require 'active_support/core_ext/string/output_safety'
require 'set'
module ActionView
# = Action View Tag Helpers
module Helpers #:nodoc:
# Provides methods to generate HTML tags programmatically when you can't use
# a Builder. By default, they output XHTML compliant tags.
module TagHelper
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
include CaptureHelper
include OutputSafetyHelper
BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES = %w(disabled readonly multiple checked autobuffer
autoplay controls loop selected hidden scoped async
defer reversed ismap seamless muted required
autofocus novalidate formnovalidate open pubdate
itemscope allowfullscreen default inert sortable
truespeed typemustmatch).to_set
TAG_PREFIXES = ['aria', 'data', :aria, :data].to_set
PRE_CONTENT_STRINGS = { "".freeze }
PRE_CONTENT_STRINGS[:textarea] = "\n"
PRE_CONTENT_STRINGS["textarea"] = "\n"
# Returns an empty HTML tag of type +name+ which by default is XHTML
# compliant. Set +open+ to true to create an open tag compatible
# with HTML 4.0 and below. Add HTML attributes by passing an attributes
# hash to +options+. Set +escape+ to false to disable attribute value
# escaping.
# ==== Options
# You can use symbols or strings for the attribute names.
# Use +true+ with boolean attributes that can render with no value, like
# +disabled+ and +readonly+.
# HTML5 data-* attributes can be set with a single +data+ key
# pointing to a hash of sub-attributes.
# To play nicely with JavaScript conventions sub-attributes are dasherized.
# For example, a key +user_id+ would render as data-user-id and
# thus accessed as dataset.userId.
# Values are encoded to JSON, with the exception of strings, symbols and
# BigDecimals.
# This may come in handy when using jQuery's HTML5-aware .data()
# from 1.4.3.
# ==== Examples
# tag("br")
# # =>
# tag("br", nil, true)
# # =>
# tag("input", type: 'text', disabled: true)
# # =>
# tag("input", type: 'text', class: ["strong", "highlight"])
# # =>
# tag("img", src: "open & shut.png")
# # =>
# tag("img", {src: "open & shut.png"}, false, false)
# # =>
# tag("div", data: {name: 'Stephen', city_state: %w(Chicago IL)})
# # =>
def tag(name, options = nil, open = false, escape = true)
"<#{name}#{tag_options(options, escape) if options}#{open ? ">" : " />"}".html_safe
# Returns an HTML block tag of type +name+ surrounding the +content+. Add
# HTML attributes by passing an attributes hash to +options+.
# Instead of passing the content as an argument, you can also use a block
# in which case, you pass your +options+ as the second parameter.
# Set escape to false to disable attribute value escaping.
# ==== Options
# The +options+ hash can be used with attributes with no value like (disabled and
# readonly), which you can give a value of true in the +options+ hash. You can use
# symbols or strings for the attribute names.
# ==== Examples
# content_tag(:p, "Hello world!")
# # =>
def content_tag(name, content_or_options_with_block = nil, options = nil, escape = true, &block)
if block_given?
options = content_or_options_with_block if content_or_options_with_block.is_a?(Hash)
content_tag_string(name, capture(&block), options, escape)
content_tag_string(name, content_or_options_with_block, options, escape)
# Returns a CDATA section with the given +content+. CDATA sections
# are used to escape blocks of text containing characters which would
# otherwise be recognized as markup. CDATA sections begin with the string
# and end with (and may not contain) the string ]]>.
# cdata_section("")
# # => ]]>
# cdata_section("hello_world.txt"))
# # =>
# cdata_section("hello]]>world")
# # => world]]>
def cdata_section(content)
splitted = content.to_s.gsub(/\]\]\>/, ']]]]>')
# Returns an escaped version of +html+ without affecting existing escaped entities.
# escape_once("1 < 2 & 3")
# # => "1 < 2 & 3"
# escape_once("<< Accept & Checkout")
# # => "<< Accept & Checkout"
def escape_once(html)
def content_tag_string(name, content, options, escape = true)
tag_options = tag_options(options, escape) if options
content = ERB::Util.unwrapped_html_escape(content) if escape
def tag_options(options, escape = true)
return if options.blank?
output = ""
sep = " ".freeze
options.each_pair do |key, value|
if TAG_PREFIXES.include?(key) && value.is_a?(Hash)
value.each_pair do |k, v|
next if v.nil?
output << sep
output << prefix_tag_option(key, k, v, escape)
elsif BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES.include?(key)
if value
output << sep
output << boolean_tag_option(key)
elsif !value.nil?
output << sep
output << tag_option(key, value, escape)
output unless output.empty?
def prefix_tag_option(prefix, key, value, escape)
key = "#{prefix}-#{key.to_s.dasherize}"
unless value.is_a?(String) || value.is_a?(Symbol) || value.is_a?(BigDecimal)
value = value.to_json
tag_option(key, value, escape)
def boolean_tag_option(key)
def tag_option(key, value, escape)
if value.is_a?(Array)
value = escape ? safe_join(value, " ".freeze) : value.join(" ".freeze)
value = escape ? ERB::Util.unwrapped_html_escape(value) : value.to_s
%(#{key}="#{value.gsub('"'.freeze, '"'.freeze)}")