= Customize Decidim is multiple things: * A command-line utility, which can create an application * A set of libraries, that the application can use Most of the time, you should work with the generated application. That application (development_app on this docs) should be named as your project, for instance for Barcelona City Council is `DecidimBarcelona`, so for creating it should be: [source,console] ---- decidim DecidimBarcelona ---- Inside of your application you can customize it in different ways: * xref:customize:authorizations.adoc[Authorizations] * xref:customize:code.adoc[Code] * xref:customize:gemfile.adoc[Gemfile] * xref:customize:images.adoc[Images] * xref:customize:javascript.adoc[Javascript] * xref:customize:menu.adoc[Menu] * xref:customize:oauth.adoc[OAuth] * xref:customize:styles.adoc[Styles] * xref:customize:texts.adoc[Texts] * xref:customize:users_registration_mode.adoc[User registration mode] * xref:customize:views.adoc[Views]