# frozen_string_literal: true require 'media_types/scheme/validation_options' require 'media_types/scheme/enumeration_context' require 'media_types/scheme/errors' require 'media_types/scheme/rules' require 'media_types/scheme/allow_nil' require 'media_types/scheme/any_of' require 'media_types/scheme/attribute' require 'media_types/scheme/enumeration_of_type' require 'media_types/scheme/links' require 'media_types/scheme/missing_validation' require 'media_types/scheme/not_strict' require 'media_types/scheme/output_empty_guard' require 'media_types/scheme/output_type_guard' require 'media_types/scheme/rules_exhausted_guard' module MediaTypes ## # Media Type Schemes can validate content to a media type, by itself. Used by the `validations` dsl. # # @see MediaTypes::Dsl # # @example A scheme to test against # # class MyMedia # include MediaTypes::Dsl # # validations do # attribute :foo do # collection :bar, String # end # attribute :number, Numeric # end # end # # MyMedia.valid?({ foo: { bar: ['test'] }, number: 42 }) # #=> true # class Scheme ## # Creates a new scheme # # @param [TrueClass, FalseClass] allow_empty if true allows to be empty, if false raises EmptyOutputError if empty # @param [NilClass, Class] expected_type forces the type to be this type, if given # # @see MissingValidation # def initialize(allow_empty: false, expected_type: ::Object, &block) self.rules = Rules.new(allow_empty: allow_empty, expected_type: expected_type) instance_exec(&block) if block_given? end ## # Checks if the +output+ is valid # # @param [#each] output the output to test against # @param [Hash] opts the options as defined below # @option exhaustive [TrueClass, FalseClass] opts if true, raises when it expected more data but there wasn't any # @option strict [TrueClass, FalseClass] opts if true, raised when it did not expect more data, but there was more # # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] true if valid, false otherwise # def valid?(output, **opts) validate(output, **opts) rescue ExhaustedOutputError !opts.fetch(:exhaustive) { true } rescue ValidationError false end ## # Validates the +output+ and raises on certain validation errors # # @param [#each] output output to validate # @option opts [TrueClass, FalseClass] exhaustive if true, the entire schema needs to be consumed # @option opts [TrueClass, FalseClass] strict if true, no extra keys may be present in +output+ # @option opts[Array] backtrace the current backtrace for error messages # # @raise ExhaustedOutputError # @raise StrictValidationError # @raise EmptyOutputError # @raise CollectionTypeError # @raise ValidationError # # @see #validate! # # @return [TrueClass] # def validate(output, options = nil, **opts) options ||= ValidationOptions.new(**opts) catch(:end) do validate!(output, options, context: nil) end end # # @private # def validate!(output, call_options, **_opts) OutputTypeGuard.call(output, call_options, rules: rules) OutputEmptyGuard.call(output, call_options, rules: rules) RulesExhaustedGuard.call(output, call_options, rules: rules) end ## # Adds an attribute to the schema # If a +block+ is given, uses that to test against instead of +type+ # # @param key [Symbol] the attribute name # @param opts [Hash] options to pass to Scheme or Attribute # @param type [Class, #===, Scheme] The type of the value, can be anything that responds to #===, # or scheme to use if no +&block+ is given. Defaults to String without a +&block+ and to Hash with a +&block+. # # @see Scheme::Attribute # @see Scheme # # @example Add an attribute named foo, expecting a string # # class MyMedia # include MediaTypes::Dsl # # validations do # attribute :foo, String # end # end # # MyMedia.valid?({ foo: 'my-string' }) # # => true # # @example Add an attribute named foo, expecting nested scheme # # class MyMedia # include MediaTypes::Dsl # # validations do # attribute :foo do # attribute :bar, String # end # end # end # # MyMedia.valid?({ foo: { bar: 'my-string' }}) # # => true # def attribute(key, type = String, optional: false, **opts, &block) if block_given? return collection(key, expected_type: ::Hash, **opts, &block) end if type.is_a?