_profile_id are missing) (NOT ABLE TO TEST - I keep getting "ACH transactions are not accepted by this merchant." when trying to make a payment and, until that's possible I can't refund (wiseleyb@gmail.com))
      def create_customer_profile_transaction(options)
        requires!(options, :transaction)
        requires!(options[:transaction], :type)
        case options[:transaction][:type]
          when :void
            requires!(options[:transaction], :trans_id)
          when :refund
            requires!(options[:transaction], :trans_id) &&
                (options[:transaction][:customer_profile_id] && options[:transaction][:customer_payment_profile_id]) ||
                options[:transaction][:credit_card_number_masked] ||
                (options[:transaction][:bank_routing_number_masked] && options[:transaction][:bank_account_number_masked])
          when :prior_auth_capture
            requires!(options[:transaction], :amount, :trans_id)
            requires!(options[:transaction], :amount, :customer_profile_id, :customer_payment_profile_id)
        request = build_request(:create_customer_profile_transaction, options)
        commit(:create_customer_profile_transaction, request)

      # Creates a new payment transaction for refund from an existing customer profile
      # This is what is used to refund a transaction you have stored in a Customer Profile.
      # Returns a Response object that contains the result of the transaction in <tt>params['direct_response']</tt>
      # ==== Options
      # * <tt>:transaction</tt> -- A hash containing information on the transaction that is being requested. (REQUIRED)
      # ==== Transaction
      # * <tt>:amount</tt> -- The total amount to be refunded (REQUIRED)
      # * <tt>:customer_profile_id</tt> -- The Customer Profile ID of the customer to use in this transaction. (CONDITIONAL :customer_payment_profile_id must be included if used)
      # * <tt>:customer_payment_profile_id</tt> -- The Customer Payment Profile ID of the Customer Payment Profile to use in this transaction. (CONDITIONAL :customer_profile_id must be included if used)
      # * <tt>:credit_card_number_masked</tt> -- Four Xs followed by the last four digits of the credit card (CONDITIONAL - used if customer_profile_id and customer_payment_profile_id aren't given)
      # * <tt>:bank_routing_number_masked</tt> -- The last four digits of the routing number to be refunded (CONDITIONAL - must be used with :bank_account_number_masked)
      # * <tt>:bank_account_number_masked</tt> -- The last four digits of the bank account number to be refunded, Ex. XXXX1234 (CONDITIONAL - must be used with :bank_routing_number_masked)
      # * <tt>:tax</tt> - A hash containing tax information for the refund (OPTIONAL - <tt>:amount</tt>, <tt>:name</tt> (31 characters), <tt>:description</tt> (255 characters))
      # * <tt>:duty</tt> - A hash containing duty information for the refund (OPTIONAL - <tt>:amount</tt>, <tt>:name</tt> (31 characters), <tt>:description</tt> (255 characters))
      # * <tt>:shipping</tt> - A hash containing shipping information for the refund (OPTIONAL - <tt>:amount</tt>, <tt>:name</tt> (31 characters), <tt>:description</tt> (255 characters))
      def create_customer_profile_transaction_for_refund(options)
        requires!(options, :transaction)
        options[:transaction][:type] = :refund
        requires!(options[:transaction], :trans_id)
        requires!(options[:transaction], :amount)
        request = build_request(:create_customer_profile_transaction, options)
        commit(:create_customer_profile_transaction, request)

      # Creates a new payment transaction for void from an existing customer profile
      # This is what is used to void a transaction you have stored in a Customer Profile.
      # Returns a Response object that contains the result of the transaction in <tt>params['direct_response']</tt>
      # ==== Options
      # * <tt>:transaction</tt> -- A hash containing information on the transaction that is being requested. (REQUIRED)
      # ==== Transaction
      # * <tt>:trans_id</tt> -- The payment gateway assigned transaction id of the original transaction. (REQUIRED)
      # * <tt>:customer_profile_id</tt> -- The Customer Profile ID of the customer to use in this transaction.
      # * <tt>:customer_payment_profile_id</tt> -- The Customer Payment Profile ID of the Customer Payment Profile to use in this transaction.
      # * <tt>:customer_shipping_address_id</tt> -- Payment gateway assigned ID associated with the customer shipping address.
      def create_customer_profile_transaction_for_void(options)
        requires!(options, :transaction)
        options[:transaction][:type] = :void
        requires!(options[:transaction], :trans_id)
        request = build_request(:create_customer_profile_transaction, options)
        commit(:create_customer_profile_transaction, request)

