=begin Camaleon CMS is a content management system Copyright (C) 2015 by Owen Peredo Diaz Email: owenperedo@gmail.com This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License (GPLv3) for more details. =end module Admin::MenusHelper include Admin::BreadcrumbHelper def admin_menus_add_commons admin_menu_add_menu("dashabord", {icon: "dashboard", title: t('admin.sidebar.dashboard'), url: admin_dashboard_path}) #if can? :manager, :content items = [] current_site.post_types.eager_load(:metas).visible_menu.all.each do |pt| pt = pt.decorate items_i = [] items_i << {icon: "list", title: "#{t('admin.post_type.all')}", url: admin_post_type_posts_path(pt.id)} if can? :posts, pt items_i << {icon: "plus", title: "#{t('admin.post_type.add_new')} ", url: new_admin_post_type_post_path(pt.id)} if can? :create_post, pt if pt.manage_categories? items_i << {icon: "folder-open", title: t('admin.post_type.categories'), url: admin_post_type_categories_path(pt.id)} if can? :categories, pt end if pt.manage_tags? items_i << {icon: "tags", title: t('admin.post_type.tags'), url: admin_post_type_post_tags_path(pt.id)} if can? :post_tags, pt end items << {icon: "file-o", title: pt.the_title, url: "", items: items_i} if items_i.present? #if can? :posts, pt end admin_menu_add_menu("content", {icon: "copy", title: t('admin.sidebar.content'), url: "", items: items}) if items.present? #end admin_menu_add_menu("media", {icon: "picture-o", title: t('admin.sidebar.media'), url: admin_media_path}) if can? :manager, :media admin_menu_add_menu("comments", {icon: "comments", title: t('admin.sidebar.comments'), url: admin_comments_path}) if can? :manager, :comments items = [] items << {icon: "desktop", title: t('admin.sidebar.themes'), url: admin_appearances_themes_path} if can? :manager, :themes items << {icon: "archive", title: t('admin.sidebar.widgets'), url: admin_appearances_widgets_main_index_path} if can? :manager, :widgets items << {icon: "list", title: t('admin.sidebar.menus'), url: admin_appearances_nav_menus_menu_path} if can? :manager, :nav_menu admin_menu_add_menu("appearance", {icon: "paint-brush", title: t('admin.sidebar.appearance'), url: "", items: items}) if items.present? admin_menu_add_menu("plugins", {icon: "plug", title: "#{t('admin.sidebar.plugins')}
", url: admin_plugins_path}) if can? :manager, :plugins if can? :manager, :users items = [] items << {icon: "list", title: t('admin.users.all_users'), url: admin_users_path} items << {icon: "plus", title: t('admin.users.add_user'), url: new_admin_user_path} items << {icon: "group", title: t('admin.users.user_roles'), url: admin_user_roles_path} admin_menu_add_menu("users", {icon: "users", title: t('admin.sidebar.users'), url: "", items: items}) end if can? :manager, :settings items = [] items << {icon: "desktop", title: t('admin.sidebar.general_site'), url: admin_settings_site_path} items << {icon: "cog", title: t('admin.sidebar.sites'), url: admin_settings_sites_path} if current_site.manage_sites? items << {icon: "files-o", title: t('admin.sidebar.contents_type'), url: admin_settings_post_types_path} items << {icon: "cog", title: t('admin.sidebar.custom_fields'), url: admin_settings_custom_fields_path} items << {icon: "language", title: t('admin.sidebar.languages'), url: admin_settings_languages_path} admin_menu_add_menu("settings", {icon: "cogs", title: t('admin.sidebar.settings'), url: "", items: items}) end end # add menu item to admin menu at the the end # key: key for menu # menu: is hash like this: {icon: "dashboard", title: "My title", url: my_path, items: [sub menus]} # - icon: font-awesome icon (it is already included "fa fa-") # - title: title for the menu # - url: url for the menu # - items: is an recursive array of the menus without a key def admin_menu_add_menu(key, menu) @_admin_menus[key] = menu end # append sub menu to menu with key = key # menu: is hash like this: {icon: "dashboard", title: "My title", url: my_path, items: [sub menus]} def admin_menu_append_menu_item(key, menu) return unless @_admin_menus[key].present? @_admin_menus[key][:items] = [] unless @_admin_menus[key].has_key?(:items) @_admin_menus[key][:items] << menu end # prepend sub menu to menu with key = key # menu: is hash like this: {icon: "dashboard", title: "My title", url: my_path, items: [sub menus]} def admin_menu_prepend_menu_item(key, menu) return unless @_admin_menus[key].present? @_admin_menus[key][:items] = [] unless @_admin_menus[key].has_key?(:items) @_admin_menus[key][:items] = [menu] + @_admin_menus[key][:items] end # add menu before menu with key = key_target # key_menu: key for menu # menu: is hash like this: {icon: "dashboard", title: "My title", url: my_path, items: [sub menus]} def admin_menu_insert_menu_before(key_target, key_menu, menu) res = {} @_admin_menus.each do |key, val| res[key_menu] = menu if key == key_target res[key] = val end @_admin_menus = res end # add menu after menu with key = key_target # key_menu: key for menu # menu: is hash like this: {icon: "dashboard", title: "My title", url: my_path, items: [sub menus]} def admin_menu_insert_menu_after(key_target, key_menu, menu) res = {} @_admin_menus.each do |key, val| res[key] = val res[key_menu] = menu if key == key_target end @_admin_menus = res end # draw admin menu as html def admin_menu_draw res= [] @_tmp_menu_parents = [] menus = _get_url_current menus.each do |menu| res << "" end _admin_menu_draw_active res.join end private def _get_url_current menus = @_admin_menus.map{|key, menu| menu[:key] = key; menu} current_path = URI(site_current_url).path current_path_array = current_path.split('/') a_size = current_path_array.size (0..a_size).each do |i| resp = _search_in_menus(menus, current_path_array[0..a_size-i].join('/')) bool = resp[:bool] menus = resp[:menus] break if bool end menus end def is_active_menu(key) @_tmp_menu_parents.map{|item| item[:key] == key}.include?(true) end def _search_in_menus(menus, _url, parent_index = 0) bool = false menus.each_with_index do |menu, index_menu| menu[:key] = "#{parent_index}__#{rand(999...99999)}" if menu[:key].nil? uri = URI(menu[:url].to_s) url_path = uri.path url_query = uri.query bool = url_path.to_s == _url.to_s && url_path.present? # params compare if url_query.present? bool &&= Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(url_query.to_s) == Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(URI(site_current_url).query.to_s) end if menu.has_key?(:items) resp = _search_in_menus(menu[:items], _url, parent_index + 1) bool = bool || resp[:bool] menu[:items] = resp[:menus] end if bool @_tmp_menu_parents[parent_index] = {url: menu[:url], title: menu[:title], key: menu[:key]} break end end {menus: menus, bool: bool} end def _admin_menu_draw(items) res = [] res << "" res.join end def _admin_menu_draw_active bread = [] @_tmp_menu_parents.uniq.each do |item| bread << [item[:title].to_s.strip_tags, item[:url]] if item.present? && item[:key] != "dashabord" end @_admin_breadcrumb = [[t('admin.sidebar.dashboard'), admin_dashboard_path]] + bread + @_admin_breadcrumb end end