(Scheme) return rules.add(key, type, optional: optional) end rules.add(key, Attribute.new(type, **opts, &block), optional: optional) end ## # Allow for any key. # The +&block+ defines the Schema for each value. # # @param [Scheme, NilClass] scheme scheme to use if no +&block+ is given # @param [TrueClass, FalseClass] allow_empty if true, empty (no key/value present) is allowed # @param [Class] expected_type forces the validated object to have this type # # @see Scheme # # @example Add a collection named foo, expecting any key with a defined value # # class MyMedia # include MediaTypes::Dsl # # validations do # collection :foo do # any do # attribute :bar, String # end # end # end # end # # MyMedia.valid?({ foo: [{ anything: { bar: 'my-string' }, other_thing: { bar: 'other-string' } }] }) # # => true # # @example Any key, but all of them String or Numeric # # class MyMedia # include MediaTypes::Dsl # # validations do # any AnyOf(String, Numeric) # end # end # # MyMedia.valid?({ foo: 'my-string', bar: 42 }) # # => true # def any(scheme = nil, expected_type: ::Hash, allow_empty: false, &block) unless block_given? if scheme.is_a?(Scheme) return rules.default = scheme end return rules.default = Attribute.new(scheme) end rules.default = Scheme.new(allow_empty: allow_empty, expected_type: expected_type, &block) end ## # Merges a +scheme+ into this scheme without changing the incoming +scheme+ # # @param [Scheme] scheme the scheme to merge into this # def merge(scheme, &block) self.rules = rules.merge(scheme.send(:rules)) instance_exec(&block) if block_given? end ## # Allow for extra keys in the schema/collection even when passing strict: true to #validate! # # @see Scheme::NotStrict # # @example Allow for extra keys in collection # # class MyMedia # include MediaTypes::Dsl # # validations do # collection :foo do # attribute :required, String # not_strict # end # end # end # # MyMedia.valid?({ foo: [{ required: 'test', bar: 42 }] }) # # => true # def not_strict rules.default = NotStrict.new end ## # Expect a collection such as an array or hash. # The +block+ defines the Schema for each item in that collection. # # @param [Symbol] key key of the collection (same as #attribute) # @param [NilClass, Scheme, Class] scheme scheme to use if no +&block+ is given, or type of each item in collection # @param [TrueClass, FalseClass] allow_empty if true accepts 0 items in an enumerable # @param [Class] expected_type forces the value of this collection to be this type, defaults to Array. # # @see Scheme # # @example Collection with an array of string # # class MyMedia # include MediaTypes::Dsl # # validations do # collection :foo, String # end # end # # MyMedia.valid?({ collection: ['foo', 'bar'] }) # # => true # # @example Collection with defined scheme # # class MyMedia # include MediaTypes::Dsl # # validations do # collection :foo do # attribute :required, String # attribute :number, Numeric # end # end # end # # MyMedia.valid?({ foo: [{ required: 'test', number: 42 }, { required: 'other', number: 0 }] }) # # => true # def collection(key, scheme = nil, allow_empty: false, expected_type: ::Array, optional: false, &block) unless block_given? if scheme.is_a?(Scheme) return rules.add(key, scheme, optional: optional) end return rules.add( key, EnumerationOfType.new( scheme, enumeration_type: expected_type, allow_empty: allow_empty ), optional: optional ) end rules.add(key, Scheme.new(allow_empty: allow_empty, expected_type: expected_type, &block), optional: optional) end ## # Expect a link # # @see Scheme::Links # # @example Links as defined in HAL, JSON-Links and other specs # # class MyMedia # include MediaTypes::Dsl # # validations do # link :_self # link :image # end # end # # MyMedia.valid?({ _links: { self: { href: 'https://example.org/s' }, image: { href: 'https://image.org/i' }} }) # # => true # # @example Link with extra attributes # # class MyMedia # include MediaTypes::Dsl # # validations do # link :image do # attribute :templated, TrueClass # end # end # end # # MyMedia.valid?({ _links: { image: { href: 'https://image.org/{md5}', templated: true }} }) # # => true # def link(*args, **opts, &block) rules.fetch(:_links) do Links.new.tap do |links| rules.add(:_links, links) end end.link(*args, **opts, &block) end def inspect(indentation = 0) tabs = ' ' * indentation [ "#{tabs}[Scheme]", rules.inspect(indentation + 1), "#{tabs}[/Scheme]" ].join("\n") end private attr_accessor :rules end end