module VaultTree module Exceptions class FailedUnlockAttempt < LibraryException def post_initialize(params) @vault_id = params[:vault_id] @unlocking_key = params[:unlocking_key] end def runtime_information %Q{ Attempted to Unlock Vault: #{@vault_id} * Can you access the vault key? - Does the CPU that is executing this particular contract have access to the vault key? It could be the case that this contract does not permit you to open this particular vault. - Are you providing the correct key to the Vault Tree Contract? It could be that your are trying to open the vault with the wrong key. * Invalid Ciphertext? - Have the encrypted contents of the vault been tampered with? The underlying Vault Tree Cryto library (NaCl) uses authenticated encryption. This ensures that ciphertext cannot be modified.} end end end end