# frozen_string_literal: true module Languages # Language defined in ISO 639-3 class Language include Comparable attr_reader :iso639_1, :iso639_2b, :iso639_2t, :iso639_3, :scope, :type, :name # , :comment def initialize(csv_attributes) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize @iso639_3 = csv_attributes.fetch(:id).to_sym @iso639_2b = csv_attributes.fetch(:part2b)&.to_sym @iso639_2t = csv_attributes.fetch(:part2t)&.to_sym @iso639_1 = csv_attributes.fetch(:part1)&.to_sym @scope = SCOPES.detect { |s| s.chr.upcase == csv_attributes.fetch(:scope) } @type = TYPES.detect { |t| t.chr.upcase == csv_attributes.fetch(:language_type) } @name = csv_attributes.fetch(:ref_name) # @comment = csv_attributes.fetch(:comment) end alias iso639_2 iso639_2t alias iso639_5 iso639_2 alias alpha2 iso639_1 alias alpha3 iso639_3 alias alpha3_bibliographic iso639_2b alias alpha3_terminology iso639_2t def to_s name.to_s # Enforce return of String, even if name is nil end TYPES.each do |type| define_method "#{type}?" do self.type == type end end SCOPES.each do |scope| # prevent ambiguity of scope "special" and type "special" method_name = scope.end_with?('language') ? scope : "#{scope}_language" define_method "#{method_name}?" do self.scope == scope end end def ==(other) other.class == self.class && other.iso639_3 == iso639_3 end alias eql? == def hash iso639_3.hash end def <=>(other) other.iso639_3 <=> iso639_3 end end end