      # Verifies an existing customer payment profile by generating a test transaction
      # Returns a Response object that contains the result of the transaction in <tt>params['direct_response']</tt>
      # ==== Options
      # * <tt>:customer_profile_id</tt> -- The Customer Profile ID of the customer to use in this transaction. (REQUIRED)
      # * <tt>:customer_payment_profile_id</tt> -- The Customer Payment Profile ID of the Customer Payment Profile to be verified. (REQUIRED)
      # * <tt>:customer_address_id</tt> -- The Customer Address ID of the Customer Shipping Address to be verified. (OPTIONAL)
      # * <tt>:card_code</tt> -- If the payment profile is a credit card, the CCV/CVV code to validate with (OPTIONAL)
      # * <tt>:validation_mode</tt> -- <tt>:live</tt> or <tt>:test</tt> In Test Mode, only field validation is performed. (REQUIRED
      #   In Live Mode, a transaction is generated and submitted to the processor with the amount of $0.01. If successful, the transaction is immediately voided. (REQUIRED)
      def validate_customer_payment_profile(options)
        requires!(options, :customer_profile_id, :customer_payment_profile_id, :validation_mode)

        request = build_request(:validate_customer_payment_profile, options)
        commit(:validate_customer_payment_profile, request)


      def expdate(credit_card)
        if credit_card.year.present? && credit_card.month.present?
          sprintf('%04d-%02d', credit_card.year, credit_card.month)

      def build_request(action, options = {})
        unless CIM_ACTIONS.include?(action)
          raise StandardError, "Invalid Customer Information Manager Action: #{action}"

        xml = Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:indent => 2)
        xml.instruct!(:xml, :version => '1.0', :encoding => 'utf-8')
        xml.tag!("#{CIM_ACTIONS[action]}Request", :xmlns => AUTHORIZE_NET_CIM_NAMESPACE) do
          # Merchant-assigned reference ID for the request
          xml.tag!('refId', options[:ref_id]) if options[:ref_id]
          # Order options
          add_order(xml, options[:order]) if options[:order]
          send("build_#{action}_request", xml, options)

      # Contains the merchant’s payment gateway account authentication information
      def add_merchant_authentication(xml)
        xml.tag!('merchantAuthentication') do
          xml.tag!('name', @options[:login])
          xml.tag!('transactionKey', @options[:password])

      def build_create_customer_profile_request(xml, options)
        add_profile(xml, options[:profile])

        xml.tag!('validationMode', CIM_VALIDATION_MODES[options[:validation_mode]]) if options[:validation_mode]

        if options.has_key?(:payment_profile)
          xml.tag!('paymentProfile') do
            add_payment_profile(xml, options[:payment_profile])


      def build_create_customer_payment_profile_request(xml, options)
        xml.tag!('customerProfileId', options[:customer_profile_id])

        xml.tag!('paymentProfile') do
          add_payment_profile(xml, options[:payment_profile])

        xml.tag!('validationMode', CIM_VALIDATION_MODES[options[:validation_mode]]) if options[:validation_mode]


      def build_create_customer_shipping_address_request(xml, options)
        xml.tag!('customerProfileId', options[:customer_profile_id])

        xml.tag!('address') do
          add_address(xml, options[:address])


      def build_delete_customer_profile_request(xml, options)
        xml.tag!('customerProfileId', options[:customer_profile_id])

