ó âqLc@s dZddlZddlmZdZdZddd„Zd„Zd„Z d„Z d „Z e d „Z ddd „Zdddd „Zdddd „Zdddd„Zddd„Zdddddded„Zdd„Zdd„Zd„Zd„ZdS(sXSCons.Conftest Autoconf-like configuration support; low level implementation of tests. iÿÿÿÿN(tIntTypeicCsyt|ƒ\}}}|r0|jd|ƒ|S|s?d}n|jd|ƒ|j||ƒ}t||d|ƒ|S(sš Configure check to see if the compiler works. Note that this uses the current value of compiler and linker flags, make sure $CFLAGS, $CPPFLAGS and $LIBS are set correctly. "language" should be "C" or "C++" and is used to select the compiler. Default is "C". "text" may be used to specify the code to be build. Returns an empty string for success, an error message for failure. s%s s int main() { return 0; } s(Checking if building a %s file works... N(t _lang2suffixtDisplayt BuildProgt _YesNoResulttNone(tcontextttexttlanguagetlangtsuffixtmsgtret((s^/home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyt CheckBuilder{s  cCs?|jdƒd}t|d|dƒ}t||d|ƒ|S(s Configure check for a working C compiler. This checks whether the C compiler, as defined in the $CC construction variable, can compile a C source file. It uses the current $CCCOM value too, so that it can test against non working flags. s%Checking whether the C compiler workss int main() { return 0; } tCCtCN(Rt_check_empty_programRR(RRR ((s^/home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pytCheckCC–s cCsE|jdƒd}t|d|ddtƒ}t||d|ƒ|S(s Configure check for a working shared C compiler. This checks whether the C compiler, as defined in the $SHCC construction variable, can compile a C source file. It uses the current $SHCCCOM value too, so that it can test against non working flags. s.Checking whether the (shared) C compiler workss int foo() { return 0; } tSHCCRt use_sharedN(RRtTrueRR(RRR ((s^/home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyt CheckSHCCªs cCs?|jdƒd}t|d|dƒ}t||d|ƒ|S(s  Configure check for a working CXX compiler. This checks whether the CXX compiler, as defined in the $CXX construction variable, can compile a CXX source file. It uses the current $CXXCOM value too, so that it can test against non working flags. s'Checking whether the C++ compiler workss int main() { return 0; } tCXXsC++N(RRRR(RRR ((s^/home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pytCheckCXX¾s cCsE|jdƒd}t|d|ddtƒ}t||d|ƒ|S(s Configure check for a working shared CXX compiler. This checks whether the CXX compiler, as defined in the $SHCXX construction variable, can compile a CXX source file. It uses the current $SHCXXCOM value too, so that it can test against non working flags. s0Checking whether the (shared) C++ compiler workss int main() { return 0; } tSHCXXsC++RN(RRRRR(RRR ((s^/home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyt CheckSHCXXÒs cCsj||jks|j| r!dSt|ƒ\}}}|r@dS|rV|j||ƒS|j||ƒSdS(s!Return 0 on success, 1 otherwise.iN(tenvRtCompileSharedObjectt CompileProg(RtcompRRRR R R ((s^/home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyRæsc CsÒ|jrd|j}nd}|s2d|}nt|ƒ\}}}|rh|jd||fƒ|Sdi|d6|d6|d6}|jd ||fƒ|j||ƒ} t|| d ||d |ƒ| S( s7 Configure check for a function "function_name". "language" should be "C" or "C++" and is used to select the compiler. Default is "C". Optional "header" can be defined to define a function prototype, include a header file or anything else that comes before main(). Sets HAVE_function_name in context.havedict according to the result. Note that this uses the current value of compiler and linker flags, make sure $CFLAGS, $CPPFLAGS and $LIBS are set correctly. Returns an empty string for success, an error message for failure. s #include "%s"ts0 #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" #endif char %s();sCannot check for %s(): %s s¯ %(include)s #include %(hdr)s int main() { #if defined (__stub_%(name)s) || defined (__stub___%(name)s) fail fail fail #else %(name)s(); #endif return 0; } tnametincludethdrs!Checking for %s function %s()... tHAVE_s0Define to 1 if the system has the function `%s'.