require 'spec_helper' require 'acceptance/webmock_shared' unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ require 'acceptance/curb/curb_spec_helper' shared_examples_for "Curb" do include CurbSpecHelper include_examples "with WebMock" describe "when doing PUTs" do it "should stub them" do stub_request(:put, "").with(body: "01234") expect(http_request(:put, "", body: "01234"). status).to eq("200") end end end describe "Curb features" do before(:each) do WebMock.disable_net_connect! WebMock.reset! end describe "callbacks" do before(:each) do @curl = @curl.url = "" end describe 'on_debug' do it "should call on_debug" do stub_request(:any, ""). to_return(status: 200, headers: { 'Server' => 'nginx' }, body: { hello: :world }.to_json) test = [] @curl.on_debug do |message, operation| test << "#{operation} -> #{message}" end @curl.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' @curl.http_post({ hello: :world }.to_json) expect(test).to_not be_empty end end it "should call on_success with 2xx response" do body = "on_success fired" stub_request(:any, "").to_return(body: body) test = nil @curl.on_success do |c| test = c.body_str end @curl.http_get expect(test).to eq(body) end it "should call on_missing with 4xx response" do response_code = 403 stub_request(:any, ""). to_return(status: [response_code, "None shall pass"]) test = nil @curl.on_missing do |c, code| test = code end @curl.http_get expect(test).to eq(response_code) end it "should call on_failure with 5xx response" do response_code = 599 stub_request(:any, ""). to_return(status: [response_code, "Server On Fire"]) test = nil @curl.on_failure do |c, code| test = code end @curl.http_get expect(test).to eq(response_code) end it "should call on_body when response body is read" do body = "on_body fired" stub_request(:any, ""). to_return(body: body) test = nil @curl.on_body do |data| test = data end @curl.http_get expect(test).to eq(body) end it "should call on_body for each chunk with chunked response" do stub_request(:any, ""). to_return(body: ["first_chunk", "second_chunk"], headers: {"Transfer-Encoding" => "chunked"}) test = [] @curl.on_body do |data| test << data end @curl.http_get expect(test).to eq(["first_chunk", "second_chunk"]) end it "should call on_header when response headers are read" do stub_request(:any, ""). to_return(headers: {one: 1}) test = [] @curl.on_header do |data| test << data end @curl.http_get expect(test).to eq([ "HTTP/1.1 200 \r\n", 'One: 1' ]) end it "should call on_complete when request is complete" do body = "on_complete fired" stub_request(:any, "").to_return(body: body) test = nil @curl.on_complete do |curl| test = curl.body_str end @curl.http_get expect(test).to eq(body) end it "should call on_progress when portion of response body is read" do stub_request(:any, "").to_return(body: "01234") test = nil @curl.on_progress do |*args| expect(args.length).to eq(4) args.each {|arg| expect(arg.is_a?(Float)).to eq(true) } test = true end @curl.http_get expect(test).to eq(true) end it "should call callbacks in correct order on successful request" do stub_request(:any, "") order = [] @curl.on_success {|*args| order << :on_success } @curl.on_missing {|*args| order << :on_missing } @curl.on_failure {|*args| order << :on_failure } @curl.on_header {|*args| order << :on_header } @curl.on_body {|*args| order << :on_body } @curl.on_complete {|*args| order << :on_complete } @curl.on_progress {|*args| order << :on_progress } @curl.http_get expect(order).to eq([:on_progress,:on_header,:on_body,:on_complete,:on_success]) end it "should call callbacks in correct order on failed request" do stub_request(:any, "").to_return(status: [500, ""]) order = [] @curl.on_success {|*args| order << :on_success } @curl.on_missing {|*args| order << :on_missing } @curl.on_failure {|*args| order << :on_failure } @curl.on_header {|*args| order << :on_header } @curl.on_body {|*args| order << :on_body } @curl.on_complete {|*args| order << :on_complete } @curl.on_progress {|*args| order << :on_progress } @curl.http_get expect(order).to eq([:on_progress,:on_header,:on_body,:on_complete,:on_failure]) end it "should call callbacks in correct order on missing request" do stub_request(:any, "").to_return(status: [403, ""]) order = [] @curl.on_success {|*args| order << :on_success } @curl.on_missing {|*args| order << :on_missing } @curl.on_failure {|*args| order << :on_failure } @curl.on_header {|*args| order << :on_header } @curl.on_body {|*args| order << :on_body } @curl.on_complete {|*args| order << :on_complete } @curl.on_progress {|*args| order << :on_progress } @curl.http_get expect(order).to eq([:on_progress,:on_header,:on_body,:on_complete,:on_missing]) end end describe '#last_effective_url' do before(:each) do @curl = @curl.url = "" end context 'when not following redirects' do before { @curl.follow_location = false } it 'should be the same as #url even with a location header' do stub_request(:any, ''). to_return(body: "abc", status: 302, headers: { 'Location' => '' }) @curl.http_get expect(@curl.last_effective_url).to eq('') end end context 'when following redirects' do before { @curl.follow_location = true } it 'should be the same as #url when no location header is present' do stub_request(:any, "") @curl.http_get expect(@curl.last_effective_url).to eq('') end it 'should be the value of the location header when present' do stub_request(:any, ''). to_return(headers: { 'Location' => '' }) stub_request(:any, '') @curl.http_get expect(@curl.last_effective_url).to eq('') end it 'should work with more than one redirect' do stub_request(:any, ''). to_return(headers: { 'Location' => '' }) stub_request(:any, ''). to_return(headers: { 'Location' => '' }) stub_request(:any, '') @curl.http_get