Lapdeb-1 xxx-1 Mulberry Technologies, Inc. ArchivalTest1 Archival DTD Test Article (Just a small one for parsing) Jones John Browning The HonorableIII 2004 Sample-test-only-id 2004

This is a list inside a paragraph:


Persian Cats

Weaver Finches


This following is an XHTML table, inside a Table Wrapper %lt;table-wrap> wrapper.


Additional caption material

A cell! Another Still a third>
2 A cell! An xref: See the statement 2 Still a third>
There be statements here.

The IDREFs need to point to something

No Matter How Wise You Get, Wet Birds Don't Fly at Night

Post Hoc Propter Ergo Hoc

We thank you all.


Just a reference or two for testing:

A citation ain't nothing but a sandwich — personal communication Piggy Ms. Can't Help Lovin’ That Frog of Mine; Swine Review, 145: 1224; 2003. Ant-cay Elp-hay Ovin’-lay At-thay Og-fray of-ay Ine-may