module Beaker module Options #A set of functions to parse hosts files module HostsFileParser PERMITTED_YAML_CLASSES = [ 'Beaker', 'Beaker::DSL::TestTagging::PlatformTagConfiner', 'Beaker::Logger', 'Beaker::Options::OptionsHash', 'Beaker::Platform', 'Beaker::Result', 'File', 'IO', 'Logger', 'Logger::Formatter', 'Logger::LogDevice', 'Monitor', 'Net::SSH::Prompt', 'StringifyHash', 'StringIO', 'Symbol', 'Time', ] # Read the contents of the hosts.cfg into an OptionsHash, merge the 'CONFIG' section into the OptionsHash, return OptionsHash # @param [String] hosts_file_path The path to the hosts file # # @example # hosts_hash = HostsFileParser.parse_hosts_file('sample.cfg') # hosts_hash == {:HOSTS=>{:"pe-ubuntu-lucid"=>{:roles=>["agent", "dashboard", "database", "master"], ... } # # @return [OptionsHash] The contents of the hosts file as an OptionsHash # @raise [ArgumentError] Raises if hosts_file_path is not a valid YAML file # @raise [Errno::ENOENT] File not found error: hosts_file doesn't exist def self.parse_hosts_file(hosts_file_path = nil) require 'erb' host_options = new_host_options return host_options unless hosts_file_path error_message = "#{hosts_file_path} is not a valid YAML file\n\t" host_options = self.merge_hosts_yaml( host_options, error_message ) { hosts_file_path = File.expand_path( hosts_file_path ) raise "#{hosts_file_path} is not a valid path" unless File.exist?(hosts_file_path) process_yaml(, binding) } fix_roles_array( host_options ) end # Read the contents of a host definition as a string into an OptionsHash # # @param [String] hosts_def_yaml YAML hosts definition # # @return [OptionsHash] Contents of the hosts file as an OptionsHash # @raise [ArgumentError] If hosts_def_yaml is not a valid YAML string def self.parse_hosts_string(hosts_def_yaml = nil) require 'erb' host_options = new_host_options return host_options unless hosts_def_yaml error_message = "#{hosts_def_yaml}\nis not a valid YAML string\n\t" host_options = self.merge_hosts_yaml( host_options, error_message ) { process_yaml(hosts_def_yaml, binding) } fix_roles_array( host_options ) end # Convenience method to create new OptionsHashes with a HOSTS section # # @return [OptionsHash] Hash with HOSTS section def self.new_host_options host_options = host_options['HOSTS'] ||= {} host_options end # Make sure the roles array is present for all hosts # def self.fix_roles_array( host_options ) host_options['HOSTS'].each_key do |host| host_options['HOSTS'][host]['roles'] ||= [] end if host_options.has_key?('CONFIG') host_options = host_options.merge(host_options.delete('CONFIG')) end host_options end # Merges YAML read in the passed block into given OptionsHash # # @param [OptionsHash] host_options Host information hash # @param [String] error_message Message to print if {::Psych::SyntaxError} # is raised during block execution # @return [OptionsHash] Updated host_options with host info merged def self.merge_hosts_yaml( host_options, error_message ) begin loaded_host_options = yield rescue Psych::SyntaxError => e error_message << e.to_s raise ArgumentError, error_message end host_options.merge( loaded_host_options ) end # A helper to parse the YAML file and apply ERB templating # # @param [String] path Path to the file to read # @param [Binding] b The binding to pass to ERB rendering # @api private def self.process_yaml(template, b) erb_obj = if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.7', trim_mode: '-') else, nil, '-') end if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.6' YAML.safe_load(erb_obj.result(b), permitted_classes: PERMITTED_YAML_CLASSES, aliases: true) else YAML.load(erb_obj.result(b)) # rubocop:disable Security/YAMLLoad end end end end end