class FileList def initialize(lines) @lines = lines end def filenames end def long_form? @lines.all? do |line| line =~ /^[rwxSst-]{10}/ end end def short_form? !long_form? end end When /^the client lists the directory(?: "(.*?)")?$/ do |directory| capture_error do @list =*[directory].compact)) end end When /^the client name lists the directory(?: "(.*?)")?$/ do |directory| capture_error do @list =*[directory].compact)) end end Then /^the file list should( not)? contain "(.*?)"$/ do |neg, filename| matcher = if neg :should_not else :should end @list.filenames.send(matcher, include(filename)) end Then /^the file list should be in (long|short) form$/ do |form| @list.should send("be_#{form}_form") end