#include #include #include "antlrgen/ExpressParser.h" #include "antlrgen/ExpressBaseVisitor.h" #include "antlrgen/ExpressLexer.h" #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #undef OPTIONAL #undef IN #undef OUT #endif // ruby-3.0 #undef FALSE #undef TRUE #undef TYPE using namespace std; using namespace Rice; using namespace antlr4; Module rb_mExpressParser; Class rb_cAttributeRefContext; Class rb_cAttributeIdContext; Class rb_cConstantRefContext; Class rb_cConstantIdContext; Class rb_cEntityRefContext; Class rb_cEntityIdContext; Class rb_cEnumerationRefContext; Class rb_cEnumerationIdContext; Class rb_cFunctionRefContext; Class rb_cFunctionIdContext; Class rb_cParameterRefContext; Class rb_cParameterIdContext; Class rb_cProcedureRefContext; Class rb_cProcedureIdContext; Class rb_cRuleLabelRefContext; Class rb_cRuleLabelIdContext; Class rb_cRuleRefContext; Class rb_cRuleIdContext; Class rb_cSchemaRefContext; Class rb_cSchemaIdContext; Class rb_cSubtypeConstraintRefContext; Class rb_cSubtypeConstraintIdContext; Class rb_cTypeLabelRefContext; Class rb_cTypeLabelIdContext; Class rb_cTypeRefContext; Class rb_cTypeIdContext; Class rb_cVariableRefContext; Class rb_cVariableIdContext; Class rb_cAbstractEntityDeclarationContext; Class rb_cAbstractSupertypeContext; Class rb_cAbstractSupertypeDeclarationContext; Class rb_cSubtypeConstraintContext; Class rb_cActualParameterListContext; Class rb_cParameterContext; Class rb_cAddLikeOpContext; Class rb_cAggregateInitializerContext; Class rb_cElementContext; Class rb_cAggregateSourceContext; Class rb_cSimpleExpressionContext; Class rb_cAggregateTypeContext; Class rb_cParameterTypeContext; Class rb_cTypeLabelContext; Class rb_cAggregationTypesContext; Class rb_cArrayTypeContext; Class rb_cBagTypeContext; Class rb_cListTypeContext; Class rb_cSetTypeContext; Class rb_cAlgorithmHeadContext; Class rb_cDeclarationContext; Class rb_cConstantDeclContext; Class rb_cLocalDeclContext; Class rb_cAliasStmtContext; Class rb_cGeneralRefContext; Class rb_cStmtContext; Class rb_cQualifierContext; Class rb_cBoundSpecContext; Class rb_cInstantiableTypeContext; Class rb_cAssignmentStmtContext; Class rb_cExpressionContext; Class rb_cAttributeDeclContext; Class rb_cRedeclaredAttributeContext; Class rb_cAttributeQualifierContext; Class rb_cBinaryTypeContext; Class rb_cWidthSpecContext; Class rb_cBooleanTypeContext; Class rb_cBound1Context; Class rb_cNumericExpressionContext; Class rb_cBound2Context; Class rb_cBuiltInConstantContext; Class rb_cBuiltInFunctionContext; Class rb_cBuiltInProcedureContext; Class rb_cCaseActionContext; Class rb_cCaseLabelContext; Class rb_cCaseStmtContext; Class rb_cSelectorContext; Class rb_cCompoundStmtContext; Class rb_cConcreteTypesContext; Class rb_cSimpleTypesContext; Class rb_cConstantBodyContext; Class rb_cConstantFactorContext; Class rb_cConstructedTypesContext; Class rb_cEnumerationTypeContext; Class rb_cSelectTypeContext; Class rb_cEntityDeclContext; Class rb_cFunctionDeclContext; Class rb_cProcedureDeclContext; Class rb_cSubtypeConstraintDeclContext; Class rb_cTypeDeclContext; Class rb_cDerivedAttrContext; Class rb_cDeriveClauseContext; Class rb_cDomainRuleContext; Class rb_cRepetitionContext; Class rb_cEntityBodyContext; Class rb_cExplicitAttrContext; Class rb_cInverseClauseContext; Class rb_cUniqueClauseContext; Class rb_cWhereClauseContext; Class rb_cEntityConstructorContext; Class rb_cEntityHeadContext; Class rb_cSubsuperContext; Class rb_cEnumerationExtensionContext; Class rb_cEnumerationItemsContext; Class rb_cEnumerationItemContext; Class rb_cEnumerationReferenceContext; Class rb_cEscapeStmtContext; Class rb_cRelOpExtendedContext; Class rb_cFactorContext; Class rb_cSimpleFactorContext; Class rb_cFormalParameterContext; Class rb_cFunctionCallContext; Class rb_cFunctionHeadContext; Class rb_cGeneralizedTypesContext; Class rb_cGeneralAggregationTypesContext; Class rb_cGenericEntityTypeContext; Class rb_cGenericTypeContext; Class rb_cGeneralArrayTypeContext; Class rb_cGeneralBagTypeContext; Class rb_cGeneralListTypeContext; Class rb_cGeneralSetTypeContext; Class rb_cGroupQualifierContext; Class rb_cIfStmtContext; Class rb_cLogicalExpressionContext; Class rb_cIfStmtStatementsContext; Class rb_cIfStmtElseStatementsContext; Class rb_cIncrementContext; Class rb_cIncrementControlContext; Class rb_cIndexContext; Class rb_cIndex1Context; Class rb_cIndex2Context; Class rb_cIndexQualifierContext; Class rb_cIntegerTypeContext; Class rb_cInterfaceSpecificationContext; Class rb_cReferenceClauseContext; Class rb_cUseClauseContext; Class rb_cIntervalContext; Class rb_cIntervalLowContext; Class rb_cIntervalOpContext; Class rb_cIntervalItemContext; Class rb_cIntervalHighContext; Class rb_cInverseAttrContext; Class rb_cInverseAttrTypeContext; Class rb_cLiteralContext; Class rb_cLogicalLiteralContext; Class rb_cStringLiteralContext; Class rb_cLocalVariableContext; Class rb_cLogicalTypeContext; Class rb_cMultiplicationLikeOpContext; Class rb_cNamedTypesContext; Class rb_cNamedTypeOrRenameContext; Class rb_cNullStmtContext; Class rb_cNumberTypeContext; Class rb_cOneOfContext; Class rb_cSupertypeExpressionContext; Class rb_cPopulationContext; Class rb_cPrecisionSpecContext; Class rb_cPrimaryContext; Class rb_cQualifiableFactorContext; Class rb_cProcedureCallStmtContext; Class rb_cProcedureHeadContext; Class rb_cProcedureHeadParameterContext; Class rb_cQualifiedAttributeContext; Class rb_cQueryExpressionContext; Class rb_cRealTypeContext; Class rb_cReferencedAttributeContext; Class rb_cResourceOrRenameContext; Class rb_cRelOpContext; Class rb_cRenameIdContext; Class rb_cRepeatControlContext; Class rb_cWhileControlContext; Class rb_cUntilControlContext; Class rb_cRepeatStmtContext; Class rb_cResourceRefContext; Class rb_cReturnStmtContext; Class rb_cRuleDeclContext; Class rb_cRuleHeadContext; Class rb_cSchemaBodyContext; Class rb_cSchemaBodyDeclarationContext; Class rb_cSchemaDeclContext; Class rb_cSchemaVersionIdContext; Class rb_cSelectExtensionContext; Class rb_cSelectListContext; Class rb_cTermContext; Class rb_cSimpleFactorExpressionContext; Class rb_cSimpleFactorUnaryExpressionContext; Class rb_cUnaryOpContext; Class rb_cStringTypeContext; Class rb_cSkipStmtContext; Class rb_cSupertypeConstraintContext; Class rb_cSubtypeDeclarationContext; Class rb_cSubtypeConstraintBodyContext; Class rb_cTotalOverContext; Class rb_cSubtypeConstraintHeadContext; Class rb_cSupertypeRuleContext; Class rb_cSupertypeFactorContext; Class rb_cSupertypeTermContext; Class rb_cSyntaxContext; Class rb_cUnderlyingTypeContext; Class rb_cUniqueRuleContext; Class rb_cWidthContext; Class rb_cToken; Class rb_cParser; Class rb_cParseTree; Class rb_cTerminalNode; Class rb_cContextProxy; namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(Token* const &x) { if (!x) return Qnil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cToken); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(tree::ParseTree* const &x) { if (!x) return Qnil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cParseTree); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(tree::TerminalNode* const &x) { if (!x) return Qnil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cTerminalNode); } }; } class ContextProxy { public: ContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* orig) { this -> orig = orig; } tree::ParseTree* getOriginal() { return orig; } std::string getText() { return orig -> getText(); } Object getStart() { auto token = ((ParserRuleContext*) orig) -> getStart(); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(token); } Object getStop() { auto token = ((ParserRuleContext*) orig) -> getStop(); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(token); } Array getChildren() { // Note re memory management // It looks like it is critical to 'fill' children array each time when this method is called // When Ruby GC collects the array it also unmarks all its elements so it is not possible to reuse them // (without custom mark function ????) // This comment also applies to all methods returning Ruby Arrays below Array children; if (orig != nullptr) { for (auto it = orig -> children.begin(); it != orig -> children.end(); it ++) { Object parseTree = ContextProxy::wrapParseTree(*it); if (parseTree != Nil) { children.push(parseTree); } } } return children; } Object getParent() { return orig == nullptr ? Nil: wrapParseTree(orig -> parent) ; } size_t childCount() { return getChildren().size(); } bool doubleEquals(Object other) { if (other.is_a(rb_cContextProxy)) { return detail::From_Ruby().convert(other) -> getOriginal() == getOriginal(); } else { return false; } } private: static Object wrapParseTree(tree::ParseTree* node); protected: tree::ParseTree* orig = nullptr; }; class TerminalNodeProxy : public ContextProxy { public: TerminalNodeProxy(tree::ParseTree* tree) : ContextProxy(tree) { } }; class AttributeRefContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: AttributeRefContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object attributeId(); }; class AttributeIdContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: AttributeIdContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object SimpleId(); }; class ConstantRefContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ConstantRefContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object constantId(); }; class ConstantIdContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ConstantIdContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object SimpleId(); }; class EntityRefContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: EntityRefContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object entityId(); }; class EntityIdContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: EntityIdContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object SimpleId(); }; class EnumerationRefContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: EnumerationRefContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object enumerationId(); }; class EnumerationIdContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: EnumerationIdContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object SimpleId(); }; class FunctionRefContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: FunctionRefContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object functionId(); }; class FunctionIdContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: FunctionIdContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object SimpleId(); }; class ParameterRefContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ParameterRefContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object parameterId(); }; class ParameterIdContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ParameterIdContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object SimpleId(); }; class ProcedureRefContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ProcedureRefContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object procedureId(); }; class ProcedureIdContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ProcedureIdContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object SimpleId(); }; class RuleLabelRefContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: RuleLabelRefContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object ruleLabelId(); }; class RuleLabelIdContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: RuleLabelIdContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object SimpleId(); }; class RuleRefContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: RuleRefContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object ruleId(); }; class RuleIdContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: RuleIdContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object SimpleId(); }; class SchemaRefContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SchemaRefContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object schemaId(); }; class SchemaIdContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SchemaIdContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object SimpleId(); }; class SubtypeConstraintRefContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SubtypeConstraintRefContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object subtypeConstraintId(); }; class SubtypeConstraintIdContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SubtypeConstraintIdContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object SimpleId(); }; class TypeLabelRefContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: TypeLabelRefContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object typeLabelId(); }; class TypeLabelIdContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: TypeLabelIdContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object SimpleId(); }; class TypeRefContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: TypeRefContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object typeId(); }; class TypeIdContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: TypeIdContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object SimpleId(); }; class VariableRefContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: VariableRefContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object variableId(); }; class VariableIdContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: VariableIdContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object SimpleId(); }; class AbstractEntityDeclarationContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: AbstractEntityDeclarationContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object ABSTRACT(); }; class AbstractSupertypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: AbstractSupertypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object ABSTRACT(); Object SUPERTYPE(); }; class AbstractSupertypeDeclarationContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: AbstractSupertypeDeclarationContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object subtypeConstraint(); Object ABSTRACT(); Object SUPERTYPE(); }; class SubtypeConstraintContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SubtypeConstraintContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object supertypeExpression(); Object OF(); }; class ActualParameterListContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ActualParameterListContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object parameter(); Object parameterAt(size_t i); }; class ParameterContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ParameterContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object expression(); }; class AddLikeOpContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: AddLikeOpContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object OR(); Object XOR(); }; class AggregateInitializerContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: AggregateInitializerContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object element(); Object elementAt(size_t i); }; class ElementContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ElementContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object expression(); Object repetition(); }; class AggregateSourceContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: AggregateSourceContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object simpleExpression(); }; class SimpleExpressionContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SimpleExpressionContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object term(); Object termAt(size_t i); Object addLikeOp(); Object addLikeOpAt(size_t i); }; class AggregateTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: AggregateTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object parameterType(); Object typeLabel(); Object AGGREGATE(); Object OF(); }; class ParameterTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ParameterTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object generalizedTypes(); Object namedTypes(); Object simpleTypes(); }; class TypeLabelContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: TypeLabelContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object typeLabelId(); Object typeLabelRef(); }; class AggregationTypesContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: AggregationTypesContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object arrayType(); Object bagType(); Object listType(); Object setType(); }; class ArrayTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ArrayTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object boundSpec(); Object instantiableType(); Object ARRAY(); Object OF(); Object OPTIONAL(); Object UNIQUE(); }; class BagTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: BagTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object instantiableType(); Object boundSpec(); Object BAG(); Object OF(); }; class ListTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ListTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object instantiableType(); Object boundSpec(); Object LIST(); Object OF(); Object UNIQUE(); }; class SetTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SetTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object instantiableType(); Object boundSpec(); Object SET(); Object OF(); }; class AlgorithmHeadContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: AlgorithmHeadContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object declaration(); Object declarationAt(size_t i); Object constantDecl(); Object localDecl(); }; class DeclarationContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: DeclarationContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object entityDecl(); Object functionDecl(); Object procedureDecl(); Object subtypeConstraintDecl(); Object typeDecl(); }; class ConstantDeclContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ConstantDeclContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object constantBody(); Object constantBodyAt(size_t i); Object CONSTANT(); Object END_CONSTANT(); }; class LocalDeclContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: LocalDeclContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object localVariable(); Object localVariableAt(size_t i); Object LOCAL(); Object END_LOCAL(); }; class AliasStmtContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: AliasStmtContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object variableId(); Object generalRef(); Object stmt(); Object stmtAt(size_t i); Object qualifier(); Object qualifierAt(size_t i); Object ALIAS(); Object FOR(); Object END_ALIAS(); }; class GeneralRefContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: GeneralRefContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object parameterRef(); Object variableId(); }; class StmtContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: StmtContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object aliasStmt(); Object assignmentStmt(); Object caseStmt(); Object compoundStmt(); Object escapeStmt(); Object ifStmt(); Object nullStmt(); Object procedureCallStmt(); Object repeatStmt(); Object returnStmt(); Object skipStmt(); }; class QualifierContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: QualifierContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object attributeQualifier(); Object groupQualifier(); Object indexQualifier(); }; class BoundSpecContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: BoundSpecContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object bound1(); Object bound2(); }; class InstantiableTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: InstantiableTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object concreteTypes(); Object entityRef(); }; class AssignmentStmtContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: AssignmentStmtContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object generalRef(); Object expression(); Object qualifier(); Object qualifierAt(size_t i); }; class ExpressionContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ExpressionContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object simpleExpression(); Object simpleExpressionAt(size_t i); Object relOpExtended(); }; class AttributeDeclContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: AttributeDeclContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object attributeId(); Object redeclaredAttribute(); }; class RedeclaredAttributeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: RedeclaredAttributeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object qualifiedAttribute(); Object attributeId(); Object RENAMED(); }; class AttributeQualifierContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: AttributeQualifierContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object attributeRef(); }; class BinaryTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: BinaryTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object widthSpec(); Object BINARY(); }; class WidthSpecContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: WidthSpecContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object width(); Object FIXED(); }; class BooleanTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: BooleanTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object BOOLEAN(); }; class Bound1ContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: Bound1ContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object numericExpression(); }; class NumericExpressionContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: NumericExpressionContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object simpleExpression(); }; class Bound2ContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: Bound2ContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object numericExpression(); }; class BuiltInConstantContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: BuiltInConstantContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object CONST_E(); Object PI(); Object SELF(); }; class BuiltInFunctionContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: BuiltInFunctionContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object ABS(); Object ACOS(); Object ASIN(); Object ATAN(); Object BLENGTH(); Object COS(); Object EXISTS(); Object EXP(); Object FORMAT(); Object HIBOUND(); Object HIINDEX(); Object LENGTH(); Object LOBOUND(); Object LOINDEX(); Object LOG(); Object LOG2(); Object LOG10(); Object NVL(); Object ODD(); Object ROLESOF(); Object SIN(); Object SIZEOF(); Object SQRT(); Object TAN(); Object TYPEOF(); Object USEDIN(); Object VALUE_(); Object VALUE_IN(); Object VALUE_UNIQUE(); }; class BuiltInProcedureContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: BuiltInProcedureContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object INSERT(); Object REMOVE(); }; class CaseActionContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: CaseActionContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object caseLabel(); Object caseLabelAt(size_t i); Object stmt(); }; class CaseLabelContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: CaseLabelContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object expression(); }; class CaseStmtContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: CaseStmtContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object selector(); Object caseAction(); Object caseActionAt(size_t i); Object stmt(); Object CASE(); Object OF(); Object END_CASE(); Object OTHERWISE(); }; class SelectorContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SelectorContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object expression(); }; class CompoundStmtContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: CompoundStmtContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object stmt(); Object stmtAt(size_t i); Object BEGIN_(); Object END_(); }; class ConcreteTypesContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ConcreteTypesContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object aggregationTypes(); Object simpleTypes(); Object typeRef(); }; class SimpleTypesContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SimpleTypesContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object binaryType(); Object booleanType(); Object integerType(); Object logicalType(); Object numberType(); Object realType(); Object stringType(); }; class ConstantBodyContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ConstantBodyContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object constantId(); Object instantiableType(); Object expression(); }; class ConstantFactorContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ConstantFactorContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object builtInConstant(); Object constantRef(); }; class ConstructedTypesContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ConstructedTypesContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object enumerationType(); Object selectType(); }; class EnumerationTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: EnumerationTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object enumerationItems(); Object enumerationExtension(); Object ENUMERATION(); Object EXTENSIBLE(); Object OF(); }; class SelectTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SelectTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object selectList(); Object selectExtension(); Object SELECT(); Object EXTENSIBLE(); Object GENERIC_ENTITY(); }; class EntityDeclContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: EntityDeclContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object entityHead(); Object entityBody(); Object END_ENTITY(); }; class FunctionDeclContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: FunctionDeclContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object functionHead(); Object algorithmHead(); Object stmt(); Object stmtAt(size_t i); Object END_FUNCTION(); }; class ProcedureDeclContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ProcedureDeclContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object procedureHead(); Object algorithmHead(); Object stmt(); Object stmtAt(size_t i); Object END_PROCEDURE(); }; class SubtypeConstraintDeclContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SubtypeConstraintDeclContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object subtypeConstraintHead(); Object subtypeConstraintBody(); Object END_SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT(); }; class TypeDeclContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: TypeDeclContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object typeId(); Object underlyingType(); Object whereClause(); Object TYPE(); Object END_TYPE(); }; class DerivedAttrContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: DerivedAttrContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object attributeDecl(); Object parameterType(); Object expression(); }; class DeriveClauseContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: DeriveClauseContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object derivedAttr(); Object derivedAttrAt(size_t i); Object DERIVE(); }; class DomainRuleContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: DomainRuleContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object expression(); Object ruleLabelId(); }; class RepetitionContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: RepetitionContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object numericExpression(); }; class EntityBodyContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: EntityBodyContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object explicitAttr(); Object explicitAttrAt(size_t i); Object deriveClause(); Object inverseClause(); Object uniqueClause(); Object whereClause(); }; class ExplicitAttrContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ExplicitAttrContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object attributeDecl(); Object attributeDeclAt(size_t i); Object parameterType(); Object OPTIONAL(); }; class InverseClauseContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: InverseClauseContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object inverseAttr(); Object inverseAttrAt(size_t i); Object INVERSE(); }; class UniqueClauseContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: UniqueClauseContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object uniqueRule(); Object uniqueRuleAt(size_t i); Object UNIQUE(); }; class WhereClauseContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: WhereClauseContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object domainRule(); Object domainRuleAt(size_t i); Object WHERE(); }; class EntityConstructorContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: EntityConstructorContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object entityRef(); Object expression(); Object expressionAt(size_t i); }; class EntityHeadContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: EntityHeadContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object entityId(); Object subsuper(); Object ENTITY(); }; class SubsuperContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SubsuperContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object supertypeConstraint(); Object subtypeDeclaration(); }; class EnumerationExtensionContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: EnumerationExtensionContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object typeRef(); Object enumerationItems(); Object BASED_ON(); Object WITH(); }; class EnumerationItemsContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: EnumerationItemsContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object enumerationItem(); Object enumerationItemAt(size_t i); }; class EnumerationItemContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: EnumerationItemContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object enumerationId(); }; class EnumerationReferenceContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: EnumerationReferenceContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object enumerationRef(); Object typeRef(); }; class EscapeStmtContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: EscapeStmtContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object ESCAPE(); }; class RelOpExtendedContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: RelOpExtendedContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object relOp(); Object IN(); Object LIKE(); }; class FactorContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: FactorContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object simpleFactor(); Object simpleFactorAt(size_t i); }; class SimpleFactorContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SimpleFactorContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object aggregateInitializer(); Object entityConstructor(); Object enumerationReference(); Object interval(); Object queryExpression(); Object simpleFactorExpression(); Object simpleFactorUnaryExpression(); }; class FormalParameterContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: FormalParameterContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object parameterId(); Object parameterIdAt(size_t i); Object parameterType(); }; class FunctionCallContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: FunctionCallContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object builtInFunction(); Object functionRef(); Object actualParameterList(); }; class FunctionHeadContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: FunctionHeadContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object functionId(); Object parameterType(); Object formalParameter(); Object formalParameterAt(size_t i); Object FUNCTION(); }; class GeneralizedTypesContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: GeneralizedTypesContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object aggregateType(); Object generalAggregationTypes(); Object genericEntityType(); Object genericType(); }; class GeneralAggregationTypesContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: GeneralAggregationTypesContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object generalArrayType(); Object generalBagType(); Object generalListType(); Object generalSetType(); }; class GenericEntityTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: GenericEntityTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object typeLabel(); Object GENERIC_ENTITY(); }; class GenericTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: GenericTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object typeLabel(); Object GENERIC(); }; class GeneralArrayTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: GeneralArrayTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object parameterType(); Object boundSpec(); Object ARRAY(); Object OF(); Object OPTIONAL(); Object UNIQUE(); }; class GeneralBagTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: GeneralBagTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object parameterType(); Object boundSpec(); Object BAG(); Object OF(); }; class GeneralListTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: GeneralListTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object parameterType(); Object boundSpec(); Object LIST(); Object OF(); Object UNIQUE(); }; class GeneralSetTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: GeneralSetTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object parameterType(); Object boundSpec(); Object SET(); Object OF(); }; class GroupQualifierContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: GroupQualifierContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object entityRef(); }; class IfStmtContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: IfStmtContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object logicalExpression(); Object ifStmtStatements(); Object ifStmtElseStatements(); Object IF(); Object THEN(); Object END_IF(); Object ELSE(); }; class LogicalExpressionContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: LogicalExpressionContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object expression(); }; class IfStmtStatementsContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: IfStmtStatementsContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object stmt(); Object stmtAt(size_t i); }; class IfStmtElseStatementsContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: IfStmtElseStatementsContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object stmt(); Object stmtAt(size_t i); }; class IncrementContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: IncrementContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object numericExpression(); }; class IncrementControlContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: IncrementControlContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object variableId(); Object bound1(); Object bound2(); Object increment(); Object TO(); Object BY(); }; class IndexContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: IndexContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object numericExpression(); }; class Index1ContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: Index1ContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object index(); }; class Index2ContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: Index2ContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object index(); }; class IndexQualifierContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: IndexQualifierContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object index1(); Object index2(); }; class IntegerTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: IntegerTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object INTEGER(); }; class InterfaceSpecificationContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: InterfaceSpecificationContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object referenceClause(); Object useClause(); }; class ReferenceClauseContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ReferenceClauseContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object schemaRef(); Object resourceOrRename(); Object resourceOrRenameAt(size_t i); Object REFERENCE(); Object FROM(); }; class UseClauseContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: UseClauseContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object schemaRef(); Object namedTypeOrRename(); Object namedTypeOrRenameAt(size_t i); Object USE(); Object FROM(); }; class IntervalContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: IntervalContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object intervalLow(); Object intervalOp(); Object intervalOpAt(size_t i); Object intervalItem(); Object intervalHigh(); }; class IntervalLowContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: IntervalLowContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object simpleExpression(); }; class IntervalOpContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: IntervalOpContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; }; class IntervalItemContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: IntervalItemContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object simpleExpression(); }; class IntervalHighContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: IntervalHighContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object simpleExpression(); }; class InverseAttrContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: InverseAttrContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object attributeDecl(); Object inverseAttrType(); Object attributeRef(); Object entityRef(); Object FOR(); }; class InverseAttrTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: InverseAttrTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object entityRef(); Object boundSpec(); Object OF(); Object SET(); Object BAG(); }; class LiteralContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: LiteralContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object logicalLiteral(); Object stringLiteral(); Object BinaryLiteral(); Object IntegerLiteral(); Object RealLiteral(); }; class LogicalLiteralContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: LogicalLiteralContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object FALSE(); Object TRUE(); Object UNKNOWN(); }; class StringLiteralContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: StringLiteralContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object SimpleStringLiteral(); Object EncodedStringLiteral(); }; class LocalVariableContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: LocalVariableContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object variableId(); Object variableIdAt(size_t i); Object parameterType(); Object expression(); }; class LogicalTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: LogicalTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object LOGICAL(); }; class MultiplicationLikeOpContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: MultiplicationLikeOpContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object DIV(); Object MOD(); Object AND(); }; class NamedTypesContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: NamedTypesContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object entityRef(); Object typeRef(); }; class NamedTypeOrRenameContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: NamedTypeOrRenameContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object namedTypes(); Object entityId(); Object typeId(); Object AS(); }; class NullStmtContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: NullStmtContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; }; class NumberTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: NumberTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object NUMBER(); }; class OneOfContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: OneOfContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object supertypeExpression(); Object supertypeExpressionAt(size_t i); Object ONEOF(); }; class SupertypeExpressionContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SupertypeExpressionContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object supertypeFactor(); Object supertypeFactorAt(size_t i); Object ANDOR(); Object ANDORAt(size_t i); }; class PopulationContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: PopulationContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object entityRef(); }; class PrecisionSpecContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: PrecisionSpecContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object numericExpression(); }; class PrimaryContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: PrimaryContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object literal(); Object qualifiableFactor(); Object qualifier(); Object qualifierAt(size_t i); }; class QualifiableFactorContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: QualifiableFactorContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object attributeRef(); Object constantFactor(); Object functionCall(); Object generalRef(); Object population(); }; class ProcedureCallStmtContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ProcedureCallStmtContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object builtInProcedure(); Object procedureRef(); Object actualParameterList(); }; class ProcedureHeadContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ProcedureHeadContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object procedureId(); Object procedureHeadParameter(); Object procedureHeadParameterAt(size_t i); Object PROCEDURE(); }; class ProcedureHeadParameterContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ProcedureHeadParameterContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object formalParameter(); Object VAR(); }; class QualifiedAttributeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: QualifiedAttributeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object groupQualifier(); Object attributeQualifier(); Object SELF(); }; class QueryExpressionContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: QueryExpressionContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object variableId(); Object aggregateSource(); Object logicalExpression(); Object QUERY(); }; class RealTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: RealTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object precisionSpec(); Object REAL(); }; class ReferencedAttributeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ReferencedAttributeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object attributeRef(); Object qualifiedAttribute(); }; class ResourceOrRenameContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ResourceOrRenameContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object resourceRef(); Object renameId(); Object AS(); }; class RelOpContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: RelOpContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; }; class RenameIdContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: RenameIdContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object constantId(); Object entityId(); Object functionId(); Object procedureId(); Object typeId(); }; class RepeatControlContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: RepeatControlContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object incrementControl(); Object whileControl(); Object untilControl(); }; class WhileControlContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: WhileControlContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object logicalExpression(); Object WHILE(); }; class UntilControlContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: UntilControlContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object logicalExpression(); Object UNTIL(); }; class RepeatStmtContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: RepeatStmtContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object repeatControl(); Object stmt(); Object stmtAt(size_t i); Object REPEAT(); Object END_REPEAT(); }; class ResourceRefContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ResourceRefContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object constantRef(); Object entityRef(); Object functionRef(); Object procedureRef(); Object typeRef(); }; class ReturnStmtContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: ReturnStmtContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object expression(); Object RETURN(); }; class RuleDeclContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: RuleDeclContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object