== Version 0.0.10 - Warning: No minimal required Ruby version. == Version 0.0.9 - New: Support to log RestClient requests and responses. - Warning: Minimal required Ruby version from now is 1.9.3. == Version 0.0.8 - Update: Adjust in log formatting. == Version 0.0.7 - Minimal required Ruby version is 1.9.2 again. == Version 0.0.6 - New: Log formatted request and response messages from Net::HTTP. == Version 0.0.5 - Warning: Minimal required Ruby version from now is 1.9.3. - New: Label to log messages. == Version 0.0.4 - Using bundle gem features instead of jeweler to manage and build the gem. == Version 0.0.3 - Line break after log message. == Version 0.0.2 - Update documentation. == Version 0.0.1 - Initial version.