## # # Copyright (c) 2009 Rahmal Conda # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # The complete solution for Ruby Configuration Management. RConfig is a Ruby library that # manages configuration within Ruby applications. It bridges the gap between yaml, xml, and # key/value based properties files, by providing a centralized solution to handle application # configuration from one location. It provides the simplicity of hash-based access, that # Rubyists have come to know and love, supporting your configuration style of choice, while # providing many new features, and an elegant API. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Simple, easy to install and use. # * Supports yaml, xml, and properties files. # * Yaml and xml files supprt infinite level of configuration grouping. # * Intuitive dot-notation 'key chaining' argument access. # * Simple well-known hash/array based argument access. # * Implements multilevel caching to reduce disk access. # * Short-hand access to 'global' application configuration, and shell environment. # * Overlays multiple configuration files to support environment, host, and # even locale-specific configuration. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # The overlay order of the config files is defined by SUFFIXES: # * nil # * _local # * _config # * _local_config # * _{environment} (.i.e _development) # * _{environment}_local (.i.e _development_local) # * _{hostname} (.i.e _whiskey) # * _{hostname}_config_local (.i.e _whiskey_config_local) # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Example: # # shell/console => # export LANG=en # # demo.yml => # server: # address: host.domain.com # port: 81 # ... # # application.properties => # debug_level = verbose # ... # # demo.rb => # require 'rconfig' # RConfig.load_paths = ['$HOME/config', '#{APP_ROOT}/config', '/demo/conf'] # RConfig.demo[:server][:port] => 81 # RConfig.demo.server.address => 'host.domain.com' # # RConfig[:debug_level] => 'verbose' # RConfig[:lang] => 'en' # ... # require 'active_support' require 'active_support/hash_with_indifferent_access' require 'rconfig/core_ext/array' require 'rconfig/core_ext/hash' require 'rconfig/core_ext/nil' module RConfig VERSION = '0.5.4' autoload :Socket, 'socket' autoload :YAML, 'yaml' autoload :ERB, 'erb' autoload :Logger, 'logger' autoload :Singleton, 'singleton' autoload :Concern, 'active_support/concern' autoload :Hash, 'active_support/core_ext/hash/conversions' autoload :HashWithIndifferentAccess, 'active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access' autoload :Config, 'rconfig/config' autoload :Logger, 'rconfig/logger' autoload :Exceptions, 'rconfig/exceptions' autoload :Utils, 'rconfig/utils' autoload :Constants, 'rconfig/constants' autoload :Settings, 'rconfig/settings' autoload :ConfigError, 'rconfig/exceptions' autoload :LoadPaths, 'rconfig/load_paths' autoload :Cascade, 'rconfig/cascade' autoload :Callbacks, 'rconfig/callbacks' autoload :Reload, 'rconfig/reload' autoload :CoreMethods, 'rconfig/core_methods' autoload :PropertiesFile, 'rconfig/properties_file' autoload :InstallGenerator, 'generators/rconfig/install_generator' extend ActiveSupport::Concern extend Utils extend Constants extend Settings extend Exceptions extend LoadPaths extend Cascade extend Callbacks extend Reload extend CoreMethods end