class MatchData # # Return a hash of named matches # def to_hash Hash[ ] end end class Binding # # Get a variable in this binding # def [](key) eval(key.to_s) end # # Set a variable in this binding # def []=(key, val) Thread.current[:_alter_binding_local_] = val eval("#{key} = Thread.current[:_alter_binding_local_]") Thread.current[:_alter_binding_local_] = nil end # # Return all the local variables in the binding # if RUBY_VERSION["1.8"] def local_variables eval("local_variables").map(&:to_sym) end else def local_variables eval("local_variables") end end alias_method :keys, :local_variables # # Combine the variables in two bindings (the latter having precedence) # def merge(other) self.eval do other.eval do binding end end end alias_method :|, :merge end class Proc # # Join two procs together, returning a new proc. Each proc is executed one after the other, # with the same input arguments. The return value is an array of the return values from all the procs. # # You can use either the .join method, or the overloaded & operator. # # Examples: # joined = proc1 & proc2 # joined = proc1.join proc2 # newproc = proc { 1 } & proc { 2 } # #=> [1, 2] # def join(other=nil, &block) other ||= block proc { |*args| [*args),*args)] } end alias_method :&, :join # # Chains two procs together, returning a new proc. The output from each proc is passed into # the input of the next one. # # Example: # chain = proc { 1 } | proc { |input| input + 1 } # #=> 2 # def chain(other=nil, &block) other ||= block proc { |*args|*args) ) } end alias_method :|, :chain end unless defined?(BasicObject) # # Backported BasicObject for Ruby 1.8 # class BasicObject instance_methods.each { |m| undef_method m unless m =~ /^__/ } end end class Object # # Negates a boolean, chained-method style. # # Example: # >> 10.even? # => true # >> 10.not.even? # => false # def not end end class NotWrapper < BasicObject # :nodoc: def initialize(orig) @orig = orig end def inspect "{NOT #{@orig.inspect}}" end def is_a?(other) other === self end def method_missing(meth, *args, &block) result = @orig.send(meth, *args, &block) if result.is_a? ::TrueClass or result.is_a? ::FalseClass !result else raise "Sorry, I don't know how to invert #{result.inspect}" end end end unless IO.respond_to? :copy_stream class IO # # IO.copy_stream backport # def self.copy_stream(input, output) while chunk = output.write(chunk) end end end end class Struct # # Transform this struct into a JSON hash # def to_hash hash = {} each_pair { |k,v| hash[k] = v } hash end # # Transform the struct into a simple JSON hash. # def to_json(*args) to_hash.to_json end end module URI # # Return a Hash of the variables in the query string # def params query ? query.to_params : {} end # # URIs are strings, dammit! # def to_str to_s end end # # Stupid workaround for URI blowing up when it receives a [ or ] character # module Better_URI_RFC3986_Parser # ::RFC3986_relative_ref ESCAPE_ME_PLZ = "[]{}!" def split(uri) subsitutions = { |c| [c, CGI.escape(c)] } subsitutions << [" ", "%20"] subsitutions.each do |find, replace| uri = uri.gsub(find, replace) end super(uri) end end URI::RFC3986_Parser.prepend(Better_URI_RFC3986_Parser) class Time # # Which "quarter" of the year does this date fall into? # def quarter (month / 3.0).ceil end end # # Give ObjectSpace Enumerable powers (select, map, etc.) # module ObjectSpace include Enumerable alias_method :each, :each_object extend self end # # Flush standard input's buffer. # def STDIN.purge begin loop { read_nonblock(4096) } rescue Errno::EAGAIN # No more input! end end class DateTime def to_i; to_time.to_i; end def to_f; to_time.to_f; end end class NilClass def present? false end def blank? true end end class FalseClass def present? false end end