(theaderfilenameRRRR( Rt function_nametheaderRt includetextR R R RR ((s^/home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyt CheckFuncös$    c Csß|jrd|j}nd}|s.d}nt|ƒ\}}}|rd|jd||fƒ|S|ssd}nd|||d||df} |jd||fƒ|j| |ƒ} t|| d || d |ƒ| S( s. Configure check for a C or C++ header file "header_name". Optional "header" can be defined to do something before including the header file (unusual, supported for consistency). "language" should be "C" or "C++" and is used to select the compiler. Default is "C". Sets HAVE_header_name in context.havedict according to the result. Note that this uses the current value of compiler and linker flags, make sure $CFLAGS and $CPPFLAGS are set correctly. Returns an empty string for success, an error message for failure. s#include "%s" Rs$Cannot check for header file %s: %s s<>s%s%s #include %s%s%s iis"Checking for %s header file %s... R"s-Define to 1 if you have the <%s> header file.(R#RRRR( Rt header_nameR%Rtinclude_quotesR&R R R RR ((s^/home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyt CheckHeader;s&      c Cs|jrd|j}nd}|s.d}nt|ƒ\}}}|rd|jd||fƒ|Sdi|d6|d6|d6} |jd||fƒ|j| |ƒ} t|| d || d |ƒ| r|r|jrt|jd ƒ} | jd ||fƒ| jƒn| S( sé Configure check for a C or C++ type "type_name". Optional "header" can be defined to include a header file. "language" should be "C" or "C++" and is used to select the compiler. Default is "C". Sets HAVE_type_name in context.havedict according to the result. Note that this uses the current value of compiler and linker flags, make sure $CFLAGS, $CPPFLAGS and $LIBS are set correctly. Returns an empty string for success, an error message for failure. s #include "%s"RsCannot check for %s type: %s ss %(include)s %(header)s int main() { if ((%(name)s *) 0) return 0; if (sizeof (%(name)s)) return 0; } R R%RsChecking for %s type %s... R"s,Define to 1 if the system has the type `%s'.tastypedef %s %s; (R#RRRRtopentwritetclose( Rt type_nametfallbackR%RR&R R R RR tf((s^/home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyt CheckTypeks*      c CsÏ|jrd|j}nd}|s.d}nt|ƒ\}}}|rd|jd||fƒ|S||} |dk r |jd||fƒ| d} |j| ||f|ƒ} | sé|jdƒt|d||d|ƒ|S|jd ƒt|| | ƒd Sn¾|jd |ƒ| d |d } |j| |ƒ\} } yt | ƒ} Wnt k rwd} d } nX| sª|jdƒt|d|| d|ƒ| S|jd ƒt|| | ƒd Sd S(szThis check can be used to get the size of a given type, or to check whether the type is of expected size. Arguments: - type : str the type to check - includes : sequence list of headers to include in the test code before testing the type - language : str 'C' or 'C++' - expect : int if given, will test wether the type has the given number of bytes. If not given, will automatically find the size. Returns: status : int 0 if the check failed, or the found size of the type if the check succeeded.s #include "%s"RsCannot check for %s type: %s sChecking %s is %d bytes... s© typedef %s scons_check_type; int main() { static int test_array[1 - 2 * !(((long int) (sizeof(scons_check_type))) == %d)]; test_array[0] = 0; return 0; } syes s SIZEOF_%ss(The size of `%s', as computed by sizeof.sno isChecking size of %s ... sR #include #include int main() { printf("%d", (int)sizeof(s)); return 0; } iN( R#RRRRt_Havet _LogFailedtMessagetRunProgtintt ValueError( RR/R%RtexpectR&R R R tsrctsttouttsize((s^/home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyt CheckTypeSize©sR              c CsÇ|jrd|j}nd}|s.d}nt|ƒ\}}}|rd|jdt|fƒ|S||}|jd|ƒ|d||f}|j||ƒ} t|| d||d|ƒ| S(sÜChecks whether symbol is declared. Use the same test as autoconf, that is test whether the symbol is defined as a macro or can be used as an r-value. Arguments: symbol : str the symbol to check includes : str Optional "header" can be defined to include a header file. language : str only C and C++ supported. Returns: status : bool True if the check failed, False if succeeded.s #include "%s"Rs$Cannot check for declaration %s: %s s#Checking whether %s is declared... sE int main() { #ifndef %s (void) %s; #endif ; return 0; } t HAVE_DECL_sSet to 1 if %s is defined.