require 'savon' describe HybridPlatformsConductor::Deployer do context 'when checking secrets_reader plugins' do context 'with thycotic' do # Setup a platform for tests # # Parameters:: # * *additional_config* (String): Additional config # * *platform_info* (Hash): Platform configuration [default: 1 node having 1 service] # * *block* (Proc): Code called when the platform is setup def with_test_platform_for_thycotic_test( additional_config, platform_info: { nodes: { 'node' => { services: %w[service] } }, deployable_services: %w[service] }, &block ) with_test_platform( platform_info, additional_config: "read_secrets_from :thycotic\n#{additional_config}", &block ) end # Mock calls being made to a Thycotic SOAP API using Savon # # Parameters:: # * *thycotic_url* (String): Mocked URL # * *secret_id* (String): The mocked secret ID # * *mocked_secrets_file* (String or nil): The mocked secrets file stored in Thycotic, or nil to mock a missing secret # * *user* (String or nil): The user to be expected, or nil if it should be read from netrc [default: nil] # * *password* (String or nil): The password to be expected, or nil if it should be read from netrc [default: nil] def mock_thycotic_file_download_on(thycotic_url, secret_id, mocked_secrets_file, user: nil, password: nil) if user.nil? user = 'thycotic_user_from_netrc' password = 'thycotic_password_from_netrc' expect(test_deployer.instance_variable_get(:@secrets_readers)[:thycotic]).to receive(:with_credentials_for) do |id, resource: nil, &client_code| expect(id).to eq :thycotic expect(resource).to eq thycotic_url user, password end end # Mock the Savon calls mocked_savon_client = instance_double Savon::Client expect(Savon).to receive(:client) do |params| expect(params[:wsdl]).to eq "#{thycotic_url}/webservices/SSWebservice.asmx?wsdl" expect(params[:ssl_verify_mode]).to eq :none mocked_savon_client end expect(mocked_savon_client).to receive(:call).with( :authenticate, message: { username: user, password: password, domain: 'thycotic_auth_domain' } ).and_return(authenticate_response: { authenticate_result: { token: 'soap_token' } }) expect(mocked_savon_client).to receive(:call).with( :get_secret, message: { token: 'soap_token', secretId: secret_id } ) do { get_secret_response: { get_secret_result: if mocked_secrets_file { secret: { items: { secret_item: { id: '4242' } } } } else { errors: { string: 'Access Denied' }, secret_error: { error_code: 'LOAD', error_message: 'Access Denied', allows_response: false } } end } } end if mocked_secrets_file expect(mocked_savon_client).to receive(:call).with( :download_file_attachment_by_item_id, message: { token: 'soap_token', secretId: secret_id, secretItemId: '4242' } ) do { download_file_attachment_by_item_id_response: { download_file_attachment_by_item_id_result: { file_attachment: Base64.encode64(mocked_secrets_file) } } } end end ENV['hpc_domain_for_thycotic'] = 'thycotic_auth_domain' end it 'gets secrets from a Thycotic Secret Server' do with_test_platform_for_thycotic_test( <<~EO_CONFIG secrets_from_thycotic( thycotic_url: '', secret_id: 1107 ) EO_CONFIG ) do mock_thycotic_file_download_on('', 1107, '{ "secret_name": "secret_value" }') expect(test_services_handler).to receive(:package).with( services: { 'node' => %w[service] }, secrets: { 'secret_name' => 'secret_value' }, local_environment: false ) { raise 'Abort as testing secrets is enough' } expect { test_deployer.deploy_on(%w[node]) }.to raise_error 'Abort as testing secrets is enough' end end it 'gets secrets from a Thycotic Secret Server for several nodes' do additional_config = <<~EO_CONFIG secrets_from_thycotic( thycotic_url: '', secret_id: 1107 ) EO_CONFIG with_test_platform_for_thycotic_test( additional_config, platform_info: { nodes: { 'node1' => { services: %w[service1] }, 'node2' => { services: %w[service2] } }, deployable_services: %w[service1 service2] } ) do mock_thycotic_file_download_on('', 1107, '{ "secret_name": "secret_value" }') expect(test_services_handler).to receive(:package).with( services: { 'node1' => %w[service1], 'node2' => %w[service2] }, secrets: { 'secret_name' => 'secret_value' }, local_environment: false ) { raise 'Abort as testing secrets is enough' } expect { test_deployer.deploy_on(%w[node1 node2]) }.to raise_error 'Abort as testing secrets is enough' end end it 'gets secrets from a Thycotic Secret Server using env variables' do with_test_platform_for_thycotic_test( <<~EO_CONFIG secrets_from_thycotic( thycotic_url: '', secret_id: 1107 ) EO_CONFIG ) do mock_thycotic_file_download_on( '', 1107, '{ "secret_name": "secret_value" }', user: 'thycotic_user_from_env', password: 'thycotic_password_from_env' ) ENV['hpc_user_for_thycotic'] = 'thycotic_user_from_env' ENV['hpc_password_for_thycotic'] = 'thycotic_password_from_env' expect(test_services_handler).to receive(:package).with( services: { 'node' => %w[service] }, secrets: { 'secret_name' => 'secret_value' }, local_environment: false ) { raise 'Abort as testing secrets is enough' } expect { test_deployer.deploy_on(%w[node]) }.to raise_error 'Abort as testing secrets is enough' end end it 'gets secrets from several Thycotic Secret Servers' do additional_config = <<~EO_CONFIG secrets_from_thycotic( thycotic_url: '', secret_id: 110701 ) for_nodes('node2') do secrets_from_thycotic( thycotic_url: '', secret_id: 110702 ) end EO_CONFIG with_test_platform_for_thycotic_test( additional_config, platform_info: { nodes: { 'node1' => { services: %w[service1] }, 'node2' => { services: %w[service2] } }, deployable_services: %w[service1 service2] } ) do mock_thycotic_file_download_on('', 110_701, '{ "secret1": "value1" }') mock_thycotic_file_download_on('', 110_702, '{ "secret2": "value2" }') expect(test_services_handler).to receive(:package).with( services: { 'node1' => %w[service1], 'node2' => %w[service2] }, secrets: { 'secret1' => 'value1', 'secret2' => 'value2' }, local_environment: false ) { raise 'Abort as testing secrets is enough' } expect { test_deployer.deploy_on(%w[node1 node2]) }.to raise_error 'Abort as testing secrets is enough' end end it 'merges secrets from several Thycotic Secret Servers' do with_test_platform_for_thycotic_test( <<~EO_CONFIG secrets_from_thycotic( thycotic_url: '', secret_id: 110701 ) for_nodes('node') do secrets_from_thycotic( thycotic_url: '', secret_id: 110702 ) end EO_CONFIG ) do mock_thycotic_file_download_on('', 110_701, '{ "secret1": "value1", "secret2": "value2" }') mock_thycotic_file_download_on('', 110_702, '{ "secret2": "value2", "secret3": "value3" }') expect(test_services_handler).to receive(:package).with( services: { 'node' => %w[service] }, secrets: { 'secret1' => 'value1', 'secret2' => 'value2', 'secret3' => 'value3' }, local_environment: false ) { raise 'Abort as testing secrets is enough' } expect { test_deployer.deploy_on(%w[node]) }.to raise_error 'Abort as testing secrets is enough' end end it 'fails in case of secrets conflicts from several Thycotic Secret Servers' do with_test_platform_for_thycotic_test( <<~EO_CONFIG secrets_from_thycotic( thycotic_url: '', secret_id: 110701 ) for_nodes('node') do secrets_from_thycotic( thycotic_url: '', secret_id: 110702 ) end EO_CONFIG ) do mock_thycotic_file_download_on('', 110_701, '{ "secret1": "value1", "secret2": "value2" }') mock_thycotic_file_download_on('', 110_702, '{ "secret2": "other_value", "secret3": "value3" }') expect { test_deployer.deploy_on(%w[node]) }.to raise_error 'Thycotic secret secret2 served by from secret ID 110702 has conflicting values between different secrets.' end end it 'fails to get secrets from a missing Thycotic Secret Server' do with_test_platform_for_thycotic_test( <<~EO_CONFIG secrets_from_thycotic( thycotic_url: '', secret_id: 1107 ) EO_CONFIG ) do mock_thycotic_file_download_on('', 1107, nil) expect { test_deployer.deploy_on(%w[node]) }.to raise_error 'Unable to fetch secret file ID 1107 from' end end end end end