%@ CodeTemplate Language="C#" TargetLanguage="C#" Description="A simple TestFixture generator" %>
<%@ Property Name="Class" Type="System.String" Category="Appearance" Description="Tested class name." %>
<%@ Property Name="Namespace" Type="System.String" Category="Appearance" Description="Tested class namespace." %>
<%@ Property Name="TestNamespace" Type="System.String" Category="Appearance" Description="Test namespace." %>
<%@ Property Name="Fixture" Type="FixtureType" Category="Options" Appearance="Fixture has setup" %>
<%@ Property Name="SetUp" Type="System.Boolean" Category="Options" Default="false" Description="Fixture has setup" %>
<%@ Property Name="TearDown" Type="System.Boolean" Category="Options" Default="false" Description="Fixture has setup" %>
<%@ Property Name="TestClassFormat" Type="System.String" Category="Options" Default="{0}Test" Description="Format string for creating TestClass" %>
#region Includes
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using MbUnit.Core.Framework;
using MbUnit.Framework;
using <%= Namespace %>;
namespace <%= TestNamespace %>
/// for the class.
[<%= FixtureAttribute %>]
public class <%= TestClass %>
<% if (this.SetUpOrTearDown) {%>
#region SetUp and TearDown
<% if (this.SetUp) {%>
public void SetUp()
throw new NotImplemented();
<% if (this.TearDown) {%>
public void TearDown()
throw new NotImplemented();
#region Tests