(R#RRR/RR( RtsymboltincludesRR&R R R R:R;((s^/home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pytCheckDeclarations"     c  Cs2|jrd|j} nd} |s.d}nd| |f} |r}|dkr}|sg| d|} n|s}d|}q}n| d|pŒd} |ré|jdƒ} | d krÃ|| d } qé|d d krà|d } qé|} nxB|D]:} t|ƒ\}}}|r,|jd | |fƒ|S|rO|jd| || fƒn|jd|| fƒ| r¿| g}|r‹|j|ƒn|r£|j|ƒ}n|j|ƒ}d| }n d }d}|j| |ƒ}t |||| d| ƒ|d kr |s| r |j |ƒn|sð|SqðW|S(si Configure check for a C or C++ libraries "libs". Searches through the list of libraries, until one is found where the test succeeds. Tests if "func_name" or "call" exists in the library. Note: if it exists in another library the test succeeds anyway! Optional "header" can be defined to include a header file. If not given a default prototype for "func_name" is added. Optional "extra_libs" is a list of library names to be added after "lib_name" in the build command. To be used for libraries that "lib_name" depends on. Optional "call" replaces the call to "func_name" in the test code. It must consist of complete C statements, including a trailing ";". Both "func_name" and "call" arguments are optional, and in that case, just linking against the libs is tested. "language" should be "C" or "C++" and is used to select the compiler. Default is "C". Note that this uses the current value of compiler and linker flags, make sure $CFLAGS, $CPPFLAGS and $LIBS are set correctly. Returns an empty string for success, an error message for failure. s #include "%s"Rs %s %stmains1 #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" #endif char %s(); s%s();s int main() { %s return 0; } s is..iÿÿÿÿt;s Cannot check for library %s: %s s$Checking for %s in %s library %s... sChecking for %s library %s... tHAVE_LIBs)Define to 1 if you have the `%s' library.N( R#tfindRRtextendt AppendLIBSt PrependLIBSRRRtSetLIBS(Rtlibst func_nameR%t extra_libstcallRtautoaddtappendR&Rtitcalltexttlib_nameR R R tltoldLIBStsymR ((s^/home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pytCheckLibCsb           cCsT|rt||| |ƒn|rC|jdƒt|||ƒn |jdƒdS(s¡ Handle the result of a test with a "yes" or "no" result. "ret" is the return value: empty if OK, error message when not. "key" is the name of the symbol to be defined (HAVE_foo). "text" is the source code of the program used for testing. "comment" is the C comment to add above the line defining the symbol (the comment is automatically put inside a /* */). If None, no comment is added. sno syes N(R3RR4(RR tkeyRtcomment((s^/home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyR³s  cCs|jƒ}tjdd|ƒ}||j|<|dkrGd|}nQ|dkr`d|}n8t|tƒr‚d||f}nd|t|ƒf}|d k rµd ||}n d |}|jrôt |jd ƒ}|j |ƒ|j ƒn"t |d ƒr|j ||_ nd S(s& Store result of a test in context.havedict and context.headerfilename. "key" is a "HAVE_abc" name. It is turned into all CAPITALS and non- alphanumerics are replaced by an underscore. The value of "have" can be: 1 - Feature is defined, add "#define key". 0 - Feature is not defined, add "/* #undef key */". Adding "undef" is what autoconf does. Not useful for the compiler, but it shows that the test was done. number - Feature is defined to this number "#define key have". Doesn't work for 0 or 1, use a string then. string - Feature is defined to this string "#define key have". Give "have" as is should appear in the header file, include quotes when desired and escape special characters! s [^A-Z0-9_]t_is #define %s 1 is/* #undef %s */ s#define %s %d s#define %s %s s /* %s */ s R+tconfig_hN(tuppertretsubthavedictt isinstanceRtstrRR#R,R-R.thasattrR[(RRXthaveRYtkey_uptlinetlinesR1((s^/home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyR3Ås&           cCs¤tr†|jdƒ|jdƒ}t|ƒrK|ddkrK|d }nd}x2|D]'}|jd||fƒ|d}qXWntr |jd|ƒndS( sr Write to the log about a failed program. Add line numbers, so that error messages can be understood. sFailed program was: s iÿÿÿÿRis%d: %s sError message: %s N(t LogInputFilestLogtsplittlentLogErrorMessages(RRR RftnRe((s^/home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyR4îs   cCs8| s|d krd S|dkr'dSd d d |fS(s` Convert a language name to a suffix. When "lang" is empty or None C is assumed. Returns a tuple (lang, suffix, None) when it works. For an unrecognized language returns (None, None, msg). Where: lang = the unified language name suffix = the suffix, including the leading dot msg = an error message Rtcs.csc++sC++tcppRtcxxs.cppsUnsupported language: %s(RRmN(Rs.cN(sc++sC++scppsCXXRo(sC++s.cppN(R(R ((s^/home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyRs  (t__doc__R]ttypesRRgRkRR RRRRtFalseRR'R*R2R>RBRRWRR3R4R(((s^/home/als/proj/qrscanner/ext/qrscanner/zxing/scons/scons-local-2.0.0.final.0/SCons/Conftest.pyts0c       E /=g3  n  )