      def build_delete_customer_payment_profile_request(xml, options)
        xml.tag!('customerProfileId', options[:customer_profile_id])
        xml.tag!('customerPaymentProfileId', options[:customer_payment_profile_id])

      def build_delete_customer_shipping_address_request(xml, options)
        xml.tag!('customerProfileId', options[:customer_profile_id])
        xml.tag!('customerAddressId', options[:customer_address_id])

      def build_get_customer_profile_request(xml, options)
        xml.tag!('customerProfileId', options[:customer_profile_id])

      def build_get_customer_profile_ids_request(xml, options)

      def build_get_customer_payment_profile_request(xml, options)
        xml.tag!('customerProfileId', options[:customer_profile_id])
        xml.tag!('customerPaymentProfileId', options[:customer_payment_profile_id])

      def build_get_customer_shipping_address_request(xml, options)
        xml.tag!('customerProfileId', options[:customer_profile_id])
        xml.tag!('customerAddressId', options[:customer_address_id])

      def build_update_customer_profile_request(xml, options)
        add_profile(xml, options[:profile], true)


      def build_update_customer_payment_profile_request(xml, options)
        xml.tag!('customerProfileId', options[:customer_profile_id])

        xml.tag!('paymentProfile') do
          add_payment_profile(xml, options[:payment_profile])

        xml.tag!('validationMode', CIM_VALIDATION_MODES[options[:validation_mode]]) if options[:validation_mode]


      def build_update_customer_shipping_address_request(xml, options)
        xml.tag!('customerProfileId', options[:customer_profile_id])

        xml.tag!('address') do
          add_address(xml, options[:address])


      def build_create_customer_profile_transaction_request(xml, options)
        options[:extra_options] ||= {}
        options[:extra_options].merge!('x_test_request' => 'TRUE') if @options[:test_requests]

        add_transaction(xml, options[:transaction])
        tag_unless_blank(xml, 'extraOptions', format_extra_options(options[:extra_options]))


      def build_validate_customer_payment_profile_request(xml, options)
        xml.tag!('customerProfileId', options[:customer_profile_id])
        xml.tag!('customerPaymentProfileId', options[:customer_payment_profile_id])
        xml.tag!('customerShippingAddressId', options[:customer_address_id]) if options[:customer_address_id]
        tag_unless_blank(xml, 'cardCode', options[:card_code])
        xml.tag!('validationMode', CIM_VALIDATION_MODES[options[:validation_mode]]) if options[:validation_mode]


      # :merchant_customer_id (Optional)
      # :description (Optional)
      # :email (Optional)
      # :payment_profiles (Optional)
      def add_profile(xml, profile, update = false)
        xml.tag!('profile') do
          # Merchant assigned ID for the customer. Up to 20 characters. (optional)
          xml.tag!('merchantCustomerId', profile[:merchant_customer_id]) if profile[:merchant_customer_id]
          # Description of the customer. Up to 255 Characters (optional)
          xml.tag!('description', profile[:description]) if profile[:description]
          # Email Address for the customer. Up to 255 Characters (optional)
          xml.tag!('email', profile[:email]) if profile[:email]

          if update
            xml.tag!('customerProfileId', profile[:customer_profile_id])
            add_payment_profiles(xml, profile[:payment_profiles]) if profile[:payment_profiles]
            add_ship_to_list(xml, profile[:ship_to_list]) if profile[:ship_to_list]

      def add_transaction(xml, transaction)
        unless CIM_TRANSACTION_TYPES.include?(transaction[:type])
          raise StandardError, "Invalid Customer Information Manager Transaction Type: #{transaction[:type]}"

