# Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Rocky Bernstein require 'rubygems'; require 'require_relative' require_relative '../app/default' class Trepan class CmdProcessor DEFAULT_SETTINGS = { :autoeval => true, # Ruby eval non-debugger commands :autoirb => false, # Go into IRB in debugger command loop :autolist => false, # Run 'list' :basename => false, # Show basename of filenames only :different => 'nostack', # stop *only* when different position? :debugdbgr => false, # Debugging the debugger :debugexcept => true, # Internal debugging of command exceptions :debugmacro => false, # debugging macros :debugskip => false, # Internal debugging of step/next skipping :directory => # last-resort path-search for files '$cdir:$cwd', # that are not fully qualified. :hidestack => nil, # Fixnum. How many hidden outer # debugger stack frames to hide? # nil or -1 means compute value. 0 # means hide none. Less than 0 means show # all stack entries. :hightlight => false, # Use terminal highlight? :maxlist => 10, # Number of source lines to list :maxstack => 10, # backtrace limit :maxstring => 150, # Strings which are larger than this # will be truncated to this length when # printed :maxwidth => (ENV['COLUMNS'] || '80').to_i, :prompt => 'trepanx', # core part of prompt. Additional info like # debug nesting and :save_cmdfile => nil, # If set, debugger command file to be # used on restart :timer => false, # show elapsed time between events :traceprint => false, # event tracing printing :tracebuffer => false, # save events to a trace buffer. :user_cmd_dir => File.join(Trepan::HOME_DIR, 'tepanx', 'command'), # User command directory # Rubinius-specific user variables :show_ip => false, :show_bytecode => false, } unless defined?(CmdProcessor::DEFAULT_SETTINGS) end end if __FILE__ == $0 # Show it: require 'pp' PP.pp(Trepan::CmdProcessor::DEFAULT_SETTINGS) end