expect(@curl.last_effective_url).to eq('') end it 'should maintain the original url' do stub_request(:any, ''). to_return(headers: { 'Location' => '' }) stub_request(:any, '') @curl.http_get expect(@curl.url).to eq('') end it 'should have the redirected-to attrs (body, response code)' do stub_request(:any, ''). to_return(body: 'request A', status: 302, headers: { 'Location' => '' }) stub_request(:any, '').to_return(body: 'request B') @curl.http_get expect(@curl.body_str).to eq('request B') expect(@curl.response_code).to eq(200) end it 'should follow more than one redirect' do stub_request(:any, ''). to_return(headers: { 'Location' => '' }) stub_request(:any, ''). to_return(headers: { 'Location' => '' }) stub_request(:any, '').to_return(body: 'blog post') @curl.http_get expect(@curl.url).to eq('') expect(@curl.body_str).to eq('blog post') end end end describe "#content_type" do before(:each) do @curl = @curl.url = "" end context "when response includes Content-Type header" do it "returns correct content_type" do content_type = "application/json" stub_request(:any, ''). to_return(body: "abc", status: 200, headers: { 'Content-Type' => content_type }) @curl.http_get expect(@curl.content_type).to eq(content_type) end end context "when response does not include Content-Type header" do it "returns nil for content_type" do stub_request(:any, ''). to_return(body: "abc", status: 200 ) @curl.http_get expect(@curl.content_type).to be_nil end end end describe "#chunked_response?" do before(:each) do @curl = @curl.url = "" end it "is true when Transfer-Encoding is 'chunked' and body responds to each" do stub_request(:any, ''). to_return(body: ["abc", "def"], status: 200, headers: { 'Transfer-Encoding' => 'chunked' }) @curl.http_get expect(@curl).to be_chunked_response end it "is false when Transfer-Encoding is not 'chunked'" do stub_request(:any, ''). to_return(body: ["abc", "def"], status: 200) @curl.http_get expect(@curl).not_to be_chunked_response end it "is false when Transfer-Encoding is 'chunked' but body does not respond to each" do stub_request(:any, ''). to_return(body: "abc", status: 200) @curl.http_get expect(@curl).not_to be_chunked_response end end end describe "Webmock with Curb" do describe "using #http for requests" do it_should_behave_like "Curb" include CurbSpecHelper::DynamicHttp it "should work with uppercase arguments" do stub_request(:get, "").to_return(body: "abc") c = c.url = "" c.http(:GET) expect(c.body_str).to eq("abc") end it "should alias body to body_str" do stub_request(:get, "").to_return(body: "abc") c = c.url = "" c.http(:GET) expect(c.body).to eq("abc") end it "supports array headers passed to Curl::Easy" do stub_request(:get, "").with(headers: {'X-One' => '1'}).to_return(body: "abc") c = c.url = "" c.headers = ["X-One: 1"] c.http(:GET) expect(c.body).to eq("abc") end it "supports headers containing the ':' character" do stub_request(:get, "").with(headers: {'Referer'=>''}).to_return(body: "abc") c = c.url = "" c.headers = ["Referer:"] c.http(:GET) expect(c.body).to eq("abc") expect(c.headers).to eq(["Referer:"]) end describe 'match request body' do it 'for post' do stub_request(:post, "").with(body: 'foo=nhe').to_return(body: "abc") response ="", {foo: :nhe}) expect(response.body_str).to eq("abc") end it 'for patch' do stub_request(:patch, "").with(body: 'foo=nhe').to_return(body: "abc") response = Curl.patch("", {foo: :nhe}) expect(response.body_str).to eq("abc") end it 'for put' do stub_request(:put, "").with(body: 'foo=nhe').to_return(body: "abc") response = Curl.put("", {foo: :nhe}) expect(response.body_str).to eq("abc") end end end describe "using #http_* methods for requests" do it_should_behave_like "Curb" include CurbSpecHelper::NamedHttp it "should reset @webmock_method after each call" do stub_request(:post, "").with(body: "01234") c = c.url = "" c.post_body = "01234" c.http_post expect { c.perform }.to raise_error(WebMock::NetConnectNotAllowedError, %r(Real HTTP connections are disabled. Unregistered request: GET end it "should work with blank arguments for post" do stub_request(:post, "").with(body: "01234") c = c.url = "" c.post_body = "01234" c.http_post expect(c.response_code).to eq(200) end it "should work with several body arguments for post using the class method" do stub_request(:post, "").with(body: {user: {first_name: 'Bartosz', last_name: 'Blimke'}}) c = Curl::Easy.http_post "", 'user[first_name]=Bartosz', 'user[last_name]=Blimke' expect(c.response_code).to eq(200) end it "should work with blank arguments for put" do stub_request(:put, "").with(body: "01234") c = c.url = "" c.put_data = "01234" c.http_put expect(c.response_code).to eq(200) end it "should work with multiple arguments for post" do data = { name: "john", address: "111 example ave" } stub_request(:post, "").with(body: data) c = c.url = "" c.http_post Curl::PostField.content('name', data[:name]), Curl::PostField.content('address', data[:address]) expect(c.response_code).to eq(200) end end describe "using #perform for requests" do it_should_behave_like "Curb" include CurbSpecHelper::Perform end describe "using .http_* methods for requests" do it_should_behave_like "Curb" include CurbSpecHelper::ClassNamedHttp end describe "using .perform for requests" do it_should_behave_like "Curb" include CurbSpecHelper::ClassPerform end describe "using #reset" do before do @curl = @curl.url = "" stub_request(:any, ""). to_return(body: "abc", headers: { "Content-Type" => "application/json" }) @curl.http_get end it "should clear all memoized response fields" do @curl.reset expect(@curl).to have_attributes( body_str: nil, content_type: nil, header_str: nil, last_effective_url: nil, response_code: 0, ) end end end end