require 'jruby' JRuby.runtime.instance_config.runRubyInProcess = false # thanks Dan Lucraft! def jruby_run(cmd, swt = false) opts = "-J-XstartOnFirstThread" if swt && RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] =~ /darwin/ # see # "How can I increase the heap/memory size when launching a sub-JRuby?" sh( "jruby --debug --1.9 -Ispec #{opts} -S #{cmd}" ) end def rspec(files, options = "") rspec_opts = "#{options} #{files}" "rspec --tty #{rspec_opts}" end # run rspec in separate Jruby JVM def jruby_rspec(files, args) swt = args.delete(:swt) rspec_opts = spec_opts_from_args(args) rspec_opts << " #{ENV['RSPEC_OPTS']}" jruby_run(rspec(files, rspec_opts), swt) end def spec_opts_from_args(args) opts = [] opts << "-e ::#{args[:module]}" if args[:module] opts += Array(args[:require]).map {|lib| "-r#{lib}"} opts += args[:excludes].map { |tag| "--tag ~#{tag}" } if args[:excludes] opts += args[:includes].map { |tag| "--tag #{tag}" } if args[:includes] opts.join ' ' end def swt_args(args) args = args.to_hash args[:swt] = true args[:require] = 'swt_shoes/spec_helper' # Adjust includes/excludes appropriately # args[:includes] = [:swt] args[:excludes] = [:no_swt] args[:excludes] << :fails_on_osx if RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] =~ /darwin/ args end task :default => :spec desc "Run all specs" task :spec, [:module] => "spec:all" namespace :spec do desc "Run all specs for Shoes DSL and SWT backend Limit the examples to specific :modules : Animation App Button Flow ie. $ rake spec:all[Flow] " task "all", [:module] do |t, args| Rake::Task["spec:shoes"].invoke(args[:module]) Rake::Task["spec:swt"].invoke(args[:module]) end task :swt, [:module] do |t, args| Rake::Task['spec:swt:all'].invoke(args[:module]) end namespace :swt do desc "Run all specs with SWT backend Limit the examples to specific :modules : " task :all, [:module] do |t, args| argh = swt_args(args) files = (Dir['spec/swt_shoes/**/*_spec.rb'] + Dir['spec/shoes/**/*_spec.rb']).join ' ' jruby_rspec(files, argh) end desc "Run SWT backend specs isolated from DSL" task :isolation, [:module] do |t, args| argh = swt_args(args) files = Dir['spec/swt_shoes/**/*_spec.rb'].join ' ' jruby_rspec(files, argh) end desc "Run DSL specs integrated with SWT backend" task :integration, [:module] do |t, args| argh = swt_args(args) files = Dir['spec/shoes/**/*_spec.rb'].join ' ' jruby_rspec(files, argh) end end desc "Run specs for Shoes DSL Limit the examples to specific :modules : " task :dsl, [:module] do |t, args| argh = args.to_hash files = Dir['spec/shoes/**/*_spec.rb'].join ' ' jruby_rspec(files, argh) end task :shoes, [:module] do |t, args| Rake::Task['spec:dsl'].invoke(args[:module]) end end