# frozen_string_literal: true module Decidim # A heper to expose an easy way to add authorization forms in a view. module DecidimFormHelper # A custom form for that injects client side validations with Abide. # # record - The object to build the form for. # options - A Hash of options to pass to the form builder. # &block - The block to execute as content of the form. # # Returns a String. def decidim_form_for(record, options = {}, &block) options[:data] ||= {} options[:data].update(abide: true, "live-validate" => true, "validate-on-blur" => true) options[:html] ||= {} options[:html].update(novalidate: true) output = "" output += base_error_messages(record).to_s output += form_for(record, options, &block).to_s output.html_safe end # A custom helper to include an editor field without requiring a form object # # name - The input name # value - The input value # options - The set of options to send to the field # :label - The Boolean value to create or not the input label (optional) (default: true) # :toolbar - The String value to configure WYSIWYG toolbar. It should be 'basic' or # or 'full' (optional) (default: 'basic') # :lines - The Integer to indicate how many lines should editor have (optional) # # Returns a rich editor to be included in a html template. def editor_field_tag(name, value, options = {}) options[:toolbar] ||= "basic" options[:lines] ||= 10 content_tag(:div, class: "editor") do template = "" template += label_tag(name, options[:label]) if options[:label] != false template += hidden_field_tag(name, value, options) template += content_tag(:div, nil, class: "editor-container", data: { toolbar: options[:toolbar] }, style: "height: #{options[:lines]}rem") template.html_safe end end # A custom helper to include a translated field without requiring a form object. # # type - The type of the translated input field. # object_name - The object name used to identify the Foundation tabs. # name - The name of the input which will be suffixed with the corresponding locales. # value - A hash containing the value for each locale. # options - An optional hash of options. # * enable_tabs: Adds the data-tabs attribute so Foundation picks up automatically. # * tabs_id: The id to identify the Foundation tabs element. # * label: The label used for the field. # # Returns a Foundation tabs element with the translated input field. def translated_field_tag(type, object_name, name, value = {}, options = {}) locales = available_locales field_label = label_tag(name, options[:label]) if locales.count == 1 field_name = "#{name}_#{locales.first.to_s.gsub("-", "__")}" field_input = send( type, "#{object_name}[#{field_name}]", value[locales.first.to_s] ) return safe_join [field_label, field_input] end tabs_id = options[:tabs_id] || "#{object_name}-#{name}-tabs" enabled_tabs = options[:enable_tabs].nil? ? true : options[:enable_tabs] tabs_panels_data = enabled_tabs ? { tabs: true } : {} label_tabs = content_tag(:div, class: "label--tabs") do tabs_panels = "".html_safe if options[:label] != false tabs_panels = content_tag(:ul, class: "tabs tabs--lang", id: tabs_id, data: tabs_panels_data) do locales.each_with_index.inject("".html_safe) do |string, (locale, index)| string + content_tag(:li, class: tab_element_class_for("title", index)) do title = I18n.with_locale(locale) { I18n.t("name", scope: "locale") } element_class = nil element_class = "is-tab-error" if form_field_has_error?(options[:object], name_with_locale(name, locale)) tab_content_id = "#{tabs_id}-#{name}-panel-#{index}" content_tag(:a, title, href: "##{tab_content_id}", class: element_class) end end end end safe_join [field_label, tabs_panels] end tabs_content = content_tag(:div, class: "tabs-content", data: { tabs_content: tabs_id }) do locales.each_with_index.inject("".html_safe) do |string, (locale, index)| tab_content_id = "#{tabs_id}-#{name}-panel-#{index}" string + content_tag(:div, class: tab_element_class_for("panel", index), id: tab_content_id) do send(type, "#{object_name}[#{name_with_locale(name, locale)}]", value[locale.to_s], options.merge(id: "#{tabs_id}_#{name}_#{locale}", label: false)) end end end safe_join [label_tabs, tabs_content] end # Helper method used by `translated_field_tag` def tab_element_class_for(type, index) element_class = "tabs-#{type}" element_class += " is-active" if index.zero? element_class end # Helper method used by `translated_field_tag` def name_with_locale(name, locale) "#{name}_#{locale.to_s.gsub("-", "__")}" end def form_field_has_error?(object, attribute) object.respond_to?(:errors) && object.errors[attribute].present? end # Helper method to show how slugs will look like. Intended to be used in forms # together with some JavaScript code. More precisely, this will most probably # show in help texts in forms. The space slug is surrounded with a `span` so # the slug can be updated via JavaScript with the input value. # # prepend_path - a path to prepend to the slug, without final slash # value - the initial value of the slug field, so that edit forms have a value # # Returns an HTML-safe String. def decidim_form_slug_url(prepend_path = "", value = "") prepend_slug_path = if prepend_path.present? "/#{prepend_path}/" else "/" end content_tag(:span, class: "slug-url") do [ request.protocol, request.host_with_port, prepend_slug_path ].join("").html_safe + content_tag(:span, value, class: "slug-url-value") end end def base_error_messages(record) return unless record.respond_to?(:errors) return unless record.errors[:base].any? alert_box(record.errors.full_messages_for(:base).join(","), "alert", false) end end end