#!/usr/bin/env rake require "bundler/gem_tasks" require 'fileutils' require 'rake/testtask' require 'rake/clean' task test: [:base_test] # 1. update ChangeLog and lib/fluent/version.rb # 2. bundle && bundle exec rake build:all # 3. release 3 packages built on pkg/ directory namespace :build do desc 'Build gems for all platforms' task :all do Bundler.with_clean_env do %w[ruby x86-mingw32 x64-mingw32 x64-mingw-ucrt].each do |name| ENV['GEM_BUILD_FAKE_PLATFORM'] = name Rake::Task["build"].execute end end end end desc 'Run test_unit based test' Rake::TestTask.new(:base_test) do |t| # To run test with dumping all test case names (to find never ending test case) # $ bundle exec rake test TESTOPTS=-v # # To run test for only one file (or file path pattern) # $ bundle exec rake base_test TEST=test/test_specified_path.rb # $ bundle exec rake base_test TEST=test/test_*.rb t.libs << "test" t.test_files = if ENV["WIN_RAPID"] ["test/test_event.rb", "test/test_supervisor.rb", "test/plugin_helper/test_event_loop.rb"] else tests = Dir["test/**/test_*.rb"].sort if Process.uid.zero? puts "test_file_util.rb for non-root user env. Disable this test on root environment" tests.delete("test/plugin/test_file_util.rb") end tests end t.verbose = true t.warning = true t.ruby_opts = ["-Eascii-8bit:ascii-8bit"] end task :parallel_test do FileUtils.rm_rf('./test/tmp') sh("parallel_test ./test/*.rb ./test/plugin/*.rb") FileUtils.rm_rf('./test/tmp') end desc 'Run test with simplecov' task :coverage do |t| ENV['SIMPLE_COV'] = '1' Rake::Task["test"].invoke end desc 'Build Coverity tarball & upload it' task :coverity do # https://scan.coverity.com/projects/fluentd?tab=overview # See "View Defects" after sign-in. # # Setup steps: # 1. get coverity build tool and set PATH to bin/: https://scan.coverity.com/download # 2. set environment variables: # * $COVERITY_USER (your email address) # * $COVERITY_TOKEN (token for Fluentd project: https://scan.coverity.com/projects/fluentd?tab=project_settings) sh "cov-build --dir cov-int --no-command --fs-capture-search ./" sh "tar czf cov-fluentd.tar.gz cov-int" user = ENV['COVERITY_USER'] token = ENV['COVERITY_TOKEN'] sh "curl --form token=#{token} --form email=#{user} --form file=@cov-fluentd.tar.gz --form version=\"Master\" --form description=\"GIT Master\" https://scan.coverity.com/builds?project=Fluentd" FileUtils.rm_rf(['./cov-int', 'cov-fluentd.tar.gz']) end task default: [:test, :build]