require "uuidtools" require "yaml" require "csv" require_relative "macros_inline" require_relative "macros_plantuml" require_relative "macros_terms" require_relative "macros_form" require_relative "macros_note" require_relative "macros_embed" require_relative "datamodel/attributes_table_preprocessor" require_relative "datamodel/diagram_preprocessor" require "metanorma-plugin-datastruct" require "metanorma-plugin-glossarist" require "metanorma-plugin-lutaml" module Metanorma module Standoc class PseudocodeBlockMacro < Asciidoctor::Extensions::BlockProcessor use_dsl named :pseudocode on_context :example, :sourcecode def init_indent(line) /^(?[ \t]*)(?.*)$/ =~ line prefix = prefix.gsub("\t", "\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0") .gsub(/ /, "\u00a0") prefix + suffix end def supply_br(lines) ignore = false lines.each_with_index do |l, i| /^(--+|====+|\|===|\.\.\.\.+|\*\*\*\*+|\+\+\+\++|````+|____\+)$/ .match(l) and (ignore = !ignore) next if l.empty? || l.match(/ \+$/) || /^\[.*\]$/.match?(l) || ignore || i == lines.size - 1 || (i < lines.size - 1 && lines[i + 1].empty?) lines[i] += " +" end lines end def process(parent, reader, attrs) attrs["role"] = "pseudocode" lines = { |m| init_indent(m) } create_block(parent, :example, supply_br(lines), attrs, content_model: :compound) end end class NamedEscapePreprocessor < Asciidoctor::Extensions::Preprocessor def process(_document, reader) c = lines = do |l| l.split(/(&[A-Za-z][^;]*;)/).map do |s| /^&[A-Za-z]/.match?(s) ? c.encode(c.decode(s), :hexadecimal) : s end.join end lines end end class ColumnBreakBlockMacro < Asciidoctor::Extensions::BlockMacroProcessor use_dsl named :columnbreak def process(parent, _reader, _attrs) create_pass_block parent, "", {}, subs: nil end end # refer # Not using TreeProcessor because that is still too close to # inline expressions being processed on access (e.g. titles) class LinkProtectPreprocessor < Asciidoctor::Extensions::Preprocessor def init pass = true # process as passthrough: init = true until # hit end of doc header is_delim = false # current line is a no-substititon block delimiter pass_delim = false # current line is a passthrough delimiter delimln = "" # delimiter line of current block(s); # init value looks for end of doc header { pass: pass, is_delim: is_delim, pass_delim: pass_delim, delimln: delimln } end def process(_document, reader) p = init lines = do |t| p = pass_status(p, t.rstrip) !p[:pass] && t.include?(":") and t = inlinelinkmacro(inlinelink(t)) t end lines end def pass_status(status, text) text == "++++" && !status[:delimln] and status[:pass] = !status[:pass] status[:midline_docattr] && !/^:[^ :]+: /.match?(text) and status[:midline_docattr] = false if (status[:is_delim] && /^(-+|\*+|=+|_+)$/.match?(text)) || (!status[:is_delim] && !status[:delimln] && text == "----") status[:delimln] = text status[:pass] = true elsif status[:pass_delim] status[:delimln] = "" # end of paragraph for paragraph with [pass] elsif status[:delimln] && text == status[:delimln] status[:pass] = false status[:delimln] = nil elsif /^:[^ :]+: /.match?(text) && (status[:prev_line].empty? || status[:midline_docattr]) status[:pass] = true status[:midline_docattr] = true end status[:is_delim] = /^\[(source|listing|literal|pass)\b/.match?(text) status[:pass_delim] = /^\[(pass)\b/.match?(text) status[:prev_line] = text.strip status end PASS_INLINE_MACROS = %w(pass pass-format identifier std-link stem) .join("|").freeze PASS_INLINE_MACRO_STR = <<~REGEX.freeze ( \\b(?\(\)\[\];"'])(\\?(?:https?|file|ftp|irc)://)(?:([^\s\[\]]+)\[(|#{CC_ALL}*?[^\\])\]|([^\s\[\]<]*([^\s,.?!\[\]<\)]))))m # InlineLinkRx = %r((^|(?\(\)\[\];"'])((?:https?|file|ftp|irc)://)(?:([^\s\[\]]+)(?:(\[(|.*?[^\\])\])|([^\s\[\]<]*([^\s,.?!\[\]<\)])))))m.freeze def inlinelink(text) text.include?("://") or return text /^\[.*\]\s*$/.match?(text) and return text pass_inline_split(text) do |x| inlinelink_escape(x) end.join end def inlinelink_escape(text) text.gsub(InlineLinkRx) do body, suffix = $4.nil? ? [$3 + $6, "[]"] : [$3, ""] p = $1 and s = $2 and b = $4 if p == "link:" then "#{p}++#{s}#{body}++#{b}#{suffix}" elsif p == "<" "#{p}link:++#{s}#{body.sub(/>$/, '')}++#{b}#{suffix}>" else "#{p}link:++#{s}#{body}++#{b}#{suffix}" end end end # InlineLinkMacroRx = /\\?(?:link|(mailto)):(|[^:\s\[][^\s\[]*)\[(|#{CC_ALL}*?[^\\])\]/m InlineLinkMacroRx1 = <<~REGEX.freeze (\\\\?\\b(?