ruleHead(); Object algorithmHead(); Object whereClause(); Object stmt(); Object stmtAt(size_t i); Object END_RULE(); }; class RuleHeadContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: RuleHeadContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object ruleId(); Object entityRef(); Object entityRefAt(size_t i); Object RULE(); Object FOR(); }; class SchemaBodyContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SchemaBodyContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object interfaceSpecification(); Object interfaceSpecificationAt(size_t i); Object constantDecl(); Object schemaBodyDeclaration(); Object schemaBodyDeclarationAt(size_t i); }; class SchemaBodyDeclarationContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SchemaBodyDeclarationContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object declaration(); Object ruleDecl(); }; class SchemaDeclContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SchemaDeclContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object schemaId(); Object schemaBody(); Object schemaVersionId(); Object SCHEMA(); Object END_SCHEMA(); }; class SchemaVersionIdContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SchemaVersionIdContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object stringLiteral(); }; class SelectExtensionContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SelectExtensionContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object typeRef(); Object selectList(); Object BASED_ON(); Object WITH(); }; class SelectListContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SelectListContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object namedTypes(); Object namedTypesAt(size_t i); }; class TermContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: TermContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object factor(); Object factorAt(size_t i); Object multiplicationLikeOp(); Object multiplicationLikeOpAt(size_t i); }; class SimpleFactorExpressionContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SimpleFactorExpressionContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object expression(); Object primary(); }; class SimpleFactorUnaryExpressionContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SimpleFactorUnaryExpressionContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object unaryOp(); Object simpleFactorExpression(); }; class UnaryOpContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: UnaryOpContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object NOT(); }; class StringTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: StringTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object widthSpec(); Object STRING(); }; class SkipStmtContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SkipStmtContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object SKIP_(); }; class SupertypeConstraintContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SupertypeConstraintContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object abstractEntityDeclaration(); Object abstractSupertypeDeclaration(); Object supertypeRule(); }; class SubtypeDeclarationContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SubtypeDeclarationContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object entityRef(); Object entityRefAt(size_t i); Object SUBTYPE(); Object OF(); }; class SubtypeConstraintBodyContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SubtypeConstraintBodyContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object abstractSupertype(); Object totalOver(); Object supertypeExpression(); }; class TotalOverContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: TotalOverContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object entityRef(); Object entityRefAt(size_t i); Object TOTAL_OVER(); }; class SubtypeConstraintHeadContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SubtypeConstraintHeadContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object subtypeConstraintId(); Object entityRef(); Object SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT(); Object FOR(); }; class SupertypeRuleContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SupertypeRuleContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object subtypeConstraint(); Object SUPERTYPE(); }; class SupertypeFactorContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SupertypeFactorContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object supertypeTerm(); Object supertypeTermAt(size_t i); Object AND(); Object ANDAt(size_t i); }; class SupertypeTermContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SupertypeTermContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object entityRef(); Object oneOf(); Object supertypeExpression(); }; class SyntaxContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: SyntaxContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object schemaDecl(); Object schemaDeclAt(size_t i); Object EOF(); }; class UnderlyingTypeContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: UnderlyingTypeContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object concreteTypes(); Object constructedTypes(); }; class UniqueRuleContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: UniqueRuleContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object referencedAttribute(); Object referencedAttributeAt(size_t i); Object ruleLabelId(); }; class WidthContextProxy : public ContextProxy { public: WidthContextProxy(tree::ParseTree* ctx) : ContextProxy(ctx) {}; Object numericExpression(); }; namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::AttributeRefContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAttributeRefContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(AttributeRefContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAttributeRefContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::AttributeIdContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAttributeIdContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(AttributeIdContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAttributeIdContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ConstantRefContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cConstantRefContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ConstantRefContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cConstantRefContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ConstantIdContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cConstantIdContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ConstantIdContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cConstantIdContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::EntityRefContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEntityRefContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(EntityRefContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEntityRefContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::EntityIdContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEntityIdContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(EntityIdContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEntityIdContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::EnumerationRefContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEnumerationRefContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(EnumerationRefContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEnumerationRefContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::EnumerationIdContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEnumerationIdContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(EnumerationIdContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEnumerationIdContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::FunctionRefContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cFunctionRefContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(FunctionRefContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cFunctionRefContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::FunctionIdContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cFunctionIdContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(FunctionIdContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cFunctionIdContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ParameterRefContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cParameterRefContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ParameterRefContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cParameterRefContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ParameterIdContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cParameterIdContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ParameterIdContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cParameterIdContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ProcedureRefContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cProcedureRefContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ProcedureRefContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cProcedureRefContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ProcedureIdContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cProcedureIdContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ProcedureIdContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cProcedureIdContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::RuleLabelRefContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRuleLabelRefContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(RuleLabelRefContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRuleLabelRefContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::RuleLabelIdContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRuleLabelIdContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(RuleLabelIdContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRuleLabelIdContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::RuleRefContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRuleRefContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(RuleRefContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRuleRefContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::RuleIdContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRuleIdContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(RuleIdContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRuleIdContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SchemaRefContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSchemaRefContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SchemaRefContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSchemaRefContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SchemaIdContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSchemaIdContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SchemaIdContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSchemaIdContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintRefContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSubtypeConstraintRefContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SubtypeConstraintRefContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSubtypeConstraintRefContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintIdContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSubtypeConstraintIdContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SubtypeConstraintIdContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSubtypeConstraintIdContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::TypeLabelRefContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cTypeLabelRefContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(TypeLabelRefContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cTypeLabelRefContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::TypeLabelIdContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cTypeLabelIdContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(TypeLabelIdContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cTypeLabelIdContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::TypeRefContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cTypeRefContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(TypeRefContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cTypeRefContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::TypeIdContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cTypeIdContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(TypeIdContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cTypeIdContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::VariableRefContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cVariableRefContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(VariableRefContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cVariableRefContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::VariableIdContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cVariableIdContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(VariableIdContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cVariableIdContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::AbstractEntityDeclarationContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAbstractEntityDeclarationContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(AbstractEntityDeclarationContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAbstractEntityDeclarationContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::AbstractSupertypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAbstractSupertypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(AbstractSupertypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAbstractSupertypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::AbstractSupertypeDeclarationContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAbstractSupertypeDeclarationContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(AbstractSupertypeDeclarationContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAbstractSupertypeDeclarationContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSubtypeConstraintContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SubtypeConstraintContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSubtypeConstraintContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ActualParameterListContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cActualParameterListContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ActualParameterListContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cActualParameterListContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ParameterContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cParameterContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ParameterContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cParameterContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::AddLikeOpContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAddLikeOpContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(AddLikeOpContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAddLikeOpContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::AggregateInitializerContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAggregateInitializerContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(AggregateInitializerContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAggregateInitializerContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ElementContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cElementContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ElementContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cElementContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::AggregateSourceContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAggregateSourceContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(AggregateSourceContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAggregateSourceContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SimpleExpressionContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSimpleExpressionContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SimpleExpressionContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSimpleExpressionContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::AggregateTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAggregateTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(AggregateTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAggregateTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ParameterTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cParameterTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ParameterTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cParameterTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::TypeLabelContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cTypeLabelContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(TypeLabelContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cTypeLabelContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::AggregationTypesContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAggregationTypesContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(AggregationTypesContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAggregationTypesContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ArrayTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cArrayTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ArrayTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cArrayTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::BagTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cBagTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(BagTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cBagTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ListTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cListTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ListTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cListTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SetTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSetTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SetTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSetTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::AlgorithmHeadContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAlgorithmHeadContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(AlgorithmHeadContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAlgorithmHeadContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::DeclarationContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cDeclarationContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(DeclarationContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cDeclarationContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ConstantDeclContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cConstantDeclContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ConstantDeclContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cConstantDeclContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::LocalDeclContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cLocalDeclContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(LocalDeclContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cLocalDeclContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::AliasStmtContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAliasStmtContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(AliasStmtContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAliasStmtContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::GeneralRefContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cGeneralRefContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(GeneralRefContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cGeneralRefContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::StmtContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cStmtContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(StmtContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cStmtContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::QualifierContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cQualifierContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(QualifierContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cQualifierContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::BoundSpecContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cBoundSpecContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(BoundSpecContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cBoundSpecContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::InstantiableTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cInstantiableTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(InstantiableTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cInstantiableTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::AssignmentStmtContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAssignmentStmtContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(AssignmentStmtContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAssignmentStmtContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ExpressionContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cExpressionContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressionContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cExpressionContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::AttributeDeclContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAttributeDeclContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(AttributeDeclContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAttributeDeclContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::RedeclaredAttributeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRedeclaredAttributeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(RedeclaredAttributeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRedeclaredAttributeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::AttributeQualifierContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAttributeQualifierContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(AttributeQualifierContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cAttributeQualifierContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::BinaryTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cBinaryTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(BinaryTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cBinaryTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::WidthSpecContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cWidthSpecContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(WidthSpecContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cWidthSpecContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::BooleanTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cBooleanTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(BooleanTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cBooleanTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::Bound1Context* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cBound1Context); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(Bound1ContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cBound1Context); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::NumericExpressionContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cNumericExpressionContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(NumericExpressionContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cNumericExpressionContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::Bound2Context* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cBound2Context); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(Bound2ContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cBound2Context); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::BuiltInConstantContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cBuiltInConstantContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(BuiltInConstantContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cBuiltInConstantContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cBuiltInFunctionContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(BuiltInFunctionContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cBuiltInFunctionContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::BuiltInProcedureContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cBuiltInProcedureContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(BuiltInProcedureContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cBuiltInProcedureContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::CaseActionContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cCaseActionContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(CaseActionContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cCaseActionContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::CaseLabelContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cCaseLabelContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(CaseLabelContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cCaseLabelContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::CaseStmtContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cCaseStmtContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(CaseStmtContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cCaseStmtContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SelectorContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSelectorContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SelectorContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSelectorContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::CompoundStmtContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cCompoundStmtContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(CompoundStmtContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cCompoundStmtContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ConcreteTypesContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cConcreteTypesContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ConcreteTypesContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cConcreteTypesContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SimpleTypesContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSimpleTypesContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SimpleTypesContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSimpleTypesContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ConstantBodyContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cConstantBodyContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ConstantBodyContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cConstantBodyContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ConstantFactorContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cConstantFactorContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ConstantFactorContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cConstantFactorContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ConstructedTypesContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cConstructedTypesContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ConstructedTypesContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cConstructedTypesContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::EnumerationTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEnumerationTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(EnumerationTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEnumerationTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SelectTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSelectTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SelectTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSelectTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::EntityDeclContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEntityDeclContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(EntityDeclContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEntityDeclContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::FunctionDeclContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cFunctionDeclContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(FunctionDeclContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cFunctionDeclContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ProcedureDeclContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cProcedureDeclContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ProcedureDeclContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cProcedureDeclContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintDeclContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSubtypeConstraintDeclContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SubtypeConstraintDeclContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSubtypeConstraintDeclContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::TypeDeclContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cTypeDeclContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(TypeDeclContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cTypeDeclContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::DerivedAttrContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cDerivedAttrContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(DerivedAttrContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cDerivedAttrContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::DeriveClauseContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cDeriveClauseContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(DeriveClauseContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cDeriveClauseContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::DomainRuleContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cDomainRuleContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(DomainRuleContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cDomainRuleContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::RepetitionContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRepetitionContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(RepetitionContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRepetitionContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::EntityBodyContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEntityBodyContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(EntityBodyContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEntityBodyContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ExplicitAttrContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cExplicitAttrContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExplicitAttrContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cExplicitAttrContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::InverseClauseContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cInverseClauseContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(InverseClauseContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cInverseClauseContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::UniqueClauseContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cUniqueClauseContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(UniqueClauseContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cUniqueClauseContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::WhereClauseContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cWhereClauseContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(WhereClauseContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cWhereClauseContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::EntityConstructorContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEntityConstructorContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(EntityConstructorContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEntityConstructorContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::EntityHeadContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEntityHeadContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(EntityHeadContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEntityHeadContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SubsuperContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSubsuperContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SubsuperContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSubsuperContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::EnumerationExtensionContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEnumerationExtensionContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(EnumerationExtensionContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEnumerationExtensionContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::EnumerationItemsContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEnumerationItemsContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(EnumerationItemsContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEnumerationItemsContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::EnumerationItemContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEnumerationItemContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(EnumerationItemContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEnumerationItemContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::EnumerationReferenceContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEnumerationReferenceContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(EnumerationReferenceContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEnumerationReferenceContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::EscapeStmtContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEscapeStmtContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(EscapeStmtContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cEscapeStmtContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::RelOpExtendedContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRelOpExtendedContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(RelOpExtendedContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRelOpExtendedContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::FactorContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cFactorContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(FactorContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cFactorContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SimpleFactorContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSimpleFactorContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SimpleFactorContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSimpleFactorContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::FormalParameterContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cFormalParameterContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(FormalParameterContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cFormalParameterContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::FunctionCallContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cFunctionCallContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(FunctionCallContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cFunctionCallContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::FunctionHeadContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cFunctionHeadContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(FunctionHeadContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cFunctionHeadContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::GeneralizedTypesContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cGeneralizedTypesContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(GeneralizedTypesContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cGeneralizedTypesContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::GeneralAggregationTypesContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cGeneralAggregationTypesContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(GeneralAggregationTypesContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cGeneralAggregationTypesContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::GenericEntityTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cGenericEntityTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(GenericEntityTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cGenericEntityTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::GenericTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cGenericTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(GenericTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cGenericTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::GeneralArrayTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cGeneralArrayTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(GeneralArrayTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cGeneralArrayTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::GeneralBagTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cGeneralBagTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(GeneralBagTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cGeneralBagTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::GeneralListTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cGeneralListTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(GeneralListTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cGeneralListTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::GeneralSetTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cGeneralSetTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(GeneralSetTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cGeneralSetTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::GroupQualifierContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cGroupQualifierContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(GroupQualifierContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cGroupQualifierContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::IfStmtContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIfStmtContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(IfStmtContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIfStmtContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::LogicalExpressionContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cLogicalExpressionContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(LogicalExpressionContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cLogicalExpressionContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::IfStmtStatementsContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIfStmtStatementsContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(IfStmtStatementsContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIfStmtStatementsContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::IfStmtElseStatementsContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIfStmtElseStatementsContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(IfStmtElseStatementsContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIfStmtElseStatementsContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::IncrementContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIncrementContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(IncrementContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIncrementContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::IncrementControlContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIncrementControlContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(IncrementControlContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIncrementControlContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::IndexContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIndexContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(IndexContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIndexContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::Index1Context* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIndex1Context); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(Index1ContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIndex1Context); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::Index2Context* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIndex2Context); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(Index2ContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIndex2Context); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::IndexQualifierContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIndexQualifierContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(IndexQualifierContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIndexQualifierContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::IntegerTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIntegerTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(IntegerTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIntegerTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::InterfaceSpecificationContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cInterfaceSpecificationContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(InterfaceSpecificationContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cInterfaceSpecificationContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ReferenceClauseContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cReferenceClauseContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ReferenceClauseContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cReferenceClauseContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::UseClauseContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cUseClauseContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(UseClauseContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cUseClauseContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::IntervalContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIntervalContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(IntervalContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIntervalContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::IntervalLowContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIntervalLowContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(IntervalLowContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIntervalLowContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::IntervalOpContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIntervalOpContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(IntervalOpContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIntervalOpContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::IntervalItemContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIntervalItemContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(IntervalItemContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIntervalItemContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::IntervalHighContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIntervalHighContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(IntervalHighContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cIntervalHighContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::InverseAttrContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cInverseAttrContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(InverseAttrContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cInverseAttrContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::InverseAttrTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cInverseAttrTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(InverseAttrTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cInverseAttrTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::LiteralContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cLiteralContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(LiteralContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cLiteralContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::LogicalLiteralContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cLogicalLiteralContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(LogicalLiteralContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cLogicalLiteralContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::StringLiteralContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cStringLiteralContