//! Serde deserialize for password hashes
//! The output from a hashing algorithm typically includes: the hash itself,
//! the salt, and the parameters used in the hashing.
//! This allows us to store the output in an unambigous fashion.
//! However, not all algorithms had this foresight, and many instead wrote
//! simple formats which simply included the hash output and salt concatenated.
//! This module attempts to deserialize various formats into the `libpasta`
//! supported form.

use hashing::{Algorithm, Output};
use primitives::Primitive;

use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer};
use serde::de::{self, Visitor};
use serde::de::Error;
use serde_mcf;
use serde_mcf::{base64, base64bcrypt, Hashes};

use std::fmt;

/// Currently supported hashing variants.
/// `Bcrypt`: `$(2a|2b|2x|2y)$<cost>$<salthash>`
///    where salthash is a non-standard base64 encoding.
/// `Mcf`: `$<alg-id>$<params map>$<salt>$<hash>`
/// `Pasta`: `$<MCF-hash>` or `$!<Pasta-hash>` (recursively)
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum SupportedVariants {

/// A Pasta hash is either a sing hash parameterisation, or a recursive
/// structure, containing many hash parameters.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum PastaVariants {

static VAR_STRUCT: [&'static str; 2] = ["variant", "remaining"];

// The *Fields structs define the layout of the various supported variants,
// as detailed above. After parsing the algorithm identifier, one of these
// structs are used to attempt to deserialize.

struct BcryptFields {
    cost: u32,
    #[serde(with = "base64bcrypt")]
    salthash: (Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>),

struct McfFields {
    params: serde_mcf::Map<String, serde_mcf::Value>,
    #[serde(with = "base64")]
    pub salt: Vec<u8>,
    #[serde(with = "base64")]
    pub hash: Vec<u8>,

/// The nested Pasta format is specified by a $<id>$<params> parameterising the
/// outer layer hash algorithm, followed by another set of algorithm parameters.
/// This inner hash may also a further layer of nested params.
struct PastaNest {
    outer_id: Hashes,
    outer_params: serde_mcf::Map<String, serde_mcf::Value>,
    inner: Output,

// Deserialize Output using OutputVisitor
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Output {
    fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
        where D: Deserializer<'de>
        deserializer.deserialize_struct("var_container", &VAR_STRUCT, OutputVisitor)

/// `OutputVisitor` does most of the heavy lifting of the deserializing.
/// First, we use the `SupportedVariants` enum to identify which type of hash
/// we are dealing with.
/// Second, the remaining values are deserialized into the suitable *Field struct.
/// Finally, the fields are unified into the `Output` struct and returned.
struct OutputVisitor;
impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for OutputVisitor {
    type Value = Output;

    fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        formatter.write_str("an identifier")

    fn visit_map<V>(self, mut map: V) -> Result<Self::Value, V::Error>
        where V: de::MapAccess<'de>

        // The first step is to detect which variant we are dealing with.
        let _: Option<String> = map.next_key()?;
        let var: SupportedVariants = map.next_value()?;

        match var {
            // Deserialize each variant using specific format.
            // Note that let fields: SomeFields = map.next_value()?;
            // is automatically calling the deserializer for SomeFields.
            SupportedVariants::Bcrypt(_) => {
                let _: Option<String> = map.next_key()?;
                let fields: BcryptFields = map.next_value()?;
                let prim = ::primitives::Bcrypt::new(fields.cost);
                if prim == ::primitives::Poisoned.into() {
                    return Err(V::Error::custom(format!("failed to deserialize as {:?}", var)));
                Ok(Output {
                    alg: Algorithm::Single(prim),
                    salt: fields.salthash.0,
                    hash: fields.salthash.1,
            SupportedVariants::Mcf(var) => {
                let _: Option<String> = map.next_key()?;
                let fields: McfFields = map.next_value()?;
                let prim = ::primitives::Primitive::from((&var, &fields.params));
                if prim == ::primitives::Poisoned.into() {
                    return Err(V::Error::custom(format!("failed to deserialize as {:?}", var)));
                Ok(Output {
                    alg: Algorithm::Single(prim),
                    salt: fields.salt,
                    hash: fields.hash,
            SupportedVariants::Pasta(var) => {
                match var {
                    PastaVariants::Single => {
                        let _: Option<String> = map.next_key()?;
                        let output: serde_mcf::McfHash = map.next_value()?;
                        let prim = ::primitives::Primitive::from((&output.algorithm,
                        if prim == ::primitives::Poisoned.into() {
                            return Err(V::Error::custom(format!("failed to deserialize as {:?}", var)));
                        Ok(Output {
                            alg: Algorithm::Single(prim),
                            salt: output.salt,
                            hash: output.hash,
                    PastaVariants::Nested => {
                        let _: Option<String> = map.next_key()?;
                        // Note that in this case, PastaNest deserializer is
                        // recursively deserializing PastaVariants until
                        // reaching the end.
                        let fields: PastaNest = map.next_value()?;
                        let prim = ::primitives::Primitive::from((&fields.outer_id,
                        if prim == ::primitives::Poisoned.into() {
                            return Err(V::Error::custom(format!("failed to deserialize as {:?}", var)));
                        Ok(Output {
                            alg: Algorithm::Nested {
                                outer: prim,
                                inner: Box::new(fields.inner.alg.clone()),
                            salt: fields.inner.salt,
                            hash: fields.inner.hash,

impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for SupportedVariants {
    fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
        where D: Deserializer<'de>


/// Visitor to deserialize the `SupportedVariants` enum.
/// Currently is able to detect the variant by how the string starts.
/// For example, `$$` or `$!$` indicates a Pasta variant, whereas `$2a` would
/// be a regular `Bcrypt` hash.
struct VariantVisitor;
impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for VariantVisitor {
    type Value = SupportedVariants;

    fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        formatter.write_str("an identifier")

    fn visit_borrowed_str<E>(self, val: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, E>
        where E: Error
        let var = match val {
            "" => SupportedVariants::Pasta(PastaVariants::Single),
            "!" => SupportedVariants::Pasta(PastaVariants::Nested),
            var => {
                let variant = Hashes::from_id(var).ok_or_else(|| {
                        E::custom(format!("unknown MCF variant: {}", var))

                match variant {
                    Hashes::Bcrypt |
                    Hashes::Bcrypta |
                    Hashes::Bcryptx |
                    Hashes::Bcrypty |
                    Hashes::Bcryptb => {
                    _ => SupportedVariants::Mcf(variant),

// The deserializing of a `Primitive` is used in the nested `Pasta` variants.
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Primitive {
    fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
        where D: Deserializer<'de>
        struct PrimitiveStruct {
            id: Hashes,
            params: serde_mcf::Map<String, serde_mcf::Value>,
        let prim = PrimitiveStruct::deserialize(deserializer)?;
        let prim = (&prim.id, &prim.params).into();
        if prim == ::primitives::Poisoned.into() {
            return Err(D::Error::custom("failed to deserialize"));

mod test {
    use serde_mcf;
    use serde_yaml;
    use super::*;

    fn variant_tests() {
        let variant = "$argon2i";

        let not_a_variant = "12";

    fn hash_tests() {
        let hash = "$$non-existant$$$";

        let hash = "$argon2i$fake_map=12$salt$hash";

    fn de_bcrypt() {
        let hash = "$2a$10$175ikf/E6E.73e83.fJRbODnYWBwmfS0ENdzUBZbedUNGO.99wJfa";
        let broken_hash = "$2a$purple$175ikf/E6E.73e83.fJRbODnYWBwmfS0ENdzUBZbedUNGO.99wJfa";