        xml.tag!('transaction') do
          xml.tag!(CIM_TRANSACTION_TYPES[transaction[:type]]) do
            # The amount to be billed to the customer
            case transaction[:type]
              when :void
                tag_unless_blank(xml,'customerProfileId', transaction[:customer_profile_id])
                tag_unless_blank(xml,'customerPaymentProfileId', transaction[:customer_payment_profile_id])
                tag_unless_blank(xml,'customerShippingAddressId', transaction[:customer_shipping_address_id])
                xml.tag!('transId', transaction[:trans_id])
              when :refund
                #TODO - add lineItems field
                xml.tag!('amount', transaction[:amount])
                tag_unless_blank(xml, 'customerProfileId', transaction[:customer_profile_id])
                tag_unless_blank(xml, 'customerPaymentProfileId', transaction[:customer_payment_profile_id])
                tag_unless_blank(xml, 'customerShippingAddressId', transaction[:customer_shipping_address_id])
                tag_unless_blank(xml, 'creditCardNumberMasked', transaction[:credit_card_number_masked])
                tag_unless_blank(xml, 'bankRoutingNumberMasked', transaction[:bank_routing_number_masked])
                tag_unless_blank(xml, 'bankAccountNumberMasked', transaction[:bank_account_number_masked])
                xml.tag!('transId', transaction[:trans_id])
                add_tax(xml, transaction[:tax]) if transaction[:tax]
                add_duty(xml, transaction[:duty]) if transaction[:duty]
                add_shipping(xml, transaction[:shipping]) if transaction[:shipping]
              when :prior_auth_capture
                xml.tag!('amount', transaction[:amount])
                xml.tag!('transId', transaction[:trans_id])
                xml.tag!('amount', transaction[:amount])
                xml.tag!('customerProfileId', transaction[:customer_profile_id])
                xml.tag!('customerPaymentProfileId', transaction[:customer_payment_profile_id])
                xml.tag!('approvalCode', transaction[:approval_code]) if transaction[:type] == :capture_only
            add_order(xml, transaction[:order]) if transaction[:order].present?
            unless [:void,:refund,:prior_auth_capture].include?(transaction[:type])
              tag_unless_blank(xml, 'cardCode', transaction[:card_code])

      def add_tax(xml, tax)
        xml.tag!('tax') do
          xml.tag!('amount', tax[:amount]) if tax[:amount]
          xml.tag!('name', tax[:name]) if tax[:name]
          xml.tag!('description', tax[:description]) if tax[:description]

      def add_duty(xml, duty)
        xml.tag!('duty') do
          xml.tag!('amount', duty[:amount]) if duty[:amount]
          xml.tag!('name', duty[:name]) if duty[:name]
          xml.tag!('description', duty[:description]) if duty[:description]

      def add_shipping(xml, shipping)
        xml.tag!('shipping') do
          xml.tag!('amount', shipping[:amount]) if shipping[:amount]
          xml.tag!('name', shipping[:name]) if shipping[:name]
          xml.tag!('description', shipping[:description]) if shipping[:description]

      def add_order(xml, order)
        xml.tag!('order') do
          xml.tag!('invoiceNumber', order[:invoice_number]) if order[:invoice_number]
          xml.tag!('description', order[:description]) if order[:description]
          xml.tag!('purchaseOrderNumber', order[:purchase_order_number]) if order[:purchase_order_number]

      def add_payment_profiles(xml, payment_profiles)
        xml.tag!('paymentProfiles') do
          add_payment_profile(xml, payment_profiles)

      # :customer_type => 'individual or business', # Optional
      # :bill_to => @address,
      # :payment => @payment
      def add_payment_profile(xml, payment_profile)
        # 'individual' or 'business' (optional)
        xml.tag!('customerType', payment_profile[:customer_type]) if payment_profile[:customer_type]

        if payment_profile[:bill_to]
          xml.tag!('billTo') do
            add_address(xml, payment_profile[:bill_to])

        if payment_profile[:payment]
          xml.tag!('payment') do
            add_credit_card(xml, payment_profile[:payment][:credit_card]) if payment_profile[:payment].has_key?(:credit_card)
            add_bank_account(xml, payment_profile[:payment][:bank_account]) if payment_profile[:payment].has_key?(:bank_account)
            add_drivers_license(xml, payment_profile[:payment][:drivers_license]) if payment_profile[:payment].has_key?(:drivers_license)
            # This element is only required for Wells Fargo SecureSource eCheck.Net merchants
            # The customer's Social Security Number or Tax ID
            xml.tag!('taxId', payment_profile[:payment]) if payment_profile[:payment].has_key?(:tax_id)

