Capistrano task for automatic and unicorn configuration This gem customize from [capistrano-unicorn-nginx](, and support for Ubuntu server, CentOs server, EC2 server... Highlight of Gem: * Automatic config unicorn for rails app * Zero downtime deployments enabled ## Installation Add this to `Gemfile`: ``` group :development do gem "capistrano" gem "capistrano-simple-unicorn" end ``` And then: ``` $ bundle install ``` ## Setup and usage 1. Update `Capfile` ``` require "capistrano/simple_unicorn" ``` 2. Run deploy ``` $ bundle exec cap production deploy ``` ## configuration Default value: ``` set :unicorn_service, -> { "unicorn_#{fetch(:application)}" } set :user_home_path, -> { "/home/#{fetch(:user)}" } set :unicorn_config_file, -> { shared_path.join("config", "unicorn.rb") } set :unicorn_pid_file, -> { shared_path.join("tmp", "pids", "") } set :unicorn_sock_file, -> { shared_path.join("tmp", "unicorn.sock") } set :unicorn_log_file, -> { shaed_path.join("log", "unicorn.stdout.log") } set :unicorn_error_log_file, -> {shared_path.join("log","unicorn.stderr.log")} set :ruby_version, -> { fetch(:rvm_ruby_version) || fetch(:rbenv_ruby) } set :unicorn_worker_processes, 2 set :unicorn_timeout, 30 ``` If you want to change config: Example ``` # in config/deploy/production.rb set :unicorn_worker_processes, 4 set :unicorn_timeout, 60 ```