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(StringLiteralContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cStringLiteralContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::LocalVariableContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cLocalVariableContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(LocalVariableContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cLocalVariableContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::LogicalTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cLogicalTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(LogicalTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cLogicalTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::MultiplicationLikeOpContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cMultiplicationLikeOpContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(MultiplicationLikeOpContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cMultiplicationLikeOpContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::NamedTypesContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cNamedTypesContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(NamedTypesContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cNamedTypesContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::NamedTypeOrRenameContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cNamedTypeOrRenameContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(NamedTypeOrRenameContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cNamedTypeOrRenameContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::NullStmtContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cNullStmtContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(NullStmtContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cNullStmtContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::NumberTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cNumberTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(NumberTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cNumberTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::OneOfContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cOneOfContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(OneOfContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cOneOfContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SupertypeExpressionContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSupertypeExpressionContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SupertypeExpressionContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSupertypeExpressionContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::PopulationContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cPopulationContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(PopulationContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cPopulationContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::PrecisionSpecContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cPrecisionSpecContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(PrecisionSpecContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cPrecisionSpecContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::PrimaryContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cPrimaryContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(PrimaryContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cPrimaryContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::QualifiableFactorContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cQualifiableFactorContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(QualifiableFactorContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cQualifiableFactorContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ProcedureCallStmtContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cProcedureCallStmtContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ProcedureCallStmtContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cProcedureCallStmtContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ProcedureHeadContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cProcedureHeadContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ProcedureHeadContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cProcedureHeadContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ProcedureHeadParameterContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cProcedureHeadParameterContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ProcedureHeadParameterContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cProcedureHeadParameterContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::QualifiedAttributeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cQualifiedAttributeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(QualifiedAttributeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cQualifiedAttributeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::QueryExpressionContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cQueryExpressionContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(QueryExpressionContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cQueryExpressionContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::RealTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRealTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(RealTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRealTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ReferencedAttributeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cReferencedAttributeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ReferencedAttributeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cReferencedAttributeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ResourceOrRenameContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cResourceOrRenameContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ResourceOrRenameContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cResourceOrRenameContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::RelOpContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRelOpContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(RelOpContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRelOpContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::RenameIdContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRenameIdContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(RenameIdContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRenameIdContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::RepeatControlContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRepeatControlContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(RepeatControlContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRepeatControlContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::WhileControlContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cWhileControlContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(WhileControlContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cWhileControlContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::UntilControlContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cUntilControlContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(UntilControlContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cUntilControlContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::RepeatStmtContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRepeatStmtContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(RepeatStmtContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRepeatStmtContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ResourceRefContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cResourceRefContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ResourceRefContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cResourceRefContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::ReturnStmtContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cReturnStmtContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ReturnStmtContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cReturnStmtContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::RuleDeclContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRuleDeclContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(RuleDeclContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRuleDeclContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::RuleHeadContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRuleHeadContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(RuleHeadContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cRuleHeadContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SchemaBodyContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSchemaBodyContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SchemaBodyContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSchemaBodyContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SchemaBodyDeclarationContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSchemaBodyDeclarationContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SchemaBodyDeclarationContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSchemaBodyDeclarationContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SchemaDeclContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSchemaDeclContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SchemaDeclContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSchemaDeclContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SchemaVersionIdContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSchemaVersionIdContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SchemaVersionIdContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSchemaVersionIdContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SelectExtensionContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSelectExtensionContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SelectExtensionContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSelectExtensionContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SelectListContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSelectListContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SelectListContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSelectListContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::TermContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cTermContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(TermContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cTermContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SimpleFactorExpressionContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSimpleFactorExpressionContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SimpleFactorExpressionContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSimpleFactorExpressionContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SimpleFactorUnaryExpressionContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSimpleFactorUnaryExpressionContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SimpleFactorUnaryExpressionContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSimpleFactorUnaryExpressionContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::UnaryOpContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cUnaryOpContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(UnaryOpContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cUnaryOpContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::StringTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cStringTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(StringTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cStringTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SkipStmtContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSkipStmtContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SkipStmtContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSkipStmtContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SupertypeConstraintContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSupertypeConstraintContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SupertypeConstraintContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSupertypeConstraintContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SubtypeDeclarationContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSubtypeDeclarationContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SubtypeDeclarationContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSubtypeDeclarationContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintBodyContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSubtypeConstraintBodyContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SubtypeConstraintBodyContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSubtypeConstraintBodyContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::TotalOverContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cTotalOverContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(TotalOverContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cTotalOverContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintHeadContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSubtypeConstraintHeadContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SubtypeConstraintHeadContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSubtypeConstraintHeadContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SupertypeRuleContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSupertypeRuleContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SupertypeRuleContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSupertypeRuleContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SupertypeFactorContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSupertypeFactorContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SupertypeFactorContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSupertypeFactorContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SupertypeTermContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSupertypeTermContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SupertypeTermContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSupertypeTermContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::SyntaxContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSyntaxContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(SyntaxContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cSyntaxContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::UnderlyingTypeContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cUnderlyingTypeContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(UnderlyingTypeContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cUnderlyingTypeContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::UniqueRuleContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cUniqueRuleContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(UniqueRuleContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cUniqueRuleContext); } }; } namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ExpressParser::WidthContext* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cWidthContext); } }; template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(WidthContextProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cWidthContext); } }; } Object AttributeRefContextProxy::attributeId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::AttributeRefContext*)orig) -> attributeId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object AttributeIdContextProxy::SimpleId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::AttributeIdContext*)orig) -> SimpleId(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object ConstantRefContextProxy::constantId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ConstantRefContext*)orig) -> constantId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ConstantIdContextProxy::SimpleId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::ConstantIdContext*)orig) -> SimpleId(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object EntityRefContextProxy::entityId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::EntityRefContext*)orig) -> entityId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object EntityIdContextProxy::SimpleId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::EntityIdContext*)orig) -> SimpleId(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object EnumerationRefContextProxy::enumerationId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::EnumerationRefContext*)orig) -> enumerationId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object EnumerationIdContextProxy::SimpleId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::EnumerationIdContext*)orig) -> SimpleId(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object FunctionRefContextProxy::functionId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::FunctionRefContext*)orig) -> functionId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object FunctionIdContextProxy::SimpleId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::FunctionIdContext*)orig) -> SimpleId(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object ParameterRefContextProxy::parameterId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ParameterRefContext*)orig) -> parameterId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ParameterIdContextProxy::SimpleId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::ParameterIdContext*)orig) -> SimpleId(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object ProcedureRefContextProxy::procedureId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ProcedureRefContext*)orig) -> procedureId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ProcedureIdContextProxy::SimpleId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::ProcedureIdContext*)orig) -> SimpleId(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object RuleLabelRefContextProxy::ruleLabelId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::RuleLabelRefContext*)orig) -> ruleLabelId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object RuleLabelIdContextProxy::SimpleId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::RuleLabelIdContext*)orig) -> SimpleId(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object RuleRefContextProxy::ruleId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::RuleRefContext*)orig) -> ruleId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object RuleIdContextProxy::SimpleId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::RuleIdContext*)orig) -> SimpleId(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SchemaRefContextProxy::schemaId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SchemaRefContext*)orig) -> schemaId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SchemaIdContextProxy::SimpleId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::SchemaIdContext*)orig) -> SimpleId(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SubtypeConstraintRefContextProxy::subtypeConstraintId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintRefContext*)orig) -> subtypeConstraintId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SubtypeConstraintIdContextProxy::SimpleId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintIdContext*)orig) -> SimpleId(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object TypeLabelRefContextProxy::typeLabelId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::TypeLabelRefContext*)orig) -> typeLabelId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object TypeLabelIdContextProxy::SimpleId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::TypeLabelIdContext*)orig) -> SimpleId(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object TypeRefContextProxy::typeId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::TypeRefContext*)orig) -> typeId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object TypeIdContextProxy::SimpleId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::TypeIdContext*)orig) -> SimpleId(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object VariableRefContextProxy::variableId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::VariableRefContext*)orig) -> variableId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object VariableIdContextProxy::SimpleId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::VariableIdContext*)orig) -> SimpleId(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object AbstractEntityDeclarationContextProxy::ABSTRACT() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::AbstractEntityDeclarationContext*)orig) -> ABSTRACT(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object AbstractSupertypeContextProxy::ABSTRACT() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::AbstractSupertypeContext*)orig) -> ABSTRACT(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object AbstractSupertypeContextProxy::SUPERTYPE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::AbstractSupertypeContext*)orig) -> SUPERTYPE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object AbstractSupertypeDeclarationContextProxy::subtypeConstraint() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::AbstractSupertypeDeclarationContext*)orig) -> subtypeConstraint(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object AbstractSupertypeDeclarationContextProxy::ABSTRACT() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::AbstractSupertypeDeclarationContext*)orig) -> ABSTRACT(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object AbstractSupertypeDeclarationContextProxy::SUPERTYPE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::AbstractSupertypeDeclarationContext*)orig) -> SUPERTYPE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SubtypeConstraintContextProxy::supertypeExpression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintContext*)orig) -> supertypeExpression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SubtypeConstraintContextProxy::OF() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintContext*)orig) -> OF(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object ActualParameterListContextProxy::parameter() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::ActualParameterListContext*)orig) -> parameter().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(parameterAt(i)); } } return a; } Object ActualParameterListContextProxy::parameterAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ActualParameterListContext*)orig) -> parameter(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ParameterContextProxy::expression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ParameterContext*)orig) -> expression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object AddLikeOpContextProxy::OR() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::AddLikeOpContext*)orig) -> OR(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object AddLikeOpContextProxy::XOR() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::AddLikeOpContext*)orig) -> XOR(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object AggregateInitializerContextProxy::element() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::AggregateInitializerContext*)orig) -> element().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(elementAt(i)); } } return a; } Object AggregateInitializerContextProxy::elementAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::AggregateInitializerContext*)orig) -> element(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ElementContextProxy::expression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ElementContext*)orig) -> expression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ElementContextProxy::repetition() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ElementContext*)orig) -> repetition(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object AggregateSourceContextProxy::simpleExpression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::AggregateSourceContext*)orig) -> simpleExpression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SimpleExpressionContextProxy::term() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::SimpleExpressionContext*)orig) -> term().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(termAt(i)); } } return a; } Object SimpleExpressionContextProxy::termAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SimpleExpressionContext*)orig) -> term(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SimpleExpressionContextProxy::addLikeOp() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::SimpleExpressionContext*)orig) -> addLikeOp().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(addLikeOpAt(i)); } } return a; } Object SimpleExpressionContextProxy::addLikeOpAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SimpleExpressionContext*)orig) -> addLikeOp(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object AggregateTypeContextProxy::parameterType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::AggregateTypeContext*)orig) -> parameterType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object AggregateTypeContextProxy::typeLabel() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::AggregateTypeContext*)orig) -> typeLabel(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object AggregateTypeContextProxy::AGGREGATE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::AggregateTypeContext*)orig) -> AGGREGATE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object AggregateTypeContextProxy::OF() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::AggregateTypeContext*)orig) -> OF(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object ParameterTypeContextProxy::generalizedTypes() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ParameterTypeContext*)orig) -> generalizedTypes(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ParameterTypeContextProxy::namedTypes() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ParameterTypeContext*)orig) -> namedTypes(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ParameterTypeContextProxy::simpleTypes() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ParameterTypeContext*)orig) -> simpleTypes(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object TypeLabelContextProxy::typeLabelId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::TypeLabelContext*)orig) -> typeLabelId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object TypeLabelContextProxy::typeLabelRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::TypeLabelContext*)orig) -> typeLabelRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object AggregationTypesContextProxy::arrayType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::AggregationTypesContext*)orig) -> arrayType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object AggregationTypesContextProxy::bagType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::AggregationTypesContext*)orig) -> bagType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object AggregationTypesContextProxy::listType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::AggregationTypesContext*)orig) -> listType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object AggregationTypesContextProxy::setType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::AggregationTypesContext*)orig) -> setType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ArrayTypeContextProxy::boundSpec() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ArrayTypeContext*)orig) -> boundSpec(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ArrayTypeContextProxy::instantiableType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ArrayTypeContext*)orig) -> instantiableType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ArrayTypeContextProxy::ARRAY() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::ArrayTypeContext*)orig) -> ARRAY(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object ArrayTypeContextProxy::OF() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::ArrayTypeContext*)orig) -> OF(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object ArrayTypeContextProxy::OPTIONAL() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::ArrayTypeContext*)orig) -> OPTIONAL(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object ArrayTypeContextProxy::UNIQUE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::ArrayTypeContext*)orig) -> UNIQUE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BagTypeContextProxy::instantiableType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::BagTypeContext*)orig) -> instantiableType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object BagTypeContextProxy::boundSpec() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::BagTypeContext*)orig) -> boundSpec(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object BagTypeContextProxy::BAG() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BagTypeContext*)orig) -> BAG(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BagTypeContextProxy::OF() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BagTypeContext*)orig) -> OF(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object ListTypeContextProxy::instantiableType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ListTypeContext*)orig) -> instantiableType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ListTypeContextProxy::boundSpec() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ListTypeContext*)orig) -> boundSpec(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ListTypeContextProxy::LIST() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::ListTypeContext*)orig) -> LIST(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object ListTypeContextProxy::OF() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::ListTypeContext*)orig) -> OF(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object ListTypeContextProxy::UNIQUE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::ListTypeContext*)orig) -> UNIQUE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SetTypeContextProxy::instantiableType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SetTypeContext*)orig) -> instantiableType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SetTypeContextProxy::boundSpec() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SetTypeContext*)orig) -> boundSpec(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SetTypeContextProxy::SET() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::SetTypeContext*)orig) -> SET(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SetTypeContextProxy::OF() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::SetTypeContext*)orig) -> OF(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object AlgorithmHeadContextProxy::declaration() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::AlgorithmHeadContext*)orig) -> declaration().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(declarationAt(i)); } } return a; } Object AlgorithmHeadContextProxy::declarationAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::AlgorithmHeadContext*)orig) -> declaration(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object AlgorithmHeadContextProxy::constantDecl() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::AlgorithmHeadContext*)orig) -> constantDecl(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object AlgorithmHeadContextProxy::localDecl() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::AlgorithmHeadContext*)orig) -> localDecl(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object DeclarationContextProxy::entityDecl() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::DeclarationContext*)orig) -> entityDecl(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object DeclarationContextProxy::functionDecl() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::DeclarationContext*)orig) -> functionDecl(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object DeclarationContextProxy::procedureDecl() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::DeclarationContext*)orig) -> procedureDecl(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object DeclarationContextProxy::subtypeConstraintDecl() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::DeclarationContext*)orig) -> subtypeConstraintDecl(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object DeclarationContextProxy::typeDecl() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::DeclarationContext*)orig) -> typeDecl(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ConstantDeclContextProxy::constantBody() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::ConstantDeclContext*)orig) -> constantBody().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(constantBodyAt(i)); } } return a; } Object ConstantDeclContextProxy::constantBodyAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ConstantDeclContext*)orig) -> constantBody(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ConstantDeclContextProxy::CONSTANT() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::ConstantDeclContext*)orig) -> CONSTANT(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object ConstantDeclContextProxy::END_CONSTANT() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::ConstantDeclContext*)orig) -> END_CONSTANT(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object LocalDeclContextProxy::localVariable() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::LocalDeclContext*)orig) -> localVariable().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(localVariableAt(i)); } } return a; } Object LocalDeclContextProxy::localVariableAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::LocalDeclContext*)orig) -> localVariable(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object LocalDeclContextProxy::LOCAL() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::LocalDeclContext*)orig) -> LOCAL(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object LocalDeclContextProxy::END_LOCAL() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::LocalDeclContext*)orig) -> END_LOCAL(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object AliasStmtContextProxy::variableId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::AliasStmtContext*)orig) -> variableId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object AliasStmtContextProxy::generalRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::AliasStmtContext*)orig) -> generalRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object AliasStmtContextProxy::stmt() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::AliasStmtContext*)orig) -> stmt().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(stmtAt(i)); } } return a; } Object AliasStmtContextProxy::stmtAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::AliasStmtContext*)orig) -> stmt(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object AliasStmtContextProxy::qualifier() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::AliasStmtContext*)orig) -> qualifier().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(qualifierAt(i)); } } return a; } Object AliasStmtContextProxy::qualifierAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::AliasStmtContext*)orig) -> qualifier(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object AliasStmtContextProxy::ALIAS() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::AliasStmtContext*)orig) -> ALIAS(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object AliasStmtContextProxy::FOR() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::AliasStmtContext*)orig) -> FOR(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object AliasStmtContextProxy::END_ALIAS() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::AliasStmtContext*)orig) -> END_ALIAS(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object GeneralRefContextProxy::parameterRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::GeneralRefContext*)orig) -> parameterRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object GeneralRefContextProxy::variableId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::GeneralRefContext*)orig) -> variableId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object StmtContextProxy::aliasStmt() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::StmtContext*)orig) -> aliasStmt(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object StmtContextProxy::assignmentStmt() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::StmtContext*)orig) -> assignmentStmt(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object StmtContextProxy::caseStmt() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::StmtContext*)orig) -> caseStmt(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object StmtContextProxy::compoundStmt() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::StmtContext*)orig) -> compoundStmt(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object StmtContextProxy::escapeStmt() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::StmtContext*)orig) -> escapeStmt(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object StmtContextProxy::ifStmt() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::StmtContext*)orig) -> ifStmt(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object StmtContextProxy::nullStmt() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::StmtContext*)orig) -> nullStmt(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object StmtContextProxy::procedureCallStmt() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::StmtContext*)orig) -> procedureCallStmt(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object StmtContextProxy::repeatStmt() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::StmtContext*)orig) -> repeatStmt(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object StmtContextProxy::returnStmt() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::StmtContext*)orig) -> returnStmt(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object StmtContextProxy::skipStmt() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::StmtContext*)orig) -> skipStmt(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object QualifierContextProxy::attributeQualifier() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::QualifierContext*)orig) -> attributeQualifier(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object QualifierContextProxy::groupQualifier() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::QualifierContext*)orig) -> groupQualifier(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object QualifierContextProxy::indexQualifier() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::QualifierContext*)orig) -> indexQualifier(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object BoundSpecContextProxy::bound1() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::BoundSpecContext*)orig) -> bound1(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object BoundSpecContextProxy::bound2() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::BoundSpecContext*)orig) -> bound2(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object InstantiableTypeContextProxy::concreteTypes() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::InstantiableTypeContext*)orig) -> concreteTypes(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object InstantiableTypeContextProxy::entityRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::InstantiableTypeContext*)orig) -> entityRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object AssignmentStmtContextProxy::generalRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::AssignmentStmtContext*)orig) -> generalRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object AssignmentStmtContextProxy::expression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::AssignmentStmtContext*)orig) -> expression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object AssignmentStmtContextProxy::qualifier() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::AssignmentStmtContext*)orig) -> qualifier().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(qualifierAt(i)); } } return a; } Object AssignmentStmtContextProxy::qualifierAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::AssignmentStmtContext*)orig) -> qualifier(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ExpressionContextProxy::simpleExpression() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::ExpressionContext*)orig) -> simpleExpression().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(simpleExpressionAt(i)); } } return a; } Object ExpressionContextProxy::simpleExpressionAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ExpressionContext*)orig) -> simpleExpression(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ExpressionContextProxy::relOpExtended() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ExpressionContext*)orig) -> relOpExtended(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object AttributeDeclContextProxy::attributeId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::AttributeDeclContext*)orig) -> attributeId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object AttributeDeclContextProxy::redeclaredAttribute() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::AttributeDeclContext*)orig) -> redeclaredAttribute(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object RedeclaredAttributeContextProxy::qualifiedAttribute() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::RedeclaredAttributeContext*)orig) -> qualifiedAttribute(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object RedeclaredAttributeContextProxy::attributeId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::RedeclaredAttributeContext*)orig) -> attributeId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object RedeclaredAttributeContextProxy::RENAMED() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::RedeclaredAttributeContext*)orig) -> RENAMED(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object AttributeQualifierContextProxy::attributeRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::AttributeQualifierContext*)orig) -> attributeRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object BinaryTypeContextProxy::widthSpec() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::BinaryTypeContext*)orig) -> widthSpec(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object BinaryTypeContextProxy::BINARY() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BinaryTypeContext*)orig) -> BINARY(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object WidthSpecContextProxy::width() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::WidthSpecContext*)orig) -> width(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object WidthSpecContextProxy::FIXED() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::WidthSpecContext*)orig) -> FIXED(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BooleanTypeContextProxy::BOOLEAN() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BooleanTypeContext*)orig) -> BOOLEAN(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object Bound1ContextProxy::numericExpression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::Bound1Context*)orig) -> numericExpression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object NumericExpressionContextProxy::simpleExpression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::NumericExpressionContext*)orig) -> simpleExpression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object Bound2ContextProxy::numericExpression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::Bound2Context*)orig) -> numericExpression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object BuiltInConstantContextProxy::CONST_E() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInConstantContext*)orig) -> CONST_E(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInConstantContextProxy::PI() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInConstantContext*)orig) -> PI(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInConstantContextProxy::SELF() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInConstantContext*)orig) -> SELF(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::ABS() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> ABS(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::ACOS() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> ACOS(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::ASIN() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> ASIN(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::ATAN() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> ATAN(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::BLENGTH() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> BLENGTH(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::COS() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> COS(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::EXISTS() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> EXISTS(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::EXP() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> EXP(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::FORMAT() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> FORMAT(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::HIBOUND() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> HIBOUND(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::HIINDEX() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> HIINDEX(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::LENGTH() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> LENGTH(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::LOBOUND() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> LOBOUND(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::LOINDEX() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> LOINDEX(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::LOG() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> LOG(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::LOG2() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> LOG2(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::LOG10() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> LOG10(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::NVL() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> NVL(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::ODD() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> ODD(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::ROLESOF() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> ROLESOF(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::SIN() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> SIN(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::SIZEOF() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> SIZEOF(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::SQRT() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> SQRT(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::TAN() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> TAN(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::TYPEOF() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> TYPEOF(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::USEDIN() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> USEDIN(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::VALUE_() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> VALUE_(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::VALUE_IN() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> VALUE_IN(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::VALUE_UNIQUE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)orig) -> VALUE_UNIQUE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInProcedureContextProxy::INSERT() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInProcedureContext*)orig) -> INSERT(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object BuiltInProcedureContextProxy::REMOVE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::BuiltInProcedureContext*)orig) -> REMOVE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object CaseActionContextProxy::caseLabel() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::CaseActionContext*)orig) -> caseLabel().