        xml.tag!('customerPaymentProfileId', payment_profile[:customer_payment_profile_id]) if payment_profile[:customer_payment_profile_id]

      def add_ship_to_list(xml, ship_to_list)
        xml.tag!('shipToList') do
          add_address(xml, ship_to_list)

      def add_address(xml, address)
        xml.tag!('firstName', address[:first_name])
        xml.tag!('lastName', address[:last_name])
        xml.tag!('company', address[:company])
        xml.tag!('address', address[:address1]) if address[:address1]
        xml.tag!('address', address[:address]) if address[:address]
        xml.tag!('city', address[:city])
        xml.tag!('state', address[:state])
        xml.tag!('zip', address[:zip])
        xml.tag!('country', address[:country])
        xml.tag!('phoneNumber', address[:phone_number]) if address[:phone_number]
        xml.tag!('faxNumber', address[:fax_number]) if address[:fax_number]

        xml.tag!('customerAddressId', address[:customer_address_id]) if address[:customer_address_id]

      # Adds customer’s credit card information
      # Note: This element should only be included
      # when the payment method is credit card.
      def add_credit_card(xml, credit_card)
        return unless credit_card
        xml.tag!('creditCard') do
          # The credit card number used for payment of the subscription
          xml.tag!('cardNumber', credit_card.number)
          # The expiration date of the credit card used for the subscription
          xml.tag!('expirationDate', expdate(credit_card))
          # Note that Authorize.net does not save CVV codes as part of the
          # payment profile. Any transactions/validations after the payment
          # profile is created that wish to use CVV verification must pass
          # the CVV code to authorize.net again.
          xml.tag!('cardCode', credit_card.verification_value) if credit_card.verification_value?

      # Adds customer’s bank account information
      # Note: This element should only be included
      # when the payment method is bank account.
      def add_bank_account(xml, bank_account)
        raise StandardError, "Invalid Bank Account Type: #{bank_account[:account_type]}" unless BANK_ACCOUNT_TYPES.include?(bank_account[:account_type])
        raise StandardError, "Invalid eCheck Type: #{bank_account[:echeck_type]}" unless ECHECK_TYPES.include?(bank_account[:echeck_type])

        xml.tag!('bankAccount') do
          # The type of bank account
          xml.tag!('accountType', BANK_ACCOUNT_TYPES[bank_account[:account_type]])
          # The routing number of the customer’s bank
          xml.tag!('routingNumber', bank_account[:routing_number])
          # The bank account number
          xml.tag!('accountNumber', bank_account[:account_number])
          # The full name of the individual associated
          # with the bank account number
          xml.tag!('nameOnAccount', bank_account[:name_on_account])
          # The type of electronic check transaction
          xml.tag!('echeckType', ECHECK_TYPES[bank_account[:echeck_type]])
          # The full name of the individual associated
          # with the bank account number (optional)
          xml.tag!('bankName', bank_account[:bank_name]) if bank_account[:bank_name]

      # Adds customer’s driver's license information
      # Note: This element is only required for
      # Wells Fargo SecureSource eCheck.Net merchants
      def add_drivers_license(xml, drivers_license)
        xml.tag!('driversLicense') do
          # The state of the customer's driver's license
          # A valid two character state code
          xml.tag!('state', drivers_license[:state])
          # The customer’s driver's license number
          xml.tag!('number', drivers_license[:number])
          # The date of birth listed on the customer's driver's license
          # YYYY-MM-DD
          xml.tag!('dateOfBirth', drivers_license[:date_of_birth])

      def commit(action, request)
        url = test? ? test_url : live_url
        xml = ssl_post(url, request, "Content-Type" => "text/xml")

        response_params = parse(action, xml)

        message = response_params['messages']['message']['text']
        test_mode = @options[:test_requests] || message =~ /Test Mode/
        success = response_params['messages']['result_code'] == 'Ok'
        response_params['direct_response'] = parse_direct_response(response_params['direct_response']) if response_params['direct_response']
        transaction_id = response_params['direct_response']['transaction_id'] if response_params['direct_response']

