### 0.7.0 / 2015-12-12 * New features * upgraded to latest the latest Mondrian version 3.11 * removed Java 6 support * fixes for JRuby 9.0 support * added a query builder method "distinct" * Improvements * added annotations for dimension_usage and virtual_cube_dimension schema elements * Bug fixes * fixed the order of axis aliases - columns, rows, pages, chapters, sections ### 0.6.0 / 2014-11-10 * New features * upgraded to latest Mondrian 3.8.0 version * connection with generic JDBC driver using jdbc_driver and jdbc_url parameters * added hierarchy and parent attributes for calculated member schema definition element * added visible attribute for cube, dimension, virtual_cube_dimension, hierarchy and level schema definition elements * added query builder generate method * added schema parameters and query execution with parameters * updated specs to pass on Java 8 * Improvements * set defaultRowPrefetch property for Oracle connection * Bug fixes * fixed result drill_through method with just all members selection ### 0.5.0 / 2013-11-29 * New features * upgraded to latest Mondrian 3.5 version (build from 2013-07-31) * added shutdown_static_mondrian_server! method * add schema element annotations in schema definition * set connection locale * added support for schema elements caption * added shared dimension schema definition methods * added virtual cube schema definition methods * Improvements * connection execute_drill_through method * define shared user defined cell formatters * set default hierarchy :has_all and level :unique_members attributes * by default use sum aggregator for measure in schema definition * support Oracle connection using slash and service name as database name * Bug fixes * render cube XML fragment before calculated members in generated XML schema * generate XML with UTF-8 encoding ### 0.4.0 / 2012-12-03 * New features * upgraded to latest Mondrian 3.5 version (build from 2012-11-29) as well as corresponding olap4j 1.0.1 version * support for JRuby 1.7 and Java 7 VM * user defined functions and formatters in JavaScript, CoffeeScript and Ruby * shared user defined functions in Ruby * all exceptions are wrapped in Mondrian::OLAP::Error exception with root_cause_message method * drill through from result cell to source measure and dimension table rows * support for Mondrian schema roles to limit cube data access * Improvements * get description of cube, dimension, hierarchy and level from schema definition * visible? method for measures and calculated members * nonempty_crossjoin query builder method * schema definition with nested table joins * added approx_row_count schema level attribute ### 0.3.0 / 2011-11-12 * New features * upgraded to Mondrian 3.3.0 version (latest shapshot with additional bug fixes) as well as corresponding olap4j 1.0.0 version * support for SQL Server (jTDS and Microsoft drivers) * aggregates definition in schema * possibility to include XML fragments in schema (e.g. to paste XML for aggregates that is generated by Mondrian aggregation designer) * define level properties in schema * `sql` element for `table` element in schema (to define custom WHERE conditions for dimensions or fact table) * `view` element in schema (to define custom SQL SELECT statements instead of existing table) * `measure_expression` element in schema (to define custom SQL expression for measure instead of fact column) * allow crossjoin of where conditions as well as where with several same dimension members * Improvements * use latest Nokogiri 1.5.0 version ### 0.2.0 / 2011-07-01 * New features * support for LucidDB database * Improvements * only set log4j configuration file if not set already (possible to override e.g. Mondrian debugging settings) * `result.to_html(:formatted=>true)` will return formatted results * set Unicode encoding for mysql connection * `format_string` attribute and `formula` element for calculated members * `:use_content_checksum` connection option (by default set to true) * `key_expression`, `name_expression`, `ordinal_expression` elements with `sql` subelement support for levels * `:upcase_data_dictionary` option for schema definition * Bug fixes * fixed examples in README * correctly quote `CatalogContent` in connection string (to allow usage of semicolons in generated XML catalog) * workarounds for issues with Java classloader when using in production mode with jruby-rack * construct correct file path on Windows ### 0.1.0 / 2011-03-18 * Initial release * support for MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle databases