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(caseLabelAt(i)); } } return a; } Object CaseActionContextProxy::caseLabelAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::CaseActionContext*)orig) -> caseLabel(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object CaseActionContextProxy::stmt() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::CaseActionContext*)orig) -> stmt(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object CaseLabelContextProxy::expression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::CaseLabelContext*)orig) -> expression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object CaseStmtContextProxy::selector() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::CaseStmtContext*)orig) -> selector(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object CaseStmtContextProxy::caseAction() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::CaseStmtContext*)orig) -> caseAction().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(caseActionAt(i)); } } return a; } Object CaseStmtContextProxy::caseActionAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::CaseStmtContext*)orig) -> caseAction(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object CaseStmtContextProxy::stmt() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::CaseStmtContext*)orig) -> stmt(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object CaseStmtContextProxy::CASE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::CaseStmtContext*)orig) -> CASE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object CaseStmtContextProxy::OF() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::CaseStmtContext*)orig) -> OF(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object CaseStmtContextProxy::END_CASE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::CaseStmtContext*)orig) -> END_CASE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object CaseStmtContextProxy::OTHERWISE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::CaseStmtContext*)orig) -> OTHERWISE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SelectorContextProxy::expression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SelectorContext*)orig) -> expression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object CompoundStmtContextProxy::stmt() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::CompoundStmtContext*)orig) -> stmt().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(stmtAt(i)); } } return a; } Object CompoundStmtContextProxy::stmtAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::CompoundStmtContext*)orig) -> stmt(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object CompoundStmtContextProxy::BEGIN_() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::CompoundStmtContext*)orig) -> BEGIN_(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object CompoundStmtContextProxy::END_() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::CompoundStmtContext*)orig) -> END_(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object ConcreteTypesContextProxy::aggregationTypes() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ConcreteTypesContext*)orig) -> aggregationTypes(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ConcreteTypesContextProxy::simpleTypes() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ConcreteTypesContext*)orig) -> simpleTypes(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ConcreteTypesContextProxy::typeRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ConcreteTypesContext*)orig) -> typeRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SimpleTypesContextProxy::binaryType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SimpleTypesContext*)orig) -> binaryType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SimpleTypesContextProxy::booleanType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SimpleTypesContext*)orig) -> booleanType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SimpleTypesContextProxy::integerType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SimpleTypesContext*)orig) -> integerType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SimpleTypesContextProxy::logicalType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SimpleTypesContext*)orig) -> logicalType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SimpleTypesContextProxy::numberType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SimpleTypesContext*)orig) -> numberType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SimpleTypesContextProxy::realType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SimpleTypesContext*)orig) -> realType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SimpleTypesContextProxy::stringType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SimpleTypesContext*)orig) -> stringType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ConstantBodyContextProxy::constantId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ConstantBodyContext*)orig) -> constantId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ConstantBodyContextProxy::instantiableType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ConstantBodyContext*)orig) -> instantiableType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ConstantBodyContextProxy::expression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ConstantBodyContext*)orig) -> expression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ConstantFactorContextProxy::builtInConstant() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ConstantFactorContext*)orig) -> builtInConstant(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ConstantFactorContextProxy::constantRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ConstantFactorContext*)orig) -> constantRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ConstructedTypesContextProxy::enumerationType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ConstructedTypesContext*)orig) -> enumerationType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ConstructedTypesContextProxy::selectType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ConstructedTypesContext*)orig) -> selectType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object EnumerationTypeContextProxy::enumerationItems() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::EnumerationTypeContext*)orig) -> enumerationItems(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object EnumerationTypeContextProxy::enumerationExtension() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::EnumerationTypeContext*)orig) -> enumerationExtension(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object EnumerationTypeContextProxy::ENUMERATION() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::EnumerationTypeContext*)orig) -> ENUMERATION(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object EnumerationTypeContextProxy::EXTENSIBLE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::EnumerationTypeContext*)orig) -> EXTENSIBLE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object EnumerationTypeContextProxy::OF() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::EnumerationTypeContext*)orig) -> OF(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SelectTypeContextProxy::selectList() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SelectTypeContext*)orig) -> selectList(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SelectTypeContextProxy::selectExtension() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SelectTypeContext*)orig) -> selectExtension(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SelectTypeContextProxy::SELECT() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::SelectTypeContext*)orig) -> SELECT(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SelectTypeContextProxy::EXTENSIBLE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::SelectTypeContext*)orig) -> EXTENSIBLE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SelectTypeContextProxy::GENERIC_ENTITY() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::SelectTypeContext*)orig) -> GENERIC_ENTITY(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object EntityDeclContextProxy::entityHead() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::EntityDeclContext*)orig) -> entityHead(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object EntityDeclContextProxy::entityBody() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::EntityDeclContext*)orig) -> entityBody(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object EntityDeclContextProxy::END_ENTITY() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::EntityDeclContext*)orig) -> END_ENTITY(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object FunctionDeclContextProxy::functionHead() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::FunctionDeclContext*)orig) -> functionHead(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object FunctionDeclContextProxy::algorithmHead() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::FunctionDeclContext*)orig) -> algorithmHead(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object FunctionDeclContextProxy::stmt() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::FunctionDeclContext*)orig) -> stmt().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(stmtAt(i)); } } return a; } Object FunctionDeclContextProxy::stmtAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::FunctionDeclContext*)orig) -> stmt(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object FunctionDeclContextProxy::END_FUNCTION() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::FunctionDeclContext*)orig) -> END_FUNCTION(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object ProcedureDeclContextProxy::procedureHead() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ProcedureDeclContext*)orig) -> procedureHead(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ProcedureDeclContextProxy::algorithmHead() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ProcedureDeclContext*)orig) -> algorithmHead(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ProcedureDeclContextProxy::stmt() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::ProcedureDeclContext*)orig) -> stmt().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(stmtAt(i)); } } return a; } Object ProcedureDeclContextProxy::stmtAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ProcedureDeclContext*)orig) -> stmt(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ProcedureDeclContextProxy::END_PROCEDURE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::ProcedureDeclContext*)orig) -> END_PROCEDURE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SubtypeConstraintDeclContextProxy::subtypeConstraintHead() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintDeclContext*)orig) -> subtypeConstraintHead(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SubtypeConstraintDeclContextProxy::subtypeConstraintBody() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintDeclContext*)orig) -> subtypeConstraintBody(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SubtypeConstraintDeclContextProxy::END_SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintDeclContext*)orig) -> END_SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object TypeDeclContextProxy::typeId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::TypeDeclContext*)orig) -> typeId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object TypeDeclContextProxy::underlyingType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::TypeDeclContext*)orig) -> underlyingType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object TypeDeclContextProxy::whereClause() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::TypeDeclContext*)orig) -> whereClause(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object TypeDeclContextProxy::TYPE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::TypeDeclContext*)orig) -> TYPE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object TypeDeclContextProxy::END_TYPE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::TypeDeclContext*)orig) -> END_TYPE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object DerivedAttrContextProxy::attributeDecl() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::DerivedAttrContext*)orig) -> attributeDecl(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object DerivedAttrContextProxy::parameterType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::DerivedAttrContext*)orig) -> parameterType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object DerivedAttrContextProxy::expression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::DerivedAttrContext*)orig) -> expression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object DeriveClauseContextProxy::derivedAttr() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::DeriveClauseContext*)orig) -> derivedAttr().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(derivedAttrAt(i)); } } return a; } Object DeriveClauseContextProxy::derivedAttrAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::DeriveClauseContext*)orig) -> derivedAttr(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object DeriveClauseContextProxy::DERIVE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::DeriveClauseContext*)orig) -> DERIVE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object DomainRuleContextProxy::expression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::DomainRuleContext*)orig) -> expression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object DomainRuleContextProxy::ruleLabelId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::DomainRuleContext*)orig) -> ruleLabelId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object RepetitionContextProxy::numericExpression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::RepetitionContext*)orig) -> numericExpression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object EntityBodyContextProxy::explicitAttr() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::EntityBodyContext*)orig) -> explicitAttr().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(explicitAttrAt(i)); } } return a; } Object EntityBodyContextProxy::explicitAttrAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::EntityBodyContext*)orig) -> explicitAttr(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object EntityBodyContextProxy::deriveClause() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::EntityBodyContext*)orig) -> deriveClause(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object EntityBodyContextProxy::inverseClause() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::EntityBodyContext*)orig) -> inverseClause(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object EntityBodyContextProxy::uniqueClause() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::EntityBodyContext*)orig) -> uniqueClause(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object EntityBodyContextProxy::whereClause() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::EntityBodyContext*)orig) -> whereClause(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ExplicitAttrContextProxy::attributeDecl() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::ExplicitAttrContext*)orig) -> attributeDecl().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(attributeDeclAt(i)); } } return a; } Object ExplicitAttrContextProxy::attributeDeclAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ExplicitAttrContext*)orig) -> attributeDecl(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ExplicitAttrContextProxy::parameterType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ExplicitAttrContext*)orig) -> parameterType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ExplicitAttrContextProxy::OPTIONAL() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::ExplicitAttrContext*)orig) -> OPTIONAL(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object InverseClauseContextProxy::inverseAttr() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::InverseClauseContext*)orig) -> inverseAttr().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(inverseAttrAt(i)); } } return a; } Object InverseClauseContextProxy::inverseAttrAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::InverseClauseContext*)orig) -> inverseAttr(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object InverseClauseContextProxy::INVERSE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::InverseClauseContext*)orig) -> INVERSE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object UniqueClauseContextProxy::uniqueRule() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::UniqueClauseContext*)orig) -> uniqueRule().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(uniqueRuleAt(i)); } } return a; } Object UniqueClauseContextProxy::uniqueRuleAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::UniqueClauseContext*)orig) -> uniqueRule(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object UniqueClauseContextProxy::UNIQUE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::UniqueClauseContext*)orig) -> UNIQUE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object WhereClauseContextProxy::domainRule() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::WhereClauseContext*)orig) -> domainRule().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(domainRuleAt(i)); } } return a; } Object WhereClauseContextProxy::domainRuleAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::WhereClauseContext*)orig) -> domainRule(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object WhereClauseContextProxy::WHERE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::WhereClauseContext*)orig) -> WHERE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object EntityConstructorContextProxy::entityRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::EntityConstructorContext*)orig) -> entityRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object EntityConstructorContextProxy::expression() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::EntityConstructorContext*)orig) -> expression().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(expressionAt(i)); } } return a; } Object EntityConstructorContextProxy::expressionAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::EntityConstructorContext*)orig) -> expression(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object EntityHeadContextProxy::entityId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::EntityHeadContext*)orig) -> entityId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object EntityHeadContextProxy::subsuper() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::EntityHeadContext*)orig) -> subsuper(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object EntityHeadContextProxy::ENTITY() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::EntityHeadContext*)orig) -> ENTITY(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SubsuperContextProxy::supertypeConstraint() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SubsuperContext*)orig) -> supertypeConstraint(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SubsuperContextProxy::subtypeDeclaration() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SubsuperContext*)orig) -> subtypeDeclaration(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object EnumerationExtensionContextProxy::typeRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::EnumerationExtensionContext*)orig) -> typeRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object EnumerationExtensionContextProxy::enumerationItems() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::EnumerationExtensionContext*)orig) -> enumerationItems(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object EnumerationExtensionContextProxy::BASED_ON() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::EnumerationExtensionContext*)orig) -> BASED_ON(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object EnumerationExtensionContextProxy::WITH() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::EnumerationExtensionContext*)orig) -> WITH(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object EnumerationItemsContextProxy::enumerationItem() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::EnumerationItemsContext*)orig) -> enumerationItem().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(enumerationItemAt(i)); } } return a; } Object EnumerationItemsContextProxy::enumerationItemAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::EnumerationItemsContext*)orig) -> enumerationItem(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object EnumerationItemContextProxy::enumerationId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::EnumerationItemContext*)orig) -> enumerationId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object EnumerationReferenceContextProxy::enumerationRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::EnumerationReferenceContext*)orig) -> enumerationRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object EnumerationReferenceContextProxy::typeRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::EnumerationReferenceContext*)orig) -> typeRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object EscapeStmtContextProxy::ESCAPE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::EscapeStmtContext*)orig) -> ESCAPE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object RelOpExtendedContextProxy::relOp() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::RelOpExtendedContext*)orig) -> relOp(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object RelOpExtendedContextProxy::IN() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::RelOpExtendedContext*)orig) -> IN(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object RelOpExtendedContextProxy::LIKE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::RelOpExtendedContext*)orig) -> LIKE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object FactorContextProxy::simpleFactor() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::FactorContext*)orig) -> simpleFactor().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(simpleFactorAt(i)); } } return a; } Object FactorContextProxy::simpleFactorAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::FactorContext*)orig) -> simpleFactor(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SimpleFactorContextProxy::aggregateInitializer() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SimpleFactorContext*)orig) -> aggregateInitializer(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SimpleFactorContextProxy::entityConstructor() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SimpleFactorContext*)orig) -> entityConstructor(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SimpleFactorContextProxy::enumerationReference() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SimpleFactorContext*)orig) -> enumerationReference(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SimpleFactorContextProxy::interval() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SimpleFactorContext*)orig) -> interval(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SimpleFactorContextProxy::queryExpression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SimpleFactorContext*)orig) -> queryExpression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SimpleFactorContextProxy::simpleFactorExpression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SimpleFactorContext*)orig) -> simpleFactorExpression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SimpleFactorContextProxy::simpleFactorUnaryExpression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SimpleFactorContext*)orig) -> simpleFactorUnaryExpression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object FormalParameterContextProxy::parameterId() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::FormalParameterContext*)orig) -> parameterId().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(parameterIdAt(i)); } } return a; } Object FormalParameterContextProxy::parameterIdAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::FormalParameterContext*)orig) -> parameterId(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object FormalParameterContextProxy::parameterType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::FormalParameterContext*)orig) -> parameterType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object FunctionCallContextProxy::builtInFunction() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::FunctionCallContext*)orig) -> builtInFunction(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object FunctionCallContextProxy::functionRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::FunctionCallContext*)orig) -> functionRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object FunctionCallContextProxy::actualParameterList() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::FunctionCallContext*)orig) -> actualParameterList(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object FunctionHeadContextProxy::functionId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::FunctionHeadContext*)orig) -> functionId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object FunctionHeadContextProxy::parameterType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::FunctionHeadContext*)orig) -> parameterType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object FunctionHeadContextProxy::formalParameter() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::FunctionHeadContext*)orig) -> formalParameter().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(formalParameterAt(i)); } } return a; } Object FunctionHeadContextProxy::formalParameterAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::FunctionHeadContext*)orig) -> formalParameter(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object FunctionHeadContextProxy::FUNCTION() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::FunctionHeadContext*)orig) -> FUNCTION(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object GeneralizedTypesContextProxy::aggregateType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::GeneralizedTypesContext*)orig) -> aggregateType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object GeneralizedTypesContextProxy::generalAggregationTypes() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::GeneralizedTypesContext*)orig) -> generalAggregationTypes(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object GeneralizedTypesContextProxy::genericEntityType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::GeneralizedTypesContext*)orig) -> genericEntityType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object GeneralizedTypesContextProxy::genericType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::GeneralizedTypesContext*)orig) -> genericType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object GeneralAggregationTypesContextProxy::generalArrayType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::GeneralAggregationTypesContext*)orig) -> generalArrayType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object GeneralAggregationTypesContextProxy::generalBagType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::GeneralAggregationTypesContext*)orig) -> generalBagType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object GeneralAggregationTypesContextProxy::generalListType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::GeneralAggregationTypesContext*)orig) -> generalListType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object GeneralAggregationTypesContextProxy::generalSetType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::GeneralAggregationTypesContext*)orig) -> generalSetType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object GenericEntityTypeContextProxy::typeLabel() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::GenericEntityTypeContext*)orig) -> typeLabel(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object GenericEntityTypeContextProxy::GENERIC_ENTITY() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::GenericEntityTypeContext*)orig) -> GENERIC_ENTITY(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object GenericTypeContextProxy::typeLabel() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::GenericTypeContext*)orig) -> typeLabel(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object GenericTypeContextProxy::GENERIC() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::GenericTypeContext*)orig) -> GENERIC(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object GeneralArrayTypeContextProxy::parameterType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::GeneralArrayTypeContext*)orig) -> parameterType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object GeneralArrayTypeContextProxy::boundSpec() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::GeneralArrayTypeContext*)orig) -> boundSpec(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object GeneralArrayTypeContextProxy::ARRAY() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::GeneralArrayTypeContext*)orig) -> ARRAY(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object GeneralArrayTypeContextProxy::OF() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::GeneralArrayTypeContext*)orig) -> OF(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object GeneralArrayTypeContextProxy::OPTIONAL() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::GeneralArrayTypeContext*)orig) -> OPTIONAL(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object GeneralArrayTypeContextProxy::UNIQUE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::GeneralArrayTypeContext*)orig) -> UNIQUE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object GeneralBagTypeContextProxy::parameterType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::GeneralBagTypeContext*)orig) -> parameterType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object GeneralBagTypeContextProxy::boundSpec() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::GeneralBagTypeContext*)orig) -> boundSpec(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object GeneralBagTypeContextProxy::BAG() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::GeneralBagTypeContext*)orig) -> BAG(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object GeneralBagTypeContextProxy::OF() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::GeneralBagTypeContext*)orig) -> OF(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object GeneralListTypeContextProxy::parameterType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::GeneralListTypeContext*)orig) -> parameterType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object GeneralListTypeContextProxy::boundSpec() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::GeneralListTypeContext*)orig) -> boundSpec(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object GeneralListTypeContextProxy::LIST() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::GeneralListTypeContext*)orig) -> LIST(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object GeneralListTypeContextProxy::OF() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::GeneralListTypeContext*)orig) -> OF(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object GeneralListTypeContextProxy::UNIQUE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::GeneralListTypeContext*)orig) -> UNIQUE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object GeneralSetTypeContextProxy::parameterType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::GeneralSetTypeContext*)orig) -> parameterType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object GeneralSetTypeContextProxy::boundSpec() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::GeneralSetTypeContext*)orig) -> boundSpec(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object GeneralSetTypeContextProxy::SET() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::GeneralSetTypeContext*)orig) -> SET(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object GeneralSetTypeContextProxy::OF() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::GeneralSetTypeContext*)orig) -> OF(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object GroupQualifierContextProxy::entityRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::GroupQualifierContext*)orig) -> entityRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object IfStmtContextProxy::logicalExpression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::IfStmtContext*)orig) -> logicalExpression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object IfStmtContextProxy::ifStmtStatements() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::IfStmtContext*)orig) -> ifStmtStatements(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object IfStmtContextProxy::ifStmtElseStatements() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::IfStmtContext*)orig) -> ifStmtElseStatements(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object IfStmtContextProxy::IF() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::IfStmtContext*)orig) -> IF(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object IfStmtContextProxy::THEN() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::IfStmtContext*)orig) -> THEN(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object IfStmtContextProxy::END_IF() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::IfStmtContext*)orig) -> END_IF(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object IfStmtContextProxy::ELSE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::IfStmtContext*)orig) -> ELSE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object LogicalExpressionContextProxy::expression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::LogicalExpressionContext*)orig) -> expression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object IfStmtStatementsContextProxy::stmt() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::IfStmtStatementsContext*)orig) -> stmt().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(stmtAt(i)); } } return a; } Object IfStmtStatementsContextProxy::stmtAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::IfStmtStatementsContext*)orig) -> stmt(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object IfStmtElseStatementsContextProxy::stmt() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::IfStmtElseStatementsContext*)orig) -> stmt().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(stmtAt(i)); } } return a; } Object IfStmtElseStatementsContextProxy::stmtAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::IfStmtElseStatementsContext*)orig) -> stmt(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object IncrementContextProxy::numericExpression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::IncrementContext*)orig) -> numericExpression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object IncrementControlContextProxy::variableId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::IncrementControlContext*)orig) -> variableId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object IncrementControlContextProxy::bound1() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::IncrementControlContext*)orig) -> bound1(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object IncrementControlContextProxy::bound2() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::IncrementControlContext*)orig) -> bound2(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object IncrementControlContextProxy::increment() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::IncrementControlContext*)orig) -> increment(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object IncrementControlContextProxy::TO() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::IncrementControlContext*)orig) -> TO(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object IncrementControlContextProxy::BY() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::IncrementControlContext*)orig) -> BY(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object IndexContextProxy::numericExpression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::IndexContext*)orig) -> numericExpression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object Index1ContextProxy::index() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::Index1Context*)orig) -> index(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object Index2ContextProxy::index() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::Index2Context*)orig) -> index(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object IndexQualifierContextProxy::index1() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::IndexQualifierContext*)orig) -> index1(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object IndexQualifierContextProxy::index2() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::IndexQualifierContext*)orig) -> index2(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object IntegerTypeContextProxy::INTEGER() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::IntegerTypeContext*)orig) -> INTEGER(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object InterfaceSpecificationContextProxy::referenceClause() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::InterfaceSpecificationContext*)orig) -> referenceClause(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object InterfaceSpecificationContextProxy::useClause() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::InterfaceSpecificationContext*)orig) -> useClause(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ReferenceClauseContextProxy::schemaRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ReferenceClauseContext*)orig) -> schemaRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ReferenceClauseContextProxy::resourceOrRename() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::ReferenceClauseContext*)orig) -> resourceOrRename().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(resourceOrRenameAt(i)); } } return a; } Object ReferenceClauseContextProxy::resourceOrRenameAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ReferenceClauseContext*)orig) -> resourceOrRename(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ReferenceClauseContextProxy::REFERENCE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::ReferenceClauseContext*)orig) -> REFERENCE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object ReferenceClauseContextProxy::FROM() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::ReferenceClauseContext*)orig) -> FROM(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object UseClauseContextProxy::schemaRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::UseClauseContext*)orig) -> schemaRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object UseClauseContextProxy::namedTypeOrRename() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::UseClauseContext*)orig) -> namedTypeOrRename().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(namedTypeOrRenameAt(i)); } } return a; } Object UseClauseContextProxy::namedTypeOrRenameAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::UseClauseContext*)orig) -> namedTypeOrRename(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object UseClauseContextProxy::USE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::UseClauseContext*)orig) -> USE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object UseClauseContextProxy::FROM() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::UseClauseContext*)orig) -> FROM(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object IntervalContextProxy::intervalLow() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::IntervalContext*)orig) -> intervalLow(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object IntervalContextProxy::intervalOp() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::IntervalContext*)orig) -> intervalOp().