        Response.new(success, message, response_params,
          :test => test_mode,
          :authorization => transaction_id || response_params['customer_profile_id'] || (response_params['profile'] ? response_params['profile']['customer_profile_id'] : nil)

      def tag_unless_blank(xml, tag_name, data)
        xml.tag!(tag_name, data) unless data.blank? || data.nil?

      def format_extra_options(options)
        options.map{ |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join('&') unless options.nil?

      def parse_direct_response(params)
        delimiter = @options[:delimiter] || ','
        direct_response = {'raw' => params}
        direct_response_fields = params.split(delimiter)
            'response_code' => direct_response_fields[0],
            'response_subcode' => direct_response_fields[1],
            'response_reason_code' => direct_response_fields[2],
            'message' => direct_response_fields[3],
            'approval_code' => direct_response_fields[4],
            'avs_response' => direct_response_fields[5],
            'transaction_id' => direct_response_fields[6],
            'invoice_number' => direct_response_fields[7],
            'order_description' => direct_response_fields[8],
            'amount' => direct_response_fields[9],
            'method' => direct_response_fields[10],
            'transaction_type' => direct_response_fields[11],
            'customer_id' => direct_response_fields[12],
            'first_name' => direct_response_fields[13],
            'last_name' => direct_response_fields[14],
            'company' => direct_response_fields[15],
            'address' => direct_response_fields[16],
            'city' => direct_response_fields[17],
            'state' => direct_response_fields[18],
            'zip_code' => direct_response_fields[19],
            'country' => direct_response_fields[20],
            'phone' => direct_response_fields[21],
            'fax' => direct_response_fields[22],
            'email_address' => direct_response_fields[23],
            'ship_to_first_name' => direct_response_fields[24],
            'ship_to_last_name' => direct_response_fields[25],
            'ship_to_company' => direct_response_fields[26],
            'ship_to_address' => direct_response_fields[27],
            'ship_to_city' => direct_response_fields[28],
            'ship_to_state' => direct_response_fields[29],
            'ship_to_zip_code' => direct_response_fields[30],
            'ship_to_country' => direct_response_fields[31],
            'tax' => direct_response_fields[32],
            'duty' => direct_response_fields[33],
            'freight' => direct_response_fields[34],
            'tax_exempt' => direct_response_fields[35],
            'purchase_order_number' => direct_response_fields[36],
            'md5_hash' => direct_response_fields[37],
            'card_code' => direct_response_fields[38],
            'cardholder_authentication_verification_response' => direct_response_fields[39],
            # The following direct response fields are only available in version 3.1 of the
            # transaction response.  Check your merchant account settings for details.
            'account_number' => direct_response_fields[50] || '',
            'card_type' => direct_response_fields[51] || '',
            'split_tender_id' => direct_response_fields[52] || '',
            'requested_amount' => direct_response_fields[53] || '',
            'balance_on_card' => direct_response_fields[54] || '',

      def parse(action, xml)
        xml = REXML::Document.new(xml)
        root = REXML::XPath.first(xml, "//#{CIM_ACTIONS[action]}Response") ||
               REXML::XPath.first(xml, "//ErrorResponse")
        if root
          response = parse_element(root)


      def parse_element(node)
        if node.has_elements?
          response = {}
          node.elements.each{ |e|
            key = e.name.underscore
            value = parse_element(e)
            if response.has_key?(key)
              if response[key].is_a?(Array)
                response[key] = [response[key], value]
              response[key] = parse_element(e)
          response = node.text