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(intervalOpAt(i)); } } return a; } Object IntervalContextProxy::intervalOpAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::IntervalContext*)orig) -> intervalOp(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object IntervalContextProxy::intervalItem() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::IntervalContext*)orig) -> intervalItem(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object IntervalContextProxy::intervalHigh() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::IntervalContext*)orig) -> intervalHigh(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object IntervalLowContextProxy::simpleExpression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::IntervalLowContext*)orig) -> simpleExpression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object IntervalItemContextProxy::simpleExpression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::IntervalItemContext*)orig) -> simpleExpression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object IntervalHighContextProxy::simpleExpression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::IntervalHighContext*)orig) -> simpleExpression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object InverseAttrContextProxy::attributeDecl() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::InverseAttrContext*)orig) -> attributeDecl(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object InverseAttrContextProxy::inverseAttrType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::InverseAttrContext*)orig) -> inverseAttrType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object InverseAttrContextProxy::attributeRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::InverseAttrContext*)orig) -> attributeRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object InverseAttrContextProxy::entityRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::InverseAttrContext*)orig) -> entityRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object InverseAttrContextProxy::FOR() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::InverseAttrContext*)orig) -> FOR(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object InverseAttrTypeContextProxy::entityRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::InverseAttrTypeContext*)orig) -> entityRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object InverseAttrTypeContextProxy::boundSpec() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::InverseAttrTypeContext*)orig) -> boundSpec(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object InverseAttrTypeContextProxy::OF() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::InverseAttrTypeContext*)orig) -> OF(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object InverseAttrTypeContextProxy::SET() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::InverseAttrTypeContext*)orig) -> SET(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object InverseAttrTypeContextProxy::BAG() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::InverseAttrTypeContext*)orig) -> BAG(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object LiteralContextProxy::logicalLiteral() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::LiteralContext*)orig) -> logicalLiteral(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object LiteralContextProxy::stringLiteral() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::LiteralContext*)orig) -> stringLiteral(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object LiteralContextProxy::BinaryLiteral() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::LiteralContext*)orig) -> BinaryLiteral(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object LiteralContextProxy::IntegerLiteral() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::LiteralContext*)orig) -> IntegerLiteral(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object LiteralContextProxy::RealLiteral() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::LiteralContext*)orig) -> RealLiteral(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object LogicalLiteralContextProxy::FALSE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::LogicalLiteralContext*)orig) -> FALSE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object LogicalLiteralContextProxy::TRUE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::LogicalLiteralContext*)orig) -> TRUE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object LogicalLiteralContextProxy::UNKNOWN() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::LogicalLiteralContext*)orig) -> UNKNOWN(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object StringLiteralContextProxy::SimpleStringLiteral() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::StringLiteralContext*)orig) -> SimpleStringLiteral(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object StringLiteralContextProxy::EncodedStringLiteral() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::StringLiteralContext*)orig) -> EncodedStringLiteral(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object LocalVariableContextProxy::variableId() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::LocalVariableContext*)orig) -> variableId().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(variableIdAt(i)); } } return a; } Object LocalVariableContextProxy::variableIdAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::LocalVariableContext*)orig) -> variableId(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object LocalVariableContextProxy::parameterType() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::LocalVariableContext*)orig) -> parameterType(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object LocalVariableContextProxy::expression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::LocalVariableContext*)orig) -> expression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object LogicalTypeContextProxy::LOGICAL() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::LogicalTypeContext*)orig) -> LOGICAL(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object MultiplicationLikeOpContextProxy::DIV() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::MultiplicationLikeOpContext*)orig) -> DIV(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object MultiplicationLikeOpContextProxy::MOD() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::MultiplicationLikeOpContext*)orig) -> MOD(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object MultiplicationLikeOpContextProxy::AND() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::MultiplicationLikeOpContext*)orig) -> AND(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object NamedTypesContextProxy::entityRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::NamedTypesContext*)orig) -> entityRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object NamedTypesContextProxy::typeRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::NamedTypesContext*)orig) -> typeRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object NamedTypeOrRenameContextProxy::namedTypes() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::NamedTypeOrRenameContext*)orig) -> namedTypes(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object NamedTypeOrRenameContextProxy::entityId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::NamedTypeOrRenameContext*)orig) -> entityId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object NamedTypeOrRenameContextProxy::typeId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::NamedTypeOrRenameContext*)orig) -> typeId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object NamedTypeOrRenameContextProxy::AS() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::NamedTypeOrRenameContext*)orig) -> AS(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object NumberTypeContextProxy::NUMBER() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::NumberTypeContext*)orig) -> NUMBER(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object OneOfContextProxy::supertypeExpression() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::OneOfContext*)orig) -> supertypeExpression().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(supertypeExpressionAt(i)); } } return a; } Object OneOfContextProxy::supertypeExpressionAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::OneOfContext*)orig) -> supertypeExpression(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object OneOfContextProxy::ONEOF() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::OneOfContext*)orig) -> ONEOF(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SupertypeExpressionContextProxy::supertypeFactor() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::SupertypeExpressionContext*)orig) -> supertypeFactor().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(supertypeFactorAt(i)); } } return a; } Object SupertypeExpressionContextProxy::supertypeFactorAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SupertypeExpressionContext*)orig) -> supertypeFactor(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SupertypeExpressionContextProxy::ANDOR() { Array a; if (orig == nullptr) { return a; } auto vec = ((ExpressParser::SupertypeExpressionContext*)orig) -> ANDOR(); for (auto it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); it ++) { TerminalNodeProxy proxy(*it); a.push(detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy)); } return a; } Object SupertypeExpressionContextProxy::ANDORAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::SupertypeExpressionContext*)orig) -> ANDOR(i); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object PopulationContextProxy::entityRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::PopulationContext*)orig) -> entityRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object PrecisionSpecContextProxy::numericExpression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::PrecisionSpecContext*)orig) -> numericExpression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object PrimaryContextProxy::literal() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::PrimaryContext*)orig) -> literal(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object PrimaryContextProxy::qualifiableFactor() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::PrimaryContext*)orig) -> qualifiableFactor(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object PrimaryContextProxy::qualifier() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::PrimaryContext*)orig) -> qualifier().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(qualifierAt(i)); } } return a; } Object PrimaryContextProxy::qualifierAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::PrimaryContext*)orig) -> qualifier(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object QualifiableFactorContextProxy::attributeRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::QualifiableFactorContext*)orig) -> attributeRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object QualifiableFactorContextProxy::constantFactor() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::QualifiableFactorContext*)orig) -> constantFactor(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object QualifiableFactorContextProxy::functionCall() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::QualifiableFactorContext*)orig) -> functionCall(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object QualifiableFactorContextProxy::generalRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::QualifiableFactorContext*)orig) -> generalRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object QualifiableFactorContextProxy::population() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::QualifiableFactorContext*)orig) -> population(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ProcedureCallStmtContextProxy::builtInProcedure() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ProcedureCallStmtContext*)orig) -> builtInProcedure(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ProcedureCallStmtContextProxy::procedureRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ProcedureCallStmtContext*)orig) -> procedureRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ProcedureCallStmtContextProxy::actualParameterList() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ProcedureCallStmtContext*)orig) -> actualParameterList(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ProcedureHeadContextProxy::procedureId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ProcedureHeadContext*)orig) -> procedureId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ProcedureHeadContextProxy::procedureHeadParameter() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::ProcedureHeadContext*)orig) -> procedureHeadParameter().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(procedureHeadParameterAt(i)); } } return a; } Object ProcedureHeadContextProxy::procedureHeadParameterAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ProcedureHeadContext*)orig) -> procedureHeadParameter(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ProcedureHeadContextProxy::PROCEDURE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::ProcedureHeadContext*)orig) -> PROCEDURE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object ProcedureHeadParameterContextProxy::formalParameter() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ProcedureHeadParameterContext*)orig) -> formalParameter(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ProcedureHeadParameterContextProxy::VAR() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::ProcedureHeadParameterContext*)orig) -> VAR(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object QualifiedAttributeContextProxy::groupQualifier() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::QualifiedAttributeContext*)orig) -> groupQualifier(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object QualifiedAttributeContextProxy::attributeQualifier() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::QualifiedAttributeContext*)orig) -> attributeQualifier(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object QualifiedAttributeContextProxy::SELF() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::QualifiedAttributeContext*)orig) -> SELF(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object QueryExpressionContextProxy::variableId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::QueryExpressionContext*)orig) -> variableId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object QueryExpressionContextProxy::aggregateSource() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::QueryExpressionContext*)orig) -> aggregateSource(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object QueryExpressionContextProxy::logicalExpression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::QueryExpressionContext*)orig) -> logicalExpression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object QueryExpressionContextProxy::QUERY() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::QueryExpressionContext*)orig) -> QUERY(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object RealTypeContextProxy::precisionSpec() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::RealTypeContext*)orig) -> precisionSpec(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object RealTypeContextProxy::REAL() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::RealTypeContext*)orig) -> REAL(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object ReferencedAttributeContextProxy::attributeRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ReferencedAttributeContext*)orig) -> attributeRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ReferencedAttributeContextProxy::qualifiedAttribute() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ReferencedAttributeContext*)orig) -> qualifiedAttribute(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ResourceOrRenameContextProxy::resourceRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ResourceOrRenameContext*)orig) -> resourceRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ResourceOrRenameContextProxy::renameId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ResourceOrRenameContext*)orig) -> renameId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ResourceOrRenameContextProxy::AS() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::ResourceOrRenameContext*)orig) -> AS(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object RenameIdContextProxy::constantId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::RenameIdContext*)orig) -> constantId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object RenameIdContextProxy::entityId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::RenameIdContext*)orig) -> entityId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object RenameIdContextProxy::functionId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::RenameIdContext*)orig) -> functionId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object RenameIdContextProxy::procedureId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::RenameIdContext*)orig) -> procedureId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object RenameIdContextProxy::typeId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::RenameIdContext*)orig) -> typeId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object RepeatControlContextProxy::incrementControl() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::RepeatControlContext*)orig) -> incrementControl(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object RepeatControlContextProxy::whileControl() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::RepeatControlContext*)orig) -> whileControl(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object RepeatControlContextProxy::untilControl() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::RepeatControlContext*)orig) -> untilControl(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object WhileControlContextProxy::logicalExpression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::WhileControlContext*)orig) -> logicalExpression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object WhileControlContextProxy::WHILE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::WhileControlContext*)orig) -> WHILE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object UntilControlContextProxy::logicalExpression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::UntilControlContext*)orig) -> logicalExpression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object UntilControlContextProxy::UNTIL() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::UntilControlContext*)orig) -> UNTIL(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object RepeatStmtContextProxy::repeatControl() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::RepeatStmtContext*)orig) -> repeatControl(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object RepeatStmtContextProxy::stmt() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::RepeatStmtContext*)orig) -> stmt().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(stmtAt(i)); } } return a; } Object RepeatStmtContextProxy::stmtAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::RepeatStmtContext*)orig) -> stmt(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object RepeatStmtContextProxy::REPEAT() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::RepeatStmtContext*)orig) -> REPEAT(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object RepeatStmtContextProxy::END_REPEAT() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::RepeatStmtContext*)orig) -> END_REPEAT(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object ResourceRefContextProxy::constantRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ResourceRefContext*)orig) -> constantRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ResourceRefContextProxy::entityRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ResourceRefContext*)orig) -> entityRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ResourceRefContextProxy::functionRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ResourceRefContext*)orig) -> functionRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ResourceRefContextProxy::procedureRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ResourceRefContext*)orig) -> procedureRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ResourceRefContextProxy::typeRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ResourceRefContext*)orig) -> typeRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ReturnStmtContextProxy::expression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::ReturnStmtContext*)orig) -> expression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object ReturnStmtContextProxy::RETURN() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::ReturnStmtContext*)orig) -> RETURN(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object RuleDeclContextProxy::ruleHead() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::RuleDeclContext*)orig) -> ruleHead(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object RuleDeclContextProxy::algorithmHead() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::RuleDeclContext*)orig) -> algorithmHead(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object RuleDeclContextProxy::whereClause() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::RuleDeclContext*)orig) -> whereClause(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object RuleDeclContextProxy::stmt() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::RuleDeclContext*)orig) -> stmt().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(stmtAt(i)); } } return a; } Object RuleDeclContextProxy::stmtAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::RuleDeclContext*)orig) -> stmt(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object RuleDeclContextProxy::END_RULE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::RuleDeclContext*)orig) -> END_RULE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object RuleHeadContextProxy::ruleId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::RuleHeadContext*)orig) -> ruleId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object RuleHeadContextProxy::entityRef() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::RuleHeadContext*)orig) -> entityRef().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(entityRefAt(i)); } } return a; } Object RuleHeadContextProxy::entityRefAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::RuleHeadContext*)orig) -> entityRef(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object RuleHeadContextProxy::RULE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::RuleHeadContext*)orig) -> RULE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object RuleHeadContextProxy::FOR() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::RuleHeadContext*)orig) -> FOR(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SchemaBodyContextProxy::interfaceSpecification() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::SchemaBodyContext*)orig) -> interfaceSpecification().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(interfaceSpecificationAt(i)); } } return a; } Object SchemaBodyContextProxy::interfaceSpecificationAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SchemaBodyContext*)orig) -> interfaceSpecification(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SchemaBodyContextProxy::constantDecl() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SchemaBodyContext*)orig) -> constantDecl(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SchemaBodyContextProxy::schemaBodyDeclaration() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::SchemaBodyContext*)orig) -> schemaBodyDeclaration().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(schemaBodyDeclarationAt(i)); } } return a; } Object SchemaBodyContextProxy::schemaBodyDeclarationAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SchemaBodyContext*)orig) -> schemaBodyDeclaration(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SchemaBodyDeclarationContextProxy::declaration() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SchemaBodyDeclarationContext*)orig) -> declaration(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SchemaBodyDeclarationContextProxy::ruleDecl() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SchemaBodyDeclarationContext*)orig) -> ruleDecl(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SchemaDeclContextProxy::schemaId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SchemaDeclContext*)orig) -> schemaId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SchemaDeclContextProxy::schemaBody() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SchemaDeclContext*)orig) -> schemaBody(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SchemaDeclContextProxy::schemaVersionId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SchemaDeclContext*)orig) -> schemaVersionId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SchemaDeclContextProxy::SCHEMA() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::SchemaDeclContext*)orig) -> SCHEMA(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SchemaDeclContextProxy::END_SCHEMA() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::SchemaDeclContext*)orig) -> END_SCHEMA(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SchemaVersionIdContextProxy::stringLiteral() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SchemaVersionIdContext*)orig) -> stringLiteral(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SelectExtensionContextProxy::typeRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SelectExtensionContext*)orig) -> typeRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SelectExtensionContextProxy::selectList() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SelectExtensionContext*)orig) -> selectList(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SelectExtensionContextProxy::BASED_ON() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::SelectExtensionContext*)orig) -> BASED_ON(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SelectExtensionContextProxy::WITH() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::SelectExtensionContext*)orig) -> WITH(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SelectListContextProxy::namedTypes() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::SelectListContext*)orig) -> namedTypes().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(namedTypesAt(i)); } } return a; } Object SelectListContextProxy::namedTypesAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SelectListContext*)orig) -> namedTypes(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object TermContextProxy::factor() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::TermContext*)orig) -> factor().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(factorAt(i)); } } return a; } Object TermContextProxy::factorAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::TermContext*)orig) -> factor(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object TermContextProxy::multiplicationLikeOp() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::TermContext*)orig) -> multiplicationLikeOp().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(multiplicationLikeOpAt(i)); } } return a; } Object TermContextProxy::multiplicationLikeOpAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::TermContext*)orig) -> multiplicationLikeOp(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SimpleFactorExpressionContextProxy::expression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SimpleFactorExpressionContext*)orig) -> expression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SimpleFactorExpressionContextProxy::primary() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SimpleFactorExpressionContext*)orig) -> primary(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SimpleFactorUnaryExpressionContextProxy::unaryOp() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SimpleFactorUnaryExpressionContext*)orig) -> unaryOp(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SimpleFactorUnaryExpressionContextProxy::simpleFactorExpression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SimpleFactorUnaryExpressionContext*)orig) -> simpleFactorExpression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object UnaryOpContextProxy::NOT() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::UnaryOpContext*)orig) -> NOT(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object StringTypeContextProxy::widthSpec() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::StringTypeContext*)orig) -> widthSpec(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object StringTypeContextProxy::STRING() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::StringTypeContext*)orig) -> STRING(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SkipStmtContextProxy::SKIP_() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::SkipStmtContext*)orig) -> SKIP_(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SupertypeConstraintContextProxy::abstractEntityDeclaration() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SupertypeConstraintContext*)orig) -> abstractEntityDeclaration(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SupertypeConstraintContextProxy::abstractSupertypeDeclaration() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SupertypeConstraintContext*)orig) -> abstractSupertypeDeclaration(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SupertypeConstraintContextProxy::supertypeRule() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SupertypeConstraintContext*)orig) -> supertypeRule(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SubtypeDeclarationContextProxy::entityRef() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::SubtypeDeclarationContext*)orig) -> entityRef().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(entityRefAt(i)); } } return a; } Object SubtypeDeclarationContextProxy::entityRefAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SubtypeDeclarationContext*)orig) -> entityRef(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SubtypeDeclarationContextProxy::SUBTYPE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::SubtypeDeclarationContext*)orig) -> SUBTYPE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SubtypeDeclarationContextProxy::OF() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::SubtypeDeclarationContext*)orig) -> OF(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SubtypeConstraintBodyContextProxy::abstractSupertype() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintBodyContext*)orig) -> abstractSupertype(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SubtypeConstraintBodyContextProxy::totalOver() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintBodyContext*)orig) -> totalOver(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SubtypeConstraintBodyContextProxy::supertypeExpression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintBodyContext*)orig) -> supertypeExpression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object TotalOverContextProxy::entityRef() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::TotalOverContext*)orig) -> entityRef().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(entityRefAt(i)); } } return a; } Object TotalOverContextProxy::entityRefAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::TotalOverContext*)orig) -> entityRef(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object TotalOverContextProxy::TOTAL_OVER() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::TotalOverContext*)orig) -> TOTAL_OVER(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SubtypeConstraintHeadContextProxy::subtypeConstraintId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintHeadContext*)orig) -> subtypeConstraintId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SubtypeConstraintHeadContextProxy::entityRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintHeadContext*)orig) -> entityRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SubtypeConstraintHeadContextProxy::SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintHeadContext*)orig) -> SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SubtypeConstraintHeadContextProxy::FOR() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintHeadContext*)orig) -> FOR(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SupertypeRuleContextProxy::subtypeConstraint() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SupertypeRuleContext*)orig) -> subtypeConstraint(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SupertypeRuleContextProxy::SUPERTYPE() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::SupertypeRuleContext*)orig) -> SUPERTYPE(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SupertypeFactorContextProxy::supertypeTerm() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::SupertypeFactorContext*)orig) -> supertypeTerm().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(supertypeTermAt(i)); } } return a; } Object SupertypeFactorContextProxy::supertypeTermAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SupertypeFactorContext*)orig) -> supertypeTerm(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SupertypeFactorContextProxy::AND() { Array a; if (orig == nullptr) { return a; } auto vec = ((ExpressParser::SupertypeFactorContext*)orig) -> AND(); for (auto it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); it ++) { TerminalNodeProxy proxy(*it); a.push(detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy)); } return a; } Object SupertypeFactorContextProxy::ANDAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::SupertypeFactorContext*)orig) -> AND(i); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object SupertypeTermContextProxy::entityRef() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SupertypeTermContext*)orig) -> entityRef(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SupertypeTermContextProxy::oneOf() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SupertypeTermContext*)orig) -> oneOf(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SupertypeTermContextProxy::supertypeExpression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SupertypeTermContext*)orig) -> supertypeExpression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SyntaxContextProxy::schemaDecl() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::SyntaxContext*)orig) -> schemaDecl().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(schemaDeclAt(i)); } } return a; } Object SyntaxContextProxy::schemaDeclAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::SyntaxContext*)orig) -> schemaDecl(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object SyntaxContextProxy::EOF() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto token = ((ExpressParser::SyntaxContext*)orig) -> EOF(); if (token == nullptr) { return Qnil; } TerminalNodeProxy proxy(token); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Object UnderlyingTypeContextProxy::concreteTypes() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::UnderlyingTypeContext*)orig) -> concreteTypes(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object UnderlyingTypeContextProxy::constructedTypes() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::UnderlyingTypeContext*)orig) -> constructedTypes(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object UniqueRuleContextProxy::referencedAttribute() { Array a; if (orig != nullptr) { size_t count = ((ExpressParser::UniqueRuleContext*)orig) -> referencedAttribute().size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) { a.push(referencedAttributeAt(i)); } } return a; } Object UniqueRuleContextProxy::referencedAttributeAt(size_t i) { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::UniqueRuleContext*)orig) -> referencedAttribute(i); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object UniqueRuleContextProxy::ruleLabelId() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::UniqueRuleContext*)orig) -> ruleLabelId(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } Object WidthContextProxy::numericExpression() { if (orig == nullptr) { return Qnil; } auto ctx = ((ExpressParser::WidthContext*)orig) -> numericExpression(); if (ctx == nullptr) { return Qnil; } for (auto child : getChildren()) { if (ctx == detail::From_Ruby().convert(child.value()).getOriginal()) { return child; } } return Nil; } class VisitorProxy : public ExpressBaseVisitor, public Director { public: VisitorProxy(Object self) : Director(self) { } Object ruby_visit(ContextProxy* proxy) { auto result = visit(proxy -> getOriginal()); return result.as(); } Object ruby_visitChildren(ContextProxy* proxy) { auto result = visitChildren(proxy -> getOriginal()); return result.as(); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitAttributeRef(ExpressParser::AttributeRefContext *ctx) override { AttributeRefContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_attribute_ref", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitConstantRef(ExpressParser::ConstantRefContext *ctx) override { ConstantRefContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_constant_ref", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitEntityRef(ExpressParser::EntityRefContext *ctx) override { EntityRefContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_entity_ref", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitEnumerationRef(ExpressParser::EnumerationRefContext *ctx) override { EnumerationRefContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_enumeration_ref", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitFunctionRef(ExpressParser::FunctionRefContext *ctx) override { FunctionRefContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_function_ref", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitParameterRef(ExpressParser::ParameterRefContext *ctx) override { ParameterRefContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_parameter_ref", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitProcedureRef(ExpressParser::ProcedureRefContext *ctx) override { ProcedureRefContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_procedure_ref", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitRuleLabelRef(ExpressParser::RuleLabelRefContext *ctx) override { RuleLabelRefContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_rule_label_ref", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitRuleRef(ExpressParser::RuleRefContext *ctx) override { RuleRefContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_rule_ref", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSchemaRef(ExpressParser::SchemaRefContext *ctx) override { SchemaRefContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_schema_ref", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSubtypeConstraintRef(ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintRefContext *ctx) override { SubtypeConstraintRefContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_subtype_constraint_ref", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitTypeLabelRef(ExpressParser::TypeLabelRefContext *ctx) override { TypeLabelRefContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_type_label_ref", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitTypeRef(ExpressParser::TypeRefContext *ctx) override { TypeRefContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_type_ref", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitVariableRef(ExpressParser::VariableRefContext *ctx) override { VariableRefContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_variable_ref", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitAbstractEntityDeclaration(ExpressParser::AbstractEntityDeclarationContext *ctx) override { AbstractEntityDeclarationContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_abstract_entity_declaration", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitAbstractSupertype(ExpressParser::AbstractSupertypeContext *ctx) override { AbstractSupertypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_abstract_supertype", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitAbstractSupertypeDeclaration(ExpressParser::AbstractSupertypeDeclarationContext *ctx) override { AbstractSupertypeDeclarationContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_abstract_supertype_declaration", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitActualParameterList(ExpressParser::ActualParameterListContext *ctx) override { ActualParameterListContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_actual_parameter_list", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitAddLikeOp(ExpressParser::AddLikeOpContext *ctx) override { AddLikeOpContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_add_like_op", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitAggregateInitializer(ExpressParser::AggregateInitializerContext *ctx) override { AggregateInitializerContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_aggregate_initializer", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitAggregateSource(ExpressParser::AggregateSourceContext *ctx) override { AggregateSourceContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_aggregate_source", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitAggregateType(ExpressParser::AggregateTypeContext *ctx) override { AggregateTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_aggregate_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitAggregationTypes(ExpressParser::AggregationTypesContext *ctx) override { AggregationTypesContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_aggregation_types", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitAlgorithmHead(ExpressParser::AlgorithmHeadContext *ctx) override { AlgorithmHeadContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_algorithm_head", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitAliasStmt(ExpressParser::AliasStmtContext *ctx) override { AliasStmtContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_alias_stmt", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitArrayType(ExpressParser::ArrayTypeContext *ctx) override { ArrayTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_array_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitAssignmentStmt(ExpressParser::AssignmentStmtContext *ctx) override { AssignmentStmtContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_assignment_stmt", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitAttributeDecl(ExpressParser::AttributeDeclContext *ctx) override { AttributeDeclContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_attribute_decl", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitAttributeId(ExpressParser::AttributeIdContext *ctx) override { AttributeIdContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_attribute_id", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitAttributeQualifier(ExpressParser::AttributeQualifierContext *ctx) override { AttributeQualifierContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_attribute_qualifier", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitBagType(ExpressParser::BagTypeContext *ctx) override { BagTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_bag_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitBinaryType(ExpressParser::BinaryTypeContext *ctx) override { BinaryTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_binary_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitBooleanType(ExpressParser::BooleanTypeContext *ctx) override { BooleanTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_boolean_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitBound1(ExpressParser::Bound1Context *ctx) override { Bound1ContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_bound1", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitBound2(ExpressParser::Bound2Context *ctx) override { Bound2ContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_bound2", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitBoundSpec(ExpressParser::BoundSpecContext *ctx) override { BoundSpecContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_bound_spec", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitBuiltInConstant(ExpressParser::BuiltInConstantContext *ctx) override { BuiltInConstantContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_built_in_constant", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitBuiltInFunction(ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext *ctx) override { BuiltInFunctionContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_built_in_function", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitBuiltInProcedure(ExpressParser::BuiltInProcedureContext *ctx) override { BuiltInProcedureContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_built_in_procedure", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitCaseAction(ExpressParser::CaseActionContext *ctx) override { CaseActionContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_case_action", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitCaseLabel(ExpressParser::CaseLabelContext *ctx) override { CaseLabelContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_case_label", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitCaseStmt(ExpressParser::CaseStmtContext *ctx) override { CaseStmtContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_case_stmt", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitCompoundStmt(ExpressParser::CompoundStmtContext *ctx) override { CompoundStmtContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_compound_stmt", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitConcreteTypes(ExpressParser::ConcreteTypesContext *ctx) override { ConcreteTypesContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_concrete_types", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitConstantBody(ExpressParser::ConstantBodyContext *ctx) override { ConstantBodyContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_constant_body", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitConstantDecl(ExpressParser::ConstantDeclContext *ctx) override { ConstantDeclContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_constant_decl", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitConstantFactor(ExpressParser::ConstantFactorContext *ctx) override { ConstantFactorContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_constant_factor", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitConstantId(ExpressParser::ConstantIdContext *ctx) override { ConstantIdContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_constant_id", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitConstructedTypes(ExpressParser::ConstructedTypesContext *ctx) override { ConstructedTypesContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_constructed_types", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitDeclaration(ExpressParser::DeclarationContext *ctx) override { DeclarationContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_declaration", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitDerivedAttr(ExpressParser::DerivedAttrContext *ctx) override { DerivedAttrContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_derived_attr", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitDeriveClause(ExpressParser::DeriveClauseContext *ctx) override { DeriveClauseContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_derive_clause", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitDomainRule(ExpressParser::DomainRuleContext *ctx) override { DomainRuleContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_domain_rule", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitElement(ExpressParser::ElementContext *ctx) override { ElementContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_element", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitEntityBody(ExpressParser::EntityBodyContext *ctx) override { EntityBodyContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_entity_body", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitEntityConstructor(ExpressParser::EntityConstructorContext *ctx) override { EntityConstructorContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_entity_constructor", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitEntityDecl(ExpressParser::EntityDeclContext *ctx) override { EntityDeclContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_entity_decl", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitEntityHead(ExpressParser::EntityHeadContext *ctx) override { EntityHeadContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_entity_head", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitEntityId(ExpressParser::EntityIdContext *ctx) override { EntityIdContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_entity_id", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitEnumerationExtension(ExpressParser::EnumerationExtensionContext *ctx) override { EnumerationExtensionContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_enumeration_extension", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitEnumerationId(ExpressParser::EnumerationIdContext *ctx) override { EnumerationIdContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_enumeration_id", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitEnumerationItems(ExpressParser::EnumerationItemsContext *ctx) override { EnumerationItemsContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_enumeration_items", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitEnumerationItem(ExpressParser::EnumerationItemContext *ctx) override { EnumerationItemContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_enumeration_item", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitEnumerationReference(ExpressParser::EnumerationReferenceContext *ctx) override { EnumerationReferenceContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_enumeration_reference", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitEnumerationType(ExpressParser::EnumerationTypeContext *ctx) override { EnumerationTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_enumeration_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitEscapeStmt(ExpressParser::EscapeStmtContext *ctx) override { EscapeStmtContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_escape_stmt", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitExplicitAttr(ExpressParser::ExplicitAttrContext *ctx) override { ExplicitAttrContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_explicit_attr", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitExpression(ExpressParser::ExpressionContext *ctx) override { ExpressionContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_expression", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitFactor(ExpressParser::FactorContext *ctx) override { FactorContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_factor", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitFormalParameter(ExpressParser::FormalParameterContext *ctx) override { FormalParameterContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_formal_parameter", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitFunctionCall(ExpressParser::FunctionCallContext *ctx) override { FunctionCallContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_function_call", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitFunctionDecl(ExpressParser::FunctionDeclContext *ctx) override { FunctionDeclContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_function_decl", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitFunctionHead(ExpressParser::FunctionHeadContext *ctx) override { FunctionHeadContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_function_head", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitFunctionId(ExpressParser::FunctionIdContext *ctx) override { FunctionIdContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_function_id", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitGeneralizedTypes(ExpressParser::GeneralizedTypesContext *ctx) override { GeneralizedTypesContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_generalized_types", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitGeneralAggregationTypes(ExpressParser::GeneralAggregationTypesContext *ctx) override { GeneralAggregationTypesContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_general_aggregation_types", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitGeneralArrayType(ExpressParser::GeneralArrayTypeContext *ctx) override { GeneralArrayTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_general_array_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitGeneralBagType(ExpressParser::GeneralBagTypeContext *ctx) override { GeneralBagTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_general_bag_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitGeneralListType(ExpressParser::GeneralListTypeContext *ctx) override { GeneralListTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_general_list_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitGeneralRef(ExpressParser::GeneralRefContext *ctx) override { GeneralRefContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_general_ref", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitGeneralSetType(ExpressParser::GeneralSetTypeContext *ctx) override { GeneralSetTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_general_set_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitGenericEntityType(ExpressParser::GenericEntityTypeContext *ctx) override { GenericEntityTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_generic_entity_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitGenericType(ExpressParser::GenericTypeContext *ctx) override { GenericTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_generic_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitGroupQualifier(ExpressParser::GroupQualifierContext *ctx) override { GroupQualifierContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_group_qualifier", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitIfStmt(ExpressParser::IfStmtContext *ctx) override { IfStmtContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_if_stmt", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitIfStmtStatements(ExpressParser::IfStmtStatementsContext *ctx) override { IfStmtStatementsContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_if_stmt_statements", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitIfStmtElseStatements(ExpressParser::IfStmtElseStatementsContext *ctx) override { IfStmtElseStatementsContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_if_stmt_else_statements", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitIncrement(ExpressParser::IncrementContext *ctx) override { IncrementContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_increment", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitIncrementControl(ExpressParser::IncrementControlContext *ctx) override { IncrementControlContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_increment_control", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitIndex(ExpressParser::IndexContext *ctx) override { IndexContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_index", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitIndex1(ExpressParser::Index1Context *ctx) override { Index1ContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_index1", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitIndex2(ExpressParser::Index2Context *ctx) override { Index2ContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_index2", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitIndexQualifier(ExpressParser::IndexQualifierContext *ctx) override { IndexQualifierContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_index_qualifier", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitInstantiableType(ExpressParser::InstantiableTypeContext *ctx) override { InstantiableTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_instantiable_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitIntegerType(ExpressParser::IntegerTypeContext *ctx) override { IntegerTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_integer_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitInterfaceSpecification(ExpressParser::InterfaceSpecificationContext *ctx) override { InterfaceSpecificationContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_interface_specification", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitInterval(ExpressParser::IntervalContext *ctx) override { IntervalContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_interval", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitIntervalHigh(ExpressParser::IntervalHighContext *ctx) override { IntervalHighContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_interval_high", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitIntervalItem(ExpressParser::IntervalItemContext *ctx) override { IntervalItemContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_interval_item", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitIntervalLow(ExpressParser::IntervalLowContext *ctx) override { IntervalLowContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_interval_low", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitIntervalOp(ExpressParser::IntervalOpContext *ctx) override { IntervalOpContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_interval_op", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitInverseAttr(ExpressParser::InverseAttrContext *ctx) override { InverseAttrContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_inverse_attr", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitInverseAttrType(ExpressParser::InverseAttrTypeContext *ctx) override { InverseAttrTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_inverse_attr_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitInverseClause(ExpressParser::InverseClauseContext *ctx) override { InverseClauseContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_inverse_clause", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitListType(ExpressParser::ListTypeContext *ctx) override { ListTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_list_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitLiteral(ExpressParser::LiteralContext *ctx) override { LiteralContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_literal", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitLocalDecl(ExpressParser::LocalDeclContext *ctx) override { LocalDeclContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_local_decl", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitLocalVariable(ExpressParser::LocalVariableContext *ctx) override { LocalVariableContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_local_variable", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitLogicalExpression(ExpressParser::LogicalExpressionContext *ctx) override { LogicalExpressionContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_logical_expression", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitLogicalLiteral(ExpressParser::LogicalLiteralContext *ctx) override { LogicalLiteralContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_logical_literal", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitLogicalType(ExpressParser::LogicalTypeContext *ctx) override { LogicalTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_logical_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitMultiplicationLikeOp(ExpressParser::MultiplicationLikeOpContext *ctx) override { MultiplicationLikeOpContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_multiplication_like_op", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitNamedTypes(ExpressParser::NamedTypesContext *ctx) override { NamedTypesContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_named_types", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitNamedTypeOrRename(ExpressParser::NamedTypeOrRenameContext *ctx) override { NamedTypeOrRenameContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_named_type_or_rename", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitNullStmt(ExpressParser::NullStmtContext *ctx) override { NullStmtContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_null_stmt", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitNumberType(ExpressParser::NumberTypeContext *ctx) override { NumberTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_number_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitNumericExpression(ExpressParser::NumericExpressionContext *ctx) override { NumericExpressionContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_numeric_expression", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitOneOf(ExpressParser::OneOfContext *ctx) override { OneOfContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_one_of", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitParameter(ExpressParser::ParameterContext *ctx) override { ParameterContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_parameter", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitParameterId(ExpressParser::ParameterIdContext *ctx) override { ParameterIdContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_parameter_id", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitParameterType(ExpressParser::ParameterTypeContext *ctx) override { ParameterTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_parameter_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitPopulation(ExpressParser::PopulationContext *ctx) override { PopulationContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_population", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitPrecisionSpec(ExpressParser::PrecisionSpecContext *ctx) override { PrecisionSpecContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_precision_spec", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitPrimary(ExpressParser::PrimaryContext *ctx) override { PrimaryContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_primary", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitProcedureCallStmt(ExpressParser::ProcedureCallStmtContext *ctx) override { ProcedureCallStmtContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_procedure_call_stmt", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitProcedureDecl(ExpressParser::ProcedureDeclContext *ctx) override { ProcedureDeclContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_procedure_decl", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitProcedureHead(ExpressParser::ProcedureHeadContext *ctx) override { ProcedureHeadContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_procedure_head", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitProcedureHeadParameter(ExpressParser::ProcedureHeadParameterContext *ctx) override { ProcedureHeadParameterContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_procedure_head_parameter", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitProcedureId(ExpressParser::ProcedureIdContext *ctx) override { ProcedureIdContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_procedure_id", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitQualifiableFactor(ExpressParser::QualifiableFactorContext *ctx) override { QualifiableFactorContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_qualifiable_factor", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitQualifiedAttribute(ExpressParser::QualifiedAttributeContext *ctx) override { QualifiedAttributeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_qualified_attribute", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitQualifier(ExpressParser::QualifierContext *ctx) override { QualifierContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_qualifier", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitQueryExpression(ExpressParser::QueryExpressionContext *ctx) override { QueryExpressionContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_query_expression", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitRealType(ExpressParser::RealTypeContext *ctx) override { RealTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_real_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitRedeclaredAttribute(ExpressParser::RedeclaredAttributeContext *ctx) override { RedeclaredAttributeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_redeclared_attribute", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitReferencedAttribute(ExpressParser::ReferencedAttributeContext *ctx) override { ReferencedAttributeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_referenced_attribute", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitReferenceClause(ExpressParser::ReferenceClauseContext *ctx) override { ReferenceClauseContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_reference_clause", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitRelOp(ExpressParser::RelOpContext *ctx) override { RelOpContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_rel_op", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitRelOpExtended(ExpressParser::RelOpExtendedContext *ctx) override { RelOpExtendedContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_rel_op_extended", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitRenameId(ExpressParser::RenameIdContext *ctx) override { RenameIdContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_rename_id", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitRepeatControl(ExpressParser::RepeatControlContext *ctx) override { RepeatControlContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_repeat_control", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitRepeatStmt(ExpressParser::RepeatStmtContext *ctx) override { RepeatStmtContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_repeat_stmt", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitRepetition(ExpressParser::RepetitionContext *ctx) override { RepetitionContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_repetition", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitResourceOrRename(ExpressParser::ResourceOrRenameContext *ctx) override { ResourceOrRenameContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_resource_or_rename", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitResourceRef(ExpressParser::ResourceRefContext *ctx) override { ResourceRefContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_resource_ref", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitReturnStmt(ExpressParser::ReturnStmtContext *ctx) override { ReturnStmtContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_return_stmt", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitRuleDecl(ExpressParser::RuleDeclContext *ctx) override { RuleDeclContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_rule_decl", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitRuleHead(ExpressParser::RuleHeadContext *ctx) override { RuleHeadContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_rule_head", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitRuleId(ExpressParser::RuleIdContext *ctx) override { RuleIdContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_rule_id", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitRuleLabelId(ExpressParser::RuleLabelIdContext *ctx) override { RuleLabelIdContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_rule_label_id", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSchemaBody(ExpressParser::SchemaBodyContext *ctx) override { SchemaBodyContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_schema_body", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSchemaBodyDeclaration(ExpressParser::SchemaBodyDeclarationContext *ctx) override { SchemaBodyDeclarationContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_schema_body_declaration", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSchemaDecl(ExpressParser::SchemaDeclContext *ctx) override { SchemaDeclContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_schema_decl", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSchemaId(ExpressParser::SchemaIdContext *ctx) override { SchemaIdContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_schema_id", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSchemaVersionId(ExpressParser::SchemaVersionIdContext *ctx) override { SchemaVersionIdContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_schema_version_id", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSelector(ExpressParser::SelectorContext *ctx) override { SelectorContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_selector", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSelectExtension(ExpressParser::SelectExtensionContext *ctx) override { SelectExtensionContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_select_extension", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSelectList(ExpressParser::SelectListContext *ctx) override { SelectListContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_select_list", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSelectType(ExpressParser::SelectTypeContext *ctx) override { SelectTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_select_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSetType(ExpressParser::SetTypeContext *ctx) override { SetTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_set_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSimpleExpression(ExpressParser::SimpleExpressionContext *ctx) override { SimpleExpressionContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_simple_expression", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSimpleFactor(ExpressParser::SimpleFactorContext *ctx) override { SimpleFactorContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_simple_factor", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSimpleFactorExpression(ExpressParser::SimpleFactorExpressionContext *ctx) override { SimpleFactorExpressionContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_simple_factor_expression", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSimpleFactorUnaryExpression(ExpressParser::SimpleFactorUnaryExpressionContext *ctx) override { SimpleFactorUnaryExpressionContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_simple_factor_unary_expression", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSimpleTypes(ExpressParser::SimpleTypesContext *ctx) override { SimpleTypesContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_simple_types", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSkipStmt(ExpressParser::SkipStmtContext *ctx) override { SkipStmtContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_skip_stmt", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitStmt(ExpressParser::StmtContext *ctx) override { StmtContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_stmt", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitStringLiteral(ExpressParser::StringLiteralContext *ctx) override { StringLiteralContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_string_literal", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitStringType(ExpressParser::StringTypeContext *ctx) override { StringTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_string_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSubsuper(ExpressParser::SubsuperContext *ctx) override { SubsuperContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_subsuper", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSubtypeConstraint(ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintContext *ctx) override { SubtypeConstraintContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_subtype_constraint", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSubtypeConstraintBody(ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintBodyContext *ctx) override { SubtypeConstraintBodyContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_subtype_constraint_body", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSubtypeConstraintDecl(ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintDeclContext *ctx) override { SubtypeConstraintDeclContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_subtype_constraint_decl", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSubtypeConstraintHead(ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintHeadContext *ctx) override { SubtypeConstraintHeadContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_subtype_constraint_head", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSubtypeConstraintId(ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintIdContext *ctx) override { SubtypeConstraintIdContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_subtype_constraint_id", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSubtypeDeclaration(ExpressParser::SubtypeDeclarationContext *ctx) override { SubtypeDeclarationContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_subtype_declaration", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSupertypeConstraint(ExpressParser::SupertypeConstraintContext *ctx) override { SupertypeConstraintContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_supertype_constraint", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSupertypeExpression(ExpressParser::SupertypeExpressionContext *ctx) override { SupertypeExpressionContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_supertype_expression", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSupertypeFactor(ExpressParser::SupertypeFactorContext *ctx) override { SupertypeFactorContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_supertype_factor", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSupertypeRule(ExpressParser::SupertypeRuleContext *ctx) override { SupertypeRuleContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_supertype_rule", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSupertypeTerm(ExpressParser::SupertypeTermContext *ctx) override { SupertypeTermContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_supertype_term", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitSyntax(ExpressParser::SyntaxContext *ctx) override { SyntaxContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_syntax", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitTerm(ExpressParser::TermContext *ctx) override { TermContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_term", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitTotalOver(ExpressParser::TotalOverContext *ctx) override { TotalOverContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_total_over", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitTypeDecl(ExpressParser::TypeDeclContext *ctx) override { TypeDeclContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_type_decl", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitTypeId(ExpressParser::TypeIdContext *ctx) override { TypeIdContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_type_id", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitTypeLabel(ExpressParser::TypeLabelContext *ctx) override { TypeLabelContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_type_label", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitTypeLabelId(ExpressParser::TypeLabelIdContext *ctx) override { TypeLabelIdContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_type_label_id", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitUnaryOp(ExpressParser::UnaryOpContext *ctx) override { UnaryOpContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_unary_op", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitUnderlyingType(ExpressParser::UnderlyingTypeContext *ctx) override { UnderlyingTypeContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_underlying_type", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitUniqueClause(ExpressParser::UniqueClauseContext *ctx) override { UniqueClauseContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_unique_clause", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitUniqueRule(ExpressParser::UniqueRuleContext *ctx) override { UniqueRuleContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_unique_rule", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitUntilControl(ExpressParser::UntilControlContext *ctx) override { UntilControlContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_until_control", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitUseClause(ExpressParser::UseClauseContext *ctx) override { UseClauseContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_use_clause", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitVariableId(ExpressParser::VariableIdContext *ctx) override { VariableIdContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_variable_id", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitWhereClause(ExpressParser::WhereClauseContext *ctx) override { WhereClauseContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_where_clause", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitWhileControl(ExpressParser::WhileControlContext *ctx) override { WhileControlContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_while_control", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitWidth(ExpressParser::WidthContext *ctx) override { WidthContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_width", &proxy); } virtual antlrcpp::Any visitWidthSpec(ExpressParser::WidthSpecContext *ctx) override { WidthSpecContextProxy proxy(ctx); return getSelf().call("visit_width_spec", &proxy); } }; class ParserProxy { public: static ParserProxy* parse(string code) { auto input = new ANTLRInputStream(code); return parseStream(input); } static ParserProxy* parseFile(string file) { ifstream stream; stream.open(file); auto input = new ANTLRInputStream(stream); auto parser = parseStream(input); stream.close(); return parser; } Object syntax() { auto ctx = this -> parser -> syntax(); SyntaxContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SyntaxContext*) ctx); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } Array getTokens() { Array a; std::vector tokens = this -> tokens -> getTokens(); for (auto &token : tokens) { a.push(token); } return a; } Object visit(VisitorProxy* visitor) { auto result = visitor -> visit(this -> parser -> syntax()); // reset for the next visit call this -> lexer -> reset(); this -> parser -> reset(); return result; } ~ParserProxy() { delete this -> parser; delete this -> tokens; delete this -> lexer; delete this -> input; } private: static ParserProxy* parseStream(ANTLRInputStream* input) { ParserProxy* parser = new ParserProxy(); parser -> input = input; parser -> lexer = new ExpressLexer(parser -> input); parser -> tokens = new CommonTokenStream(parser -> lexer); parser -> parser = new ExpressParser(parser -> tokens); return parser; } ParserProxy() {}; ANTLRInputStream* input; ExpressLexer* lexer; CommonTokenStream* tokens; ExpressParser* parser; }; namespace Rice::detail { template <> class To_Ruby { public: VALUE convert(ParserProxy* const &x) { if (!x) return Nil; return Data_Object(x, false, rb_cParser); } }; } Object ContextProxy::wrapParseTree(tree::ParseTree* node) { if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { AttributeRefContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::AttributeRefContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { AttributeIdContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::AttributeIdContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ConstantRefContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ConstantRefContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ConstantIdContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ConstantIdContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { EntityRefContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::EntityRefContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { EntityIdContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::EntityIdContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { EnumerationRefContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::EnumerationRefContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { EnumerationIdContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::EnumerationIdContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { FunctionRefContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::FunctionRefContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { FunctionIdContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::FunctionIdContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ParameterRefContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ParameterRefContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ParameterIdContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ParameterIdContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ProcedureRefContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ProcedureRefContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ProcedureIdContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ProcedureIdContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { RuleLabelRefContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::RuleLabelRefContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { RuleLabelIdContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::RuleLabelIdContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { RuleRefContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::RuleRefContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { RuleIdContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::RuleIdContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SchemaRefContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SchemaRefContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SchemaIdContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SchemaIdContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SubtypeConstraintRefContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintRefContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SubtypeConstraintIdContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintIdContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { TypeLabelRefContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::TypeLabelRefContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { TypeLabelIdContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::TypeLabelIdContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { TypeRefContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::TypeRefContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { TypeIdContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::TypeIdContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { VariableRefContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::VariableRefContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { VariableIdContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::VariableIdContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { AbstractEntityDeclarationContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::AbstractEntityDeclarationContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { AbstractSupertypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::AbstractSupertypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { AbstractSupertypeDeclarationContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::AbstractSupertypeDeclarationContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SubtypeConstraintContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ActualParameterListContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ActualParameterListContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ParameterContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ParameterContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { AddLikeOpContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::AddLikeOpContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { AggregateInitializerContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::AggregateInitializerContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ElementContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ElementContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { AggregateSourceContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::AggregateSourceContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SimpleExpressionContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SimpleExpressionContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { AggregateTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::AggregateTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ParameterTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ParameterTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { TypeLabelContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::TypeLabelContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { AggregationTypesContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::AggregationTypesContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ArrayTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ArrayTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { BagTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::BagTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ListTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ListTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SetTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SetTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { AlgorithmHeadContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::AlgorithmHeadContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { DeclarationContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::DeclarationContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ConstantDeclContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ConstantDeclContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { LocalDeclContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::LocalDeclContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { AliasStmtContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::AliasStmtContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { GeneralRefContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::GeneralRefContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { StmtContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::StmtContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { QualifierContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::QualifierContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { BoundSpecContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::BoundSpecContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { InstantiableTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::InstantiableTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { AssignmentStmtContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::AssignmentStmtContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ExpressionContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ExpressionContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { AttributeDeclContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::AttributeDeclContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { RedeclaredAttributeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::RedeclaredAttributeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { AttributeQualifierContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::AttributeQualifierContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { BinaryTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::BinaryTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { WidthSpecContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::WidthSpecContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { BooleanTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::BooleanTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { Bound1ContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::Bound1Context*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { NumericExpressionContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::NumericExpressionContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { Bound2ContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::Bound2Context*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { BuiltInConstantContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::BuiltInConstantContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { BuiltInFunctionContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::BuiltInFunctionContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { BuiltInProcedureContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::BuiltInProcedureContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { CaseActionContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::CaseActionContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { CaseLabelContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::CaseLabelContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { CaseStmtContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::CaseStmtContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SelectorContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SelectorContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { CompoundStmtContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::CompoundStmtContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ConcreteTypesContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ConcreteTypesContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SimpleTypesContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SimpleTypesContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ConstantBodyContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ConstantBodyContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ConstantFactorContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ConstantFactorContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ConstructedTypesContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ConstructedTypesContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { EnumerationTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::EnumerationTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SelectTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SelectTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { EntityDeclContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::EntityDeclContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { FunctionDeclContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::FunctionDeclContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ProcedureDeclContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ProcedureDeclContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SubtypeConstraintDeclContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintDeclContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { TypeDeclContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::TypeDeclContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { DerivedAttrContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::DerivedAttrContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { DeriveClauseContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::DeriveClauseContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { DomainRuleContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::DomainRuleContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { RepetitionContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::RepetitionContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { EntityBodyContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::EntityBodyContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ExplicitAttrContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ExplicitAttrContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { InverseClauseContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::InverseClauseContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { UniqueClauseContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::UniqueClauseContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { WhereClauseContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::WhereClauseContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { EntityConstructorContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::EntityConstructorContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { EntityHeadContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::EntityHeadContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SubsuperContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SubsuperContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { EnumerationExtensionContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::EnumerationExtensionContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { EnumerationItemsContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::EnumerationItemsContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { EnumerationItemContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::EnumerationItemContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { EnumerationReferenceContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::EnumerationReferenceContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { EscapeStmtContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::EscapeStmtContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { RelOpExtendedContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::RelOpExtendedContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { FactorContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::FactorContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SimpleFactorContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SimpleFactorContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { FormalParameterContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::FormalParameterContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { FunctionCallContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::FunctionCallContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { FunctionHeadContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::FunctionHeadContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { GeneralizedTypesContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::GeneralizedTypesContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { GeneralAggregationTypesContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::GeneralAggregationTypesContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { GenericEntityTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::GenericEntityTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { GenericTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::GenericTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { GeneralArrayTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::GeneralArrayTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { GeneralBagTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::GeneralBagTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { GeneralListTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::GeneralListTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { GeneralSetTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::GeneralSetTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { GroupQualifierContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::GroupQualifierContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { IfStmtContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::IfStmtContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { LogicalExpressionContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::LogicalExpressionContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { IfStmtStatementsContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::IfStmtStatementsContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { IfStmtElseStatementsContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::IfStmtElseStatementsContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { IncrementContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::IncrementContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { IncrementControlContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::IncrementControlContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { IndexContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::IndexContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { Index1ContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::Index1Context*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { Index2ContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::Index2Context*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { IndexQualifierContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::IndexQualifierContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { IntegerTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::IntegerTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { InterfaceSpecificationContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::InterfaceSpecificationContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ReferenceClauseContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ReferenceClauseContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { UseClauseContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::UseClauseContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { IntervalContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::IntervalContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { IntervalLowContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::IntervalLowContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { IntervalOpContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::IntervalOpContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { IntervalItemContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::IntervalItemContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { IntervalHighContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::IntervalHighContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { InverseAttrContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::InverseAttrContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { InverseAttrTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::InverseAttrTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { LiteralContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::LiteralContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { LogicalLiteralContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::LogicalLiteralContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { StringLiteralContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::StringLiteralContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { LocalVariableContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::LocalVariableContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { LogicalTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::LogicalTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { MultiplicationLikeOpContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::MultiplicationLikeOpContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { NamedTypesContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::NamedTypesContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { NamedTypeOrRenameContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::NamedTypeOrRenameContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { NullStmtContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::NullStmtContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { NumberTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::NumberTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { OneOfContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::OneOfContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SupertypeExpressionContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SupertypeExpressionContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { PopulationContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::PopulationContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { PrecisionSpecContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::PrecisionSpecContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { PrimaryContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::PrimaryContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { QualifiableFactorContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::QualifiableFactorContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ProcedureCallStmtContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ProcedureCallStmtContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ProcedureHeadContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ProcedureHeadContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ProcedureHeadParameterContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ProcedureHeadParameterContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { QualifiedAttributeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::QualifiedAttributeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { QueryExpressionContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::QueryExpressionContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { RealTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::RealTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ReferencedAttributeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ReferencedAttributeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ResourceOrRenameContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ResourceOrRenameContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { RelOpContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::RelOpContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { RenameIdContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::RenameIdContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { RepeatControlContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::RepeatControlContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { WhileControlContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::WhileControlContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { UntilControlContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::UntilControlContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { RepeatStmtContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::RepeatStmtContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ResourceRefContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ResourceRefContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { ReturnStmtContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::ReturnStmtContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { RuleDeclContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::RuleDeclContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { RuleHeadContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::RuleHeadContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SchemaBodyContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SchemaBodyContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SchemaBodyDeclarationContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SchemaBodyDeclarationContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SchemaDeclContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SchemaDeclContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SchemaVersionIdContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SchemaVersionIdContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SelectExtensionContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SelectExtensionContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SelectListContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SelectListContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { TermContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::TermContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SimpleFactorExpressionContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SimpleFactorExpressionContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SimpleFactorUnaryExpressionContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SimpleFactorUnaryExpressionContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { UnaryOpContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::UnaryOpContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { StringTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::StringTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SkipStmtContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SkipStmtContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SupertypeConstraintContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SupertypeConstraintContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SubtypeDeclarationContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SubtypeDeclarationContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SubtypeConstraintBodyContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintBodyContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { TotalOverContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::TotalOverContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SubtypeConstraintHeadContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SubtypeConstraintHeadContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SupertypeRuleContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SupertypeRuleContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SupertypeFactorContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SupertypeFactorContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SupertypeTermContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SupertypeTermContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { SyntaxContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::SyntaxContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { UnderlyingTypeContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::UnderlyingTypeContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { UniqueRuleContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::UniqueRuleContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { WidthContextProxy proxy((ExpressParser::WidthContext*)node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else if (antlrcpp::is(node)) { TerminalNodeProxy proxy(node); return detail::To_Ruby().convert(proxy); } else { return Nil; } } extern "C" void Init_express_parser() { rb_mExpressParser = define_module("ExpressParser"); rb_cToken = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "Token") .define_method("text", &Token::getText) .define_method("channel", &Token::getChannel) .define_method("token_index", &Token::getTokenIndex); rb_cParseTree = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ParseTree"); rb_cContextProxy = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "Context") .define_method("children", &ContextProxy::getChildren) .define_method("child_count", &ContextProxy::childCount) .define_method("text", &ContextProxy::getText) .define_method("start", &ContextProxy::getStart) .define_method("stop", &ContextProxy::getStop) .define_method("parent", &ContextProxy::getParent) .define_method("==", &ContextProxy::doubleEquals); rb_cTerminalNode = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "TerminalNodeImpl"); define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "Visitor") .define_director() .define_constructor(Constructor()) .define_method("visit", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visit) .define_method("visit_children", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_attribute_ref", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_constant_ref", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_entity_ref", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_enumeration_ref", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_function_ref", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_parameter_ref", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_procedure_ref", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_rule_label_ref", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_rule_ref", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_schema_ref", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_subtype_constraint_ref", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_type_label_ref", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_type_ref", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_variable_ref", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_abstract_entity_declaration", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_abstract_supertype", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_abstract_supertype_declaration", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_actual_parameter_list", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_add_like_op", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_aggregate_initializer", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_aggregate_source", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_aggregate_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_aggregation_types", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_algorithm_head", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_alias_stmt", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_array_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_assignment_stmt", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_attribute_decl", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_attribute_id", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_attribute_qualifier", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_bag_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_binary_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_boolean_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_bound1", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_bound2", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_bound_spec", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_built_in_constant", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_built_in_function", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_built_in_procedure", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_case_action", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_case_label", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_case_stmt", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_compound_stmt", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_concrete_types", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_constant_body", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_constant_decl", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_constant_factor", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_constant_id", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_constructed_types", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_declaration", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_derived_attr", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_derive_clause", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_domain_rule", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_element", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_entity_body", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_entity_constructor", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_entity_decl", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_entity_head", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_entity_id", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_enumeration_extension", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_enumeration_id", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_enumeration_items", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_enumeration_item", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_enumeration_reference", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_enumeration_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_escape_stmt", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_explicit_attr", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_expression", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_factor", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_formal_parameter", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_function_call", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_function_decl", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_function_head", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_function_id", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_generalized_types", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_general_aggregation_types", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_general_array_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_general_bag_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_general_list_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_general_ref", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_general_set_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_generic_entity_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_generic_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_group_qualifier", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_if_stmt", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_if_stmt_statements", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_if_stmt_else_statements", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_increment", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_increment_control", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_index", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_index1", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_index2", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_index_qualifier", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_instantiable_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_integer_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_interface_specification", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_interval", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_interval_high", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_interval_item", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_interval_low", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_interval_op", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_inverse_attr", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_inverse_attr_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_inverse_clause", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_list_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_literal", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_local_decl", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_local_variable", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_logical_expression", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_logical_literal", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_logical_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_multiplication_like_op", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_named_types", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_named_type_or_rename", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_null_stmt", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_number_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_numeric_expression", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_one_of", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_parameter", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_parameter_id", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_parameter_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_population", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_precision_spec", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_primary", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_procedure_call_stmt", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_procedure_decl", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_procedure_head", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_procedure_head_parameter", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_procedure_id", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_qualifiable_factor", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_qualified_attribute", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_qualifier", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_query_expression", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_real_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_redeclared_attribute", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_referenced_attribute", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_reference_clause", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_rel_op", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_rel_op_extended", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_rename_id", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_repeat_control", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_repeat_stmt", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_repetition", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_resource_or_rename", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_resource_ref", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_return_stmt", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_rule_decl", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_rule_head", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_rule_id", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_rule_label_id", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_schema_body", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_schema_body_declaration", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_schema_decl", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_schema_id", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_schema_version_id", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_selector", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_select_extension", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_select_list", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_select_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_set_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_simple_expression", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_simple_factor", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_simple_factor_expression", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_simple_factor_unary_expression", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_simple_types", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_skip_stmt", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_stmt", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_string_literal", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_string_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_subsuper", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_subtype_constraint", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_subtype_constraint_body", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_subtype_constraint_decl", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_subtype_constraint_head", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_subtype_constraint_id", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_subtype_declaration", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_supertype_constraint", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_supertype_expression", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_supertype_factor", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_supertype_rule", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_supertype_term", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_syntax", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_term", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_total_over", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_type_decl", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_type_id", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_type_label", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_type_label_id", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_unary_op", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_underlying_type", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_unique_clause", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_unique_rule", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_until_control", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_use_clause", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_variable_id", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_where_clause", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_while_control", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_width", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren) .define_method("visit_width_spec", &VisitorProxy::ruby_visitChildren); rb_cParser = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "Parser") .define_singleton_function("parse", &ParserProxy::parse) .define_singleton_function("parse_file", &ParserProxy::parseFile) .define_method("syntax", &ParserProxy::syntax, Return().keepAlive()) .define_method("tokens", &ParserProxy::getTokens, Return().takeOwnership()) .define_method("visit", &ParserProxy::visit, Return().keepAlive()); rb_cAttributeRefContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "AttributeRefContext") .define_method("attribute_id", &AttributeRefContextProxy::attributeId); rb_cAttributeIdContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "AttributeIdContext") .define_method("SimpleId", &AttributeIdContextProxy::SimpleId); rb_cConstantRefContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ConstantRefContext") .define_method("constant_id", &ConstantRefContextProxy::constantId); rb_cConstantIdContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ConstantIdContext") .define_method("SimpleId", &ConstantIdContextProxy::SimpleId); rb_cEntityRefContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "EntityRefContext") .define_method("entity_id", &EntityRefContextProxy::entityId); rb_cEntityIdContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "EntityIdContext") .define_method("SimpleId", &EntityIdContextProxy::SimpleId); rb_cEnumerationRefContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "EnumerationRefContext") .define_method("enumeration_id", &EnumerationRefContextProxy::enumerationId); rb_cEnumerationIdContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "EnumerationIdContext") .define_method("SimpleId", &EnumerationIdContextProxy::SimpleId); rb_cFunctionRefContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "FunctionRefContext") .define_method("function_id", &FunctionRefContextProxy::functionId); rb_cFunctionIdContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "FunctionIdContext") .define_method("SimpleId", &FunctionIdContextProxy::SimpleId); rb_cParameterRefContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ParameterRefContext") .define_method("parameter_id", &ParameterRefContextProxy::parameterId); rb_cParameterIdContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ParameterIdContext") .define_method("SimpleId", &ParameterIdContextProxy::SimpleId); rb_cProcedureRefContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ProcedureRefContext") .define_method("procedure_id", &ProcedureRefContextProxy::procedureId); rb_cProcedureIdContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ProcedureIdContext") .define_method("SimpleId", &ProcedureIdContextProxy::SimpleId); rb_cRuleLabelRefContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "RuleLabelRefContext") .define_method("rule_label_id", &RuleLabelRefContextProxy::ruleLabelId); rb_cRuleLabelIdContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "RuleLabelIdContext") .define_method("SimpleId", &RuleLabelIdContextProxy::SimpleId); rb_cRuleRefContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "RuleRefContext") .define_method("rule_id", &RuleRefContextProxy::ruleId); rb_cRuleIdContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "RuleIdContext") .define_method("SimpleId", &RuleIdContextProxy::SimpleId); rb_cSchemaRefContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SchemaRefContext") .define_method("schema_id", &SchemaRefContextProxy::schemaId); rb_cSchemaIdContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SchemaIdContext") .define_method("SimpleId", &SchemaIdContextProxy::SimpleId); rb_cSubtypeConstraintRefContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SubtypeConstraintRefContext") .define_method("subtype_constraint_id", &SubtypeConstraintRefContextProxy::subtypeConstraintId); rb_cSubtypeConstraintIdContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SubtypeConstraintIdContext") .define_method("SimpleId", &SubtypeConstraintIdContextProxy::SimpleId); rb_cTypeLabelRefContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "TypeLabelRefContext") .define_method("type_label_id", &TypeLabelRefContextProxy::typeLabelId); rb_cTypeLabelIdContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "TypeLabelIdContext") .define_method("SimpleId", &TypeLabelIdContextProxy::SimpleId); rb_cTypeRefContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "TypeRefContext") .define_method("type_id", &TypeRefContextProxy::typeId); rb_cTypeIdContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "TypeIdContext") .define_method("SimpleId", &TypeIdContextProxy::SimpleId); rb_cVariableRefContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "VariableRefContext") .define_method("variable_id", &VariableRefContextProxy::variableId); rb_cVariableIdContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "VariableIdContext") .define_method("SimpleId", &VariableIdContextProxy::SimpleId); rb_cAbstractEntityDeclarationContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "AbstractEntityDeclarationContext") .define_method("ABSTRACT", &AbstractEntityDeclarationContextProxy::ABSTRACT); rb_cAbstractSupertypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "AbstractSupertypeContext") .define_method("ABSTRACT", &AbstractSupertypeContextProxy::ABSTRACT) .define_method("SUPERTYPE", &AbstractSupertypeContextProxy::SUPERTYPE); rb_cAbstractSupertypeDeclarationContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "AbstractSupertypeDeclarationContext") .define_method("subtype_constraint", &AbstractSupertypeDeclarationContextProxy::subtypeConstraint) .define_method("ABSTRACT", &AbstractSupertypeDeclarationContextProxy::ABSTRACT) .define_method("SUPERTYPE", &AbstractSupertypeDeclarationContextProxy::SUPERTYPE); rb_cSubtypeConstraintContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SubtypeConstraintContext") .define_method("supertype_expression", &SubtypeConstraintContextProxy::supertypeExpression) .define_method("OF", &SubtypeConstraintContextProxy::OF); rb_cActualParameterListContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ActualParameterListContext") .define_method("parameter", &ActualParameterListContextProxy::parameter) .define_method("parameter_at", &ActualParameterListContextProxy::parameterAt); rb_cParameterContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ParameterContext") .define_method("expression", &ParameterContextProxy::expression); rb_cAddLikeOpContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "AddLikeOpContext") .define_method("OR", &AddLikeOpContextProxy::OR) .define_method("XOR", &AddLikeOpContextProxy::XOR); rb_cAggregateInitializerContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "AggregateInitializerContext") .define_method("element", &AggregateInitializerContextProxy::element) .define_method("element_at", &AggregateInitializerContextProxy::elementAt); rb_cElementContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ElementContext") .define_method("expression", &ElementContextProxy::expression) .define_method("repetition", &ElementContextProxy::repetition); rb_cAggregateSourceContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "AggregateSourceContext") .define_method("simple_expression", &AggregateSourceContextProxy::simpleExpression); rb_cSimpleExpressionContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SimpleExpressionContext") .define_method("term", &SimpleExpressionContextProxy::term) .define_method("term_at", &SimpleExpressionContextProxy::termAt) .define_method("add_like_op", &SimpleExpressionContextProxy::addLikeOp) .define_method("add_like_op_at", &SimpleExpressionContextProxy::addLikeOpAt); rb_cAggregateTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "AggregateTypeContext") .define_method("parameter_type", &AggregateTypeContextProxy::parameterType) .define_method("type_label", &AggregateTypeContextProxy::typeLabel) .define_method("AGGREGATE", &AggregateTypeContextProxy::AGGREGATE) .define_method("OF", &AggregateTypeContextProxy::OF); rb_cParameterTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ParameterTypeContext") .define_method("generalized_types", &ParameterTypeContextProxy::generalizedTypes) .define_method("named_types", &ParameterTypeContextProxy::namedTypes) .define_method("simple_types", &ParameterTypeContextProxy::simpleTypes); rb_cTypeLabelContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "TypeLabelContext") .define_method("type_label_id", &TypeLabelContextProxy::typeLabelId) .define_method("type_label_ref", &TypeLabelContextProxy::typeLabelRef); rb_cAggregationTypesContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "AggregationTypesContext") .define_method("array_type", &AggregationTypesContextProxy::arrayType) .define_method("bag_type", &AggregationTypesContextProxy::bagType) .define_method("list_type", &AggregationTypesContextProxy::listType) .define_method("set_type", &AggregationTypesContextProxy::setType); rb_cArrayTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ArrayTypeContext") .define_method("bound_spec", &ArrayTypeContextProxy::boundSpec) .define_method("instantiable_type", &ArrayTypeContextProxy::instantiableType) .define_method("ARRAY", &ArrayTypeContextProxy::ARRAY) .define_method("OF", &ArrayTypeContextProxy::OF) .define_method("OPTIONAL", &ArrayTypeContextProxy::OPTIONAL) .define_method("UNIQUE", &ArrayTypeContextProxy::UNIQUE); rb_cBagTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "BagTypeContext") .define_method("instantiable_type", &BagTypeContextProxy::instantiableType) .define_method("bound_spec", &BagTypeContextProxy::boundSpec) .define_method("BAG", &BagTypeContextProxy::BAG) .define_method("OF", &BagTypeContextProxy::OF); rb_cListTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ListTypeContext") .define_method("instantiable_type", &ListTypeContextProxy::instantiableType) .define_method("bound_spec", &ListTypeContextProxy::boundSpec) .define_method("LIST", &ListTypeContextProxy::LIST) .define_method("OF", &ListTypeContextProxy::OF) .define_method("UNIQUE", &ListTypeContextProxy::UNIQUE); rb_cSetTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SetTypeContext") .define_method("instantiable_type", &SetTypeContextProxy::instantiableType) .define_method("bound_spec", &SetTypeContextProxy::boundSpec) .define_method("SET", &SetTypeContextProxy::SET) .define_method("OF", &SetTypeContextProxy::OF); rb_cAlgorithmHeadContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "AlgorithmHeadContext") .define_method("declaration", &AlgorithmHeadContextProxy::declaration) .define_method("declaration_at", &AlgorithmHeadContextProxy::declarationAt) .define_method("constant_decl", &AlgorithmHeadContextProxy::constantDecl) .define_method("local_decl", &AlgorithmHeadContextProxy::localDecl); rb_cDeclarationContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "DeclarationContext") .define_method("entity_decl", &DeclarationContextProxy::entityDecl) .define_method("function_decl", &DeclarationContextProxy::functionDecl) .define_method("procedure_decl", &DeclarationContextProxy::procedureDecl) .define_method("subtype_constraint_decl", &DeclarationContextProxy::subtypeConstraintDecl) .define_method("type_decl", &DeclarationContextProxy::typeDecl); rb_cConstantDeclContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ConstantDeclContext") .define_method("constant_body", &ConstantDeclContextProxy::constantBody) .define_method("constant_body_at", &ConstantDeclContextProxy::constantBodyAt) .define_method("CONSTANT", &ConstantDeclContextProxy::CONSTANT) .define_method("END_CONSTANT", &ConstantDeclContextProxy::END_CONSTANT); rb_cLocalDeclContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "LocalDeclContext") .define_method("local_variable", &LocalDeclContextProxy::localVariable) .define_method("local_variable_at", &LocalDeclContextProxy::localVariableAt) .define_method("LOCAL", &LocalDeclContextProxy::LOCAL) .define_method("END_LOCAL", &LocalDeclContextProxy::END_LOCAL); rb_cAliasStmtContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "AliasStmtContext") .define_method("variable_id", &AliasStmtContextProxy::variableId) .define_method("general_ref", &AliasStmtContextProxy::generalRef) .define_method("stmt", &AliasStmtContextProxy::stmt) .define_method("stmt_at", &AliasStmtContextProxy::stmtAt) .define_method("qualifier", &AliasStmtContextProxy::qualifier) .define_method("qualifier_at", &AliasStmtContextProxy::qualifierAt) .define_method("ALIAS", &AliasStmtContextProxy::ALIAS) .define_method("FOR", &AliasStmtContextProxy::FOR) .define_method("END_ALIAS", &AliasStmtContextProxy::END_ALIAS); rb_cGeneralRefContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "GeneralRefContext") .define_method("parameter_ref", &GeneralRefContextProxy::parameterRef) .define_method("variable_id", &GeneralRefContextProxy::variableId); rb_cStmtContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "StmtContext") .define_method("alias_stmt", &StmtContextProxy::aliasStmt) .define_method("assignment_stmt", &StmtContextProxy::assignmentStmt) .define_method("case_stmt", &StmtContextProxy::caseStmt) .define_method("compound_stmt", &StmtContextProxy::compoundStmt) .define_method("escape_stmt", &StmtContextProxy::escapeStmt) .define_method("if_stmt", &StmtContextProxy::ifStmt) .define_method("null_stmt", &StmtContextProxy::nullStmt) .define_method("procedure_call_stmt", &StmtContextProxy::procedureCallStmt) .define_method("repeat_stmt", &StmtContextProxy::repeatStmt) .define_method("return_stmt", &StmtContextProxy::returnStmt) .define_method("skip_stmt", &StmtContextProxy::skipStmt); rb_cQualifierContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "QualifierContext") .define_method("attribute_qualifier", &QualifierContextProxy::attributeQualifier) .define_method("group_qualifier", &QualifierContextProxy::groupQualifier) .define_method("index_qualifier", &QualifierContextProxy::indexQualifier); rb_cBoundSpecContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "BoundSpecContext") .define_method("bound1", &BoundSpecContextProxy::bound1) .define_method("bound2", &BoundSpecContextProxy::bound2); rb_cInstantiableTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "InstantiableTypeContext") .define_method("concrete_types", &InstantiableTypeContextProxy::concreteTypes) .define_method("entity_ref", &InstantiableTypeContextProxy::entityRef); rb_cAssignmentStmtContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "AssignmentStmtContext") .define_method("general_ref", &AssignmentStmtContextProxy::generalRef) .define_method("expression", &AssignmentStmtContextProxy::expression) .define_method("qualifier", &AssignmentStmtContextProxy::qualifier) .define_method("qualifier_at", &AssignmentStmtContextProxy::qualifierAt); rb_cExpressionContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ExpressionContext") .define_method("simple_expression", &ExpressionContextProxy::simpleExpression) .define_method("simple_expression_at", &ExpressionContextProxy::simpleExpressionAt) .define_method("rel_op_extended", &ExpressionContextProxy::relOpExtended); rb_cAttributeDeclContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "AttributeDeclContext") .define_method("attribute_id", &AttributeDeclContextProxy::attributeId) .define_method("redeclared_attribute", &AttributeDeclContextProxy::redeclaredAttribute); rb_cRedeclaredAttributeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "RedeclaredAttributeContext") .define_method("qualified_attribute", &RedeclaredAttributeContextProxy::qualifiedAttribute) .define_method("attribute_id", &RedeclaredAttributeContextProxy::attributeId) .define_method("RENAMED", &RedeclaredAttributeContextProxy::RENAMED); rb_cAttributeQualifierContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "AttributeQualifierContext") .define_method("attribute_ref", &AttributeQualifierContextProxy::attributeRef); rb_cBinaryTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "BinaryTypeContext") .define_method("width_spec", &BinaryTypeContextProxy::widthSpec) .define_method("BINARY", &BinaryTypeContextProxy::BINARY); rb_cWidthSpecContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "WidthSpecContext") .define_method("width", &WidthSpecContextProxy::width) .define_method("FIXED", &WidthSpecContextProxy::FIXED); rb_cBooleanTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "BooleanTypeContext") .define_method("BOOLEAN", &BooleanTypeContextProxy::BOOLEAN); rb_cBound1Context = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "Bound1Context") .define_method("numeric_expression", &Bound1ContextProxy::numericExpression); rb_cNumericExpressionContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "NumericExpressionContext") .define_method("simple_expression", &NumericExpressionContextProxy::simpleExpression); rb_cBound2Context = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "Bound2Context") .define_method("numeric_expression", &Bound2ContextProxy::numericExpression); rb_cBuiltInConstantContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "BuiltInConstantContext") .define_method("CONST_E", &BuiltInConstantContextProxy::CONST_E) .define_method("PI", &BuiltInConstantContextProxy::PI) .define_method("SELF", &BuiltInConstantContextProxy::SELF); rb_cBuiltInFunctionContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "BuiltInFunctionContext") .define_method("ABS", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::ABS) .define_method("ACOS", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::ACOS) .define_method("ASIN", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::ASIN) .define_method("ATAN", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::ATAN) .define_method("BLENGTH", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::BLENGTH) .define_method("COS", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::COS) .define_method("EXISTS", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::EXISTS) .define_method("EXP", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::EXP) .define_method("FORMAT", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::FORMAT) .define_method("HIBOUND", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::HIBOUND) .define_method("HIINDEX", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::HIINDEX) .define_method("LENGTH", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::LENGTH) .define_method("LOBOUND", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::LOBOUND) .define_method("LOINDEX", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::LOINDEX) .define_method("LOG", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::LOG) .define_method("LOG2", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::LOG2) .define_method("LOG10", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::LOG10) .define_method("NVL", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::NVL) .define_method("ODD", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::ODD) .define_method("ROLESOF", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::ROLESOF) .define_method("SIN", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::SIN) .define_method("SIZEOF", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::SIZEOF) .define_method("SQRT", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::SQRT) .define_method("TAN", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::TAN) .define_method("TYPEOF", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::TYPEOF) .define_method("USEDIN", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::USEDIN) .define_method("VALUE_", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::VALUE_) .define_method("VALUE_IN", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::VALUE_IN) .define_method("VALUE_UNIQUE", &BuiltInFunctionContextProxy::VALUE_UNIQUE); rb_cBuiltInProcedureContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "BuiltInProcedureContext") .define_method("INSERT", &BuiltInProcedureContextProxy::INSERT) .define_method("REMOVE", &BuiltInProcedureContextProxy::REMOVE); rb_cCaseActionContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "CaseActionContext") .define_method("case_label", &CaseActionContextProxy::caseLabel) .define_method("case_label_at", &CaseActionContextProxy::caseLabelAt) .define_method("stmt", &CaseActionContextProxy::stmt); rb_cCaseLabelContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "CaseLabelContext") .define_method("expression", &CaseLabelContextProxy::expression); rb_cCaseStmtContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "CaseStmtContext") .define_method("selector", &CaseStmtContextProxy::selector) .define_method("case_action", &CaseStmtContextProxy::caseAction) .define_method("case_action_at", &CaseStmtContextProxy::caseActionAt) .define_method("stmt", &CaseStmtContextProxy::stmt) .define_method("CASE", &CaseStmtContextProxy::CASE) .define_method("OF", &CaseStmtContextProxy::OF) .define_method("END_CASE", &CaseStmtContextProxy::END_CASE) .define_method("OTHERWISE", &CaseStmtContextProxy::OTHERWISE); rb_cSelectorContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SelectorContext") .define_method("expression", &SelectorContextProxy::expression); rb_cCompoundStmtContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "CompoundStmtContext") .define_method("stmt", &CompoundStmtContextProxy::stmt) .define_method("stmt_at", &CompoundStmtContextProxy::stmtAt) .define_method("BEGIN_", &CompoundStmtContextProxy::BEGIN_) .define_method("END_", &CompoundStmtContextProxy::END_); rb_cConcreteTypesContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ConcreteTypesContext") .define_method("aggregation_types", &ConcreteTypesContextProxy::aggregationTypes) .define_method("simple_types", &ConcreteTypesContextProxy::simpleTypes) .define_method("type_ref", &ConcreteTypesContextProxy::typeRef); rb_cSimpleTypesContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SimpleTypesContext") .define_method("binary_type", &SimpleTypesContextProxy::binaryType) .define_method("boolean_type", &SimpleTypesContextProxy::booleanType) .define_method("integer_type", &SimpleTypesContextProxy::integerType) .define_method("logical_type", &SimpleTypesContextProxy::logicalType) .define_method("number_type", &SimpleTypesContextProxy::numberType) .define_method("real_type", &SimpleTypesContextProxy::realType) .define_method("string_type", &SimpleTypesContextProxy::stringType); rb_cConstantBodyContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ConstantBodyContext") .define_method("constant_id", &ConstantBodyContextProxy::constantId) .define_method("instantiable_type", &ConstantBodyContextProxy::instantiableType) .define_method("expression", &ConstantBodyContextProxy::expression); rb_cConstantFactorContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ConstantFactorContext") .define_method("built_in_constant", &ConstantFactorContextProxy::builtInConstant) .define_method("constant_ref", &ConstantFactorContextProxy::constantRef); rb_cConstructedTypesContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ConstructedTypesContext") .define_method("enumeration_type", &ConstructedTypesContextProxy::enumerationType) .define_method("select_type", &ConstructedTypesContextProxy::selectType); rb_cEnumerationTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "EnumerationTypeContext") .define_method("enumeration_items", &EnumerationTypeContextProxy::enumerationItems) .define_method("enumeration_extension", &EnumerationTypeContextProxy::enumerationExtension) .define_method("ENUMERATION", &EnumerationTypeContextProxy::ENUMERATION) .define_method("EXTENSIBLE", &EnumerationTypeContextProxy::EXTENSIBLE) .define_method("OF", &EnumerationTypeContextProxy::OF); rb_cSelectTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SelectTypeContext") .define_method("select_list", &SelectTypeContextProxy::selectList) .define_method("select_extension", &SelectTypeContextProxy::selectExtension) .define_method("SELECT", &SelectTypeContextProxy::SELECT) .define_method("EXTENSIBLE", &SelectTypeContextProxy::EXTENSIBLE) .define_method("GENERIC_ENTITY", &SelectTypeContextProxy::GENERIC_ENTITY); rb_cEntityDeclContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "EntityDeclContext") .define_method("entity_head", &EntityDeclContextProxy::entityHead) .define_method("entity_body", &EntityDeclContextProxy::entityBody) .define_method("END_ENTITY", &EntityDeclContextProxy::END_ENTITY); rb_cFunctionDeclContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "FunctionDeclContext") .define_method("function_head", &FunctionDeclContextProxy::functionHead) .define_method("algorithm_head", &FunctionDeclContextProxy::algorithmHead) .define_method("stmt", &FunctionDeclContextProxy::stmt) .define_method("stmt_at", &FunctionDeclContextProxy::stmtAt) .define_method("END_FUNCTION", &FunctionDeclContextProxy::END_FUNCTION); rb_cProcedureDeclContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ProcedureDeclContext") .define_method("procedure_head", &ProcedureDeclContextProxy::procedureHead) .define_method("algorithm_head", &ProcedureDeclContextProxy::algorithmHead) .define_method("stmt", &ProcedureDeclContextProxy::stmt) .define_method("stmt_at", &ProcedureDeclContextProxy::stmtAt) .define_method("END_PROCEDURE", &ProcedureDeclContextProxy::END_PROCEDURE); rb_cSubtypeConstraintDeclContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SubtypeConstraintDeclContext") .define_method("subtype_constraint_head", &SubtypeConstraintDeclContextProxy::subtypeConstraintHead) .define_method("subtype_constraint_body", &SubtypeConstraintDeclContextProxy::subtypeConstraintBody) .define_method("END_SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT", &SubtypeConstraintDeclContextProxy::END_SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT); rb_cTypeDeclContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "TypeDeclContext") .define_method("type_id", &TypeDeclContextProxy::typeId) .define_method("underlying_type", &TypeDeclContextProxy::underlyingType) .define_method("where_clause", &TypeDeclContextProxy::whereClause) .define_method("TYPE", &TypeDeclContextProxy::TYPE) .define_method("END_TYPE", &TypeDeclContextProxy::END_TYPE); rb_cDerivedAttrContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "DerivedAttrContext") .define_method("attribute_decl", &DerivedAttrContextProxy::attributeDecl) .define_method("parameter_type", &DerivedAttrContextProxy::parameterType) .define_method("expression", &DerivedAttrContextProxy::expression); rb_cDeriveClauseContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "DeriveClauseContext") .define_method("derived_attr", &DeriveClauseContextProxy::derivedAttr) .define_method("derived_attr_at", &DeriveClauseContextProxy::derivedAttrAt) .define_method("DERIVE", &DeriveClauseContextProxy::DERIVE); rb_cDomainRuleContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "DomainRuleContext") .define_method("expression", &DomainRuleContextProxy::expression) .define_method("rule_label_id", &DomainRuleContextProxy::ruleLabelId); rb_cRepetitionContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "RepetitionContext") .define_method("numeric_expression", &RepetitionContextProxy::numericExpression); rb_cEntityBodyContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "EntityBodyContext") .define_method("explicit_attr", &EntityBodyContextProxy::explicitAttr) .define_method("explicit_attr_at", &EntityBodyContextProxy::explicitAttrAt) .define_method("derive_clause", &EntityBodyContextProxy::deriveClause) .define_method("inverse_clause", &EntityBodyContextProxy::inverseClause) .define_method("unique_clause", &EntityBodyContextProxy::uniqueClause) .define_method("where_clause", &EntityBodyContextProxy::whereClause); rb_cExplicitAttrContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ExplicitAttrContext") .define_method("attribute_decl", &ExplicitAttrContextProxy::attributeDecl) .define_method("attribute_decl_at", &ExplicitAttrContextProxy::attributeDeclAt) .define_method("parameter_type", &ExplicitAttrContextProxy::parameterType) .define_method("OPTIONAL", &ExplicitAttrContextProxy::OPTIONAL); rb_cInverseClauseContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "InverseClauseContext") .define_method("inverse_attr", &InverseClauseContextProxy::inverseAttr) .define_method("inverse_attr_at", &InverseClauseContextProxy::inverseAttrAt) .define_method("INVERSE", &InverseClauseContextProxy::INVERSE); rb_cUniqueClauseContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "UniqueClauseContext") .define_method("unique_rule", &UniqueClauseContextProxy::uniqueRule) .define_method("unique_rule_at", &UniqueClauseContextProxy::uniqueRuleAt) .define_method("UNIQUE", &UniqueClauseContextProxy::UNIQUE); rb_cWhereClauseContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "WhereClauseContext") .define_method("domain_rule", &WhereClauseContextProxy::domainRule) .define_method("domain_rule_at", &WhereClauseContextProxy::domainRuleAt) .define_method("WHERE", &WhereClauseContextProxy::WHERE); rb_cEntityConstructorContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "EntityConstructorContext") .define_method("entity_ref", &EntityConstructorContextProxy::entityRef) .define_method("expression", &EntityConstructorContextProxy::expression) .define_method("expression_at", &EntityConstructorContextProxy::expressionAt); rb_cEntityHeadContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "EntityHeadContext") .define_method("entity_id", &EntityHeadContextProxy::entityId) .define_method("subsuper", &EntityHeadContextProxy::subsuper) .define_method("ENTITY", &EntityHeadContextProxy::ENTITY); rb_cSubsuperContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SubsuperContext") .define_method("supertype_constraint", &SubsuperContextProxy::supertypeConstraint) .define_method("subtype_declaration", &SubsuperContextProxy::subtypeDeclaration); rb_cEnumerationExtensionContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "EnumerationExtensionContext") .define_method("type_ref", &EnumerationExtensionContextProxy::typeRef) .define_method("enumeration_items", &EnumerationExtensionContextProxy::enumerationItems) .define_method("BASED_ON", &EnumerationExtensionContextProxy::BASED_ON) .define_method("WITH", &EnumerationExtensionContextProxy::WITH); rb_cEnumerationItemsContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "EnumerationItemsContext") .define_method("enumeration_item", &EnumerationItemsContextProxy::enumerationItem) .define_method("enumeration_item_at", &EnumerationItemsContextProxy::enumerationItemAt); rb_cEnumerationItemContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "EnumerationItemContext") .define_method("enumeration_id", &EnumerationItemContextProxy::enumerationId); rb_cEnumerationReferenceContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "EnumerationReferenceContext") .define_method("enumeration_ref", &EnumerationReferenceContextProxy::enumerationRef) .define_method("type_ref", &EnumerationReferenceContextProxy::typeRef); rb_cEscapeStmtContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "EscapeStmtContext") .define_method("ESCAPE", &EscapeStmtContextProxy::ESCAPE); rb_cRelOpExtendedContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "RelOpExtendedContext") .define_method("rel_op", &RelOpExtendedContextProxy::relOp) .define_method("IN", &RelOpExtendedContextProxy::IN) .define_method("LIKE", &RelOpExtendedContextProxy::LIKE); rb_cFactorContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "FactorContext") .define_method("simple_factor", &FactorContextProxy::simpleFactor) .define_method("simple_factor_at", &FactorContextProxy::simpleFactorAt); rb_cSimpleFactorContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SimpleFactorContext") .define_method("aggregate_initializer", &SimpleFactorContextProxy::aggregateInitializer) .define_method("entity_constructor", &SimpleFactorContextProxy::entityConstructor) .define_method("enumeration_reference", &SimpleFactorContextProxy::enumerationReference) .define_method("interval", &SimpleFactorContextProxy::interval) .define_method("query_expression", &SimpleFactorContextProxy::queryExpression) .define_method("simple_factor_expression", &SimpleFactorContextProxy::simpleFactorExpression) .define_method("simple_factor_unary_expression", &SimpleFactorContextProxy::simpleFactorUnaryExpression); rb_cFormalParameterContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "FormalParameterContext") .define_method("parameter_id", &FormalParameterContextProxy::parameterId) .define_method("parameter_id_at", &FormalParameterContextProxy::parameterIdAt) .define_method("parameter_type", &FormalParameterContextProxy::parameterType); rb_cFunctionCallContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "FunctionCallContext") .define_method("built_in_function", &FunctionCallContextProxy::builtInFunction) .define_method("function_ref", &FunctionCallContextProxy::functionRef) .define_method("actual_parameter_list", &FunctionCallContextProxy::actualParameterList); rb_cFunctionHeadContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "FunctionHeadContext") .define_method("function_id", &FunctionHeadContextProxy::functionId) .define_method("parameter_type", &FunctionHeadContextProxy::parameterType) .define_method("formal_parameter", &FunctionHeadContextProxy::formalParameter) .define_method("formal_parameter_at", &FunctionHeadContextProxy::formalParameterAt) .define_method("FUNCTION", &FunctionHeadContextProxy::FUNCTION); rb_cGeneralizedTypesContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "GeneralizedTypesContext") .define_method("aggregate_type", &GeneralizedTypesContextProxy::aggregateType) .define_method("general_aggregation_types", &GeneralizedTypesContextProxy::generalAggregationTypes) .define_method("generic_entity_type", &GeneralizedTypesContextProxy::genericEntityType) .define_method("generic_type", &GeneralizedTypesContextProxy::genericType); rb_cGeneralAggregationTypesContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "GeneralAggregationTypesContext") .define_method("general_array_type", &GeneralAggregationTypesContextProxy::generalArrayType) .define_method("general_bag_type", &GeneralAggregationTypesContextProxy::generalBagType) .define_method("general_list_type", &GeneralAggregationTypesContextProxy::generalListType) .define_method("general_set_type", &GeneralAggregationTypesContextProxy::generalSetType); rb_cGenericEntityTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "GenericEntityTypeContext") .define_method("type_label", &GenericEntityTypeContextProxy::typeLabel) .define_method("GENERIC_ENTITY", &GenericEntityTypeContextProxy::GENERIC_ENTITY); rb_cGenericTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "GenericTypeContext") .define_method("type_label", &GenericTypeContextProxy::typeLabel) .define_method("GENERIC", &GenericTypeContextProxy::GENERIC); rb_cGeneralArrayTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "GeneralArrayTypeContext") .define_method("parameter_type", &GeneralArrayTypeContextProxy::parameterType) .define_method("bound_spec", &GeneralArrayTypeContextProxy::boundSpec) .define_method("ARRAY", &GeneralArrayTypeContextProxy::ARRAY) .define_method("OF", &GeneralArrayTypeContextProxy::OF) .define_method("OPTIONAL", &GeneralArrayTypeContextProxy::OPTIONAL) .define_method("UNIQUE", &GeneralArrayTypeContextProxy::UNIQUE); rb_cGeneralBagTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "GeneralBagTypeContext") .define_method("parameter_type", &GeneralBagTypeContextProxy::parameterType) .define_method("bound_spec", &GeneralBagTypeContextProxy::boundSpec) .define_method("BAG", &GeneralBagTypeContextProxy::BAG) .define_method("OF", &GeneralBagTypeContextProxy::OF); rb_cGeneralListTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "GeneralListTypeContext") .define_method("parameter_type", &GeneralListTypeContextProxy::parameterType) .define_method("bound_spec", &GeneralListTypeContextProxy::boundSpec) .define_method("LIST", &GeneralListTypeContextProxy::LIST) .define_method("OF", &GeneralListTypeContextProxy::OF) .define_method("UNIQUE", &GeneralListTypeContextProxy::UNIQUE); rb_cGeneralSetTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "GeneralSetTypeContext") .define_method("parameter_type", &GeneralSetTypeContextProxy::parameterType) .define_method("bound_spec", &GeneralSetTypeContextProxy::boundSpec) .define_method("SET", &GeneralSetTypeContextProxy::SET) .define_method("OF", &GeneralSetTypeContextProxy::OF); rb_cGroupQualifierContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "GroupQualifierContext") .define_method("entity_ref", &GroupQualifierContextProxy::entityRef); rb_cIfStmtContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "IfStmtContext") .define_method("logical_expression", &IfStmtContextProxy::logicalExpression) .define_method("if_stmt_statements", &IfStmtContextProxy::ifStmtStatements) .define_method("if_stmt_else_statements", &IfStmtContextProxy::ifStmtElseStatements) .define_method("IF", &IfStmtContextProxy::IF) .define_method("THEN", &IfStmtContextProxy::THEN) .define_method("END_IF", &IfStmtContextProxy::END_IF) .define_method("ELSE", &IfStmtContextProxy::ELSE); rb_cLogicalExpressionContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "LogicalExpressionContext") .define_method("expression", &LogicalExpressionContextProxy::expression); rb_cIfStmtStatementsContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "IfStmtStatementsContext") .define_method("stmt", &IfStmtStatementsContextProxy::stmt) .define_method("stmt_at", &IfStmtStatementsContextProxy::stmtAt); rb_cIfStmtElseStatementsContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "IfStmtElseStatementsContext") .define_method("stmt", &IfStmtElseStatementsContextProxy::stmt) .define_method("stmt_at", &IfStmtElseStatementsContextProxy::stmtAt); rb_cIncrementContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "IncrementContext") .define_method("numeric_expression", &IncrementContextProxy::numericExpression); rb_cIncrementControlContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "IncrementControlContext") .define_method("variable_id", &IncrementControlContextProxy::variableId) .define_method("bound1", &IncrementControlContextProxy::bound1) .define_method("bound2", &IncrementControlContextProxy::bound2) .define_method("increment", &IncrementControlContextProxy::increment) .define_method("TO", &IncrementControlContextProxy::TO) .define_method("BY", &IncrementControlContextProxy::BY); rb_cIndexContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "IndexContext") .define_method("numeric_expression", &IndexContextProxy::numericExpression); rb_cIndex1Context = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "Index1Context") .define_method("index", &Index1ContextProxy::index); rb_cIndex2Context = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "Index2Context") .define_method("index", &Index2ContextProxy::index); rb_cIndexQualifierContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "IndexQualifierContext") .define_method("index1", &IndexQualifierContextProxy::index1) .define_method("index2", &IndexQualifierContextProxy::index2); rb_cIntegerTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "IntegerTypeContext") .define_method("INTEGER", &IntegerTypeContextProxy::INTEGER); rb_cInterfaceSpecificationContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "InterfaceSpecificationContext") .define_method("reference_clause", &InterfaceSpecificationContextProxy::referenceClause) .define_method("use_clause", &InterfaceSpecificationContextProxy::useClause); rb_cReferenceClauseContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ReferenceClauseContext") .define_method("schema_ref", &ReferenceClauseContextProxy::schemaRef) .define_method("resource_or_rename", &ReferenceClauseContextProxy::resourceOrRename) .define_method("resource_or_rename_at", &ReferenceClauseContextProxy::resourceOrRenameAt) .define_method("REFERENCE", &ReferenceClauseContextProxy::REFERENCE) .define_method("FROM", &ReferenceClauseContextProxy::FROM); rb_cUseClauseContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "UseClauseContext") .define_method("schema_ref", &UseClauseContextProxy::schemaRef) .define_method("named_type_or_rename", &UseClauseContextProxy::namedTypeOrRename) .define_method("named_type_or_rename_at", &UseClauseContextProxy::namedTypeOrRenameAt) .define_method("USE", &UseClauseContextProxy::USE) .define_method("FROM", &UseClauseContextProxy::FROM); rb_cIntervalContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "IntervalContext") .define_method("interval_low", &IntervalContextProxy::intervalLow) .define_method("interval_op", &IntervalContextProxy::intervalOp) .define_method("interval_op_at", &IntervalContextProxy::intervalOpAt) .define_method("interval_item", &IntervalContextProxy::intervalItem) .define_method("interval_high", &IntervalContextProxy::intervalHigh); rb_cIntervalLowContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "IntervalLowContext") .define_method("simple_expression", &IntervalLowContextProxy::simpleExpression); rb_cIntervalOpContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "IntervalOpContext"); rb_cIntervalItemContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "IntervalItemContext") .define_method("simple_expression", &IntervalItemContextProxy::simpleExpression); rb_cIntervalHighContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "IntervalHighContext") .define_method("simple_expression", &IntervalHighContextProxy::simpleExpression); rb_cInverseAttrContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "InverseAttrContext") .define_method("attribute_decl", &InverseAttrContextProxy::attributeDecl) .define_method("inverse_attr_type", &InverseAttrContextProxy::inverseAttrType) .define_method("attribute_ref", &InverseAttrContextProxy::attributeRef) .define_method("entity_ref", &InverseAttrContextProxy::entityRef) .define_method("FOR", &InverseAttrContextProxy::FOR); rb_cInverseAttrTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "InverseAttrTypeContext") .define_method("entity_ref", &InverseAttrTypeContextProxy::entityRef) .define_method("bound_spec", &InverseAttrTypeContextProxy::boundSpec) .define_method("OF", &InverseAttrTypeContextProxy::OF) .define_method("SET", &InverseAttrTypeContextProxy::SET) .define_method("BAG", &InverseAttrTypeContextProxy::BAG); rb_cLiteralContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "LiteralContext") .define_method("logical_literal", &LiteralContextProxy::logicalLiteral) .define_method("string_literal", &LiteralContextProxy::stringLiteral) .define_method("BinaryLiteral", &LiteralContextProxy::BinaryLiteral) .define_method("IntegerLiteral", &LiteralContextProxy::IntegerLiteral) .define_method("RealLiteral", &LiteralContextProxy::RealLiteral); rb_cLogicalLiteralContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "LogicalLiteralContext") .define_method("FALSE", &LogicalLiteralContextProxy::FALSE) .define_method("TRUE", &LogicalLiteralContextProxy::TRUE) .define_method("UNKNOWN", &LogicalLiteralContextProxy::UNKNOWN); rb_cStringLiteralContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "StringLiteralContext") .define_method("SimpleStringLiteral", &StringLiteralContextProxy::SimpleStringLiteral) .define_method("EncodedStringLiteral", &StringLiteralContextProxy::EncodedStringLiteral); rb_cLocalVariableContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "LocalVariableContext") .define_method("variable_id", &LocalVariableContextProxy::variableId) .define_method("variable_id_at", &LocalVariableContextProxy::variableIdAt) .define_method("parameter_type", &LocalVariableContextProxy::parameterType) .define_method("expression", &LocalVariableContextProxy::expression); rb_cLogicalTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "LogicalTypeContext") .define_method("LOGICAL", &LogicalTypeContextProxy::LOGICAL); rb_cMultiplicationLikeOpContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "MultiplicationLikeOpContext") .define_method("DIV", &MultiplicationLikeOpContextProxy::DIV) .define_method("MOD", &MultiplicationLikeOpContextProxy::MOD) .define_method("AND", &MultiplicationLikeOpContextProxy::AND); rb_cNamedTypesContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "NamedTypesContext") .define_method("entity_ref", &NamedTypesContextProxy::entityRef) .define_method("type_ref", &NamedTypesContextProxy::typeRef); rb_cNamedTypeOrRenameContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "NamedTypeOrRenameContext") .define_method("named_types", &NamedTypeOrRenameContextProxy::namedTypes) .define_method("entity_id", &NamedTypeOrRenameContextProxy::entityId) .define_method("type_id", &NamedTypeOrRenameContextProxy::typeId) .define_method("AS", &NamedTypeOrRenameContextProxy::AS); rb_cNullStmtContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "NullStmtContext"); rb_cNumberTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "NumberTypeContext") .define_method("NUMBER", &NumberTypeContextProxy::NUMBER); rb_cOneOfContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "OneOfContext") .define_method("supertype_expression", &OneOfContextProxy::supertypeExpression) .define_method("supertype_expression_at", &OneOfContextProxy::supertypeExpressionAt) .define_method("ONEOF", &OneOfContextProxy::ONEOF); rb_cSupertypeExpressionContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SupertypeExpressionContext") .define_method("supertype_factor", &SupertypeExpressionContextProxy::supertypeFactor) .define_method("supertype_factor_at", &SupertypeExpressionContextProxy::supertypeFactorAt) .define_method("ANDOR", &SupertypeExpressionContextProxy::ANDOR) .define_method("ANDORAt", &SupertypeExpressionContextProxy::ANDOR); rb_cPopulationContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "PopulationContext") .define_method("entity_ref", &PopulationContextProxy::entityRef); rb_cPrecisionSpecContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "PrecisionSpecContext") .define_method("numeric_expression", &PrecisionSpecContextProxy::numericExpression); rb_cPrimaryContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "PrimaryContext") .define_method("literal", &PrimaryContextProxy::literal) .define_method("qualifiable_factor", &PrimaryContextProxy::qualifiableFactor) .define_method("qualifier", &PrimaryContextProxy::qualifier) .define_method("qualifier_at", &PrimaryContextProxy::qualifierAt); rb_cQualifiableFactorContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "QualifiableFactorContext") .define_method("attribute_ref", &QualifiableFactorContextProxy::attributeRef) .define_method("constant_factor", &QualifiableFactorContextProxy::constantFactor) .define_method("function_call", &QualifiableFactorContextProxy::functionCall) .define_method("general_ref", &QualifiableFactorContextProxy::generalRef) .define_method("population", &QualifiableFactorContextProxy::population); rb_cProcedureCallStmtContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ProcedureCallStmtContext") .define_method("built_in_procedure", &ProcedureCallStmtContextProxy::builtInProcedure) .define_method("procedure_ref", &ProcedureCallStmtContextProxy::procedureRef) .define_method("actual_parameter_list", &ProcedureCallStmtContextProxy::actualParameterList); rb_cProcedureHeadContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ProcedureHeadContext") .define_method("procedure_id", &ProcedureHeadContextProxy::procedureId) .define_method("procedure_head_parameter", &ProcedureHeadContextProxy::procedureHeadParameter) .define_method("procedure_head_parameter_at", &ProcedureHeadContextProxy::procedureHeadParameterAt) .define_method("PROCEDURE", &ProcedureHeadContextProxy::PROCEDURE); rb_cProcedureHeadParameterContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ProcedureHeadParameterContext") .define_method("formal_parameter", &ProcedureHeadParameterContextProxy::formalParameter) .define_method("VAR", &ProcedureHeadParameterContextProxy::VAR); rb_cQualifiedAttributeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "QualifiedAttributeContext") .define_method("group_qualifier", &QualifiedAttributeContextProxy::groupQualifier) .define_method("attribute_qualifier", &QualifiedAttributeContextProxy::attributeQualifier) .define_method("SELF", &QualifiedAttributeContextProxy::SELF); rb_cQueryExpressionContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "QueryExpressionContext") .define_method("variable_id", &QueryExpressionContextProxy::variableId) .define_method("aggregate_source", &QueryExpressionContextProxy::aggregateSource) .define_method("logical_expression", &QueryExpressionContextProxy::logicalExpression) .define_method("QUERY", &QueryExpressionContextProxy::QUERY); rb_cRealTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "RealTypeContext") .define_method("precision_spec", &RealTypeContextProxy::precisionSpec) .define_method("REAL", &RealTypeContextProxy::REAL); rb_cReferencedAttributeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ReferencedAttributeContext") .define_method("attribute_ref", &ReferencedAttributeContextProxy::attributeRef) .define_method("qualified_attribute", &ReferencedAttributeContextProxy::qualifiedAttribute); rb_cResourceOrRenameContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ResourceOrRenameContext") .define_method("resource_ref", &ResourceOrRenameContextProxy::resourceRef) .define_method("rename_id", &ResourceOrRenameContextProxy::renameId) .define_method("AS", &ResourceOrRenameContextProxy::AS); rb_cRelOpContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "RelOpContext"); rb_cRenameIdContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "RenameIdContext") .define_method("constant_id", &RenameIdContextProxy::constantId) .define_method("entity_id", &RenameIdContextProxy::entityId) .define_method("function_id", &RenameIdContextProxy::functionId) .define_method("procedure_id", &RenameIdContextProxy::procedureId) .define_method("type_id", &RenameIdContextProxy::typeId); rb_cRepeatControlContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "RepeatControlContext") .define_method("increment_control", &RepeatControlContextProxy::incrementControl) .define_method("while_control", &RepeatControlContextProxy::whileControl) .define_method("until_control", &RepeatControlContextProxy::untilControl); rb_cWhileControlContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "WhileControlContext") .define_method("logical_expression", &WhileControlContextProxy::logicalExpression) .define_method("WHILE", &WhileControlContextProxy::WHILE); rb_cUntilControlContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "UntilControlContext") .define_method("logical_expression", &UntilControlContextProxy::logicalExpression) .define_method("UNTIL", &UntilControlContextProxy::UNTIL); rb_cRepeatStmtContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "RepeatStmtContext") .define_method("repeat_control", &RepeatStmtContextProxy::repeatControl) .define_method("stmt", &RepeatStmtContextProxy::stmt) .define_method("stmt_at", &RepeatStmtContextProxy::stmtAt) .define_method("REPEAT", &RepeatStmtContextProxy::REPEAT) .define_method("END_REPEAT", &RepeatStmtContextProxy::END_REPEAT); rb_cResourceRefContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ResourceRefContext") .define_method("constant_ref", &ResourceRefContextProxy::constantRef) .define_method("entity_ref", &ResourceRefContextProxy::entityRef) .define_method("function_ref", &ResourceRefContextProxy::functionRef) .define_method("procedure_ref", &ResourceRefContextProxy::procedureRef) .define_method("type_ref", &ResourceRefContextProxy::typeRef); rb_cReturnStmtContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "ReturnStmtContext") .define_method("expression", &ReturnStmtContextProxy::expression) .define_method("RETURN", &ReturnStmtContextProxy::RETURN); rb_cRuleDeclContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "RuleDeclContext") .define_method("rule_head", &RuleDeclContextProxy::ruleHead) .define_method("algorithm_head", &RuleDeclContextProxy::algorithmHead) .define_method("where_clause", &RuleDeclContextProxy::whereClause) .define_method("stmt", &RuleDeclContextProxy::stmt) .define_method("stmt_at", &RuleDeclContextProxy::stmtAt) .define_method("END_RULE", &RuleDeclContextProxy::END_RULE); rb_cRuleHeadContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "RuleHeadContext") .define_method("rule_id", &RuleHeadContextProxy::ruleId) .define_method("entity_ref", &RuleHeadContextProxy::entityRef) .define_method("entity_ref_at", &RuleHeadContextProxy::entityRefAt) .define_method("RULE", &RuleHeadContextProxy::RULE) .define_method("FOR", &RuleHeadContextProxy::FOR); rb_cSchemaBodyContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SchemaBodyContext") .define_method("interface_specification", &SchemaBodyContextProxy::interfaceSpecification) .define_method("interface_specification_at", &SchemaBodyContextProxy::interfaceSpecificationAt) .define_method("constant_decl", &SchemaBodyContextProxy::constantDecl) .define_method("schema_body_declaration", &SchemaBodyContextProxy::schemaBodyDeclaration) .define_method("schema_body_declaration_at", &SchemaBodyContextProxy::schemaBodyDeclarationAt); rb_cSchemaBodyDeclarationContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SchemaBodyDeclarationContext") .define_method("declaration", &SchemaBodyDeclarationContextProxy::declaration) .define_method("rule_decl", &SchemaBodyDeclarationContextProxy::ruleDecl); rb_cSchemaDeclContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SchemaDeclContext") .define_method("schema_id", &SchemaDeclContextProxy::schemaId) .define_method("schema_body", &SchemaDeclContextProxy::schemaBody) .define_method("schema_version_id", &SchemaDeclContextProxy::schemaVersionId) .define_method("SCHEMA", &SchemaDeclContextProxy::SCHEMA) .define_method("END_SCHEMA", &SchemaDeclContextProxy::END_SCHEMA); rb_cSchemaVersionIdContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SchemaVersionIdContext") .define_method("string_literal", &SchemaVersionIdContextProxy::stringLiteral); rb_cSelectExtensionContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SelectExtensionContext") .define_method("type_ref", &SelectExtensionContextProxy::typeRef) .define_method("select_list", &SelectExtensionContextProxy::selectList) .define_method("BASED_ON", &SelectExtensionContextProxy::BASED_ON) .define_method("WITH", &SelectExtensionContextProxy::WITH); rb_cSelectListContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SelectListContext") .define_method("named_types", &SelectListContextProxy::namedTypes) .define_method("named_types_at", &SelectListContextProxy::namedTypesAt); rb_cTermContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "TermContext") .define_method("factor", &TermContextProxy::factor) .define_method("factor_at", &TermContextProxy::factorAt) .define_method("multiplication_like_op", &TermContextProxy::multiplicationLikeOp) .define_method("multiplication_like_op_at", &TermContextProxy::multiplicationLikeOpAt); rb_cSimpleFactorExpressionContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SimpleFactorExpressionContext") .define_method("expression", &SimpleFactorExpressionContextProxy::expression) .define_method("primary", &SimpleFactorExpressionContextProxy::primary); rb_cSimpleFactorUnaryExpressionContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SimpleFactorUnaryExpressionContext") .define_method("unary_op", &SimpleFactorUnaryExpressionContextProxy::unaryOp) .define_method("simple_factor_expression", &SimpleFactorUnaryExpressionContextProxy::simpleFactorExpression); rb_cUnaryOpContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "UnaryOpContext") .define_method("NOT", &UnaryOpContextProxy::NOT); rb_cStringTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "StringTypeContext") .define_method("width_spec", &StringTypeContextProxy::widthSpec) .define_method("STRING", &StringTypeContextProxy::STRING); rb_cSkipStmtContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SkipStmtContext") .define_method("SKIP_", &SkipStmtContextProxy::SKIP_); rb_cSupertypeConstraintContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SupertypeConstraintContext") .define_method("abstract_entity_declaration", &SupertypeConstraintContextProxy::abstractEntityDeclaration) .define_method("abstract_supertype_declaration", &SupertypeConstraintContextProxy::abstractSupertypeDeclaration) .define_method("supertype_rule", &SupertypeConstraintContextProxy::supertypeRule); rb_cSubtypeDeclarationContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SubtypeDeclarationContext") .define_method("entity_ref", &SubtypeDeclarationContextProxy::entityRef) .define_method("entity_ref_at", &SubtypeDeclarationContextProxy::entityRefAt) .define_method("SUBTYPE", &SubtypeDeclarationContextProxy::SUBTYPE) .define_method("OF", &SubtypeDeclarationContextProxy::OF); rb_cSubtypeConstraintBodyContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SubtypeConstraintBodyContext") .define_method("abstract_supertype", &SubtypeConstraintBodyContextProxy::abstractSupertype) .define_method("total_over", &SubtypeConstraintBodyContextProxy::totalOver) .define_method("supertype_expression", &SubtypeConstraintBodyContextProxy::supertypeExpression); rb_cTotalOverContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "TotalOverContext") .define_method("entity_ref", &TotalOverContextProxy::entityRef) .define_method("entity_ref_at", &TotalOverContextProxy::entityRefAt) .define_method("TOTAL_OVER", &TotalOverContextProxy::TOTAL_OVER); rb_cSubtypeConstraintHeadContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SubtypeConstraintHeadContext") .define_method("subtype_constraint_id", &SubtypeConstraintHeadContextProxy::subtypeConstraintId) .define_method("entity_ref", &SubtypeConstraintHeadContextProxy::entityRef) .define_method("SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT", &SubtypeConstraintHeadContextProxy::SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT) .define_method("FOR", &SubtypeConstraintHeadContextProxy::FOR); rb_cSupertypeRuleContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SupertypeRuleContext") .define_method("subtype_constraint", &SupertypeRuleContextProxy::subtypeConstraint) .define_method("SUPERTYPE", &SupertypeRuleContextProxy::SUPERTYPE); rb_cSupertypeFactorContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SupertypeFactorContext") .define_method("supertype_term", &SupertypeFactorContextProxy::supertypeTerm) .define_method("supertype_term_at", &SupertypeFactorContextProxy::supertypeTermAt) .define_method("AND", &SupertypeFactorContextProxy::AND) .define_method("ANDAt", &SupertypeFactorContextProxy::AND); rb_cSupertypeTermContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SupertypeTermContext") .define_method("entity_ref", &SupertypeTermContextProxy::entityRef) .define_method("one_of", &SupertypeTermContextProxy::oneOf) .define_method("supertype_expression", &SupertypeTermContextProxy::supertypeExpression); rb_cSyntaxContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "SyntaxContext") .define_method("schema_decl", &SyntaxContextProxy::schemaDecl) .define_method("schema_decl_at", &SyntaxContextProxy::schemaDeclAt) .define_method("EOF", &SyntaxContextProxy::EOF); rb_cUnderlyingTypeContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "UnderlyingTypeContext") .define_method("concrete_types", &UnderlyingTypeContextProxy::concreteTypes) .define_method("constructed_types", &UnderlyingTypeContextProxy::constructedTypes); rb_cUniqueRuleContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "UniqueRuleContext") .define_method("referenced_attribute", &UniqueRuleContextProxy::referencedAttribute) .define_method("referenced_attribute_at", &UniqueRuleContextProxy::referencedAttributeAt) .define_method("rule_label_id", &UniqueRuleContextProxy::ruleLabelId); rb_cWidthContext = define_class_under(rb_mExpressParser, "WidthContext") .define_method("numeric_expression", &WidthContextProxy::numericExpression); }